B - Site dédié aux professionnels – Tourisme Aquitaine
B - Site dédié aux professionnels – Tourisme Aquitaine
Les cabanes tchanquées, Arcachon Château de Monbazillac – Bergerac vineyards Aquitaine praccticaal guuide SU UMMA RY Borrdeaux Citty, Bordeaaux wine area, the bay of Arcachon .................................................... 4 Biarritz and tthe Basqu ue Countryy .......................................................................................... 20 The e Pyreneees area Pau – Juranççon vineyaards ...................................................................... 27 Dorrdogne - P Périgord ............................................................................................................. 30 Less Landes ............................................................................................................................ 43 Lott-et-Garon nne Gasco ony ...................................................................................................... 47 Inco oming Aggencies ................................................................................................................ 50 Eve ents and festivals Wine W Events ......................................................................................... 54 Ded dicated webssite for TO & travel agents http p://pro.tourrisme-aquittaine.fr Ded dicated website for the photo p library httpps://crt-aquitaaine.ephoto.ffr AQU UITAINE TOU URIST BOAR RD 4 place Jean Jaurès - CS 31759 X CEDEX F- 33074 BORDEAUX Tél. : +33 3 (0)5 56 01 70 70 www.tourisme-aquittaine.fr 2 3 BO ORDE EAUX X CIT TY, BO ORD EAU UX WINE W ARE EA, TH HE B AY O OF ARCA A ACHO ON A reegional capitaal classified by b the UNESSCO, Bordeaaux, which beeautifully com mbines classiicism with modernity. m A world-famous w s wine regionn with appellations such as Saint Emilion, Pomerrol, Medoc, SSauternes, Entre Deux Mers, M Pesssac Léognan. An unspoilt u coasstline stretchhing over 126 6 kms of sanndy beaches from f Cordouan Lighthouuse to the Baay of Arcachhon. 4 B ORDEEAUX CITY Among thee vineyards, from Médocc in the wesst to Saint-É Émilion in thhe east, near tthe Atlantic Ocean, from m Landes andd Gascony fo orest and thhe Pyrenees m mountains, Bo ordeaux proudly raises itts splendid faacades on thhe banks of thee Garonne. Bordeaux iis the first urban u area to t be distingguished by the t UNESCO O with such a vast and complex boundary. b Itss classic and neo-classic architecturee has seen barely b and sttylistic changge for over two t centuriees and the citty has overr 350 buildings classifiedd or listed as Historicaal Monumentss. A city of art, a trade and d history, thee capital of Aquitaine A livees he pace of thhe new centtury without losing any o of its fondneess for culturre, food, spoort, nature and everythinng at th whicch creates a good city liffestyle. It is classed with in the top most m attractivve and mostt dynamic citties in Francee. Com me and explo ore it in all itts splendour and its diverrsity through h the many visits offered by the Tourrist Office. ordeaux with major e events to co ome: 2016, a speciall year in Bo - ope ening of La Cité du Vin n - Eurro 2016 - Borrdeaux Win ne Festival,, June 23rd-26th Mrs Caroline GU UÉRIN, groupp departmentt c.gguerin@borddeaux-tourism me.com www w.bordeaux-to ourisme.com TOURISSTIC SITES IN BORDEAU O UX SAIN NT ANDRÉ CATHEDRAL - PEY-BERLA AND BELL T OWER World historic hheritage UNESCO classiffied site. oyal cathed dral: Eleanor of Aquitain ne and Louiss VII, the futu ure king of France, F weree married here in 1137, as a A ro were Anne of A Austria and Lo ouis XIII. eparate belll tower: Caathedral of Saint-André S bell tower, a flamboyan nt Gothic sttructure buiilt in the 155th A se centtury, took itss name from the prelate who commi ssioned it, Archbishop A Pey-Berland. P You need a good pair of lunngs to walk up u the 229 stteps to the top t of the to ower, but thiis is well wo orth the efforrt becaause the view w of Bordeaaux and its monuments m i s outstandin ng. The bell tower t is opeen every dayy of the weeek exceept Monday. GRA AND THEATE ER- OPERA Build d by Victor Louis and inaugurated in n 1780. Alon g with the operas o of Versailles and T Turin, the Grand-Théâtr G re has one of the m most beautifuul 18th centurry concert h alls in the world! ottb@bordeauxx-tourisme.co om www w.bordeaux-to ourisme.com CAP PC - MUSEU UM OF CONT TEMPORARY ART Creaated 40 years ago in a former f colo onial wareho ouse (Entrepô ôts Lainé), the t CAPC focuses on emerging arrt form ms. With a ppermanent exhibition e off some 1,3000 works by 190 artists (Robert Coombas, Annette Messager, Mario Merz, Ricchard Long, etc.) e the CA APC offers ann in-depth lo ook at a halff-century of culture and features new w form ms of contem mporary art that t link this museum witth a strong international movement. caapc@mairie-bbordeaux.fr www w.capc-bordeaaux.fr 5 B ORDEAUX C ITY BOR RDEAUX TOU URIST OFFIC CE AQUITAINE The T Musée d’Aquitaine in Bordeaux is one off the largest French history museuums outside e Paris. Prio or to becoming b am museum, thee building ho oused the Bo ordeaux University faculty of arts aand humanities. The musseum depicts d occuupations reppresenting th he diversity and wealth h of the Aq quitaine regiion: from shepherds inn the Pyrenees P to w winegrowerss in the Méd doc, and from m oyster farm mers in Arcaachon Bay too resin tappe ers in the Lanndes. This T 3,000 m² museum enncompasses prehistoric ttimes, Eleano or of Aquitaine, the Blacck Prince, Mo ontaigne, Touurny, etc. e musaq@maairie-bordeaux.fr w www.musee-aaquitaine-bord deaux.fr The T Musée ddes Beaux-A Arts de Bordeaux was oppened in 180 01 and is ho ome to one oof the top ten French public p collections c o of paintings, sculptures s and drawingss. More than n 8,000 work ks are on vieew there de epicting the main themes of weestern art fro om the 15th to the 20th century. Displaying worrks from greaat masters such as Veronnese, Titian, T Rubenns, Van Dyckk, Reynolds, Delacroix, Corot, Renoir, Matisse and Picassoo, and a rich treasure off 17th t centuries. century c Dutcch school wo orks, the colllection also o offers a lookk at local artistic life in thhe 18th to 20th w www.musba-b bordeaux.fr BORDEAUX WORLD HER RITAGE (BORDEAUX PA ATRIMOINE MONDIAL) This T cultural site is in thee heart of a 150 ha proteected area faccing the Watter Mirror. T This interpre etation centrre for architecture a and heritagee is an invitattion to traveel through tim me and the urban u geograaphy. Interacctive installattions, computer c generated reco onstructionss, digital screeens, video-p projections of o archival doocuments, models m and plans, p create c the exxperience of visiting the city c for the ffirst time. w www.bordeaux-tourisme.com B ORDEAUX C ITY otb@bordeeaux-tourisme.com 6 WELCOM W ME TO TH HE WOR RLD OF W WINE Opeening scheduled for earlyy June 2016 THE E CENTRE FO OR WINE AN ND CIVILISAT TION WILL O OPEN IN BOR RDEAUX Its bold, b curvaceeous lines seeem to becko on you in. The buuilding repreesents both a gnarrled buddingg vine and d the nectaar swirrling in the gglass. The whhole world of o winee is reflectedd in the sunn setting ove er the Garonne riiver; the Ciité du Vin is loveely to look att and fascinatting to visit. Covvering nearlyy 14,000 sq.m m, this uniqu ue cultu ural site intrroduces youu to the heart and soul of winne and its innfluence ove er usands of yyears on civvilisations an nd thou regio ons of the w world. The Cité du Vinn looks set to become a staple feature off Bordeaux. B ORDEAUX C ITY Insid de, you can ffind out about all the various facets of wine: life science, its history, geoography, art. Visitors of all a agess can enjoy tthe experiennce, with a circuit gearedd around 20 themes thatt whet all fivve senses. Th he permanennt exhiibition is thee core feature of the Cité du Vin. IIt gives visito ors a handso on role in finnding out all about winee. Visittors travel thhrough time and space to o learn abouut wine-grow wing and wine e-loving civiliisations. The ere are tastinng sessions and inttroductory workshops, w temporary t eexhibitions, a boutique selling wines from all over the world d, winee bars, a belvvedere, a pannoramic resttaurant on thhe 7th floor and a wine tourism t platfo form. An opportunity o to find out about a a greatt era that insspired human nkind, shapin ng their lives over the centuries. CITÉ DU VIN Pierrre Tesson -Saales Managerr p.ttesson@fonddationccv.orgg www w.laciteduvin.ccom 7 B ORDEAUX C ITY - A CCOMMODATIONS ACC COMMO ODATION NS HÔTEL BURDIGALA MGALLERY 68 rooms and 15 suitess; “MGallery” Mrs Christine FOURN NET, directorr of sales c.fournnet@burdigala.com www.bburdigala.com m INTERCONTINERTA AL BORDEAUX X - LE GRAN ND HÔTEL YNDO HÔTEL 5* 12 rooms Mrs Agnèès GUIOT contactt@yndohotel.fr www.yyndohotel.fr HÔT TEL LA GRAN NDE MAISON N 5* 6 roooms, “Relais ett Chateaux”,22 Michelin starr restaurant Mr Grégory G VILL LETTE, directtor of sales g.vvillette@lgmb bordeaux.com m ww ww.lagrandem maison-bordeeaux.com SEEKO'O HÔTEL 4* 44 rooms and 1 suite; Modern M hotel made of Coriaan Mrs Laurra DHERSIN l.dhersiin@seekoo-hhotel.com www.seekoo-hotel..com HÔT TEL LE SAINT-JAMES 4* 15 roooms and 3 su uites - 1 Micheelin star restauurant Mrs Corinne COLLIARD c.ccolliard@relaaischateaux.coom ww ww.saintjames-bouliac.com m HÔTEL D DE NORMAN NDIE 4* 82 rooms Mr Jean LLAGUENS, director of salles info@hhotel-de-norm mandie-borde eaux.com www.hhotel-de-norm mandie-borde eaux.com HÔT TEL MERCUR RE BORDEAU UX GAR RE SAINT-JEA AN 4* 99 roooms Mrs Sophie MOR RICET 7385@accor..com H7 ww ww.mercure.com/fr/hotel--7385-mercure-bordeauxgare--saint-jean/ind dex.shtml HÔTEL D DE SÈZE 4* 55 rooms Mrs Emm manuelle PLO OUGOULM, director d of saales commeercial@hotel--de-seze.com m www.hhotel-de-seze.com HÔT TEL MERCUR RE CHÂTEAU U CHARTRON NS 4* 215 rooms Mrs Patricia BRO OCHOIR h1810@accor.ccom ww ww.hotel-chaateau-chartroons-bordeaux x.fr HÔTEL MERCURE BORDEAUX O CITÉ MONDIA ALE CENTRE VILLE 4* 97 rooms Mr Cédriic EVENAT, site s director h2877@ @accor.com www.m mercure.com HÔT TEL MERCUR RE BORDEAU UX CENTRE 4* 4 194 rooms Mrs Magali ROSE ENBLATT h1281@accor.ccom ww ww.mercureb bordeauxcenttre.com HÔTEL NOVOTEL BORDEAUX CENTRE 4* 137 room ms Mrs Ono oa LELIEVRE H1023@accor.com m www.nnovotel.com/ffr BEST T WESTERN BORDEAUX "BAYONNE A ETC CHE-ONA" 4** 61 roooms LA MAISSON BORD'E EAUX 4* 14 rooms,, “Châteaux & Hôtels Collection’ contactt@lamaisonbbordeaux.com m www.laamaisonbord-eaux.com BOU UTIQUE HÔT TEL BORDEA AUX 4* 27 roooms Mr Mederic M DEM MELLE, directoor co ontact@lebou utiquehotelboordeaux.com ww ww.hotelbord deauxcentre.ccom 5* & SPA 121 rooms and 27 7 suites; “Leadding Hotels of the World” 1 Michelin star restaurant Mrs Marie-Delphine BOUVIER R-ATHIMON N ontact@ghbordeaux.com co ww ww.ghbordeaaux.com HOTEL D DES QUINCO ONCES 4 * 9 rooms aand 4 suites Mrs Jung WANG m accueil@hoteldesquuincones.com Madaame Catherin ne FALCK-PA ARINAUD, owner o bayyetche@bordeaux-hotel.ccom ww ww.bordeaux x-hotel.com OPENING IN JUNE 201 16 www.hoteeldesquinconces.com 8 ADA AGIO BORDE EAUX GAMBE ETTA 4* 111 flats Mrs Sylvie RESTO OUILH, site ddirector H6 6643@adagio o-city.com ww ww.adagio-citty.com BEST WESTERN GRA AND HÔTEL L FRANÇAIS 3 3* 35 rooms Mr Jean A AURIACOMB BE, director infos@ @grand-hotel-francais.com http://ggrand-hotel-frrancais.com BEST T WESTERN ROYAL SAI NT-JEAN 3* 37 roooms Mrs Sophie MOR RICET-BILLAR RD, director hotel-bordeaaux-saint-jean n.com bestwestern@h ww ww.bestweste ern-hotel-royyal-st-jean.com HÔTEL D DE LA PRESS SE 3* 27 rooms Mrs Cathherine JOURD DIAN, director of sales info@hhoteldelapressse.com www.hhoteldelapresse.com HÔT TEL DE LA TOUR O INTEND DANCE 3* 38 roooms; “Qualyss Hôtel Mrs Gisèle BRAN NDT, directo r ur-intendancee.com inffo@hotel-tou ww ww.hotel-tour-intendancee.com HÔTEL IBIS BORDEA AUX CENTRE E MÉRIADEC CK 3* ms 203 room Mr Eric LLAGIER, direcctor H0950@accor.com m http://ibbishotel.ibis.ccom/ HÔT TEL MAJESTIC 3* 49 roooms Mrs Anne BOUC CHET, manageer maajestic@hotel-majestic.com m ww ww.hotel-majjestic.com LA MAISSON DU LIER RRE 3* 18 rooms Laurent & Isabelle CR ROCI, ownerss bordeaaux@lamaisondulierre.com m www.hhotel-maisond dulierre-bord deaux.com QUA ALITY HÔTEL SAINTE-CA ATHERINE 3* 3 84 roooms Mrs Fanny GAUC CHER, directoor ux@wanadooo.fr quality.bordeau ww ww.qualityhottelbordeauxccentre.com MAMA SHELTER 2* 97 rooms Mrs Alexxandra PATAT T bordeaaux@mamashhelter.com www.m mamashelter.ccom/fr/borde eaux BOR RDEAUX A'PART 8 apartments Mr Fabrizio F SALO OMONE, mannager f.saalomone@bo ordeauxapartt.com ww ww.bordeaux xapart.com LA COUR CARRÉE 16 rooms Mr Benjaamin ROQUEES, director contactt@lacourcarree.fr http://laacourcarree.ffr LA MAISON FRE EDON 5 roooms Mrrs Catherine ROUSSET lattupina@latupina.com ww ww.latupina.ccom/pages/maaison-fredon.php L’HÔTELL PARTICULIER 5 rooms inncluding 2 suites, 6 apartments Mrs Pascale DANEY, owner info@lhotel-particuulier.com www.lhhotel-particulier.com LE PETIT HÔTEL L LABOTTIÈR RE 6 suiites, restaurant Mrs Lilianne KOR RBER, ownerr ontact@petith hotellabottierre.fr co ww ww.petithotellabottiere.fr MER ET GOLF APPART HÔTELS 3* & 4* BORDEA AUX BRUGES S 72 apartm ments and stud dios LE PAVILLON DE RABA 9 roooms, restauran nt Talennce, 3 kms froom Bordeaux Mrs Severine PER RRIER, directoor of sales dirrection@lepaavillonderaba..com ww ww.hotel-borrdeaux-raba.ccom Bruges, 5 kms from Borrdeaux Mr Sergee HOURQUEEBIE, directorr of sales commeercial@merettgolf.com www.m meretgolf.com m ALTICA Hotels grooup : Arcachonn, Bordeaux, Périgeux, P Sarlaat, Anglet, Pau courtoisdevicose.pierre@orange.ffr www w.altica.fr 9 B ORDEAUX C ITY - A CCOMMODATIONS INTER-H HÔTEL ALTO ON BORDEAU UX MÉRIADE ECK 3* ms 170 room Mrs Nathhalie DRUETT TA receptiion@alton.fr www.hhotel-alton.fr B ORDEAUX V INEYARDS B ORDEA O AUX V INEYA ARDS SAINT-EMILION N WINE AREA A Saint S Emilionn is an enchaanting medie eval town peerched on a hillside overlooking its reputed vineyards. Listeed as part p of the U UNESCO world w heritagge, it will deelight visitors with all th he remains oof a past ste eeped in artt and history. h The T origins of the townn date from the 8th cenntury, when Emilion, a travelling t coonfessor, cam me to settle in a hermitage h caarved into thhe rock. It would w appeaar that the Romans R planted vines in what was to t become SaintS Emilion E as eaarly as the seecond centu ury A.D. Todday, many winemaking ch hâteaux welccome visitorrs for tastinggs, to provide p an innsight into ann appellation of internatio onal repute. The T charm o of Saint-Emilion also lies in its cobbleed lanes, with the steep slopes so tyypical of the Middle Agess, the Romanesque R e church and d above all the Monolitthic church which is en ntirely carvedd out in the e limestone cliff, making m it Eurrope’s largesst underground church. SAINT EMILION TOURIST T OFFICE c.lacroix@ssaint-emilion--tourisme.com w www.saint-em milion-tourism me.com ACC COMMO ODATION NS HOSTELLLERIE DE PLAISANCE 5* 21 rooms,, “Relais & Chhâteaux” 1 Miichelin star restaurantt Mrs Channtal PERSE, director d contactt@hostellerieedeplaisance..com www.hhostellerie-plaaisance.com CHÂTEAU H HÔTEL & SPA G RAND BARRAIL 4* 46 rooms including 5 suites, m member of « Sm mall Luxury Hotels of the Woorld » Mrr Xavier PARENT, generall manager hotelgrandbar h rrail@hotels--emeraude.co om www.grand-b w arrail.com 10 HÔTEL Ô LE LOG GIS DES REM MPARTS 3* 20 rooms Mrrs Christiane YONNET, m manager contact@logi c sdesremparts ts.com www.logisdes w sremparts.com m RÉSIDEN NCE LES GRA ANDS VIGNO OBLES 3* Libourne,, 10 kms from m Saint-Emilion n CHATEAU H DE COURTEBOT TTE 6 rooms, 1 Pavillon (5 people),, 1 Loft (5 peoople), 1 Cabbane (4 peoplle) Saint-Jean-de-Blaignac, 11 kmss from Saint-E Emilion Mrrs Isabelle JEH HANNO, ow wner contact@cha c teaudecourteebotte.com www.chateau w decourtebott tte.com Mr Sergee ROUSSE, manager m contactt@residencee-grandsvignobles.com www.rresidence-lesggrandsvignobles-bordeauxx.com PAUILLLAC – MÉDOC É VINEYARD I D wn of Bordeeaux, on thee left bank of o the Giron de. Médoc is i divided in two The Médoc is situated nortth of the tow ear the townn, and the north n part traditionally ccalled Médo oc. It hosts some s partts, the Haut--Médoc in thhe south, ne famo ous wineriess from differrents appellattions such aas Pauillac, Margaux, M Sain nt Estèphe, SSaint Julien, Moulis, Listrrac… The Medoc winee are red annd tanins win nes and are o often consid dered as the quintessencce of Bordeaux wines, am mong them m the Grands Crus Classsés in 1855. Pauillac is th e capital of