Document 6596760


Document 6596760
KCRM Giving Thanks
Nall will provide a roast beef dinner as part of the annual
Kansas City Rescue Mission Giving Thanks Celebration on
Sunday, November 23rd. Volunteers are needed to purchase,
prepare, deliver and serve the food. We have a GREAT START
on sign-ups but still need much more help. See updated lists for
still-needed items at the Welcome Center or in Sunday School.
Contact Rhonda & Don Pardew ( or call the
church office for more information.
Sunday, November 30th at 6:00 p.m.
Come celebrate the beginning of Advent with
a time of decorating, worship and fellowship!
Ladies of Nall, join us Saturday December 6th for the annual
Ladies’ Progressive Dinner. Sign up in the church foyer by
November 24th, so that we can make sure there is enough food
for everyone. This is a free event. We will have three stops
featuring great appetizers, entrees, and desserts. Meet at the
church to carpool by 5pm. Stops are listed on the flyer in the
foyer. This will be an excellent time for getting to know your
Nall neighbors and spreading Christmas cheer!
Congratulations to Nallie Chris Batz for completing the City
of Mission Police Department Citizen Academy this week!
Thank You Notes
Nall Avenue Family,
Thank you so much for your generosity and hospitality. You
are a great blessing to me. I loved sharing some of the stories of
what God is doing with you. May God bless you richly!
Tiffany Thornton (special speaker on September 28th)
Pastor Steve Johnson, Staff and Congregation,
Thank you again for all you do to share Jesus! Gideons
distribute Bibles and New Testaments in over 190 countries. We
regularly receive testimonies of changed lives.
Earl Smith, Kansas City West Camp
The Gideons International
Even in darkness light dawns for the
upright, for those who are gracious
and compassionate and righteous.
Psalm 112:4 (NIV)
Nall Nazarene Staff
Steve Johnson, Senior Pastor
Anna Good, Children’s Pastor
Heather Parks, Director of Worship Arts
Gordie Wetmore, Youth Pastor
Angie Chestnut, Church Secretary
Eldon Asher, Custodian
Church office hours are Monday through Thursday,
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Closed Fridays) Please submit
bulletin announcements by Noon on Wednesday.
WiFi passcode: helpthebroken
Nall Avenue
Church of the Nazarene
6301 Nall Avenue
Prairie Village, KS 66202
November 16, 2014
Welcome to Nall Avenue
Church of the Nazarene!
Calendar of Events
November 16
“Everlasting God”
November 19
Scripture Reading: Psalm 112:4-10
(Page 607 in pew Bibles)
Passing of the Peace
Welcome & Announcements
“Take My Life”
“Be Thou My Vision”
Pastoral Prayer
Tithes & Offerings*
“Let Your Heart Be Broken”
Scripture Reading: 1 Peter 4:7-11
(Page 1223 in pew Bibles)
Message by Pastor Steve Johnson
November 20
November 22
November 23
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Come & Go Prayer Time
Sunday School
Worship Service
NYI Council
6:00 p.m. Prayer Time
6:30 p.m. Children’s Musical Practice
Youth Encounter
Ladies’ Bible Study (Chapel)
Church Chat (Library)
6:30 p.m. NAMI Family to Family Class
NAMI Board Meeting
Church Family: Kaylie Castile, Ray Cockrum (Chelsey
Kelso’s father), Dianna Gieseke (Tonya Cossairt’s mother),
Cheryl Good (Pastor Anna’s mother), Spero Gould (Josiah &
Michelle Gould’s nephew), Thelma Griffith, Dawn Hruby,
Dorothy Huston (Janette Hughes’ mother) Heidi McKnight,
Floyd & Nadine Morgan, Don Pardew, Sue Stark, Jeff &
Glenna Swearingen and Jesus Film team in Bangladesh, Marti
Young; Employees of Nazarene Publishing House
Our Missionaries: Tim, Lisa, Florence & James Claassen;
Cindy Downey; Jon & Shirley Fischer; Kei France; Tori
Palmer; Gil, Sarah, Megan & Malachi Thibault
Our LINKS Missionaries: Anthony & Barbara Manswell,
Kenrick, Kavanah, Jayedon & Jerrick
Service Men & Women: RJ Burruss, Erik Lee, Mike
McDaniels, Annette Ross, Eric Welch
9:30 a.m. Baking for KCRM Dinner
8:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m.
10:45 a.m.
3:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
Come & Go Prayer Time
Sunday School
Worship Service
Have food to Nall for Dinner
KCRM Roast Beef Dinner team
leaving for downtown
November Birthdays & Anniversary
Jeff & Rhonda Nyhus (17th)
Angie Chestnut (19th)
Andrea Buffington (20th)
Nursery Schedule
November 23
Saturday, December 6, Ladies’ Progressive Dinner
Janette Hughes
Melissa Hughes
Chelsey Kelso
Karen Swearingen
Sunday, December 14, Children’s Christmas Program
Mindy Hughes
Gordie Wetmore
Brian & Melissa
Saturday, November 29,
Sunday, November 30, 6:00 p.m. Hanging of the Greens
*During the offering, all K-5th grade children are invited to join
Pastor Anna for Kid’s Church in the Pit Room (in the children’s
area downstairs). At the end of the service, parents will need to
come and pick up their children. Kid’s Church is designed to
help children experience the story of God in their lives through
music, story time, prayer and learning activities. Hope to see
you there!
Brian Whittecar (20th)
Brian Sullivan (22nd)
Marilla Knight (23rd)
November 9 Attendance
No Sunday School; Faith Promise Breakfast
Sunday Morning Worship: 134
The records of church board meetings including committee
reports and financial information are always available upon
request. For more information please contact the church office.
Tithes & Offerings Fiscal Year-to-Date: $122,903
2014-2015 Faith Promise GOAL: $45,000
2014-2015 Faith Promise Received YTD: $2528
This year Nall will partner with the KVC
Adopt an Angel program and provide
Christmas presents for 6 children in foster
care. We will be buying several presents for
each child. Celebrating Christmas in all its
facets is important to helping maintain some
sense of normalcy in the lives of these
children, lives that have otherwise been very
disrupted. We can help love on these children
during this special season in a small way.
Women's Ministry Volunteers have selected 5
or 6 things from each child's wish list. These
gifts are listed individually on Christmas
ornaments hanging on the tree in the church
foyer. If you would like to participate, please
select an ornament and buy the item listed on
it. Return it unwrapped to the church lobby
on or before Wednesday December 3rd. You
can leave it near the Angel Tree. Please list
your name and the gift you have selected to
buy on the sheet posted by the tree. This will
allow our volunteers to track which gifts have
been adopted. Please also consider praying
for the child listed on your selected ornament.
Please call Angela Hoffman (785-418-2914),
Kendra Fischer (913-515-6012) or the church
office (913-384-3040) with any questions or
if you are unable to return the gift to the
church lobby by the due date.