MBEYA UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY P.O. Box 131, Mbeya, Tanzania. Telephone: 2503016/7 or 2502861. Fax: +2552522502302 E-mail: vc@mist.ac.tz mist@mist.ac.tz Website: www.mist.ac.tz November 3, 14 LATE APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION INTO VARIOUS DIPLOMA PROGRAMMES FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014/2015 (FOR DIRECT ENTRY CATEGORY ONLY) The Vice-Chancellor of Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) invites suitably qualified Tanzanian and Non Tanzanian candidates for admission into various courses for the academic year 2014/2015. 1. DIRECT ENTRY FOR ORDINARY DIPLOMA (a) Ordinary Diploma Programmes In:(i) Architecture (ii) Civil Engineering (iii) Mining Engineering (iv) Computer Engineering (v) Electrical Engineering (vi) Telecommunication Engineering (vii) Mechanical Engineering (viii) Mechatronics Engineering (ix) Food science and Technology (x) Laboratory Science and Technology (xi) Business Administration (b) Course Duration: 3 Academic years. 2. ENTRY QUALIFICATIONS For Engineering and Technology applicants; Possession of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a minimum average pass of C grade in Mathematics, Physics / Engineering Science and Chemistry. For candidates applying for Laboratory Science and Technology and Food Science and Technology possession of Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a minimum average pass of C grade in Physics / Engineering Science/ Mathematics, Biology and Chemistry. -1- For candidates applying for Ordinary Diploma in Business Administration, Possession of Certificate of Secondary Education (CSEE) with a minimum pass of D grade in at least five subjects Holder of certificate of secondary education (CSEE) with a minimum of D grade in five subjects, two of which must be Mathematics and Physics/ Engineering Science, with possession of TRADE TEST GRADE I / NVA LEVEL III issued by VETA. 3. SPONSORSHIP MODE Applicants will be required to arrange for their own private Sponsorship 4. DELIVERY MODE (i) Full Time Program (ii) Evening Program 5. MODE OF APPLICATION a) Application forms can be obtained from the office of the Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS), Mbeya University of Science and Technology or can be downloaded from the website: www.mist.ac.tz b) Application forms should be returned accompanied with a non-refundable application fee of Tshs. 20,000/= payable to: The Vice-Chancellor, Mbeya University of Science and Technology through Account Number: 61001100022, NMB –Mbalizi Road Branch, Mbeya 6. WARNING It is an offence to submit false information or forged certificates. Any applicant who will be discovered to have submitted such information will not be considered and appropriate legal action may be taken. 7. ENQUIRIES AND ADDRESS. Applications and all enquiries should be addressed to: Vice-Chancellor, Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST), P. O. Box 131, Mbeya, Tanzania. Tel: +255 (0)25 2503451/ 2502861/2503016/7 Fax: +255 (0)25 2502302 Email: principal@mist.ac.tz or mist@mist.ac.tz or vc@mist.ac.tz Website: www.mist.ac.tz 8. CLOSING DATE The closing date for receiving Application Forms is 12nd November, 2014 for Direct Entry Applicants Only -2-