the t Medoc wine w area. MAIISON DU TO OURISME ET DU D VIN DE PAUILLAC co ontactpauillac@ @tourisme-medoc.fr www.pauillacc-medoc.com GOLF DU MÉDOC HÔT TEL & SPA 4* 4 73 Rooms aand 6 Suites; “MGallery” “ Le Pian-Méddoc : 20 kms from Bordeau ux RELA AIS DE MARG GAUX 4* 88 roooms includingg 6 suites, Marggaux, 35 kms from Bordeauux Mrs Nathalie MIL LLET, manageer @relais-marggaux.fr rellais-margaux@ ww ww.relais-marrgaux.fr Mr Henry MARTINET, general manaager @golfdumedo ocresort.com contact@ http://golfdumedocressort.com CHÂTEAU U CORDEILLA AN BAGES 4* * 28 rooms inncluding 4 suittes, 2 Michelinn stars restaurrant ; “Relais & C Châteaux” Pauillac:, 50 0 kms from Boordeaux Mrs Célinee DE LABROUSSE, generaal manager contact@ @cordeillanbaages.com www.corrdeillanbages.com CH ÂTEAU GRAT TTEQUINA 4 * 10 roooms includingg 2 suites, Blanqquefort 5 kms from Bordeauux Mr Stéphane S HUE E, manager resservation@grattequina.coom ww ww.grattequin na.com QUALITY SUITES BOR RDEAUX AÉR ROPORT & SP PA 4* 247 rooms Mérignac, 5 kms from Boordeaux reservatiion@qualitybbordeaux.com m www.quaalitymerignacc.com LES HÔTELS DE BORDEAUX X Mériggnac, 5 kms from fr Bordeauxx contact@borde eaux-hotels.nnet ww ww.bordeaux x-hotels.net PRIVILÈGE E RESORT L'E ESTUAIRE 48 flats - Lee Verdon-Sur-M Merr, 100 kms from Bordeaaux 11 reeservations@ @privilege-hr.ccom B ORDEAUX V INEYARDS - A CCOMMODATIONS HÔTEL MERCURE LIBOURNE-SAINT A EMILION N 4* 81 rooms Mrs Nathhalie LAROQ QUE, directorr h6238@ @accor.com www.m mercure.com B ORDEAUX V INEYARDS - A CCOMOMODATIONS PESSAC LEOGNA AN WINE AREA Located L in thhe South East of Bordeau ux, Pessac Leeognan is a faamous wine appelation w within the Bo ordeaux winees. LES SOURCE ES DE CAUDA ALIE 5* 61 6 rooms incluuding 9 suites and a vinotheerapy spa (treaatments basedd on grape pip ps) “Châteauxx & Hôtels Collection, Small Luxury L Hotel” - 2 Michelin stars s restaurannt Martillac, M 20 kkms from Borddeaux Mrs M Alice CA ATHIARD, ow wner sources@sources-caudaalie.com w www.sources--caudalie.com m ENTRE DEUX MERS M Entre-Deux E Mers is the region located at the Eaast side of Bo ordeaux, bettween the D Dordogne rivver on the North N and a the Garo onne river onn the South. It is also thee name of the wine appelation produuced there. ENTRE-DEU UX-MERS TOURIST O OFFIC CE info@entreedeuxmers.co om w www.entredeuxmers.com DOMAINE DE FOMPEY YRE 3* 50 rooms, ““Châteaux Demeures de Traadition et Granndes Etapes des Vignobles” Bazas: 60 kkms from Borddeaux Mrs Sabrina LACAZE, director d dir.bazas.fompeyre@gmail.com mpeyre.com www.domaine-de-fom HÔT TEL CLAUDE E DARROZE 3 3* 16 roooms, “tables et auberges dde France” 1 Micchelin Star resstaurant; Langoon: 50 kms froom Bordeaux Mr Jeean-Charles DARROZE, D ddirector contact@darro oze.com ww ww.darroze.ccom CHÂTEAU U MAISON NOBLE Saint-Martinn-Du-Puy, 55 kms k from Borddeaux maison.no oble@orangee.fr www.cchateaumaisonnnoble.com SLEEP IN A W WINE VAT "LA L CUVE À MON M LOUP" Imagine openning the doo or of a forme er wine vat tto discover a comfortable, modern rroom, "la Cu uve à mon lo oup", where w sophisstication is seet in concrette, and a roo om named "D Design" is an n ode to moddernity. Whaat do the ow wners of o this B&B iin the Entre--deux-Mers area proposse: two comp pletely differrent bedroom ms, inspired by the names of the t vats theyy have been crafted c from. Moulon: M 33 km ms from Bordeeaux M. M Joël DUFFFAU, owner joel.duffau@ @aliceadsl.fr w www.vignobleesjoelduffau.frr 12 Cuve à mon m Loup Coup2Foudrres YOU U CAN GET A GOOD NIGHT'S SLEEP IN A FERMEN NTING ROOM M, WHY NOT A BARREL? C OUP2FOUD DRES Fréd déric Charless Chassagnee is the creattor of the C Company, Co oup2foudres the vocatioon of which is i to establissh form ms of accom mmodation...w within the Seguin-Morea S au (world leeader of coo operage) cassks. Casks are a enormouus barrrels holding 7700 hl, whichh are usually used for thee maturing of o wine and the vinificatioon process. www w.coup2foudrres.com TOURIST T TIC SITES S ROQ QUETAILLAD DE CASTLE In a of 24 hectarre-park with one hundre ed year old t rees, a surro ounding wall fortified likee a natural oppidum o hold ds a ch hapel and tw wo fortified castles c inhabiited by the ssame family for 700 years. The old ccastle of the e 12th centurry was built by Caardinal Gaillaard de la Mo othe, pope Clement V’ss nephew. In n 1864, ownner Louis Le e Blanc askeed ous architectt Viollet le Duc D to turn the ancient fortress into o a livable place. Despitee the incomp pletion of thhe famo site due to the laack of financces, the châte eau was turnned into a "m medieval dreaam". ro oquetaillade@ @hotmail.com m www w.roquetaillad de.eu CAZ ZENEUVE CA ASTLE In th he South of Bordeaux, Cazeneuve C iss surroundedd by a park and set alon ng the Cironn River. It waas the formeer castle of the kinggs of Navarrre and Henri IVth King of France. ch hateaudecazenneuve@orannge.f www w.chateaudecaazeneuve.com m BLA AYE CITADEL L LISTED D AS WORLD D HERITAGE E BY THE UN NESCO The town was fo ounded by thhe Romans who w built a ccastrum theree.. c remaains the hearrt of Blaye. Itt is flawlesslyy preserved and serves as a The Citadel built by Vauban in the 17th century pical examplee of the milittary architeccture of the ttime. a typ inffo@tourismee-blaye.com www w.tourisme-blaye.com WINE SCHOO OLS, WINE W W WORKSH HOPS URB BAN WINE TR RAIL: INSIDE E BORDEAUX X WINE BARS S! You’re a wine to ourism enthusiast? You heard aboutt the wine to ours in the vineyard? v Thiis year, Bord deaux Tourisst o wine tourrism: inside thhe city! Officce offers youu the opporttunity to disccover a bran d new kind of Urban Wine Trrail allows you y to disco over the diffeerent districcts of Borde eaux along itts wine bars as they diid rish over th he past few years. Not thing’s more e pleasant t hat meande ring throughh the narro ow alleys annd flour enjo oying a breakk at the terraace of a wine bar. This i s for sure th he best optio on to taste tthe emblemaatic nectars of o the region pairedd with local specialties… …or even from m abroad! 13 B ORDEAUX V INEYARDS - A CCOMMODATIONS Saintt-Sulpice-de-Faaleyrens, 37 km ms from Bordeaux Fréd déric Charles CHASSAGN NE, owner co ontact@coupp2foudres.com m Should S you hhave a taste for diversityy, you will bee delighted by b the differe ent types of w wine bar’s concepts included in the trail. Y You will covver the full range r going from little intimate stru uctures wherre the owne er provides close c advices a to wiider spaces making m use of o the enomaatics, favoringg the experie ence of seveeral wines in a row! B ORDEAUX V INEYARDS - TOURISTIC SITES - W INE SCHOOLS What W is the best optionn to walk th hrough the w wine road? Nothing’s N eaasier, a trackk has been recorded onn the application a caalled Cirkwi.. You simply have to dow wnload it beffore to get started s in thee city streetss and then fo ollow the t milestonees indicated! As A per the ffamous frencch art of living, wine is vvery much appreciated a paired with south-west specialties! Each wine w bar takking part in Urban U Wine Trail has prrovided a speecial offer including winee and some specialties of o the house, h so do o not hesitatee to ask for it! You will ffind it writteen both in the tourist offifice wine tou urs’ brochuree and on o the websiite: w www.bordea aux-tourismee.com ECOLE DU VIN DE BORD DEAUX Duration D fro om 2 hourss to several days, expreess summerr courses, discovery d off the Bordeaaux appellattions. French/Englis F sh/German ecole@borrdeaux.com w www.bordeau ux.com MILLESIMA L ECOLE DU VIN Wine W classess and a combbination of taastings in an old cellar, in n Bordeaux city c Mrs M Manuelaa PICOT, direector of sale es : mpicot@ @millesima.co om event@milllesima.com w www.event.millesima.fr B-W B INEMAK KER Invent a winee to your ow wn taste and d design a laabel in your own style. Duration D froom 2 hours to t 2.30 hours. From F 2 to 122 persons - French/Englis F sh contact@b-winemaker.ccom w www.b-winem maker.com VINIV VINIV V enablees wine enthhusiasts to create c their o own unique wine by wo orking with BBordeaux’s elite e winemaakers and a using vineyards from the world's most coveteed appellatio ons. info@vinivw wine.com htttp://www.jm mcazes.com/en/viniv LES MÉDOCA AINES A lot of fun with the haarvest or cheese workshhop or the "Wine " and beauty" b worrkshop with Les Médocaaines. Available A by tthe Tourist Office O of Bordeaux or Lees Médocaines. otb@bordeeaux-tourism me.com w www.bordeau ux-tourisme.ccom MAISON DU VIN DE SAIN NT-EMILION AND ITS EC COLE DU VIN N DE SAINT-EMILION The T Package (full day) co ombines a wine lesson, a gastronomicc lunch, a vissit of a presttigieux Grand d Cru classé, and the t tasting off old wines. On O request, maximum 1 2 people. Everyday E in ssummer, lessson from 11 to 12.30 am m, French/Engglish/Spanish.. For groups,, on appointment. info@vins-ssaint-emilion..com w www.vins-sain nt-emilion.com m LA L WINERY A site speciaalizing in winne tourism: Wine sign, w wine tastingg, restaurant and other aactivities in the Médoc wine area. a info@winerry.fr w www.winery.ffr CHATEAU GRUAUD LAR ROSE IN ST JULIEN U BEYC CHEVELLE The T Châteauu Gruaud-Larrose is located in the Meedoc wine arrea. The chââteau is openn all year rou und and is onne of the t best kno own classified d Grand Cru u estates in Saint-Julien. It offers the emed tours aas well as acctivities such as a cooking c classs; a harvest workshop; w “w wine & cheeese” or “wine & chocolatte” tastings. They have been b rewarded in 2012 2 in the category “Sustainable Wine W Tourism m Practices”” thanks to their “whitee path”. Thiss 2 hour waalking tour t throughh the vineyyard traces the history of the chââteau and its ‘terroir’ i n a modern n and ecolo ogical environment e t. gl@gruaud--larose.com w www.gruaud-llarose.com 14 DISC COVER VINEY YARDS YOUR OWN WAY Y WITH THE "BORDEAUX X WINE EXP PERIENCE PA ASS" Thiss Wine Pass is a unique experience e which, w for an attractive price, lets you u visit four C Châteaux bellonging to thhe Lurtton family annd take part in i various wo orkshops. EXCURSI E IONS AN ND STAYS S IN THE VINEYAR RDS THE E BORDEAUX X WINE ROU UTES In Gironde, G all rroads lead to o the vineyard! 6 destinaations labeleed "Vignobles et Découvvertes®" welcome you to t disco over the wo orld of winess of Bordeaux, a wine tassting in the cellar c where he was bornn and share the expertisse of winemakers w Girondins. Come on, we w give youu the mouth hwatering sliipping you a few names at random m: Marggaux, Saint-EEstèphe, Pom merol, Pauilllac, Saint-Em milion, Loupiac, Sauterne es, Entre-deuux-Mers, Pessac-Léognann, Côtes de Bourg and Côtes de d Blaye… ww ww.gironde-ttourisme.fr/decouvrir/les-routes-du-vinn-de-bordeau ux BOR RDEAUX RIV VER CRUISE E The "Bordeaux River Cruisee" company, based in Bo ordeaux, run ns cruises on n the Garonnne river and d the Girond de estu uary. For gro oups or individuals, cruises to som me of the most famous vineyards w within the Bordeaux areea (Medoc, Côte dde Blaye, Côte C de Bou urg…) includding guide and a tastings, or lunch aand dinner cruises from m Bord deaux. gu uillaume@borrdeaux-river--cruise.com http:///bordeaux-rriver-cruise.co om CRO OISIÈRES BUR RDIGALA Cruises from Bo ordeaux for groups g throu ughout the yyear (75 to 150 pax). Alsso taxi boat La Clapotine e, transfers to t restaurant La Maaison de Fleuuve, along th he Garonne rriver. croisieresburdiigala@orangee.fr www w.croisieres-b burdigala-bord deaux.fr PÉN NICHE ROYAL L Leavving from Bo ordeaux : tailormade cruiises to Blayee, Bourg or Pauillac P : 150 passengers. co ontact@royall-garonne.com m www w.croisieres-rroyal-bordeau ux.fr CŒUR D’ESTUA AIRE Pre--dinner, seefo ood and winne tasting cru uises departinng from Blayye or Pauillacc on a motorr boat or witth a schooneer of 22 places starrting also fro om Bordeaux x. o taxi-boat fo or individual and personaalize cruises. Also ww ww.coeurdesstuaire.com www w.bateausinbaad.fr CH ÂTEAU MAU UCAILLOU Posssibility to discover the Médoc M vineyard by helicoppter. ch hateau@mauccaillou.com www w.chateau-maucaillou.com 15 B ORDEAUX V INEYARDS - W INE SCHOOL & EXCURSIONS At Château C Bouuscaut, (Cruu Classé de Graves) in Pessac-Léoggnan, it will be "wines and cheese"", at Châteaau Desmirail, (Grannd Cru Classsé) in Margaaux, there is a "cine-winee" tour, whe ereas Châteaau de Camarrsac, in Entreeux-Mers has a "chocolatte and wine"" workshop and La Tou ur de Bessan n in Margauxx holds the introductorry Deu courrse. ww ww.chateau-bbouscaut.com m www w.desmirail.co om ww ww.camarsacc.com www w.marielaurelu urton.com HOW TO VISIT A WINE ESTATE E? B ORDEAUX V INEYARDS - E XCUSRSIONS In Bordeaux,, Pauillac, Sauuternes, Sain nt Emilion… the tourist offices can provide p you with all the information that you y need to visit some wine w estates : maps, list of wineries open to visittors, guided tours in diffferent languaages.. get g in touch w with each off them for a detailed info ormation. TOURISST OFFICE OF O BORDEAU UX otb@ @bordeaux-to ourisme.com www..bordeaux-to ourisme.com MAIISON DU TOURISME ET D DU VIN DE PAUILLAC co ontactpauillac@tourisme-m medoc.fr ww ww.pauillac-m medoc.com TOURISST OFFICE OF O SAINT-EMILION M accueil@saint-emilion-tourisme e.com www..saint-emilionn-tourisme.co om TOU URIST OFFIC CE OF BLAYE E inffo@tourisme e-blaye.com ww ww.tourisme-blaye.com MAISON N DES BORD DEAUX ET BORDEAUX O SUPÉRIEUR - PLAN NÈTE BORDEA AUX planette@maisondeesbordeaux.ccom www..planete-bord deaux.fr MAIISON DES VINS DES PREM MIÈRES CÔT TES DE BOR RDEAUX ET CADILLAC TOURISST OFFICE OF O SAUTERNES ET GRAV ES contacct@tourismee-sud-gironde e.com www..tourisme-sauuternes-grave es.com OFF FICE DE TOU URISME MON NTESQUIEU inffo@tourisme e-montesquieeu.com ww ww.tourisme-montesquieuu.com ww ww.cadillacco otesdebordeaaux.com MAISON N DES VINS DE D BORDEAU UX Conseil Interprofessio onnel des Vinss de Bordeauxx (CIVB) - Wine School civb@ @vins-bordeauux.fr www.bo ordeaux.com New appp dedicated to o smartphone es & tablets in order to guid de the tourists in the vineyaards. www.bo ordeauxwinetrip.com LA ROU UTE DES VINS S DE BORDEA AUX EN GRA AVES ET SAU UTERNES st The 1 w wine route in the Bordeaux x area, going throught the Sauternes and Graves vineeyards, along the Garonne river. gravesssauternes@ @gmail.com www.bo ordeaux-grave es-sauternes.ccom GIROND DE TOURIST T BOARD contacct@tourismee-gironde.fr www.tou urisme-girond de.fr www.tou urisme-girond de.mobi Girondee is the « dépaartement » thaat encompassses the Bordeaaux wine areaa. You will find a compleete informatio on on all Borddeaux appellattions there (M Médoc, Saint-EEmilion, Sauterrnes etc). 