Document 6596663
Document 6596663
MINISTRIES FOR NOVEMBER 15 & 16, 2014 SATURDAY 5:30 PM SUNDAY 9:00 AM LEADER: Rich Phillips Nicole Radcliffe LECTOR: Mike Christensen Patty Thorpe MIN. OF BREAD: Scott Rolls Walter Egging MIN. OF CUP: Jean Holly Marjorie Meyer Janet Peetz Jim Pelster Travis Ahrendt Linda Huck Arlene Johnson Teresa Rolls SERVERS: Abbie Fraas Mitchell Verhulst Justin Spearow Alex Suhr GREETERS: Jean Dimmick Don Dudley Sherrie Dudley Myron Leypoldt Eric & Jill Sylvester Family USHERS: Bob Mathes Joanie Mathes Mike Brockhaus Dennis Tuzicka MUSIC: Saturday Choir/Bells Jack Brenda/Bells Jamie Paige is a brave 6-year-old fighting pediatric brain cancer. We’re raising money to help her family get through this difficult time so they can focus on Paige’s care. The benefit includes a dinner, auction, and talent contest—all ages welcome, but competition is limited so enter today! (Cash prizes for top-3 finishers.) It’s going to be a fun-filled evening, so get your tickets early, and plan to come for the whole event! Dinner starts at 6:00 PM, at Sidney High School Performing Arts Center, 19th & Jackson. Call Joyelle Kennedy, 249-0756; Bonnie Kettler, 249-1840; or Amy Samuelson, 249-4820 for more information, or to order tickets! Email us at CHRISTMAS CHOIR Christmas Choir practice will be on Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. starting Nov. 3rd. If you enjoy singing, then please consider joining us and bring a friend. Use the North door of the Church and expect to have some fun! Communion to Home Bound/Extended Care Nov 16: Nyla Hobson/Myron Leypoldt and Mickie Calahan RUMMAGE HOUSE VOLUNTEERS (Friday & Saturday 9 a.m.—3 p.m.) NOV. 14TH & 15TH—Pat Dorwart & Ann Schaaf NOV. 21ST & 22ND—Carolee Egging MASS READINGS NOV 10TH–NOV 16TH, 2014 10 Monday—Saint Leo the Great Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 11 Tuesday—Saint Martin of Tours Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 12 Wednesday—Saint Josaphat Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 13 Thursday—Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 1039 14th Ave. PO Box 99 Sidney, Nebraska 69162 Web site: Email: Sidney St. Patrick’s Church Facebook: Sidney St. Patrick’s Youth Ministry The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 Mass Schedule for the Week Monday, Nov. 10 Tuesday, Nov. 11 Wednesday, Nov 12 Thursday, Nov . 13 Friday, Nov, 14 Saturday, Nov. 15 Sunday, Nov. 16 5:15 p.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 7:15 a.m. 5:30 p.m. 9:00 a.m. No Mass Int. Sarah Toline Int. Will Vaughter Int. Lisa Ostwinkle Clara and Art Chambers Michael O’Connell Int. of the People of St. Patrick’s Daily Masses are celebrated in the Eucharistic Chapel—Please use the southwest entrance. When a funeral Mass is held—there will be no daily Mass. The Mass intention will be rescheduled—Thank You. COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Representatives of CCW will be leading the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet each Monday at 1 p.m. in the Adoration Chapel for the Intentions of Vocations. All are invited to join us. Thank You! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPIRITUALLY ADOPTED BABY! Your spiritually adopted baby has been born this month – nine months after his mother conceived him. The only change at birth is the external life support system of the baby. He is no different now than he was before birth except that he breathes and eats differently. He is truly a miracle. He began as a 46 chromosome cell and has developed over the past nine months into this unique human baby. Never before in history, nor ever again, will anyone exist who is just like your spiritually adopted baby. You may never meet the mother and baby but your prayers saved his life. BAPTISMS: Please contact Fr. Jim. MARRIAGES: Please contact Fr. Jim six months before scheduling (a four-month period of preparation is required). PASTORAL HOME/HOSPITAL VISITATIONS: If a family member or friend is homebound or in the hospital, and would like a pastoral visit, please contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. Other time by appointment. