The Chamberlain View November 2014 In our Thoughts and Prayers
The Chamberlain View November 2014 In our Thoughts and Prayers
The Chamberlain View United Church of Christ Chamberlain, South Dakota November 2014 INSIDE THIS ISSUE In our Thoughts and Prayers Pastor’s Column Church news Church Leadership Announcement’s & thank you’s Birthdays and Anniversaries ~Ellis Carr ~Diane Philen ~Gail Danhour ~Gabby Lynch ~The family & friends of Rick Schochenmaier ~Jean Cozine ~Lois Hrabe ~Gunner Olesen ~Suzy Homan ~Rev. Don Stoebner ~The family & friends of Virginia Hobson trustee report & bill list Calendar & Board notes Reminder...the “Birthdays of the month” are honored at the pot luck dinners on the 3rd Sunday every month. You are always Welcome to join! CONTACT YOUR CHURCH P.O. Box 238 107 N. Merrill Street Chamberlain, SD 57325 (605) 234-5202 Fax (605) 234-5212 Parsonage: (605) 234-4004 November Suggested Scripture Nov. 2nd~ Josh 3:7-17, Ps 43, 1 Thess 2:9-13, Matt 23:1-12 Nov. 9th~ Ps 78:1-7, Amos 5:18-24, Ps 70, 1 Thess 4:13-18, Matt 25:1-13 Nov. 16th~ Judg 4:1-7, Ps 123, Zeph 1:7, 12-18, 1 Thess 5:1-11, Matt 25: 14-30 Nov. 23rd~ Ps 100, Ps 95:1-7a, Eph 1:15-23, Matt 25:31-46 Nov. 30th~ Isa 64:1-9, Ps 80:1-7, 17-19, 1 Cor 1:3-9, Mark 13:24-37 The choir is taking donations to put towards a video system for the sanctuary. This would allow words, music etc. to be projected on a screen to read. If you would like to donate money towards this you may make note on the check memo “video screen.” If you have questions about this this you may talk to a choir member! Thanks! : Times and Seasons with Pastor Jim November, 2014 Greetings! I guess I’m not quite as bad as some of the big department stores, but it is not quite Hallowe’en and I am already writing about Thanksgiving! Still, I think the idea of thanksgiving, like the Spirit of Christmas, is one which we ought to hold in our hearts the whole year through. It is certainly with a spirit of thanksgiving that I write this message. I am thankful, and am feeling very blessed, to be beginning my third year as your pastor. I am grateful for all the cards and pictures and “thank yous” and flowers that you have given us for Pastor Appreciation month. I am grateful for all the love and support you have shown to Liza and I since we arrived in October 2012. I thank God for those serendipitous events that led us here to you. I hope we have been as much a blessing to you as you have been to us. As I said in the sermon last Sunday, this is the time of year when I typically look back at the past year and begin to make preparations for the coming year. Soon we will begin all the planning and preparation for Advent and Christmas. Of course, Advent is the beginning of the year on the Christian calendar. So before we begin the New Year, I would like to ask you to look back and think about what you are thankful for as a member of this congregation. One of the reasons I am thankful is that this is a very generous congregation. Not only have you followed through on the pledges you made last year, but you have contributed over and above that for such special things as the new stained glass windows which are a blessing for us each time we come to worship. You show your generosity in other ways as well – supporting the work of Champions House, the Rancher Relief Fund, the diaconate fund, which allows us to give to stranded travelers and others who are in need. We are a “Five For Five” congregation, which means that our church supports the wider church through our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing, The Christmas Fund, Neighbors in Need, Strengthen the Church, and Our Church’s Wider Mission, all the United Church of Christ annual offerings. The opportunity to gather together to worship in such a generous community is a tremendous blessing. We are also wonderfully blessed by the many children who are part of our Sunday School program, and who are a joyful sign of a vibrant and active church. What are some other ways that you are grateful for as a member of this congregation? Many of us express our gratitude through annual giving, and I would encourage you to make a pledge on Stewardship Sunday, November 9th. Pledging makes it possible for the church to make plans based on expected giving. Another way we can express our gratitude is by serving the church on a board or committee. You may receive a call from the Nominating committee asking