16 A RC CACHO ON 1 ho our West off Bordeaux, on the Atlan ntic Ocean, tthe city of Arcachon A represents a ccharming and d relaxing daay out destination, also reachaable by train. Arcachon developed in n the 19th ce entury with the tradition of the “seea bath hs” and also because thee oceanic clim mate and thee pine trees were consid dered good tto cure tube erculosis. Thhe th Win nter city wass created: a concentration of beauttiful 19 cen ntury villas to welcome all the weallthy Parisians, whicch is still a beeautiful distrrict to discovver, on your own or with h a guided to our offered bby the touristt office. Arcaachon is also o the name of the bay, facing the o ocean. The bay is one of o the main oyster bree eding place in i Fran nce and oncee there, you have to mak ke a break inn on of the traditional t oyyster farms ffor a tasting.. South of thhe bay is the Pilat sandy dune, the t highest in n Europe (3330 feets). It is totally natu ural and the panoramic view v from thhe top is amazing! ARC CACHON TO OURIST OFFIC CE to ourisme@arcaachon.com www w.arcachon.co om www w.bassin-arcacchon.com 17 B ORDEAUX - T HE B AY O F A RCACHON ARCAC CHON BAY B ORDEAUX , THE B AY O F A RCACHON - ACCOMODATIONS &C OOKERY L ESSONS ACCO OMMOD DATIONS S HÔTEL RE ESTAURANT T LA CO(O)RNICHE R 5* 29 rooms bby the designeer Philippe Starck Mr William m TECHOUEEYRES, PDG contact@ @lacoorniche-pyla.com www.laccoorniche-pyyla.com ST WESTERN N PLUS DESI GN & SPA BASSIN BES D'A ARCACHON 4* 4 103 rooms reeservation@d designspa-arccachon.com www.designspa w a-arcachon.coom HÔTEL CÔTÉ SABLE 4* 15 rooms Mrs Betty MALLET @cotesable.ffr contact@ www.co otesable.fr HÔTEL LES BAIINS D'ARGUIIN 4* 94 rooms r Mrs Delphine GU UIBET @hotel-bainsdaarguin.com reeservations@ www.hotel-bai w insdarguin-arc rcachon.com HÔTEL POINT FRANC CE 4* 34 rooms Mr Patrickk PUJOL info@ho otel-point-fraance.com www.ho otel-point-france.com ARC C-HÔTEL SU UR MER 4* 30 rooms r Mrs Caroline PO OMAREDE reeservation@aarc-hotel-sur--mer.com www.arc-hote w l-sur-mer.com m HÔTEL VILLE D’HIVER 18 rooms, in the Winter city Mrs Nathaalène ARNOUX, directorr contact@ @hotelvilledhhiver.com www.ho otelvilledhiverr.com LA MAISON DU BASSIN 11 rooms r Mr Jérôme J MAZ ZURIER lamaisondubassin@gmail.coom www.lamaison w dubassin.com m DOMAINE E DU FERRET T BALNÉO & SPA 4* 96 residencces, 380 bedss in total, a resstaurant and a spa "By Blannco" domaineeduferret@o orange.fr www.domaaineduferret.com COO OKERY LE ESSONS AND A COURSES RESTAURANT E LA GRAND’V VIGNE 2 MICHELIN STARS RESTAURANT R T - NICOLAS S MASSE Less Sources D De Caudalie, hotel 5* : The chef, Niccolas Masse, offers 2 hou ur classes, tw wo Saturdayys a month in his kitchens. He teeaches you how h to break dishes dow wn, dress a plate, respecct natural prroducts, orgaanise a succeessful paration. Youu will learn simple actions, like how w to cook pro oducts everyy day fesstive menu and save timee in the prep witth new recippes and new flavours. sources@sou s urces-caudaliee.com ww ww.sources-caaudalie.com RESTAURANT E CORDEILLAN BAGES 2 MICHELIN STARS RESTAURANT - JEAN LUC ROCHA R Ch hâteau Corddeillan-Bages,, hotel 4*: In Pauillac, iin the middle of the vines, the chaarming and elegant Chââteau Co ordeillan-Bagges is home to a large Médoc tabble. The cheef offers an inventive ccuisine, full of flavours.. His speecialities: pann-fried foie gras g with pre eserved peacches and red duced port sauce, s Pauillaac lamb roassted for 7 ho ours. The wine mennu is fabulouus, and includes the mosst prestigiou us local vintaages. Cookeery classes given g by Jeann-Luc Ro ocha, for an introduction into the gou urmet world of great coo oking. contact@cor c rdeillanbages.ccom ww ww.cordeillanb bages.com RESTAURANT E LE SAINT JAMES A 1 MICH HELIN STAR RESTAURANT R T - NICOLAS S MAGIE Co oté Cours is the cooking school of th he hotel Sain t James Relaais & Chateau ux, hotel 4*. In the verandaa overlookingg the citrus garden, thee Chef is offeering to share his culinaary know-ho ow with you in a e with h resolutely contemporary design, the new schhool has been designed d and uniique setting.. Pure and elegant, deccorated in thhe same fashhion as the baar and recepption renovatted at the start of the yeear. Many typ pes of classes are offfered, in Engglish and Frennch. www.saintjam w mes-bouliac.co om cottecours@sain ntjames-bouliaac.com 18 THE E CHATEAU LAVERGNE COOKING C CL LASSES IN BO OULIAC Chââteau Lavergne is a B&B B and offers four roomss to privilegged guests. Set S in a maggnificent 7-acre park, thhe elegant exteriorr of this 19thh century chââteau will ennchant you. Your Y hostess, Suzanne BBourdais organizes on-sitte a cookery classes. c She w will make yo ou discover the t regional specialities and a will makke winee-tasting classses as well as Fren nch cooking accessible to o all. Situated at a stone 's throw from Bordeaux x, Bouliac is aan ideal starrting point fo or excu ursions into the nearby wine w regions. Durration : 2 houurs cooking class c co ontact@cavinnter.fr www w.chateau-laveergne.com THE E CHÂTEAU AMBE TOUR R POURRET IN I SAINT EM MILION Neaar the famous medieval town t of Saintt-Emilion, onnly 45 min. from f Bordeaaux, the Chaateau Ambe Tour T Pourreet offerrs cooking cclasses all yeear round. A brand new w kitchen welcomes w up to 12 studeents for 2 hours h classes, follo owed by a lunnch or dinerr. Wines from m the estatess are served with the foo od. vissite@vignobles-lannoye.co om www w.saint-emilion.fr L'ATELIER T DES CHEFS Righ ht in the cenntre of Bord deaux, close to place Gaambetta, atteend the Che efs’ workshoop, the new generation of o cookkery classes.. Past the bo outique whicch sells a att ttractive arraay of kitchen n items, therre is an areaa for childreen waitting for theirr parents and d the kitchen n, where youu will work.A At the Chefs’ workshop, everything is i designed to t please your eyees and your taste t buds. The T chefs w will pass on their t knowle edge to you in a friendlyy and relaxeed atmo osphere. Whatever your level and budget, cho ose a suitab ble option frrom a large range of claasses from 30 3 minu utes to 3 hours and beco ome a real co ordon bleu! inffobordeaux@ @atelierdeschhefs.com www w.atelierdesch hefs.fr 19 B ORDEAUX , THE BAY OF A RCACHON - COOKERY LESSONS QUA AI DES SAVE EURS Coo oking classess open for groups onlyy. Quais dess saveurs promotes the e South weest gastronomy and locaal prod ducts. co ontact@quai--des-saveurs.ccom comm munication@ @aapra.aquitaine.fr BIARR B RITZ Z AN D TH HE B ASQ QUE C COU UNTR RY Two o strong idenntities, the Basque B Coun ntry (on the Atlantic side) and Béarn n (inland), annd an offerin ng combiningg the coun ntryside, thee mountains and a the seaside. An unspoilt u coasstline (covess, ports) stretching 30 km m offering vaast beaches (Anglet, Bidaart, Hendaye)) alternating with smaller ones in tthe town cenntres (Biarrittz, Saint Jeann de Luz.). m Anglet to Hendaye theere is a wide e range of spaas and thalasssotherapy trreatments. From The architecturaal and ethno ographic herritage is richh and diversified: housess, churches, traditional fêtes f and gaames, music and dancee… BÉA ARN AND BA ASQUE COUN NTRY TOURIST BOARD inffos@tourism me64.com www w.tourisme64.com B IIARRIT TZ Beaches and the Beach of Kings”, launched byy Empress Eugenie E whoo brought th he whole off the “Thee King of B th Euro opean aristoccracy to thiss little fishingg village in thhe 19 centu ury. Habits have not channged. The im mperial palacee has been n transform med into a luxury hote el (Hôtel d u Palais) but the tow wn also offeers the who ole spectrum m of acco ommodation and, as well as boastingg the beach and surfing, has become e an art-loveer’s paradise with its festtivals (dan nce, music, ciinema), and the t major ex xhibitions thaat take placee all year rou und. BIAR RRITZ TOUR RIST OFFICE Mayylis CABANIEEU, sales maanager maaylis.cabanieuu@biarritz.fr maylis.cabannieu@biarritz.fr www w.tourisme.biaarritz.fr 20 TOURIST T TIC AND HISTORIIC SITES MUS SEUM OF THE SEA Hou used in an A Art-Deco building, the mu useum boastts twenty aq quariums disp playing 150 sspecies of faauna and florra foun nd in the Baay of Biscay,, a large pool measurinng over 1,50 00 m3 containing severaal species of sharks, rayys, barrracudas and various othher schools of fish...Thee refurbished d terrace co ontinues to showcase the t seals, thhe original stars of the museum m who enterttain both youung and old during d feedin ng time, at 100.30am and 5pm. co ontact@museeedelamer.co om www w.museedelam mer.com CITÉ DE L’OCÉA AN Situaated by the beaches of Milady and Ilbarritz in Biarritz, a constructed part-undergr p round building boasting a of is the hom wave-shaped roo me of the Cité C de l’Océéan, a museu um devoted to t the oceann. You can learn how thhe he fauna thatt live in the ddepths of the e ocean... Yo ou oceaans appearedd on land, whhat happens on the oceaan bed and th can also step aaboard a baathyscaphe armed a with Polaroid glaasses to disscover the G Gouf de Caapbreton annd "desscend" towards the botttom of the ocean. The ocean is marked m by tid des, waves aand currentss and to fully apprreciate them m, you will ennter a large tube (the wavve) to experrience the sensations of a surfer; a litttle further on o and you will expperience life as a a passenge er aboard a boat in distrress in the middle of a stoorm... co ontact@biarrritzocean.com m www w.citedelocean n.com HÔTEL DU PALAIS 5* PALACE 153 rooms including 33 suiites, “Leading Hotels of the World, Tabless et Auberges de France” 1 Michelin star restaurant Located in thee heart of Biarrritz close to thhe Grande Plaage, the new Casinno Municipal and a Bellevue Congress C Centeer, the hotel usedd to be Napoleeon III and Euugénie de Montijo’s form mer summer reesidence. Mrs Valérie G GALAN, salees manager v.galan@hotel-du-palaiss.com du-palais.com m sales-manaager@hotel-d www.hoteel-du-palais.co om HÔTE EL SOFITEL BIARRITZ LE MIRAMAR THALA ASSA SEA & SPA 5** 126 roooms including 17 suites. Locatedd on the beach h, close to thee golf courses and a Biarritzz city center. The T hotel has a direct conneection with the Louuison Bobet Institute, gastronnomic and dieetetic restaurrant. Mrs Céline GIRAUD,sales manaager 49-sm@accor.com h204 www w.thalassa.com m REGINA BIA ARRITZ HOTEL & SPA 5* * MGALLERY COLLECTIO ON 67 rooms inclluding 12 suitees. Beside the fam mous golf Biarrritz le Phare, very nice architecture w with a patio, roooms overlookking the ocean or the golf course, one gastronnomic restauraant. Mr Michaël N NIANG, direcctor h2050-sb@ @accor.com www.hoteelregina-biarriitz.com RADIS SSON BLU HÔTEL BIARR RITZ 4* 150 roooms including 8 suites Overloooking the ocea an with a swim mming pool onn the roof. Mrs Viirginie MARG GOT, sales m manager virginie.margot@ @radbiarritz.frr www w.radissonblu u.com/hotel-bbiarritz HÔTEL BEA AUMANOIR 5* 8 rooms incluuding 4 suites, “Châteaux & Hôtels collection”. Mr Frédéric HUBERT, ow wner @lebeaumano oir.com reception@ www.lebeaaumanoir.com m GRAN ND TONIC HÔTEL Ô 4* 63 room ms Mrs Elaine LUBLINK, director ne.lublink@to onichotel.net elain www w.tonichotel.ccom HÔTEL LE CAFÉ DE PAR RIS 4* 19 rooms inclluding 8 suitess, all rooms are overlooking the ocean. Mrs Severinee LAPARADEE s.laparade@ @hmc-hotelss.com www.hmc--hotels.com HÔTE EL DE SILHOU UETTE 4* 20 room ms including 4 suites, modeern hotel near the markett place. Mrs So ophie ZUDAIIRE, director reservations@ho otelsilhouettee.com www w.hotel-silhou uette-biarritzz.com 21 B IARRITZ - A CCOMMODATIONS ACCOMM A MODATIO ONS B IARRITZ - A CCOMMODATIONS HÔTEL FLORIDA 4* 39 rooms including 11 suites Mrs Stéphanie FILECC CIA, director hotel.florida@wanaadoo.fr www.hhotel-florida-bbiarritz.com HÔTEL Ô CHÂTE EAU DU CLA AIR DE LUNE 4* 17 rooms Mrr Jean DABAD DIE, director reception@h r otelclairlune..com www.hotelcla w airlune.fr HÔTEL MERCURE LE PRÉSIDENT T BIARRITZ CENTRE 4* 69 rooms Mrs Vu T THUY, directtor h7286@ @accor.com www.m mercure.com HÔTEL Ô MERCU URE PLAZA B IARRITZ CENTRE E 4* 69 rooms e DUMAS, dirrector Mrrs Christophe H5681@acco H or.com www.mercur w e.com HÔTEL WINDSOR 4** 48 rooms including 7 suuites Mr Rolannd HEGUY, director d directio on@hotelwinndsorbiarritz..com www.hhotelwindsorbbiarritz.com HÔTEL Ô VILLA KOEGUI BIA ARRITZ 4* 14 rooms Mrrs Clarisse AU UTHIER, direector contact@villa c akoegui-biarriitz.fr www.hotel-vi w llakoegui-biarrritz.fr HÔTEL GEORGES VI 4* 21 rooms Mr Régis PRON contactt@georges6.com www.ggeorges6.com m HÔTEL Ô ALCYO ON BIARRITZ Z 3* 15 rooms Mrrs Christine BAPST, B directtor contact@hot c el-alcyon-biarrritz.com www.hotel-al w cyon-biarritzz.com HÔTEL LA MAISON DU LIERRE 3* 3 23 rooms Mrs Hélèène DEVEZE, director biarritzz@maisondullierre.com www.m maisondulierrre.com HÔTEL Ô LE BIA ARRITZ 3* 49 rooms including 6 suites Mrrs Sophie LEM MERLU, direcctor s.lemerlus@b s biarritz-thalassso.com www.hotel-le w ebiarritz.com HÔTEL CAMPANILE 3* 80 rooms Stéphan H HASSAN, dirrector manageer.biarritz@ccampanile.fr www.ccampanile-biarritz.fr HÔTEL Ô EDOUA ARD VII 3* 18 rooms Mrr David DE LAPASSE, L direector contact@hot c el-edouardVIII.com www.hotel-ed w douardVII.com m HÔTEL LE GAMARIT TZ 3* 12 rooms Mrs Christophe BABIN, sales manager @legamaritz.co om cbint@ www.leegamaritz.com m HÔTEL Ô OXO 3* 20 rooms Mrr Jean-François DUJARDIN N, director oxo@biarritz o z-hotel.com www.hotel-ox w xo.com HÔTEL PALACITO 3* 25 rooms Mr Timotthy BRANDT T, director info@ppalacito.fr www.ppalacito.fr HÔTEL Ô SAINT JULIEN 3* 20 rooms Mrrs-Mr Sophie, François CO OQUERY, director contact@hot c el-saint-julienn-biarritz.fr www.saint-jul w ien-biarritz.ccom INTER HÔTEL AMAR RYS 3* - HOTELS O IN BIA ARRITZ, BAY YONNE, ST JEAN E DE LUZ Z commercial@ c @groupe-segeeric.com www.hotels-c w cotebasque.coom INTER-HOTEL BIARRITZ BORDEA AUX 75 rooms Mr Laureent BARRAU,, director amaryss.biarritz@waanadoo.fr www.aamarys-biarrittz.com 22 BASQU B UE CO OAST BAYONNE A THE E town in thee Basque Co ountry with its i citadel, itss old town famous f for itts arches andd the chocolate makers in theirr shade, the gothic Saintte Marie Catthedral, the saga of the Jewish families who fledd from Spain and Portugal and settled heree…The Fêtes de Bayonn ne last a weeek in en of Ju uly and are a great festivve occasion for f all Basquue ple and their friends. Thhe beaches of o Anglet (thhe most beaautiful on the e Basque coaast) adjoin the t town, annd peop Biarritz is 8 km aaway. BAY YONNE TOU URIST OFFIC CE Xabi BELAIN, Reesponsable prromotion, xabi@bayonnne-tourisme..com prromotion@baayonne-tourisme.com www w.bayonne-tourisme.com BAY YONNE: SAIN NT MARIE CATHEDRAL A World historic hheritage UNESCO classiffied site. Nottre-Dame dee Bayonne is one of the rare cathedrrals in the so outh of France built in thhe northern Gothic style. Its construction, c n Paris Ile-dee, which lasteed from the 13th to the 15th centuryy, was in factt inspired byy churches in Fran nce. BAS SQUE MUSEU UM The Basque Museum offers exhibitions dealing wit h the life, culture and work w of thee men and women w of thhe Basq que Countryy. www w.musee-basq que.com ANGLET N Anglet is a fine seaside reso ort on the Basque B coasst, where ou utdoor activiities are welll spread (su urfing, cycling, wellbeing etc…)). ANG GLET TOUR RIST OFFICE E Mmee Katia PUYO OU, Responsable Promotiion, infformation@aanglet-tourism me.com k.puuyou@anglet--tourisme.com m www w.anglet-touriisme.com TOURIST T TIC AND HISTORIIC SITES ISTU URITZ AND OXOCELHAY YA CAVE Herd of reindeeer engraved on a stalaggmite pillar. Natural con ncretions. Isturitz is onee of the mo ost importannt paleolithic centeer in Europe, inhabited frrom 50,000 B BC to the Brronze Period d. reservation@ggrottes-isturittz.com www w.grottes-isturitz.com SAR RE C LASSIFIED AS A “MOST BEAUTIFUL VIL LLAGE OF FRANCE R ” Saree is located iin a French enclave whicch penetratees into the Spanish S Navaarre. The villlage possessses beautifully deco orated Basquue houses off the 17th and d 18th centurries. On the main squuare, the fro ont wall, the theater of m many pelota games, g is one of the greaat historical places of thaat sporrt. ottsi.sare@wannadoo.fr www w.sare.fr AINHOA C LASSIFIED AS A “MOST BEAUTIFUL VIL LLAGE OF FRANCE R ” Aïnh hoa counts aamong the niicest villages in France. T The bastide founded f in th he 13th centtury, used to o be a halt fo or pilgrrims on their way to Sanntiago de Co ompostela. T The main street, lined with w typical bbasque houses, leads to a squaare where sttands a churrch outstand ding for its ggolden woodwork choirr, retable, annd galleries. Houses havve theirr walls whitee-washed evvery year. Th he half-timbeering and sh hutters are painted p greenn or “cow blood” b red. In I form mer times, tthey were painted p with cow bloodd. That pracctice permitted to prottect the wo ood from baad weather. to ourisme-ainho oa@orange.frr www w.ainhoa-tourrisme.com 23 B ASQUE C OAST musee.basque@ @musee-basqque.fr LA BASTIDE--CLAIRENCE E CLASSIFIED D AS “MOST BEAUTIFUL VILLAGE OF FRANCE” La L Bastide Clairence has kept its origginal lay-out aand charm of o a medieval village. Wh ile it has pre eserved its apppeal and a continuees to celebraate its rich history, the village invitees you to diiscover its ttreasures, so ometimes hid dden, may m they be architecturaal, artists' sho ops, or beauttiful panoram mas. labastideclaairence@gmaail.com htttp://labastideeclairence-paays-basque.coom B ASQUE C OAST - A CCOMMODATIONS NEARBY B IARRITZ ACC COMMO ODATION NS NEARBY BIARRITZ CHÂTEA AU DE BRIND DOS 5* 29 rooms including 5 suuites “Relais et Châteaux, TTables et Auberges de France”, Anglet; 4kkms from Biarrritz Mrs Carm men LLANOSS contactt@chateaudeebrindos.com m www.cchateaudebrinndos.com BEST E WESTER RN LE GRAND D HÔTEL 4* * 57 rooms Bayyonne, 9 kms of Biarritz. Mrrs Catherine PERIE P info@legrandhotelbayonnee.com www.legrand w hotelbayonnee.com HÔTEL ATLANTHALL 4* 99 rooms Anglet; 4kkms from Biarrritz. Mr Olivieer ARROSTEEGUY, directo or info@bbiarritz-thalassso.com www.bbiarritz-thalasso.com LE BAYONNE HÔTEL & SPPA 4* 99 rooms Bayyonne, 9 kms from Biarritz. Mrr Matthieu CH HA, director info@biarritz-thalasso.com m www.biarritzw -thalasso.com m COMPLE EXE HÔTELIE ER ET THALA ASSOTHÉRA PIE SERGE BLANCO 4* 90 rooms Hendaye, 31 kms from Biarritz. Mr Micheel GILLOT, director michel..gillot@thalasssoblanco.com m www.thalassoblanco o.com HÔTEL Ô LOREA AK 3* 46 rooms Bayyonne, 9 kms from Biarritz Mrr Pascal OND DARTS contact@hot c m el-loreak.com www.hotel-lo w oreak.com LES FRÈR RES IBARBOU URE - TABLE