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! Please register at the Parish Office, 1039 14th Ave. Diocesan Mass Times: ♦ Nationwide Mass Times: Saint Patrick’s Parish is a community empowered by the Spirit of God to love, serve, and welcome all to Christ. As a family of common faith, we encourage stewardship by living our baptismal call. Pastor: Father Jim Heithoff 14 Friday 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 15 Saturday—Saint Albert the Great 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 16 SUNDAY—THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:1415, 19-21 Saint Patrick’s Catholic Parish Community Sidney’s Got Heart: Benefit for Paige Fiebig November 2nd ......................................... $4,071.67 All Saints .................................................. $653.20 Office: 254-2828; Residence: 254-6334 Pastoral Minister: Pat Mertz 254-2828 Director of Grades K-12 Faith Formation / Hispanic Ministry: Joan Falcon 254-2828 Administrative Assistant: Tamara Beyer 254-2828 Building & Grounds Supt.: John Schepker 254-2828 Housekeeping: Betty Egging 254-2828 OFFICE HOURS: MONDAY THRU THURSDAY 8:00 AM—5:00 PM; FRIDAY 8:00 AM—4:00 PM FROM FR. JIM. . . . Dear Parishioners~ Last Sunday’s Fall Festival was a great event and success. We had a beautiful day and a wonderful crowd. Through the years, our Fall Festival has become a very smoothly run event. But in order for it to happen it takes the talents of many folks who cook and bake. It takes the time of those who run the silent auction, organize and run games, wait on tables and many other tasks behind the scenes. Not only is our festival an opportunity to come together as a parish family, but it is a nice day and event for the wider Sidney community. Once again, “thanks” to all who contributed in any way to the festival and thanks as well to all who attended. God Bless! Peace and all good—Fr. Jim LETTER FROM BISHOP DENDINGER Dear Friends in Christ, In my own spiritual journey, it is clear to me that the Lord made use of others to help me hear the call to priesthood. Fortunately, I grew up in a community of faith-filled people. The example of the religious sisters and parish priests touched my life. My parents had great respect for them, and their holiness and character were cherished in our home. The Called by Name 20 to 40 initiative focuses on priesthood and consecrated life and stresses the role of the Christian community in calling forth men and women to consider vocations. Many priests testify that the beginning of discernment was triggered by a personal inquiry from a friend, family member, a parish priest, a member of the Serra Clubs, or the outreach of the Knights of Columbus. There is nothing as powerful as someone saying, “I think you would make a good priest! Nomination cards are available for the submission of names. People who have been nominated will be contacted and will learn about the life of ministry of a priest or religious. Please take the initiative to invite a young man or woman to consider the call. Thank you for all that you do to “pray and talk” in support of the church and vocations. Please pray for the success of this initiative and for all priests and religious. Most Rev. William J. Dendinger Bishop of Grand Island SAINT PATRICK’S COMMUNITY NEWS Nov 9—Sun. Mentor Teen Meeting @ 10:15 Parish Hall Nov 13—Thur. That Man is You @ 6 a.m. Nov 13—Thur. Hospitality Meeting @ 6 p.m. in the Center Meeting room Nov 15-16—Sun. EskOMI Offering received. Nov 20—Thur. All Committee Meeting @ 7 p.m. Nov 23-24—Sun. Campaign for Human Development Offering received. Nov 25—Tue. Mass of Thanksgiving @ 6:00 p.m. Nov 29—Sat. Annual Community Thanksgiving Sing @ 2 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church GROW CLOSER TO CHRIST WITH A CEC WEEKEND Catholics Encounter Christ is offering a weekend experience for men and women to help them grow in their faith and revitalize their spiritual life. The CEC experience is a structured three-day weekend beginning on Friday evenings and councluding on Sunday evenings at Camp Comeca south of Cozad. A men’s weekend is planned for November 14-16. The women’s weekend is February 