ET HOSTELLE ERIE 4* 13 rooms,, charming hootel with its fam mous restauraant in the heart of the Basquee country, “Rellais du Silence, e, Tables et Aubergges de France””; 1 Michelin star restaurantt. Bidart; 6 kkms from Biarrritz Mr Philippe IBARBOU URE contactt@freresibarrboure.com www.frreresibarboure.com HÔTEL Ô VILLA L'ARCHE 4** 8 rooms Biddart; 6 kms froom Biarritz Mrr Florian BOU UGET, directoor contact@villa c alarche.com www.villalarc w he.com HÔTEL D DU FRONTON 3* 8 rooms Bidart; 6 kkms from Biarrritz Mrs & Mrr Diane et Alllan contactt@hoteldufro onton.com www.hhoteldufronto on.com HÔTEL Ô BRIKET TENIA 4* 15 rooms 1 Michelin M star restaurant Guééthary, 9 kms from Biarritz Mrr Martin IBAR RBOURE, direector contact@brik c ketenia.com www.briketen w nia.com HÔTEL DOMAINE DE E BASSILOUR R 3* 10 rooms;; Bidart, 6 km ms from Biarritzz Mrs Charrlotte VACHET, director bassilouur@wanadoo o.fr www.ddomainedebasssilour.com HÔTEL Ô -RESTA AURANT SAN NTIAGO 3* 25 rooms, Henda aye, 31 kms fr from Biarritz. Mrr Philippe BERR RA, manager hotel.santiago h o@infonie.fr www.hotel-le w e-santiago.com m LES BAS SSES PYRE ENEES 20 rooms,, Bayonne, 9 kms k from Biarrritz contactt@hoteldesbaassespyrenees.com http://ho otel-bassespyrrenees-bayonnne.com 24 SAINT-JEAN-DE-LUZ SAIN NT-JEAN-DE-LUZ TOUR RIST OFFICE Mrs Isabelle FOR RGET, directo or dirrection.ot@ssaint-jean-de--luz.com www w.saint-jean-de-luz.com GRAND HÔT TEL THALASS SO & SPA 5* * 52 rooms inclluding 3 suitess, authentic paalace on the beach with a Spa. Mrs Véronique ALLEGREE, sales managger commerciaal@luzgrandhhotel.fr www.luzgrrandhotel.fr EL DU PARC VICTORIA 5** HÔTE 20 room ms including 5 suites and juunior suites situuated in three different d buildin ngs in the heaart of the parkk. “Relais et Châtteaux”, Art deco atmospherre, swimming pool. p Mrs Maïka MAUREL parccvictoria@relaischateaux.ccom www w.parcvictoriaa.com HÔTEL LA RÉSERVE 4* 41 rooms inclluding 6 suitess. looking over the ocean, “Akena, Châteeaux & Hôtelss Collection”. Mrs Marie-Euugénie HERN NANDEZ, dirrector info@hoteel-lareserve.com www.hoteel-lareserve.co om HÔTE EL SPA HÉLIA ANTHAL BY T HALAZUR 4* 100 roooms including 2 suites; Thallasso & Spa, direct d access to the beach. Mr Niccolas LACRO OUTS, directoor heliaanthal@helian nthal.fr www w.hotelheliantthal.fr HÔTEL LA DEVINIÈRE 3* 3 8 rooms Mr Bernard CARRÈRE, director doo.fr la.devinieree.64@wanad www.hoteel-la-devinieree.com HÔTEL L HARRECTC CHEA 3* 12 room ms Ahetzee : 10 kms from m Saint-Jean-dde-Luz. Mrs So ophie MORA, director conttact@hotel-h harretchea.coom www w.hotel-harre etchea.com SAINT-JEAN-PIED-DEE-PORT AN ND NEARB BY AUBERGE D DE BIDARRAY Y OSTAPÉ - 5* 5 22 suites, resttaurant with traditional cuisine; “Relais duu Silence”. Bidarray; 37 kkms from Biarrritz. Mrs MORIZEE Alexandra, sales manage er direction.o ostape@yaho oo.fr www.ostappe.com HÔTE EL LES PYRÉN NÉES - 4* 18 room ms including 4 suites “Châteeaux & Hôtelss Collectiion, Tables et Auberges de FFrance”. Saint-Jeean-Pied-de-Poort, 55 kms froom of Biarritz.. Mrs Saandrine ARRA AMBIDE, direector hoteel.pyrenees@ @wanadoo.fr www w.hotel-les-pyyrenees.com HÔTEL ARC CÉ 4* 22 rooms; “C Charme Hotel””. Saint-Etienne--De-Baigorry, 52 5 kms south from Biarritz. Mr Pascal AR RCÉ, directorr reservationns@hotel-arcce.com www.hoteel-arce.com HÔTE EL ITHURRIA 4* 28 room ms; “Châteauxx & Hôtels Coollection”, 1 Michelin M star resstaurant. Ainhoa,, 27 kms from m Biarritz. Mr Stééphane ISABA AL, director hoteel@ithurria.co om www w.ithurria.com m 25 B ASQUE C OAST - A CCOMMODATIONS NEARBY B IARRITZ he Basque Co ountry, Saintt Jean de Luzz is at the bo ottom of a baay on the Atlantic Coast.. At the seasside, the tow wn In th has a large sandy beach, pro otected from m the ocean by three seaa walls built on Napoleoon III’s orderrs in order to t defeend the townn from incesssant attacks from the seaa; other wild der beaches, suitable for surfing (Lafitténia, Cénitzz); and thalassotherrapy centress for complete relaxatio on. Taste Baasque cooking and locaal produce: Macaroons, a recip pe created bby Mr Adam m in 1660, mouchous (sm mall, light and d fluffy macaaroons) and Kanouga (so oft caramel in i darkk chocolate or coffee, so ometimes with w walnuts or roasted hazelnuts). You Y can alsoo visit Saint Jean Baptistte th t churrch where thhe wedding of Louis 14 and Mariee-Thérèse off Austria, Spanish Princeess, took plaace on the 9th Junee 1660; Louis XIV square opposite the t town haall; and the pretty p 17th century housses, like the Maison Louis XIV and the Maiison de l’Infaante. B ASQUE C OAST - A CCOMMODATIONS NEARBY B IARRITZ HÔTEL LA MAISON OPPOCA 4* 10 rooms Ainhoa, 27 kms from Biarritz. B Mrs MASSSONDE contactt@oppoca.co om www.o oppoca.com HÔTEL Ô ARGI EDER 4* 26 rooms Ainnhoa, 27 kms from f Biarritz. Mrr Bruno DOT TTAX argi.eder@wa a anadoo.fr www.argi-ede w er.com HÔTEL ARRAYA 3* 20 rooms;; “Châteaux & Hôtels Collection” Sare, 42 kkms from Biarrritz. Mr Jean-B Baptiste FAG GOAGA, director hotel@ @arraya.com www.aarraya.com HÔTEL Ô L'AUBERGE BASQU UE 3* 12 rooms; “Châteaux & Hôtelsls Collection, Tables T et Aubberges de Fran nce” Saint-Pée-Sur-Nivvelle, 17 kms ffrom Biarritz Mrr & Mrs BEAU U, director contact@aub c ergebasque.ccom www.auberge w ebasque.com ROSA EN NIA, L’ARBR RE AUX OISEA AUX: UNIQU UE, ONE-OFF CHARM IN THE T BASQUEE COUNTRY Cambo-Lees-Bains, 22 km ms from Biarritz. contactt@lesnidsdho otes.com www.lesn nidsdhotes.co om 26 T HE PYRE P ENEE ES AR REA PA AU – JUR ANÇ ÇON VINEYA RDS mong locals: facing due ssouth, they settle on thhe The Boulevard des Pyrénéees is one of the favouri te spots am terraces of the ccafés in the shade s of the palm trees aas soon as th he sun come es out and addmire the Pyyrenean peakks hey think, deepending on the season, about down hill skiing (in n winter), abo out walks in the mountaains and abouut as th excu ursions in the nearby Jurrançon wine area (all yeaar round). The castle of Henri IV, thhe Maison Be ernadotte annd the Fine Arts M Museum are all essentiall sites to vissit. The Basque coast iss 1 ½ hour away by motorway, annd way. Lourdes a one-hhour drive aw PAU U TOURIST OFFICE accueil@tourissmepau.fr www w.pau-pyreneees.com reeceptif@touriismepau.fr P AU - J URANÇON V INEYARS TOURIST T TIC AND HISTORIIC SITES CHA ATEAU DE PA AU Equiipped with itts dungeon by Gaston Phœbus, P the n metamorp phosed into a Renaissancce palace byy Henri II annd Margguerite of N Navarre, in 1553, the Pau castle pro ovided shelteer for the birth of the fu future Henri IV, who waas rockked in a torto oise shell craadle! PAU U NATIONAL L FINE ARTS MUSEUM Builtt in 1931, thhe museum is i a remarkaable examplee of Art Decco architectu ure. Its colleections offerr an extensivve pano orama of Eurropean artisttic creation from f the endd of the 15th century to 1970. musee.beauxarrts@ville-pau.fr www w.pau-pyreneees.com 27 VISIIT WINE CHATEA AUX AND D VINEYA ARDS B ÉARN B ASQUE C OUNTRY - V ISIT & A CCOMMODATIONS JURANÇO ON, MADIR RAN, IROU ULEGUY PAU PYRENEE ES - BEAR RN COUNT TRY PYRÉNÉ ÉES BÉARNAISES TOURIS STIC OFFER Jurançonn wines, culinary specialities, s leisure activitiess, heritage, culture, trraditions fro om the Oloron,, and from the valleys of Ossauu, Aspe, Barétouus. TOURIST OF FFICE OF CŒ ŒUR DE BÉAR RN contact@ccoeurdebearnn.com www.coeurdebearn.com m www.ppyrenees-beaarnaises.com TOURISST OFFICE OFF VIC-BILH MONTANÉRÉÉS Guide ppresenting the Madiran wine w road. CAVE DES PRODUCTEURRS DE JURAN NÇON cave@cave edejurancon.ccom www.caved dejurancon.coom contacct@tourismee-vicbilh.fr www.ttourisme-vicbbilh.fr CAVE D’IROULÉGUY Y Guided tours BÉARN - PAY YS BASQUE TOURIST BOARD O infos@tourisme64.com m www.tourisme64.com contacct@cave-irouuleguy.com www.ccave-irouleguuy.com ACC COMMO ODATION NS HÔTEL P PARC BEAUM MONT MGALL LERY 5* 80 rooms including 15 suites; “MGalllery, Tables ett Auberges de France”. Mrs Laurrence BOUTILLIER, sales manager m lb@hotel-parc-beauumont.com www.hhotel-parc-beaumont.com HÔTEL Ô VILLA NAVARRE 5** 30 rooms including 6 suites, “CChâteaux & Hôtels H Colllection”. Mrr Stéphane CA ARELLA, direector reception@v r illanavarre.fr www.villanava w arre.fr QUALITY Y HÔTEL PAU A CENTRE 4* 4 70 rooms including 9 suuites Mr Blas EESPINO, mannager quality..pau-centre@ @orange.fr www.hhotel-pau-cenntre.com HÔTEL Ô RONCE EVAUX 3* 39 rooms Mrr Georges BR RANDT, direcctor hotel64000@ h @gmail.com www.hotel-ro w oncevaux.fr HOTEL LINA Hotels grroup : 7 hotelss (Ibis, Novote el) in Pau and Dax commeercial@hoteliina.fr www.hoteelina.fr ACC COMMO ODATION NS AROU UND PAU U HÔTEL D DU PARC 3* 51 rooms Salies-De--Béarn: 65 km ms from Pau Mr Claudde SERVAJEA AN Director hotelduuparc@parto ouche.com www.hhotelsalies.com m HÔTEL Ô DU GOLF O LE LODG GE 3* 29 rooms Salies-De-Béarn 65 6 kms from PPau ALYSSON N HÔTEL 3* * 47 rooms;; “Châteaux & Hôtels Collection” Oloron-Saainte-Marie, 32 2 kms from Paau Mrs Gaellle DODARD D, director alyssonn.hotel@wanadoo.fr www.aalysson-hotel.fr HÔTEL Ô DU POURTALET 3** 10 rooms Artouste, 55 kmss from Pau Mrrs Alexandra CASADEBAIIG, director contact@hot c el-pourtalet.ccom www.hotel-po w ourtalet.com contact@le-lo c odge-salies.coom www.le-lodge w e-salies.com 28 COOKER C RY LESSO ONS AND COURSE ES THE E DOMAINE D DE BASSILOU UR COOKING G CLASSES At 3 km from thhe beaches of o Biarritz and d Bidart, a veery warm weelcome awaits you at thee Domaine de d Bassilour, a beau utiful mansio on of the Seccond Empire e surroundedd by a park overlookingg the Pyreneees. Easily acccessible from m the A63, the plaace is quiet and nice, clo ose to all maajor sites in the Basque Country. Thhe Hotel du u Domaine de d h century faarmhouse, Behereko B Etchea. You ccan choose between 10 Basssilour is esttablished in a sixteenth com mfortable andd cozy room ms, all differen nt and furnisshed with ex xquisite taste e. You will eenjoy the elegant decor of o the living room. The park annd the break kfast on the tterrace will surely s convin nce you. Andd for a gourm met stay, takke ourses offereed in the be eautifully rennovated and equipped kiitchen: prepa pare a “wine e and cheesee” advaantage of co even ning, make a real Basquee cake, make e a variety off "pintxos a la plancha” or manage a real gourm met meal, theen enjo oy your creattions. - 12 peeople max. baassilour@wannadoo.fr www w.domainedeb bassilour.com m DOM MAINE DE LE ESPOUNE CO OOKING CLA ASSES Dom maine de Lespoune is a charming gu uesthouse lo ocated in thee Bearn area, close to tthe Pyrénée es, 2h30 drivve from m Bordeaux, and close to o Navarrenx, one of "plu s beaux villaages de Francce" Nico ole Everaertt is neither a chef, nor a professionaal but a real french Gou urmande andd Gourmet, who loves to t makke people disscover the Frrench cookin ng and southh west's flavo ors. Guests will w learn to ccook vegetables from heer orgaanic garden, variations arround local duck d foie graas, salmon an nd cod, emulsions of all kinds and esspuma in glasss cup for aperitivee... F and English, E with a minimum of o 2 persons Friendly classes available in French m stayy of 2 nights at Lespoune e is recommeended and allows to enjo oy visit of loccal wineyard, French cigaar A minimum traditionel factory and ewe cheese. c co ontact@lespo oune.fr www w.lespoune.fr 29 P AU - J URANÇON V INEYARS - C OOKERY L ESSONS AND C OURSES IN THE NEST TS OF BÉARN N IN LOUBIENG: A BALL FOR A NIGHT IN THE STA ARS Located L near tto Orthez, in Loubieng, L a stoone’s throw froom the vineyaard of Jurançon n, these nests are in the heaart of an estate e of over 10 hectares. Wooded by oaaks and pines they are baseed in the countryside. These giant balls arre hung 2 to t 8 metres hiigh and to get up there you use a safety nnet stretching to the ground.. With a diam meter of 3 metres, each nest n can accom mmodate 2 peeople. They eaach feature a rround mattresss and custom-made quilt. FFar from the noise and troubles t of thee town, you caan observe the fauna of the forest and enjjoy the calm. Loubieng, L 47 kkms from Pauu Mr M Didier CO ORRE did.corre@ @gmail.com w www.lesnidsd dubearn.com D DOR DOG GNE - PÉR RIGO ORD The T Dordogne area is a land of man ny assets : frrom gastrono omy (foie gras, truffle…)) to historical heritage (from the t Lascaux ccaves to medieval village es and castless - Beynac, Castelnaud… C …) - but also of outdoor activities succh as canoeing, c gollf, cycling, fishing. DORDOGNE D T TOURIST BO OARD Mrs M Micheline MORISSO ONNEAU, leiisure marketting managerr sla24individduel@wanado oo.fr w www.dordogn ne-perigord-ttourisme.fr THE P PREHIISTOR RIC CA AVES IN I THE VEZ ZERE VALLE V EY D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD In the Vezerre Valley, over 200 Paleolithic sitees are know wn, including the famouss decorated caves and rock shelters s desiggnated by UN NESCO as World W Heritaage Sites. INTERNA ATIONAL L CENTRE E FOR CA AVE ART OF O MONTIGNAC--LASCAU UX TOTAL IM MMERSION N IN PREHISTORY The T Centre Internationaal de l’Art Pariétal P (Interrnational Cenntre For Cavee Art), know wn as “Lascaaux”, is currrently nearing n completion at thhe foot of the t hills ove rlooking Mo ontignac, where the origginal caves are. a The Lasscaux caves c are am mong the mo ost importan nt decoratedd caves from m the Palaeo olithic Age ggiven the sh heer numberr and quality q of thee works, and d as such are e the core fo ocus of the Centre. C The future faciliity will be ge eared around d the full f reproducction of the cave, the fourth, most ccomplete rep production of o this top c entre of cavve art, harneessing new n image annd virtual tecchnologies to o produce innnovative sceenes, thus en nabling a full immersion in prehistoryy. A "tour companion" in thhe form of a connected ddevice adaptts the tour programme p tto the age, laanguage and even handicap h of tthe user. The T Centre International de l’Art Pariétal Montiggnac-Lascaux x is poised to o set the be nchmark in terms t of touurism and a culture ffor the show wcasing and vulgarisationn of cave arrt, based on paintings annd engravinggs in the Lasscaux caves. c Open O to the public: December D 15th 2016. CENTRE INT TERNATION NAL DE L’ART R PARIÉTAL L (INTERNA ATIONAL CENTRE E FOR CAVE ART) Mr M Guillaumee COLOMBO O, director g.colombo@ @semitour.co om w www.projet-laascaux.com 30 TOURIST T TIC SITES S co ontact@pole--prehistoire.ccom www w.pole-prehisttoire.com NAT TIONAL MUS SEUM OF PREHISTORY Tuckked into thee cliff overlo ooking the Vézère Vall ey, near thee main centtres of Paleoolithic cave painting, this museum holds aan outstandinng collection n of objects from the mo ost prestigio ous prehistorric sites in th he Dordognee, that were occuppied by mankkind 400-500 0,000 years aago : the Combarelles an nd Fond de G Gaume cavess, the Poisso on a Micoque, La Ferrasie, the shelters at Moustier and Laugeriie-Haute… sheltter, the prehhistoric site at Arch haeological ccollections thhat are uniqu ue in the wo rld. Open all year round. reservation.preehistoire@cuulture.gouv.fr www w.musee-preh histoire-eyzies.fr LAS SCAUX Lasccaux’s cave, ffound in 19440, is a marvvel of prehisstoric art. Th he facsimile is located 2000 metres aw way from thhe original grotto. T The two repproduced galleries host thhe major parrt of Lascaux x’s paintings. The tour is coupled witth the prehistoric aart center off the Thot in Thonac. SEMITOUR E co ontact@semittour.com www w.semitour.co om www w.les-grands-ssites-du-periggord.com COM MBARELLES Thiss site accomm modates aro ound 800 pain ntings on a 3300 metres gallery. g Horses, lions, bisoons, rhinoce eros as well as a 48 human h beingss are drawn. They dated from 12,0000 to 10,000 BC. B The acce ess is restriccted by appointment onlyy. fontdegaume@ @monuments-nationaux.fr http:///eyzies.monu uments-nationaux.fr FON NT DE GAUM ME Lastt publicly acccessible cave with polychrome paintinngs : bison; horses, h mammoths, reinddeer. Open all a year rounnd on reservation. r fontdegaume@ @monuments-nationaux.fr http:///eyzies.monu uments-nationaux.fr ABR RI PATAUD Arch haeological ddigs have reevealed that there weree more than n forty encam mpments thhere between 35,000 annd 20,0 000 years ago o covering the t Aurignacian, Gravetttian and Solu utrean period ds. Open all year round,, every day in i seasson. paataud@mnhn.fr www w.mnhn.fr LA ROQUE SAIN NT CHRISTO OPHE Inhaabited for 555,000 years, it is a large cliff face of 900 metres high which consists of 5 levels. It dominates d thhe Vézèère valley. N Numerous civvilisations, frrom prehisto oric times to the medieval times livedd in its 100 rock shelterrs. The phenomenaal rock layeers were able to housee up to 1,00 00 men at a time. Herre you can discover ouur anceestors' habittats, traces of o their too ols, their wo ork, their arrt and culturre. This imm mense naturral fortress, a trogglodyte fort aand city playyed the partt of rampartss against thee Norman in nvasions, makking anotherr of the manny won nders of the V Vézère valley. co ontact@roque-st-christopphe.com www w.roque-st-ch hristophe.com m 31 D ORDOGNE - P REHISTORIC C AVES IN THE V ÉZÈRE V ALLEY THE E PREHISTOR RY WELCOM ME CENTER With its numero ous prehisto oric sites ope en to the puublic, the” Pô ôle Internatio onal de Préhhistoire” inviites scientistts, ourists alike to t participate in this greaat quest for human origiins. A 300 m m² space is de evoted to thhe amateurs and to pressentation of tthe prehisto ory of the Ve ezere Valley. It includes a large 3D model m of the region localiizing all of thhe preh historic sites. Films projeected on a biig screen preesents the different species of humann ancestors, their ways of o life and their nnatural envirronments. The T ensembl e is compleeted by info ormation staations and touch-screen t ns availlable to the vvisitors. THE T GOUFFR RE DE PROUM MEYSSAC PA ARK (THE PA ARK HAS A TOURISM O AND D DISABILITY Y LABEL) Known K as thhe "Crystal Cathedral", C Proumeyssac P c is the largeest developed cave in Péérigord todaay. Access to o this huge h undergground vault whose walls are adornned with very tightly paacked and exxceptionally beautiful crrystal formations f iss via a tunneel. You can also a be loweered down into the cave e in a rotatinng basket (11 people), which w offers o 360° ppanoramic views of the formations. f T This year, th he park has a new play aand learn are ea and a musseum space. s proumeyssaac@perigord d.com w www.gouffre-proumeyssacc.com TOURIST T OFF FICE OF LASC CAUX-DORD DOGNE, VALL LÉE VÉZÈRE Mrs M Myriam GABIOLE, marketing m maanager direction@ @lascaux-dord dogne.com D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - ACCOMODATIONS m myriam@lascaux-dordoggne.com w www.lascaux-dordogne.com ACC COMMO ODATION NS HÔTEL LES GLYCINES & SPA 4* 26 rooms including 8 suuites and 3 eccolodges; “Chââteaux & Hôtels Collection” cosy hotel. Les-Eyziess-de-Tayac Mr Pascaal LOMBARD D, director glycines.dordogne@ @wanadoo.fr ordogne.com m www.lees-glycines-do LE VIEUX LOGIS S 4* 23 rooms r includingg 9 suites, “Reelais & Châteaaux”, 15 kms southhwest of les Eyyzies. 1 Micheelin star restauurant. Trém molat, 22 kms from Les-Eyziies-de-Tayac. Mr Bernard B GIRA AUDEL, direcctor vieeuxlogis@rellaischateaux.ccom ww ww.vieux-loggis.com HÔTEL D DU CENTENA AIRE 3* 21 rooms including 9 suuites,” Relais et e Châteaux” Les-Eyziess-de-Tayac Mr BELLIIARD, directo or hotel.centenaire@w wanadoo.fr www.hhotelducentennaire.fr HÔT TEL LE LASC CAUX 3* 10 rooms r Monntignac, 25 km ms from Les Eyyzies-de-Tayacc. Mr Jean GRENVILLE, directorr otel.lascaux@ @gmail.com ho ww ww.hotel-lasccaux.jimdo.coom HOSTELLLERIE LA ROSERAIE O 3* 14 rooms Montignacc, 25 kms from m Les Eyzies-dde-Tayac. Mrs Katiaa GUEDJ, dirrector hotelro oseraie@wannadoo.fr www.laaroseraie-hottel.com LE MOULIN DE MITOU 3* 17 rooms; r “Relais du Silence” Auriaac-Du-Perigord d, 31 km from m Les Eyzies. Mrs & Mr BEGUE moulindemito ou@hotmail..fr lem ww ww.hotel-lem moulindemitoou.com HÔTEL D DE LA FERME E LAMY 3* 12 rooms;; “Charme Hootel, Hôtelleriee familiale, Rellais du Silence” Meyrals, 7 kms from Lees Eyzies-de-T Tayac Mr Micheel BEYER, dirrector contactt@ferme-lam my.com www.feerme-lamy.co om LIVE E THE CHÂTEAU LIFE WH HILE PERCHE ED IN THE TREES CAMPING LE PARAD DIS 5* 200 pitches of at least 100 m² each. At Le Paradiss, Ellen and Gé haave thought off everything too make sure yoou have an uunforgettable holiday! h All thiss, in a park th at respects tthe environmennt and that is embellished w with p species. more thann a hundred plant Saint-Léonn-Sur-Vézère, 14 kms from Les Eyzies-de--Tayac Mrs Mr EEllen & Gé KU USTERS, dire ector le-paraadis@perigord.com www.lee-paradis.fr CAM MPING SAINT T AVIT LOIS SIRS 5* Two new additionss are the "Luxxury Safari" tennts (35 m²) and the "Madras" cottages (3 bbedrooms + livving room). Theyy complement the already w wide range of accoommodation, which w includes 3 star serviceed apartments,, woodden chalets an nd a gîte in a ttypical Perigouurdine house. Saintt-Avit-De-Viala ard, 16 kms fro rom Les-Eyziess-de-Tayac Nico olas LEGER, director d co ontact@saint-avit-loisirs.coom ww ww.saint-avitt-loisirs.com 32 Direcctly inspired byy the buildingss of Monbazilllac, Milandes and Hautefort, thee Puybeton esttate features five f châteaux in Nojals-et-Clotte, built using larrch wood and pin Douglas p of the in the grounds of a medieval casstle, of which part moat is still visible.. Mr Rémy R BECHE EREL, remi.beecherel@gmaail.com co ontact@chate eauxdanslesarrbres.fr ww ww.chateaux xdanslesarbrees.fr V ILLA AGES AND MEDIE EVAL CAST TLES There are manyy of them inn Aquitaine, particularly in the Dordogne – it is said that Périgord is the land of a usand and onne castles - and a they havve lived thro ough the cen nturies; their stone tells yyou all about the region's thou histo ory, upheavaals and anecd dotes. From m the Périgo ord to the Baasque Counttry, Aquitainee is dotted with w villages with w remarkkable architeccture that arre well worth a vissit. Awarded d the "Loveliest Villages iin France" laabel, they are characterissed by at leaast two listeed sitess or monumeents. SARLAT T AND THE DOR RDOGNE VALLEY Y SAR RLAT-LA-CAN NEDA 67km m south-eastt of Périgueuux, north of the Dordognne valley and d east of the Vézère valleey, Sarlat la Canéda C is onne of the jewels of Périgord Noir. N Visitingg the town lets you seee almost a thousand yeears of arch hitecture witth bled streets, grey slate ro oofs and warm, white Péérigord stonee. From the Middle Agess and the Renaissance, thhe cobb city has preserveed an outstaanding monumental herittage which haas been subject to exem mplary restorration. Due to t the density and consistency of its old buildings, Sarllat has achieeved an outstanding placce in Europe. Explore this auth hentic settingg on foot: Thhe cathedral,, the chapel of the White Penitents, the Lantern of the dead, the Présidiaal courrt, the Gisso on, Maleville, Plamom hottel and the M Maison de la Boétie. Sarlaat’s famous food (foie gras, g ceps, Saarlat potato es…) invite you to gath her round itts tables. It surprises annd charrms you thro oughout the seasons with h the diversiity of its events and colo ours: Its foie gras and tru uffle market in i wintter, Christmaas market, night-time eve ents in summ mer and man ny other even nts throughoout the year. SAR RLAT TOURIS ST OFFICE Mrs Katia VEYREET, leisure maarketing manager k.vveyret@sarlaat-tourisme.com www w.sarlat-tourissme.com CASTLE ES AND FORTRES F SSES CH ÂTEAU DE BEYNAC In addition to itts food and its prehisto oric sites, Péérigord Noirr is renowne ed for its m many château ux. About teen kilom metres from m Sarlat stands one of th he prettiest and very well w preserve ed, stronghollds in the re egion, Beynaac châtteau. Perched on a rock peak, it tow wers over thhe Dordognee river and the houses w with slate roofs and whitte facad des in Beynaac-et-Cazenaas, one of the e prettiest vi llages in Fran nce. Durring your visit, you are to old the storyy of this fortrress built by Adhémar de e Beynac in tthe 12th centtury, includinng famo ous characteers such as Aliénor A d’Aqu uitaine, Richaard the Lionheart and evven Simon dee Montfort. From the to op of the tower in Beynac chââteau, admire the lovelyy landscape below b with another of tthe châteaux x in Périgorrd Noir, Castelnaudd, on the othher side of th he Dordognee. www w.beynac-en-p perigord.com CH ÂTEAU DE BIRON Within the bounndaries of Péérigord Pourrpre and Ageenais, Biron château c look ks over the llarge neighbo ouring forestts from m its promo ontory, 7kmss South of the bastide of Monpaziier. It is now a Historiical Monume ent. Begin by b adm miring the keeep, which waatched over the t border w with Agenaiss in the Middle Ages whicch was then under Englissh rule. Then explo ore the build dings built du uring the Rennaissance, th he mullion windows and their slim tu urrets and thhe two-storey chappel. The maiin attraction of the visitt is undoubtedly the imp pressive, 22 metre long,, 18th centurry vaultted kitchen. The well-preserved Biro on château h as been used d as a settingg for several films. co ontact@semittour.com www w.semitour.co om/site-tourisstique/chateaau-de-biron 33 D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - V ILLAGES AND MIEDEVAL C ASTLES The following caastles are onnes not to be b missed annd are exam mples of the architecturee of the Middle Ages, thhe Renaissance and d the spirit off the 18th and d 19th centurries. CHÂTEAU DE BOURDEILLLES Whether W youu arrive in Bourdeilles B frrom Brantôm me or Ribéraac, you are greeted by thhe sight of th he powerful keep of o the Bourddeilles châteaau, which ovverhangs the Dronne in Périgord Verrt. As you appproach, you u will noticee that this t octagonaal building, 35 3 metres hiigh, towers over a seco ond Renaissance building.. Led by you ur guide, eveen at night n during tthe summer,, go back in time t and imaagine life in the t 14th century and thenn in the 16th century… D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - V ILLAGES AND MIEDEVAL C ASTLES contact@seemitour.com w www.semitour.com/site-to ouristique/chaateau-de-bourdeilles CHÂTEAU LE ES MILANDE ES Located L in thhe town of Castelnaud-la C a-Chapellle, o on the left baank of the Dordogne, D Miilandes châte eau is particuularly known k for having belongged to Josephine Baker. With an aud dio system in n the backgrround which combines music m and a history, yyour visit fo ollows in the footsteps o of Josephine Baker. From m the main loounge with itts huge firepplace, to t the modeern bathroo oms, through h the diningg rooms and the kitchen, a permaanent exhibition tracingg the extraordinary e y destiny off a young girrl from Misssouri who became a star of Paris reevues. See her h show ouutfits, including thee famous bannana belt wo orn at the FFolies Bergèrres. Then he ead into thee gardens forr a birds of prey show. s josephin-less-milandes@w wanadoo.fr w www.milandess.com CHÂTEAU DE CASTELNA AUD Listed L as a H Historical Mo onument in 1966, Castel naud castle overlooks th he Dordognee valley and has a great view over o the châtteau and villaage of Beynaac to the norrth and the hanging h garde ens of Marquueyssac oppo osite in the curve c of o the river. Owned by the t Rossillon n family, thee château built from the 12th to the 15th centuries has had three t major m renovaation works which now make m it one of the most visited sites in Périgord Noir. Completely C ddevoted to the t art of war w in the M iddle Ages, this fortified d castle is a children’s drream come true: Powerful P keeep, machicolation, reconstructions o of large-scalee war missile es and a sign ificant collecction of weaapons and a armour iin the Museuum of War in n the Middlee Ages. chateau@castelnaud.com m w www.castelnaud.com CHÂTEAU DE HAUTEFORT 30kms 3 Northh of Montignnac and Lascaux cave, in the 17th cen ntury, the me edieval fortrress of Bertrand de Bornn was converted c into a holiday home, comb bining medieeval defencess with a classsic main buillding. Admire e the long faacade framed f by ro ound towerrs, walk under the arch es of the sttreet-level gallery and ssee the decaadently furniished reception r ro ooms: The lo ounge decorrated with FFlemish period tapestrie es, the largee reception room with huge fireplaces f annd even thee Gentleman n’s bedroom m with its canopy c bed. On Wednnesday evenings in sum mmer, dramatisation d ns in period costume re--enact the deestiny of the Marquis of Hautefort H annd his family. contact@chhateau-hauteefort.com w www.chateau--hautefort.com CHÂTEAU DE MONBAZILLLAC Perched P on a hill overloo oking the Do ordogne valleey, Monbazillac Château is a must-seee on the Bergerac wine trail. Property P of M Monbazillac cellar since 1960, this 166th century building b has unique u and ooriginal architecture, a mix m of defence d systems, with itts allure and d moats, andd Renaissancce style, with bay windoows.The patth leading to o the château c givess you the best view of th he building a nd its terracces with a wiide panoram ma over a seaa of vineyard ds. At the t end of yo our route, ennjoy a Monbaazillac wine-ttasting sessio on. monbazillacc@chateau-m monbazillac.co om w www.chateau--monbazillac.com CHATEAU DE LOSSE AND GARDENS Losse L castle dominates thhe Vézère vaalley which iss still known n as the Valle ey of Man. Suurrounded byy walls lined with a deep moatt, the medievval fortress which w was b uilt straight out of the river, r was reeplaced in 15 576 by a pleaasure palace. p The ccastle is a claassified historrical monum ment and the gardens are classified as "Jardin Rem marquable". chateaudelo osse24@yaho oo.fr w www.chateaud delosse.com BRANTÔME The T Dronne river circless Brantôme with its cleaar waters. The T town dates back to Charlemagn ne who is said to have h come and found thee famous abb bey in 769 to o place theree Saint Hilairre’s relics. Yoou should alsso tour the town t at a night, wheen lights inflam me the riverr and monum ments of thatt “Venice in Périgord”. P contact@perigord-dronnne-belle.fr w www.perigord d-dronne-bellle.fr 34 LA ROQUE-GAG GEAC C LASSIFIED AS A “MOST BEAUTIFUL VIL LLAGE OF FRANCE R ” Nestled at the bbottom of higgh cliffs in a curve c in the Dordogne, La L Roque-Gaageac is one of the pretttiest villages in i Fran nce. Its prettty rows of houses h facingg the river d ate back to the Middle Ages A and thee Renaissancce, like Tard de Man nor which still stands out. They show w the imporrtance of inccome from fishing f and innland water shipping unttil the early 20th century. It is i still possible to explo ore the villaage by river with a tou rist cruise on o a barge, a traditional flat-bo ottomed boaat. DOM MME C LASSIFIED AS A “MOST BEAUTIFUL VIL LLAGE OF FRANCE R ” 14km ms south off Sarlat, overrlooking the Dordogne, Domme is one of the prettiest p villaages in Fran nce. A bastid de established in 12281 by King Philip the Hardy H to conntain the En nglish advance, the villagee is part of the trapezoiid pe which folllows the co ontours of the t summit of the hill surrounded by cliffs. It has a rich medieval annd shap Renaissance herritage. do omme-tourism me@wanado oo.fr www w.tourisme-do omme.com CLA ASSIFIED A AS “MOST BEAUTIFU B UL VILLAGE E OF FRAN NCE” : Belvvès www.perigordnoir-valleedordognne.com Beyynac-et-Cazeenac Casstelnaud-la-C Chapelle Lim meuil www.limeu uil-en-perigorrd.com Monpazier www.payys-des-bastidees.com Sainnt-Amand-dee-Coly Sainnt-Jean-de-Côle Sainnt-Léon-sur-V Vézère www.saintt-leon-sur-veezere.fr 35 D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - V ILLAGES AND MIEDEVAL C ASTLES Likee many places in Périgord d Noir, La Roque-Gagea R ac has been inhabited sin nce the Prehhistoric era and a has a lonng histo ory, with ruins of troglod dyte forts (w which can be visited) and the ruins of Évêques Chhâteau in Sarlat. to ourisme@cc-pperigord-noirr.fr www w.cc-perigord-noir.fr ACCOMM MODATIIONS D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - - ACCOMMODATIONS SARLAT A AND NEAR RBY HÔTEL CLLOS LA BOËT TIE 5* 11 rooms inncluding 3 suittes, an old fam mily mansion fr from the 19th C. iin Sarlat; “Chââteaux & Hôteels Collection””. Mr Jean-Maarc LARDY, director d hotel@ccloslaboetie-sarlat.com www.clo oslaboetie-sarrlat.com PLAZ ZA MADELEIINE ET SPA 4 4* 39 roooms Mrs & Mr FLORE ENTIN, directtors contact@plaza--madeleine.coom ww ww.hoteldelamadeleine-saarlat.com HÔTEL DE E SELVES 4* 40 rooms - Châteaux & Hôtels H Collectiion Mr DUCAT TEL, directorr hotel@selves-sarlat.com www.selvves-sarlat.com m RELA AIS DE MOUSSIDIÈRE 4* 35 roooms includingg 4 suites Mr DUCOURET, D , director contact@hotel-moussidieree.com ww ww.hotel-moussidiere.com m HOTEL RE ESTAURANT LA HOIRIE 3* 19 rooms, ttotally renovateed in 2015 Mrs Catherine MALEVILLE, directorr jeanmarcclardy@gmaill.com www.lahoirie.com LUXURY HOLIDA AY RENTALS IN SARLAT LE DOMAIINE DE ROCH HEBOIS 4* 40 rooms inncluding 2 suittes in 3 differeent buildings , “Châteaux & Hôtels Colleection”, Vitrac - 6 km ms from Sarlaat. Mr Louis V VAN DE WALLE, directorr info@rochebois.com www.rocchebois.com MAN NOIR D’HAUTEGENTE 4** 16 roooms - “Châteeaux & Hôtels Collection”in an elegant manssion from the 13th century. Coly-en-Périgord- 20 kms from SSarlat. Mr Patrick P HAME ELIN, directoor ho