27 – March 1 followed by another men’s weekend March 20 – 22. For more information please contact: Greg Viergutz, 308-930-0109 or; Kathy Boroff, 308-227-6295 or; Fr. Antony Thekkekara, 308-660-4171 or or Fr. Lou Nollette, 308-750-1205 or For a brochure & registration form go to http:// FALL FESTIVAL RAFFLE TICKET WINNERS Lap Top Computer—Jodie Keller Leather High-back Office Chair—Rick Spearow 3 pc Cabelas Luggage Set—Frank Gregg Gas Barbeque Grill—Joan Falcon $250 Grocery Certificate—Cathy Cabela THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HELPED MAKE OUR FESTIVAL A SUCCESS. WE SERVED APPROXIMATELY 552 PEOPLE! LECTORS Please pick up your 2015 Workbooks in the east Sacristy. Please remember to check your name when you take your workbook. ~ Thank you. †† FAITH FORMATION & EVENTS †† FAITH FORMATION CLASS TIMES: Mentor Teen Meeting Kindergarten thru 8th Grade Wednesday 6:00-7:15 PM November 12, 19. Sunday November 9th Middle School Wednesday 6:00-7:15 PM November 12, 19. 10:15 am—Parish Hall High School Wednesday 7:30-9:00 PM November 19. Xtreme Faith Wednesday 7:30-8:30 PM November 12. NO CLASSES: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH **7TH GRADE FOOD COLLECTION FOR OUR PANTRY—TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25—MASS OF THANKSGIVING, 6 PM** RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 7 PM, PARISH CENTER MEETING ROOM 6th Grade Parents or Guardians: Bible Presentation for 6th Graders, November 12 at 6:00 p.m. at Adoration Chapel Parents are encouraged to attend 2nd Grade Parent Session: Reconciliation, Wednesday, November 19th, 6:15 pm. Our 2nd Grade Faith Formation class is preparing for first Reconciliation on Sunday, Dec. 14. Parents are asked and encouraged to attend this session. THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA Jesus predicted his resurrection in today’s Gospel. But it wasn’t until after the disciples witnessed the miraculous event that they realized what he had been talking about. As the saying goes, “hindsight is twenty-twenty.” How often do we find ourselves in the midst of a situation that doesn’t make sense at the time? We question the “meaning” of a sickness, a lost job, a betrayal, or a disappointment. But often, after time has passed, we begin to see how good came out of these tough situations. St. Paul says, “We know that all things work for good for those who love God” (Rom 8:28). Sometimes it’s hard to trust in God’s promises, especially when his plan seems mysterious or confusing. Although the way may seem indirect, Jesus’ perspective is bigger than ours. The path may not be one that we would choose. Even Jesus had to journey through the cross before his resurrection—the temple of his body was destroyed before it was rebuilt. But looking back, it’s obvious that God’s plans really do work out for the best. CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING Soles4Souls “when I was naked you clothed me…” Matthew 25:36 Did you know that your old shoes…. can allow a child to go to school and avoid disease? can help create self-sustaining jobs that generate desperately needed revenues for families struggling to work their way out of poverty? can touch lives in orphanages throughout Central and South America, including Haiti, Costa Rica, Honduras, and Guatemala, and Tanzania, in Africa as well as in the U.S. in homeless shelters, domestic abuse shelters, inner city hospitals, and children in the Appalachia Mountain region? How can you help? Look in your closet. Are there shoes you never or rarely wear? Bring those shoes to Mass the weekends of Nov. 8-9, 15 -16 or 22-23. Look for the Soles4Souls box in the east and west entries and drop them off. OR, drop them off during regular business hours at the office. Those shoes will be taken to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church. They are sponsoring the shoe drive. Knights of Columbus Pancake/French Toast Breakfast Sunday, November 16, 2014 ● 8—11 am St. Patrick’s Parish Hall Proceeds go to help fund various Christmas Projects $6.00 per person/$20.00 per Family* Kids under 5 eat free For more information contact Bob Elsen 249-6593 To learn more go to