otel@manoir--hautegente.ccom ww ww.manoir-haautegente.co m DOMAINE DU CHÂTEA AU DE MONR RECOUR 3* 21 rooms Saint-Vincennt-de-Cosse - 12 1 kms from Sarlat. S contact@ @monrecourr.com www.mo onrecour.com m HÔT TEL CLÉMENT V 3* 10 roooms Belvees, 35 kms of Sarlat. Mrs Muriel FISCH HER, directorr ent5.com contact@cleme ww ww.clement5.com HÔTEL LA VILLA ROM MAINE 3* 17 rooms; C Châteaux & Hôtels H Collectioon Carsac-Aillac, 10 kms from m Sarlat. Mr VACELLET, Mrs VELUT, directors contact@ @lavillaromaine.com www.lavillaromaine.co om HÔT TEL-RESTAUR RANT LA BE ELLE ETOILE 3* 15 roooms La Rooque-Gageac, 10 kms from Sarlat. Mr Régis R ONGAR RO, directorr ho otel.belle-etoile@wanadooo.fr ww ww.belleetoile.fr Holidday rentals in the t black Periggord Mr Philippe P LECE ERF, managerr sarrlat.travel@gmail.com htttp://sarlat.travvel PERILOC FRENCH TOU URS Holiday Renntal Accomodaation - Bed & Breakfast B in Dordogne - Périgord Noir.. Small group and private toour in France contact@ @periloc.com m www.perriloc.com 36 P ÉRIG GUEUX X AND D NEA ARBY PÉR RIGUEUX TO OURISM OFF FICE Mrs Magali MA ANIÈRE, sales manager service.receptiff@perigueuxx.fr www w.tourisme-peerigueux.fr HERITAG H GE SITES IN THE MAJOR M C CITIES PÉR RIGUEUX, SA AINT-FRONT CATHEDRA AL Saintt Front catheedral is a UN NESCO classsified site on the way to Santiago de Compostelaa It is composed o of two strucctures : the “old church““ from the 8th and 9th ce enturies, andd the 12th ce entury churcch h cupolas, whhich was alm most entirely reconstructeed in the neo o-Romanesque style. with to ourisme@perrigueux.fr www w.tourisme-peerigueux.fr VESUNNA - THE E GALLO-ROMAN O MUSEU UM IN PÉRIG GUEUX Disccovered in 11959 in the Gallo-Romaan district o of Périgueux,, the Villa Vesunna V conntains perfectly preserveed remains of its reesidential ro ooms set aro ound its centtral courtyarrd. It was this magnificennt structure that inspireed the famous f architect Jean No ouvel in a fab bulous museeographic pro oject. veesunna@periggueux.fr www w.perigueux-vvesunna.fr 37 D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGUEUX AND N EARBY a the Périgo ord Museum m of Art and Archaeologgy Creaated 2000 yyears ago, Péérigueux is a land of histtory : stop at with h prehistoricc artefacts which w will tak ke you back to the origins of human nity. Go backk to the sple endour of thhe Museum, deesigned by th era of the Romaan Empire inn Vesunna Gallo-Roman G he architect Jean Nouvel. Imagine thhe h century meedieval wall, with only Mataguerre M T Tower remaining, wande er around thhe Renaissance town witth 15th prettty private m mansions. And d enjoy Périggord cuisinee in restauran nts with terrraces openinng onto the town t squares, the Mimos Festival at the staart of Augusst and the N ew Orleans Music Festivval, a tributee to the nativve of the areea o established the French quarter in New N Orleanss, Louisiana (USA) who D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGUEUX AND N EARBY - ACCOMMODATIONS ACC COMMO ODATION NS HÔTEL MERCURE PÉRIGUEUX É CENTRE 4* 66 rooms including 4 suuites Périgueuxx Mrs Céciilia JANNEAU U, director h6237@ @accor.com www.m mercure.com CHÂTEAU H DES S REYNATS 4 4* 50 rooms including 5 suites - 1 Michelin star restaurant Chaancelade, 6 km ms west of Pérrigueux. Mrr DESPREZ, director d contact@cha c teau-hotel-peerigord.com www.chateau w -hotel-perigoord.com HÔTEL LE MOULIN DE D L'ABBAY YE 4* 20 rooms “Relais & Châteaux” Brantômee, 26 kms from m Périgueux. Mrs Valérie GAUTHEEROT, Directtor m reservaation@moulin-abbaye.com www.m moulinabbayee.com LE MOULIN DE E VIGONAC 4 4* 10 rooms Braantôme , 26 km ms from Périggueux. Mrr ALEXELINE E, director contact@mo c ulindevigonacc.com www.moulind w devigonac.com m LE MOULIN DU ROC C 4* 15 rooms,, 1 apartmentt - « châteaux et hotels colleection », 1 Michelinn star restauraant. Champaggnac-de-Belair, 34 kms from Périgueux. Mrs Shirley CRUZ, manager moulinduroc.com info@m www.m moulinduroc.ccom CHÂTEAU H -HÔTEL Ô "LE MA AS DE MONTET" 4* 10 rooms, “Châteaux & Hôtelsls Collection”. Pettit-Bersac 48 kms k from Périggueux. Mrrs Lise DANE EELS, directorr leemasdemontet@gmail.co m www.lemasde w emontet.fr HÔTEL LE CHÂTEAU U DE LALANDE 4* 17 rooms,, “Châteaux & Hôtels Collection”. Annesse-eet-Beaulieu 15 kms from Pérrigueux. Mrs STAEBELL, directtor erigord.com reservaation@chateaau-lalande-pe www.cchateau-laland de-perigord.com HOSTELLERIE O L'IMAGINAIR RE 4* 7 rooms includingg 1 suite, Terrrasson-Lavilled dieu, 55 kms ffrom Périgueuux. contact@l-im c maginaire.fr www.l-imagin w aire.fr LES JARD DINS DE BRA ANTÔME 3* 7 rooms m Périgueux. Brantômee, 26 kms from Mrs Floreence DUPUY Y, director lesjardiinsdebrantom me@gmail.com www.leesjardinsdebrrantome.com INT TER HÔTEL LE MOULIN ROUGE 3* 63 rooms; 1 Michelin star resttaurant dieu, 55 kms ffrom Périgueuux. Terrrasson-Lavilled Mrr Jean-Jacquess DARCISSAC C, director contact@hot c el-dordogne--perigord.com m www.hotel-do w ordogne-periigord.com AUBERG GE DE LA TRU UFFE 3* 20 rooms Sorges, 20 0 kms from Péérigueux. Mr Mrs NOTTELET, directors contactt@auberge-d de-la-truffe.co om www.aauberge-de-la-truffe.com CASTEL A PEYSS SARD 4 rooms, Spa and d restaurant Pérrigueux contact@caste c elpeyssard.com m http://www.cas h stelpeyssard.ccom 38 B ERG ERAC VINE YARD DS AND D NEA ARBY VISIT WIN NE CHAT TEAUX AND A VINEYARDS S IN Berge erac, Pé écharma ant, Mo onbazilla ac, Sausssignac TOU URIST OFFIC CE OF BERGE ERAC prromotion@beergerac-tourisme.com www w.bergerac-to ourisme.com CON NSEIL INTER RPROFESSION NNEL DES VINS DE BERG GERAC (CIVR RB) « Laa Route des V Vins de Berggerac » - map p dedicated tto wine châtteaux to visitt civvrb.poletouristique@vins--bergerac.fr DOR RDOGNE TO OURIST BOAR RD co ontact@dordogne-perigorrd-tourisme.ffr www w.vins-bergeraac.fr www w.dordogne-p perigord-tourrisme.fr MAIISON DES VIN NS DE MONB BAZILLAC Win nemaking of M Monbazillac and Bergerac appellationn is made by the Maison des Vins. Freee tastings. mttv.mbz@orannge.fr http:///maisondesvvins-monbazillac.jimdo.com m 39 D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - B ERGERAC VINEYARS AND NEARBY t itself makes m referennce to water and drew its wealth frrom the river. In the 18tth Berggerac: the naame of the town and 19th centurries, the tow wn was an im mportant riveer shipping port p on the route r of the “gabares”, the t large, flattbotttomed bargees that ferried goods betw ween the Maassif Centrall region and Bordeaux. Inn Bergerac, barrels of thhe winee produced on the surrrounding slo opes were lo oaded: the wines w of Bergerac, Péchharmant and d Monbazillacc. Than nks to the reestoration of o the old tow wn, built aro ound the port, you can take t a pleasaant stroll thrrough squarees such h as the Place de Myrpe where the statue s of Cyrrano de Bergerac standss, or betweeen the magnifficent timberrfron nted houses. On Wednessdays and Saaturdays, aro ound the Sain nt Jacques Church, C a ressting point fo or pilgrims on o the way w to Santiago de Com mpostella, a market m full off local colourr is held. D ORDOGNE - BERGERAC AND N EARBY - ACCOMMODATIONS ACC COMMO ODATION NS CHÂTEA AU DES VIGIE ERS & COUNTRY CLUB 4 * 87 rooms including 11 suites; “Golf & Country Clubbs “, 1 Michelinn star restauraant. Monestierr, 20 km from m Bergerac. Mrs Léonnie BIASOTT TO; sales man nager leonie@ @vigiers.com m www.vvigiers.com LA CHARTREU USE DU BIGN NAC 4* 12 rooms including 2 suites, “CChâteaux & Hôtels H Colllection, Relais du Silence” Saint Nexans, 9 kms from Berg rgerac. Mrrs Brigitte VIA ARGUES, ow wner info@abignac.com www.abignac. w .com CHÂTEA AU LES MERL LES 4* 15 rooms including 2 suuites Mouleydieer, 10 kms froom Bergerac. HÔTEL Ô DE BOR RDEAUX 3* 40 rooms Berrgerac Mrr Jean-Philippe e MANANT, director contact@hot c m el-bordeaux--bergerac.com www.hotel-bo w ordeaux-berggerac.com info@lesmerles.com m www.leesmerles.com LA MÉTA AIRIE 4* 9 rooms, “Châteaux & Hôtels Collecttion, Châteauxx Demeuress de Tradition et Grandes Ettapes des Vignnobles, Relais du Silence” Mauzac-eet-Grand-Castaang, 30 kms from fr Bergerac Mr Charlles BERTSCH HY, director. info@la-metairie.co om www.laa-metairie.com HÔTEL Ô EDWARD 1ER 3* 12 rooms; “Châteaux & Hôtelsls Collection” Moonpazier, 45 kms k from Berggerac Mrr & Mrs Arjan n et Marije CA APELLE, dire ectors info@hoteled dward1er.com m www.hoteled w ward1er.com m LA GENT THILLOMMIÈ ÈRE 4 rooms, “Châteaux & Hôtels Collecttion”, 1 Micheelin star restauurant. Sainte-Sabbine-Born, 32 kms from Berrgerac. Mrs.Mr A Anne et Vinceent LUCAS accueil@genthillom mmiere-etince elles.com www.genttilhommiere--etincelles.com m WIN NE TOUR RS VINE STOCK K RENTAL AT T DOMAINE LA QUEYSSIE E IN SAUSSIG GNAC Tour T and tassting session with 3 bottlles of wine aand the rentaal of 6, 12, 18 or 24 vinee stocks. Bed d & Breakfastt and dinner. d contact@m monvignoble.ffr w www.monvign noble.fr THE T HOUSE O OF WINES IN N BERGERAC C Training T sesssions for tastting, food and d wine pairinng. Wine W lovers school : 4 seessions of 2 hours each ((French/English) contact@dordogne-perrigord-tourism me.fr w www.vins-berrgerac.fr WINEMAKER R FOR A DAY Y AT CHÂTEA AU HAUT GA ARRIGUE - FE EELY On O an organnic-farmed, biodynamic vineyard, C Caroline Feeely, a WSET T* accreditedd trainer an nd winemakeer at Château C Hauut Garrigue near n the ren nowned Châtteau Monbazzillac, is offerring the “Wiinemaker forr a day” package, including a w wine tasting course, luncch and the ccreation of a unique ble end of wine. (French/Engglish) *Winee and Spirit S Education Trust caro@terroir c rfeely.com w www.terroirfeeely.com 40 GARDEN G NS LES JARDINSS DU MANOIR D'EYRIGNA AC PPérigord No oir, north-easst of Sarlat, the Manoir d’Eyrignac gardens g are oone of the best b examplees ttopiary art and a other French style garden trad ditions. Listed as Historiic Monumen nt, they werre ddesigned in the t 17th and 18th centurries and conttinue to deligght visitors to today. In of co ontact@eyriggnac.com www w.eyrignac.com m LES JARDINSS DE L'IMAGINAIRE C Created in 1996, the Jarrdins de l'Imaaginaire, labeelled a "Remarkable Gard rden" and ovverlooking thhe V Vézère, offerr a lovely trrip in Périgorrd Noir. The Franco-Am merican Kathhryn Gustafsson, a famouus landscape arrchitect, succcessfully inntegrated veery contemporary archhitectural lin nes into thhe Périggord landscaape, illustrating a dialogue e between M Man and Natu ure. im maginaire@ville-terrasson.com www w.jardins-imagginaire.com ch hateaudelossee24@yahoo.ffr www w.chateaudelo osse.com JARDINS DE MARQUEYSS SAC T Today, Marqqueyssac is th he most visitted garden in n Périgord. 9km 9 from Saarlat, imagine e 150 000 feeet of pperfectly shaaped boxwo oods, plantedd in the 19tth century on o a rocky outcrop ove erlooking thhe D Dordogne Valley. V Happily lose yourrself in the kilometres k of o winding paaths, on the e sides of thhe cliffss or on the pplateau, in thhe undergrow wth or bordeered by Med diterranean vegetation, v annd enjoy view ws across thhe curvves of the Do ordogne, on the Roque-G Gageac and o over the forttresses of Caastelnaud annd Beynac. Everry Thursdayy evening in July and August, A from 7pm to midnight, m 200 00 candles illluminate th he gardens of o Marqueyssac, wiith the sound d of live mussic. jarrdins@marquueyssac.com www w.marqueyssaac.com LES JARDINS PA ANORAMIQUES DE LIMEU UIL Locaated at the ssite once occcupied by a fortified f casttle at the higghest point of o one of thee ""Most Beaautiful Villagees of France"", thesse panoramicc gardens ovverlook the cconfluence of o the Dordogne and Vézzère rivers. inffo@perigord d-patrimoine.ccom www w.jardins-pano oramiques-lim meuil.com OTHER O « REMAR RKABLE GARDENS G S » IN DO ORDOGN NE JARD DINS DE LA C CHARTREUSE E DE CONTY Y Ch hartreusedecconty@orangge.fr JARD DINS DU CH ÂTEAU DE MONTRÉAL ch hateaudemonttreal@hotmaail.com LE JA ARDIN DE LA A DAILLE - SAINT GE RMAIN DE BE ELVÈS www w.chartreuse-de-conty.com m - MUSSIDAN www w.best-of-periigord.tm.fr - FLLORIMONT-GAUMIER G www w.jardinladaillee.net LES JARDINS D'E EAU - CARSAC AILLAC lessjardinsdeau@ @wanadoo.frr www w.jardinsdeau..com LES JARDINS DE L'ALBAREDE E - SAINT-CY YBRANET jarrdins.albaredee@wanadoo..fr www w.jardins-albarrede.com - EYM MET araudel@free.ffr POU UTHET JARD DIN DE PLAN NBUISSON - LE BUISSON N-DE-CADOU UIN co ontact@bambbous-planbuissson.com www w.bambous-planbuisson.co om PAR RC ET JARDIN N DE BUIS DU U CHÂTEAU DE CAUDON N - DOMME caaudon@hotm mail.com 41 D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - G ARDENS LES JARDINSS DU CHÂTEA AU DE LOSS SE 55km from Montignac M and d Thot – Esppace Cro-magnon, the gardens g of LLosse Castle overlook thhe V Vézère. Builtt on a terraace and labellled “Remarkable Garde ens”, they prrovide a beaautiful settingg, ssurrounding the Renaisssance châteaau since the 16th century. You are completely at leisure to t stro oll around thee gardens annd park and enjoy e the exhhibitions orgganised in the e towers. PARC DU CH HÂTEAU DE LA L BOURLIE vera@chateeaudelabourlie.com w www.chateaud delabourlie.co om JARDINS DU CHÂTEAU DE D HAUTEFO ORT - HAUTE EFORT contact@chhateau-hauteefort.com w www.chateau--hautefort.com D ORDOGNE - P ÉRIGORD - G ARDENS - COOKERY LESSONS LES JARDINSS DE CADIOT T - CARLUX contact@leesjardinsdecadiot.com w www.lesjardin nsdecadiot.com CO OOKERY LESSONS L S AND CO OURSES ETINCELLES RESTA AURANT 1 MICHELIN I STA AR - VINCEN NT LUCAS LA GENTILH HOMMIÈRE The T chef Vinncent Lucas, is happy to share his paassion for fin ne cuisine an nd offers coooking classess. You will know k everything e abbout local sppecialities coo oked in a mo odern manneer. accueil@geenthillommierre-etincelles.ccom w www.gentilhommiere-etinccelles.com RESTAURA ANT 1 MICH HELIN STAR - ALAIN GARDILLOU RESTAURANT LE MOULIIN DU ROC Le L Moulin duu Roc, hotel 4* Alain A Gardillo ou, Chef, invvites you into his kitchenn for a simple and adaptted cookery course,... in just a few hours h discover d a wide range of ideas, techn niques and tipps on a chossen theme. Faabien, the soommelier willl present yo ou his choice c of winnes and spiritts to accomp pany the dishhes which haave been pre epared. info@moulinduroc.com w www.moulinduroc.com THE “AUBER RGE DE LA TRUFFE” COO OKING CLAS SSES IN SORG GES Auberge A de lla Truffe, hottel 3* Here, H the truuffle has become a passio on ! A passio on which Pieerre Corre lo oves to sharre with his ge ests by preparing dishes d for thhem which have h all the rich flavourss of the reggion. The frie endly atmos phere doesn n't stop withh the enjoyment e off dinning. "Truffle" and "FFoie Gras" w weekends aree on offer. contact@auuberge-de-la--truffe.com w www.auberge-de-la-truffe.ccom CHÂTEAU LE ES MERLES 4* 4 Hotel H 4* Cooking C classs with Cheff Bas Holten at Château Les Merles, a 17th centu ury building with a uniqu ue contempo orary design; d all thee rooms are modern, we elcoming andd comfortable. La L Bruyère B Blanche resttaurant is jusst as invitingg, with its reefined dishess of organic vegetables from f the esttate’s own o vegetable garden. As for the bisttro, stop forr some food in a relaxed and friendlyy atmosphere e. info@lesmeerles.com w www.lesmerlees.com LA TREILLE In the Dordo ogne valley near Sarlat, La Treille, hhotel 2*-resttaurant, offers 8 bedroooms and a restaurant r w where Philippe P helpps you discover the thousand and o one flavours of the Périggord region : foie gras, truffles, walnuts, duck d breast, confits… hotel@latreeille-perigord d.com w www.latreille--perigord.com m 42 LES L L LAND DES oast: 100 km ms Unspoilt beaches, lakes dotted along the co of sand dy beaches lying alongsside dunes and a the hugge Landes de Gascogne pine forestt. A won nderful destination for llovers of cyycling, surfingg, windsurfing, sailing,, golf and suurf-casting (aangling in thhe w ocean waves). A distinctive architectural herritage: the tyypical Landees h a lowere ed roof facinng west to protect againsst house has the ocean wind an nd rain, an oak structure, and walls o a mixture of straw andd whitewash.. made of A famo ous spirit: Armagnac. LANDE ES TOURIST BOARD contaact@cdt40.co om www w.tourismeland des.com LA BASTIDE D’A ARMAGNAC Regaarding its ro ole of fortifieed city, we have inherite d the wholee woven parccels, its mainn square witth its covereed walkkways destinned for comm mercial activvity, its admiinistrative ceenter (todayy the town hhall) with itss attributes of o pow wer : a “setier” (a tool forr measuring grains and c ereals) and the t prison. co ontact@touriisme-landesdaarmagnac.fr www w.tourisme-landesdarmagn nac.fr DES SPIAU-WLER RICK MUSEUM 130kkm south o of Bordeauxx, in Mont-d de-Marsan, eexplore the only French museum exclusively dedicated to t figurrative Frenchh sculpture between 18 880 and 19550. Labelled the “Museu um of Francce”, the Desspiau Wléricck Musseum displayys its collections, with over o a millio n modern sculptures, s around the w work of two o artists from m Mon nt-de-Marsann, Charles Despiau and Robert R Wlér ick. musee.despiau..wlerick@mo ontdemarsan..fr www w.tourisme-m montdemarsan n.fr ECO OMUSÉE DE L’ARMAGNAC In th he heart of « bas Armagnnac » the Ch hâteau Garreeau has the pleasure p of in ntroducing yoou to an exccellent Brand dy : Armagnac. ch hateau.garreauu@wanadoo.fr www w.chateau-garrreau.fr DOM MAINE D'OG GNOAS The guided visitt begins by lo ooking at th he countrysidde, where th he Midou rivver, used to transport eaux-de-vie. e It then n continues in the old winery whe ere the olddest Gasconyy still (1804 4) has pridee of place. Here, led by b amb bassadors of choice, you are an hono oured guest and, introdu uced to the tasting sessiion (7 armaggnacs, Floc de d Gasccogne and, ffor food loveers, the famo ous Grands Millésimes chocolates), c you y will reallly get a feel for the spirrit of Armagnac. A do omaine.ognoaas@wanadoo o.fr www w.domaine-oggnoas.com LES VIGNERONSS LANDAIS TURSAN-CHA ALOSSE In th he bastide off Geaune, thhe Tursan-Ch halosse Landdes Wine pro oducers welcome you evvery Thursday from Aprril to September, bby appointmeent, for an informal show wcase of theirr area and th he culture off the south-w west. co ontact@vigneeronslandais.ccom www w.vigneronslaandais.com TOU URIST OFFICE OF GABAR RRET, SAINT-JUSTIN, LA ABASTIDE-D’A ARMAGNAC, VILLENEUV VE DE MARSA AN co ontact@landeesdarmagnac--tourisme.fr www w.tourisme-landesdarmagn nac.fr 43 L ANDES TOURIST T TIC SITES S MU UST-SEES S HOSSEGOR, ONE OF THE E BEST SURFING SPOT IN N FRANCE Hossegor H weelcomes every year, stagges of the wo orld champio onship of surfing. Arounnd the lake and in the disstrict of o the golf, w we can admire very beaautiful villas o of the beginning of the 20th centuryy, characteristics of the style basco-from b B Bearn. tourisme@ @hossegor.fr w www.hossego or.fr L’E L COMUSÉE E DE LA GRA ANDE LANDE E Get G on the ttrain in Sabrees to go back in time to the 19th cen ntury on the airial of Marrquèze. There, resin worker, miller, m cattlem man(sheep dog), d men and women wiill share with h you their universe. ecomusee-m marqueze@pparc-landes-de-gascogne.frr www.paarc-landes-de--gascogne.fr BOAT CRUISSE ON THE COURANT D’HUCHET In 2, 3 or 4 hhours, enjoyy a guided to our on a “gal upe” ( flat-b bottomed traaditional boaat) on the Co ourant d’Huchet, the t natural ccuriosity and the overflow w of the lakee of Léon to owards the ocean. o Togetther with a boatman, b expplore this t "Amazonia from thee Landes" particularly p rrich in faunaa (200 specie es of birds, otters, min nks, grey herons, cistudes c (torttoises) and quantity q of fishes) and in flora. w www.batelierss-courant-hucchet.fr LE MUSÉE DE E LA DAME DE D BRASSEMPOUY The T small villlage of Brasssempouy sittuated in th e Landes arrea, hosts an n archaeologgical site where the "Lad dy of Brassempouy B y " famous mammoth m ivory figurine,, carved for 25 000 yearrs, has been found. Today, Brassempouy presents p his story in a neew museum space s : The H ooded lady. House of ho musee.maissondame@waanadoo.fr htttp://prehisto oire-brassemp pouy.fr L ANDES ACC COMMO ODATION NS HÔTEL LES PRÈS D'E EUGÉNIE 5* 33 rooms - “Relais & Chateaux”; C 3 Michelin M stars restaurantt in Eugénie-Lees-Bains guerardd@relaischatteaux.com ww.micchelguerard.ccom HERVÉ E GARRA APIT 5* 8 rooms in Villeneuve-de-Marsaan Mrr Hervé GARRAPIT, direcctor hotelrestaura h oo.fr nthervegarraapit@wanado www.herve-g w arrapit.com HÔTEL LE RELAIS DE LA POSTE 4* 16 rooms including 4 suuites, “Relais & Châteaux, 2 Michelin sstars restaurannt, in Magescqq Mr Jean C COUSSAU, Director D coussauu@wanadoo.fr www.rrelaisposte.co om HÔTEL Ô RESTAURANT DES LACS D'HALCO 4* 19 rooms including 4 suites; “RRelais du Silennce”, in Haagetmau Mrr Jacques DEM MEN, directoor contact@hot c eldeslacsdhallco.fr www.hotelde w slacsdhalco.frr HÔTELLLERIE LA PET TITE COURO ONNE 3* 10 rooms , in Saint-Criicq-Chalosse Mr & Mrss VAN ES, directors info@lapetitecouro onne.fr www.laapetitecouronnne.fr INT TER - HÔTEL L LES THERM MES DE L'AVENUE V 3* 99 rooms , in Da ax Fréédéric PUYTH HORAC, direector frederic.puyth f horac@therm mes-avenue.com www.thermes w s-avenue.com m LA VILLA A MIRASOL 4* 4 7 rooms, 1 restaurant in Mont-de-Maarsan LE CHÂTEAU DE D BUROS 3** 22 rooms, in Escalans Mrr & Mrs DE WIT, W directorrs chateau.de.bu c uros@wanadooo.fr www.chateau w deburos.com m contactt@villamirasol.fr http://vvillamirasol.fr 44 THE T COA ASTLINE LE GRAND HÔTEL DE LA A PLAGE 4* 33 rooms Biscarrosse Mr Alexandrre MICHEL, director d contact@llegrandhoteld delaplage.fr www.legraandhoteldelapplage.fr HÔTE EL LES HORT TENSIAS DU L AC 4* 11 room ms, 6 suites, 8 duplex, « Chhâteau & Hôteel de Collectiion » Hosseggor Mr Pattrick BAYSSE ELIER, directoor receeption@horte ensias-du-lac..com www w.hortensias-du-lac.com HÔTEL LE PAVILLON BLEU L 4* 20 rooms inclluding 1 suite; “Tables et Auuberges de France” Hossegor Mrs Jenny LA ARTIZIEN, Manager M pavillon.bleeu@wanadoo o.fr www.pavillonbleu.fr HÔTE EL LES ÉCHASSES 4* 8 room ms - Golf & Surrf Eco Lodge Saubionn VILLA SEREN 4* HOTEL SPA HÔTE EL RESTAURA ANT LA CAR RAVELLE 3* 11 room ms Biscarrosse Mrs Nicole CHARL LOTTEAUX,, director lacarravelle.40@w wanadoo.fr www w.lacaravelle.ffr conttact@lesechaasses.fr www w.lesechassess.fr HÔTEL 202 - 3* 23 rooms - 2 suites Hossegor Mr Jérôme LLACROIX, director contact@hhotel202.fr www.hoteel202.f HYPE HÔTEL 3* 14 room ms Biscarrosse Mrs Lisa MARTINE EZ @hypehotel.ffr info@ www w.hypehotel.ffr BAYA HÔTE EL & SPA 3* * 75 rooms Capbreton Mrs Anne RA AVIER, directtor baya.directtion@gsante..fr www.bayahotel.com VILLA A DE L’ÉTANG G BLANC 3* 7 room ms Seignossse Mr & Mrs M SULPICE E, director conttact@villaetangblanc.fr www w.villaetangblaanc.fr APART'É - LES COTTAG GES DU LAC 3* 162 flats Parentis en Boorn curiot@lesscottagesdulaac.fr www.lesco ottagesdulac.ffr 45 L ANDES - A CCOMMODATIONS 27 rooms inclludin5 5 suitess Hossegor Lénaïg & Phillippe LAGASSE contact@vvillaseren.fr www.villa-seren.com CO OOKERY LESSONS L S AND CO OURSES LES L PRÉS D D’EUGÉNIE E RESTAURA ANT 3 MICH HELIN STARS S - MICHEL GUÉRARD G Hôtel H les Préés d’Eugéniee 5*, La Gran nde Maison, L’Impératricce, le Couve ent des Herbbes, Les Loggis des Grivees, La Maison M Rose. A unique intrroduction to o Eugénie’s th hree kinds o of cuisine: 3-SStar Michelin n, Slimming aand Earthy, all a studied ussing a compendium c m of appetisinng recipes wh hich will allow w you to explore all the secrets and tricks used by our chefss. Our O cookingg school’s magnificent lab boratory offfers a numbeer of week-llong session s of cookeryy lessons several times t a year. guerard@rrelaischateauxx.com w www.michelgu uerard.com L ANDES C OOKERY L ESSONS AND COURSES RELAIS R DE LA POSTE E Hôtel H Le Relais de la Posste 4* RESTAURANT 2 MICHELIN I STA ARS - JEAN COUSSAU C Jean COUSSSAU is keen to share with w you his long experience and lo ove of cuisinne. He is de elighted to invite enthusiasts e aand seasoneed cooks aliike to join him in the kitchens of Le Relais de la Poste e for a frieendly, entertaining e ccookery classs. Immerse youurself in our gourmet re estaurant’s kkitchens for just j a few ho ours, slip onn your chef’ss hat and lett our Chef C show yo ou the tools of his trade. coussau@w wanadoo.fr w www.relaisposte.com LES L CLEFS D'ARGENT T RESTAURAN NT 1 MICHELIN STAR - CH HRISTOPHE DUPOUY Learn L hwo to o cook new recipes with h chef Christtophe Dupou uy. From 9:15 am, you w will go to the market withh the chef c to choose the ingred dients for the menu. Dreessed with an n apron, you u will help thee cook and his h team. lesclefsdarggent@orangee.fr w www.clefs-darrgent.com 46 L LOTET-G GARO ONN NE It is in the Lot eet Garonne area a that you will admiree vestiges off the past : roman r chrucches, medieval villages likke Eym met, Damazann, Villeneuvee-sur-Lot, Viaanne, Monflaanquin... You u can also en njoy a houseeboat cruise either on thhe Lot and Baise rivvers or the Canal C de Garronne. LOT T-ET-GARON NNE TOURIST T BOARD actour47@touurisme-lotetgaaronne.com www w.tourisme-lo otetgaronne.com CHA ATEAU DE BO ONAGUIL To the t north-eaast of Fumel,, at the crosssroads betw ween the Ageenais, Périgo ord and Queercy areas, Bonaguil B is thhe arch hetype of thee medieval Frrench fortress. Built betw ween 1480 and a 1520, it boasts no few ewer than thirteen towerrs and turrets alongside its dunngeon shelterring vast hall s, tunnels an nd undergrou und chamberrs. ch hateau.bonaguuil@tsf47.nett www w.chateau-bon naguil.com NÉR RAC & THE C CASTLE OF HENRI IV Nérrac stretchess along the Baïse B Valley, a charming, small navigab ble river. Built on the lannd of a Gallo o-Roman villaa, the town prosppered in the Middle Age es and the R Renaissance., Henry IV forged his rreputation ass the “Greeen Gallant”, leavingg the legend of Fleurette e, the gardenner’s daughter who drow wned in thee waters of the t Baïse of a brokken heart. A visit to Néracc is based arround its river, the Baïsee. From the esplanade of o Saint Nicoolas church, Pont-Neuf or o the view from PPetit Nérac, a suburb of the town, thhe Vieux Pon nt and old taanneries whiich are now an art gallerry and restaurants. A little higher, only one e wing of Hennry IV’s châtteau remains, which housses a museum m. accueil@albrett-tourisme.co om www w.albret-tourisme.com 47 L OT - ET -G ARONNE - G ASCONY TOURIST T TIC SITES S MONFLANQU UIN CLASSIFIED AS “MOST T BEAUTIFUL L VILLAGE OF F FRANCE” About A fifteen kilometres north of Lot Valley, the bastidee of Monflan nquin stand out, perche ed high abo ove a laandscape of round hills and a orchard groves. Thee checkerboaard layout off this village, listed as one e of the pretttiest in France, forms a beauttiful oval, corrresponding to the boun ndary of the hill. Its pedeestrian stree ets and alleyss are very v interestting: Half-tim mbered or flo orid stone faccades, buildings with chaaracter like tthe house of the Prince Noir, N many m small aaccess passagges between houses, cenntral square bordered byy arcades andd Saint Andrré church. Come C in the summeer for the Medieval Dayss’ costumed ffestivities for an even mo ore memoraable souvenirr. L OT - ET -G ARONNE G ASCONY -T OURISTIC S ITES contact@co oeurdebastid des.com w www.coeurdeebastides.com m AGEN FINE ARTS MUSEU UM Established E inn 1876, Agenn Museum of Fine Art is one of the best b in the South-West. Located in the t historic heart h of o Agen in fo our private mansions m from the Renai ssance perio od, it displayss a collectionn of paintinggs and sculpttures, from the Miiddle Ages to furniture f andd European earthenware e o the 19th ce entury. musee@ageen.fr w www.agen.fr/m musee VILLASCOPIA A Built B 1600 yeears ago in Castelculier, C a few kilomeetres from Agen, A Lamarq que Gallo-Rooman villa waas re-born under u the t name Villascopia. This scenovission show ccombines theatre and cinema technniques to taake you bacck to Aquitaine A fro om the 4th century: c Put on your pollarised glassees to see the e images in 33D and enjoy the show, with 5+1 5 surroundd sound and poetic staging, of the Gaallo-Roman life of Paulin de Pella.Eacch summer, you y can takee part Roman banq in the Nightss at Villascoppia, a sumptuous Gallo-R quet followed d by scenovvision and a torchlight t guuided tour t of the ruins of the old o villa. info@villasccopia.com w www.villascop pia.com GENS DE GA ARONNE Experience E tthis new sceenovision an nd discover how the inh habitants of the fisherm men village of o Couthuress sur Garonne G useed to live annd still live with w the Garronne river during d the fllows. The sttory takes place in the fifties f (English). ( gensdegaro onne@valdegaaronne.com w www.gensdegaronne.com VISIIT WINE CHATEA AUX AND D VINEYA ARDS DU URAS, MAR RMANDE, BUZET B DURAS D WINE E HOUSE - UNION INTER RPROFESSION NNELLE DES VINS DES CÔTES DE DU URAS In Duras (Cô ôtes de Duraas AOC win nes), the Durras Wine ho ouse gives yo ou the tools to discoverr, understand d and visit v the vineeyard: advicee on routes, a permanennt exhibition,, bilingual oe enology courrses in summ mer, walks inn the “vineyard “ garrden”, tasting sessions fo or one of th e 160 types of red, rosé é, dry white and dessert wines offereed in the t shop. contact@co otesdeduras.com w www.cotesdeduras.com BRULHOIS W WINE CELLAR R Very V near Aggen, stop at Brulhois win ne cellar to fiind local speecialities such h as Agen pruunes, honeyss and chocollates, not n forgetting Armagnac and Côtes du d Brulhois w wines, one of o the smallesst appellationns in the sou uth-west. Tryy the famous f “noirr” wine or the “doux grain g d’amouur” wine and, every Satturday, havee a chat with the local wine growers. g accueil@viggneronsdubruulhois.com w www.vigneron nsdubrulhois.com BUZET WINE EGROWERS Anchored A to o the hill slopes s above e the Riverr Baïse, halffway betwee en Bordeauxx and Toulouse, the Buzet B appellation a co overs about 2000 hectarres not far frrom the Garo onne. tourisme@ @vignerons-buuzet.fr w www.vigneron ns-buzet.fr BERTICOT W WINE CELLAR R Bio B wines touurs (Wednessdays) contact@berticot.com w www.berticott.com 48 RELAIS ET CHÂTEAUX MICHEL TRA AMA 5* 10 rooms inclluding 1 suite, “Relais et Châteaux”, 2 Michelin starss restaurant. Puymirol, 60 kkms from Ageen. Mr Michel TRAMA, direcctor m trama@auubergade.com www.aubeergade.com LE MOULIN O DE MADAME A 4* 30 room ms Villeneuuve-sur-Lot, 30 0 kms from Aggen. Mr Loïïc DUCLOUX X, manager reservation@lem moulindemadaame.fr www w.lemoulindemadame.fr CHÂTEAU D DE LASSALLE E 4* 17 rooms Laplume, 50 kkms from Ageen. Mrs Colette CHEVALIER R, director e.com colette.cheevalier@chatteaudelassalle www.chateeaudelassalle..com HOST TELLERIE DES S DUCS 3* 20 room ms Duras, 90 kms from Agen. Mr Jeaan-François BLANCHET, ddirector hosttellerie.des.du ucs@wanadooo.fr www w.hostelleried ducs-duras.coom HÔTEL HEN NRI IV 3* 11 rooms Nérac, 25 km ms from Agen. Mr Julien PA AUL, director reception@ @hotelhenriIV.fr www.hoteelhenriIV.fr HÔTE EL-RESTAURA ANT DU PRIN NCE NOIR 3* 19 room ms Sérignaac-Sur-Garonne, 12 kms from m Agen. Mrs & Mr DUVERN NEUIL, directtors conttact@le-princce-noir.com www w.le-prince-no oir.com LES BASTID DES DU GOLF F D'ALBRET 3* 52 apartmentts Barbaste, 32 kms from Ageen. Mr Alain MEY YER, director contact@bbastides-albreet.fr w www.bastides-albret.fr COOKER C RY LESSO ONS AND COURSE ES 2 MICHELIN ST STARS RESTA AURANT From m Decemberr to March, the t worksho op offers custtomised coo oking classes. RELA AIS ET CHÂT TEAUX MICH HEL TRAMA Theyy are held inn an area sett aside in a resolutely co ontemporaryy room, nex xt to the kitcchens lorded d over by thhe supeerbe La Cornnue oven, deesigned for Michel M Tramaa The students theemselves - 5 to 6 in a claass - decide w what they waant to learn. traama@auberggade.com www w.aubergade.ccom LE CLOS C DU MURIER S YLVIE PRA AGOUT 15 minutes m from m Villeneuve-sur-Lot, in the region o of the medieeval fortified towns (basttides), Le Cllos du Murieer has been restoreed out of thee ruins of an n old "mansio on" dating fro om the 18th century. Youur hostess Sylvie S Pragouut, a fo ormer cookeer and passiionate about cooking ccan organizee on requestt, off seasonn, cooking classes like a “macarons” worrkshop (A macaron is a little biscuit cconfected wiith a sweet meringue-bas m se and filled with ganachee, butttercream or jam filling) inn French, Engglish or Spannish. - Max 6 people sylviepragout@ @aol.com www w.france-cookkery-course.ccom www w.leclosdumurier.fr 49 L OT - ET -G ARONNE - A CCOMMODATIONS - C OOKERING L ESSONS AND C OURSES ACCOMM A MODATIO ONS INC COMIING AGE ENCI ES The T exhaustiive list is available on : htttp://pro.tourrisme-aquitaine.fr DO ORDO GNE FRANCE’S IM MPRESSIONS contact@vo oyages-francee-impression.com w www.voyages--france-impre essions.com Tailor-made T tours for gro oups (6 to 25/30 pax) annd FIT IM0 024100018 Languages L sppoken: GB; NL N Périgord, P thee land of greeat riches: art, history, pprehistory, architecture, a gastronomyy, exception nal sites (Fonnt de Gaume, G Lasccaux caves, castles of Biron, Bourdeeilles, Brantôme), and of o course thhe famous fo ortified townns of Monpazier M and Beaumonnt or the “T Towns of Arrt and Histo ory” such as Sarlat and Périgueux. Gastronomy G y and wine: w duck annd goose farrms, tastings of Monbazilllac and Pécharmant. I NCOMING A GENCIES Tours T in Aquitaine combbining cooke ery lessons, tasting of lo ocal produce e, visits to w wine cellars, and discovery of major m sites, including meeting local pe eople. MYPERIGORD.TRAVEL joel.rivier@ @myperigord..travel Tailor-made T tours for gro oups (8 to 50 pax) IM0 024130007 w www.myperiggord.travel Languages L sppoken: GB; NL N MyPerigord.t M travel : Yourr local touristt guide! MyPerigord.t M travel is a DMC D specialisses in groupp excursions, taking you season by sseason throu ugh Perigord d and itt's neighbouring counties' incredible cultural, hisstorical, natu ural and hum man wealth. G Go on a jou urney to disccover the t ancient hhistoric sites this large co ounty is so w well known fo or. PÉRIGORD WELCOME info@periggord-welcomee.com Tailor-made T tours for gro oups and FIT T IM0 024100002 w www.perigord d-welcome.co om Languages L sppoken: GB; SP; D; I; RU Tour T designeer in the grreat south-w west for indi viduals and groups, "Périgord Welccome" puts together to ourist packages p andd tours with cultural, spo orting and gaastronomic themes, t tailo ored packagees to ensure an unforgetttable holiday. h The agency prom motes eco-frriendly servicce providerss, charming, authentic hootels and traaditional gourmet restaurants. r Themed T packkages for gro oups include one on the origins of hu umankind, sh howcasing icoonic prehisto oric sites loccated along a the Vézzère Valley (often ( referrred to as the "Valley of Humankind" H and a listed as a UNESCO O World Herritage site), s as well as the famous châteaux overlookingg the Dordoggne valley, with w some grreat French cuisine c throw wn in for f good meaasure. 50 G IR ROND DE 3B VOYAGES pieerre@3bvoyaages.fr Tailo or-made touurs for groupps IM 033100069 www w.3bvoyages.ffr Langguages spokeen : GB ; SP Leisure tourism,, business to ourism and bespoke b dea ls. Discoveryy of the terrritory thankss to off-the beaten trackks winee tours. 33T TOUR co ontact@33tour.fr Langguages spokeen : GB IM033100027 www w.33tour.fr 33Tour Bordeauux & Châteauux est une aggence récepttive spécialissée sur Bordeaux et sa réégion. ble bordelaiss, 33Tour voous propose e des circuitts Déggustations dee Grands Crus, visite & découvertee du vignob perssonnalisés à SSt Emilion, Margaux, M Pauillac et vous ouvre les po ortes des plu us prestigieuxx Châteaux. IM033130011 www w.aquitainetou urisme.net Langguages spokeen: GB, DE,SSP DMC C in the Souuth West off France, Aq quitaine Tourrisme suggessts you perssonalized tripps and week kends : Winee, Gasttronomy, C Culture, Sporrt, Indusrty ... in orderr to satisfy the require ement of eaach customer. Aquitainne Tourisme also o organizes Congresses and d Seminars eeverywhere in France. Its enthusiasticc and efficien nt team with a y experiennce in tourissm will do evverything to m t successfu ul. 20 year make your trip BER RNARD MAG GREZ LUXU URY WINE EXPERIENC CE conttact@luxuryywinetourism me.fr IM03310001 I 16 www.luxuryywinetourism m.fr/ Tailo or-made touurs for groupps of 2 to 10 people and FIT Langguages spokeen: GB, Chinnese, Russian Ourr incoming aggency organize Tailor Made M Luxury Wine Tourrs in Bordeau ux region. T Those Very Exclusive E Staay and Unique Bordeaux Winne Experiencce take placce in top Chateaux C in Bordeaux w where you can boast of o acco ommodation in the veryy old Chate eau, gastrono omic dinnerr in private dining room m, chauffeurr driven Rolls Royce…. BOR RDEAUX EXE ECUTIVE TRA AVEL inffo@bxtl.fr www w.bordeaux-executive-travvel.com High h-end tailor m made tours for f groups and FIT IM033120007 Langguages spokeen: GB; “Borrdeaux Execcutive Travell” aims to se erve demandding customeers with tailo or-made luxuury sojourns. To this end d, the team t of travvel designers has the ability to createe dedicated programs p forr the guests w while accom mpanying them m all along their vissit. The team m has acute profiles p withh no less than n 5-year pracctice in manaaging high-en nd services to t the travelling t customer. Theey attach greaat importancce to fulfill th he client’s ex xpectations, aand even surprise him, by b usingg their uniquue contacts to t offer a priivileged acceess to some of o the well-k kept secrets oof the region n. 51 I NCOMING A GENCIES AQU UITAINE TOU URISME au ude.aquitainettourisme@orrange.fr Tailo or-made touurs for groupps BORDEAUX EXCELLENC CE - WINE TOUR O IN FRAN NCE mmarchandd@see-travell.com w www.bordeau uxexcellence.com Tailor-made T tours for gro oups (from 2 pax min) annd FIT IM0 033110010 www.vitivinitour.com Languages L sppoken: GB; SP, D Our O DMC expertisee for mo ore than 20 years in the French SSouth Wesst region (La Rochelle/Cog R gnac/Bordeaux/Dordogn ne/Pays Basquue) on the fo ollowing : ovide a la caarte services to upscale sspecialists. MICE, M we pro Wine disccoveries Leisure paackages them med on Frencch art de Vivvre: culture & world heriitage, gastronnomy, well being b & naturre Tailor-maade & exclusive high end programs fo or VIP. uise ship com mpanies callin ng in the porrt of Bordeauux. Shore exccursion programs for cru Semi privaate tours witth bilingual driver/guide d ((English or German) G to the t Bordeauxx vineyards and a private tours t in Bordeaux area, Dorrdogne & Baasque countrry. BORDEAUX X SAVEURS VOYAGES contact@bo c rdeauxsaveuurs.com IM0 033110005 www.bo rdeauxsaveu urs.com Tailor-made T tours for gro oups (2 pax min) I NCOMING A GENCIES Languages L sppoken: GB ; NL N ; D; SP Customised C tthemed holidays – wine,, gastronomyy, culture and sport.. Accommodatioon in 3, 4 and d 5-star hoteels in urban u areas o or wine regio ons and in gu uest houses. BORDOVINO contact@bo c rdovino.com m IM0 033100028 www w.bordovino..com Tailor-made T tours for gro oups, 2 to 50 00 people annd FIT. Languages L sppoken: GB Bordovino B iss a DMC prroviding wine tours in tthe 3 main wine w regionss of Bordeauux : Medoc,, Saint-Emilio on & Graves G but aalso the disco overy of the Arcachon’s Bay ! From F pre-schheduled tourrs (small groups) to tailo r-made tripss (2 to 500 people) p EVAZIO w www.evazio.com contact@evvazio.com Tailor-made T tours for gro oups, 10 to 100 people aand FIT. IM0 033110001 Languages L sppoken: GB; SP Incoming ageency based in i Bordeaux x, specialisedd in the orgaanisation of weekends aand stays for individualss and groups: g itinerrant weekennds and breaaks, off the bbeaten track,, in the hearrt of nature, active, sporrtive and culttural. Not-to-be-m N missed breakss and weeke ends on the theme of oenology o and d/or local gaastronomy. Lots L of ideas for visiting v the ssouth west of o France diifferently. Evvazio "Entrep prise" Deparrtment will also help yo ou organise your business b tourrism project,, seminars an nd incentive trips. OPHORUS chris@ophorus.com Tailor T made tours for gro oups IM0 031130002 w www.ophoruss.com Languages L sppoken: GB, D This T incominng travel agenncy and tran nsportation pprovider is specialized s in n organizing ssmall group semi-privatee and private p excursions and tours t departing from Bo ordeaux. Thee English drivver guides w will introduce e their clients to Bordeaux, B thhe Basque co ountry, the Dordogne. D T Their theme tours t include e food and ggastronomy, prehistory, wine tours, t culturaal tours, religgious tours… … 52 P YRÉN NÉES A TLA ANTIQ QUES BIAR RRITZ FOR EVENTS co ontact@biarrritz-for-eventss.com www w.biarritz-for--events.com Tailo or-made touurs for groupps from 6 to 800 people, and FIT. IM064100001 Langguages spokeen: GB; D; SP P Business tourism m in South West W France e (4x4 cars, rallies, cultu ural eveningss and celebrrations, prestige eveninggs: f groups of o 20 to 800 people. Orgganised them med tours (vvineyards, hu unting, Basquue wineeries, châteaaux, casino) for ruraal sports, smuugglers, painting…). Man nagement connsultancy and convention n set-up in BBiarritz and Pau. P Indivvidual themeed products (cookery, wine, w cyclingg, events) in n guest housses or charm ming hotels, coach tourrs. Tourist tours, exxcursions annd holidays fo or groups off 20 to 100 people. p dding planning. NEW: Ecology E coastal walk – B Basque gamees and tradittional games – culture & gastronom my Wed tourr. PAS SSION CÔTE BASQUE INT TERNATIONAL inffo@passion-ccote-basque.ccomm www w.passion-cote-basque.com m Tailo or-made touurs for groupps, 8 to 2 000 0 people, andd FIT. IM064110035 Langguages spokeen: GB; SP; I;; RU; EUS TER RRES BASQUES cn neumann@terresbasques.ccom www w.terresbasqu ues.com Tailo or-made touurs for groupps (8 to 3500 0 people) IM064120003 Langguages spokeen: GB; D; SP P For over 18 yeaars, we creatte projects in n the Basquee Country, both b in Francce and Spainn, that deals with businesss tourrism in all its forms: incenntive trips, executive com mmittees, prod duct launchees, seminars, conventionss, conferencees, etc ... PCO O Terres de Congrès haas built its naame by mannaging and orrganising Co ongresses sinnce 2000, ou ur own onlinne interractive platfo orm for the managemen nt of registraation, and accommodatiion personallised in the colors of thhe even nt. TOU URISME BASQ QUE to ourismebasque@wanadoo o.fr www w.tourisme-baasque.com Tailo or-made touurs for groupps from 10 pe eople, and FIIT. IM064100004 Langguages spokeen: GB; SP Always aiming ffor excellennce thanks to t the tech nical team with w their great g passioon for the job. Constannt e concerned.. Participatio on in each event. availlability. Adapptability where prices are - “T Tourisme Bassque Business”: incentive trips incluuding a rally of Labourd (Basque couuntry), piratte trail, wateer challenge and Baasque games.. ds to Santiago o de Compo ostela, Basque villages, wiine and food tours. - “Tourisme Bassque Incominng”: the road 53 I NCOMING A GENCIES Desttination mannagement co ompany operrating from Biarritz to San S Sebastian n, Pamplona and Bilbao.. Owner of a 4WD TOYOTA A LAND CRU UISER fleet for f meetings or incentivee and adventure tailor maade trips. E NTS A EVEN AND D FES STIVA ALS WIN NE EV VENTS 9 TH APRIL 20 016 MARAT THON DE BO ORDEAUX MÉTROPOLE For F its seconnd edition, thhe Marathon of Bordeauxx Métropolee looks forwaard to meet all running lovers on 9 April, A 2016, 2 whetheer they are competitors or simply aamateurs, seaarching for pleasure p andd well-being. The race co ourse will w take thee runners ovver the heartt of the UN NESCO world heritage site Bordeauxx-Port de laa Lune. Theyy will then t cross seeveral neighbbouring cities and some wineries. Ovver and abovve the persoonal challengge and the unnique sensations s prrovided by a night race, participantss will also taake advantage of the spleendour of th he city lightss and exceptional e hhistoric sites. A huge opp portunity to have access to the city's rich heritagge w www.maratho ondebordeaux xmetropole.ccom 4TH - 5TH JUN NE 2016 WEEKEN ND DES GRA ANDS CRUS Unique U oppo ortunity to taaste in one place p a hundrred of great wines, the “w weekend of the Grands Crus” offerss you the t opportunnity to particcipate in gala dinners, to visit propertties and to play a round oof golf. contact@uggcb.net E VENTS AND F ESTIVALS w www.ugcb.nett 23 2 -26 JU UNE 2016 The T world’s largest wine tourism attrraction RD BORD DEAUX WINE E FESTIVAL TH On O the quayyside, listed as a UNESCO O World Herritage, anyon ne with an interest in w wine, gastron nomy and culture can c take partt in the Bord deaux Wine Festival. It's an opportun nity to discover the beauutiful archite ecture of thee city, the t surroundding vineyard ds and the many m assets o of a unique region. r This 10th edition will be paying tribute to o the Great G Wine Capitals, as well w as Hongg Kong, Queebec and Bru ussels. On O the agendda: an outdo oor wine rou ute to discovver, taste and d share, walk ks through thhe vineyards to visit the most beautiful b châtteaux in the world, art exhibitions, e cconcerts, a giiant sound an nd vision shoow and firew works! otb@bordeeaux-tourism me.com w www.bordeau ux-fete-le-vin..com 14 1 TH AUGUST T 2016 24TH EDITIION OF THE DURAS WIN NE GROWERS S FESTIVAL During D the FFestival of thhe winegrow wers of Duraas, enjoy walks in the vin neyards, meeetings with winegrowers w s and musical m proggramme. Mo ore than 150 0 references of wine aree offered to o be tasted. Duras wine egrowers Fesstival brings b togethher each yearr more than 5,000 peoplle. contact@paysdeduras.com w www.cotesdeduras.com 32ND EDITION OF TH 10 1 SEPTEM MBER 2016 HE MÉDOC MARATHON Rated R by thee Americans as one of th he top 10 maarathons in the t world, the Médoc m marathon is certainly c the best for f conviviality and atmosphere. Runners go thro ough the villaages and pastt the châteauux with a fan nfare, at leastt half the t competittors are in fancy f dress, and the winne/sport tessts and the "millipede" " eevening mob bilise all the local inhabitants, aamong otherrs (enrolments in Januaryy). TH infos@marathondumedo oc.com w www.maratho ondumedoc.com 17 1 TH SEPTEM MBER 2016 THE BAN OF THE E HARVEST OF O THE JURA ADE OF SAIN NT EMILION Last L stage in the life of the vineyard: the future hharvest. Thee Jurade procclaimed officcially the begginning of harvest time. t st-emilion.ttourisme@waanadoo.fr w www.saint-em milion-tourism me.com 54 CELEBRA 29THH - 30TH OCTO OBER 2016 ATE THE SPIIRIT OF ARMAGNAC At the t start of tthe stills in Gascony, G the e medieval vvillage of Basstide d'Armaagnac revealss on the Placce Royale thhe worrld of distillaation, its sm mells, its colours, its tasste... the maarket where e you will bbe able to buy b and tastte Arm magnac branddy, will allow w you to appreciate this unique brandy. Cooking demonstrattions of cheffs help you to t undeerstand how w to match wine w and foo od. The neigghboring villaages offer alsso festive w weekends unttil December. Man ny stays combbining art dee vivre and gaastronomy aare offered by winegrowe ers and by B& B&B accommodations. www w.tourisme-landesdarmagn nac.fr 11 - 12 DECEMB BER 2016 OP PEN CELLAR RS ON THE RO OAD OF THE E JURANÇON N WINES Enjo oy a wine tasting and visitt of a one off the 45 propperties alongg the Jurançon Wine Rouute.. co ontact@vins-jjurancon.fr www w.vins-juranco on.fr O THER R EVE ENTS S 13THH TO 14TH MA AY 2016 OLD D CAR RACE IN PAU The Pau Grand Prix is one of the trulyy great moto orsport even nts. The mosst famous drrivers have come c here to t milton... The e Historic G Grand Prix continues c thhe racee: Fangio, Stirling Moss, Jim Clark, Graham Hil l, Lewis Ham legend for a w weekend with fantastic races throu ghout the day d and an exceptionall display of hundreds of o colleectors’ cars iin Parc Beauumont. 4TH TO T 9TH OF JU ULY 2016 FLAM MENCO ART FESTIVAL - MONT DE MARSAN Thiss festival rem minds us just how close South-Weste S ern France is to Spain. Music M and daancing in the e purest gypssy stylee. http://arrteflamenco.landes.org 25THH TO 30TH JULY 2016 “MIMOS S” MIME FEST TIVAL - PÉRIIGUEUX Creaated in tribuute to Marccel Marceau (who lived in the Dordogne in hiss youth), thee Mimos fesstival aims to t “mo odernise” thee image of mime m by presenting innnovative form ms of this arrt, with a sttyle somewh here betweeen nonvverbal theatrre, contempo orary dance,, plastic arts and nouveau u circus… Onee of the two o biggest mim me festivals in Europe (aalong with Lo ondon), it is the only onne of its kind d in France. It takees place in thhe town of Périgueux P an nd most of tthe shows arre outdoors – in the tow wn’s streetss, squares annd parkks. miimos@periguueux.fr www w.mimos.fr 26THH - 28TH AUGUST 2016 THE GRAND PRU UNE SHOW - AGEN The world-reno owned Agenn prune is the star off the event. Producers' market, cconcerts, paarade, tastingg, exhiibitions…" cu ulture@agen.ffr www w.grandpruneaushow.fr 9TH - 18TH SEPTE EMBER 2016 LE TEMPS D 'AIMER - BIARRITZ I Festtival dedicateed to the classical c and contemporrary dance. This festivall is today tthe meeting place of thhe chorreographic ccreation. biaarritz-culturee@wanadoo.ffr http:///letempsdaim mer.com QUIKSIL 4 TO T 15 OCT TOBER 2016 LVER PRO FR RANCE - HOS SSEGOR The famous seasside resort of o Hossegor, in the southh of the Land des area, is the t place to be to admirre well know wn f the Quikksilver Pro su urf Competittion. surfeers coming ffrom all overr the world, for TH TH to ourisme@hosssegor.fr www w.hossegor.fr 55 E VENTS AND F ESTIVALS Com me and see tthis unique motor racing spectacle on the circu uit through the t mythicall town of Paau, feast youur eyess on the legeendary cars and a enjoy yo ourself in onee of the niceest towns in south-west France, at th he foot of thhe Pyreenees. ww.grandprixdepau.fr/hiistorique 56 57 58 59 60