if you will serve. I hope you will consider saying “yes” to them. I pray that you will find much that you are thankful for this season. Grace and peace, Pastor Jim Helping in November NOVEMBER PASTORAL ACTS The funeral of Patty Ann Peterson was held in the Reliance Methodist Church on Oct. 2nd, 2014. The funeral for Virginia Hobson was held on Mon. Oct. 13th, 2014. The baptism of Bo Tobin Pearson was held on Oct. 19th. Coffee Fellowship The Hannah circle Ushers Sandi Knippling, Louie Bergner, Desi Thompson & Roy Swanson Chancel Arrangements Cheryl Augspurger & Karol Jo Hendrickson There are a lot of bowls, pans, lids and containers in the fellowship hallway...please check to see if any are yours. Thank you! UCC at Chamberlain Church Staff and Leadership: Jim Oleson, Pastor Lynn Miller, Secretary Val Moore, Treasurer Cheri Williamson, Diaconate Merrill Karlen, Trustee Sheryl Larson, Moderator Janeen Story, M.S. youth group Just a reminder from the church office… When you charge an item at a store for the church please, please sign your name and group. Example: John Doe, Jr. Deacon You also need to turn in a receipt. This is for church records and to know where the amount is to come from. I appreciate you help in this matter. Lynn Karol Jo Hendrickson, Choir Director Jane Cameron, Organist Kim Phillips, Religious Education Mildred Reniker, Memorial Committee Doug Johnson, Pastoral Relations Lynn Miller, Missions Committee Patty Juhnke, H.S. youth group ATTENDENCE REPORT Date: Oct 5 Oct 12 Oct 19 Oct 26 Attendance: 96 145 122 86 Together We can Build the Bridge for Future Generations Placerville has a campaign going where you can help! We can give as an individual. We can give as a church. Supplies and/or skilled labor can be donated. There are many ways to support. Our challenge; Placerville has many goals one is to build a Lodge that can generate additional income and to improve road access and develop a maintenance plan. Placerville began in 1920 and in 1953 became a official state camp. In 2003 the number of campers was 1343 and in 2013 the number was 713! We need camp. It is unique and special in so many ways. It provides a time and place of connection for generations of families. Time at Placerville Camp allows each person to feel physically close to God and to see the beauty in creation. Pamphlets and an envelope will be provided at both sanctuary entrances for your convenience. Please, please consider supporting this campaign!! ~“I feel God here like no other place on earth.” Birthdays and Anniversaries Nov. 2 Grant Christensen, Nov. 5 Diane Philen, John Talich Nov. 7 Bill Burkard, Avon Power Nov. 9 Donna Hieb, Jayslee Petersen Nov 10 Shelly Salisbury Nov. 12 Alice Odens Nov. 13 Phyllis Feltman, Bailey Mayer Nov. 14 Sherry Meyer, Chesney Mutziger Nov. 15 Ronda Schelske, Judy Steckelberg Nov. 16 Dale Knippling, Scott Steckelberg Nov. 18 Patty Juhnke, Haven Talich Nov. 19 Derek Long, Carey Story Nov. 20 Michelle Stone, Rebecca Swanson, Garry Winter Nov. 21 Katie Juhnke Nov. 23 Chad Gullickson, Brayden Kreil Nov. 24 Alice Hutmacher Nov. 25 MacKenzie Mertz, Dwayne Shaffer, Thomas Stone Nov. 28 Savanna Glaus Nov. 29 Hazel Wipf Nov. 30 Michelle Willrodt, Don Steckelberg Anniversaries Nov. 1 Dale and Michelle Schoenfelder Nov. 2 Ervin and Donna Hieb Nov. 19 Steve and Doris Dominiack Middle school youth group has begun. They will meet on the first and third Wednesday’s of the month at 6:30 pm at UCC. Please check with Janeen Story with any questions. Youth in grades 6th-9th are encouraged to attend! It’s A Girl! Quinn Valentina Oleson arrived on: October 22, 2014 at 8:34 am Quinn weighed 6 lbs 12 oz Proud parent’s are Bobby and Lauren Oleson and the proud grandparent’s are Pastor Jim and Liza! Congratulations to the family! The Ruth Circle met with Donna Hieb and Wanda Swanson as hostess’. Fourteen members were present and answered roll call. Food for church and the bake sale were discussed. Elaine Stone had the lesson; Clothes, The Brick and Green Grass. Bev Feltman, secretary Diaconate Board Meeting Minutes Aug 20, 2014 Present: Jeff & Cheryl Williamson, Mike Chilson, Trevor McDonald, Doris Dominiack, Justine Springer, Tim Pringle, Pastor Oleson and Sherry Hansen Absent: Parker Evans (Jr. Deacon), Brett Storey (Junior Deacon) and Dayle Chilson The minutes of July 16, 2014 were read by Trevor. Motion to approve by Jeff seconded by Mike. Motion Passed. OLD BUSSINESS Cheryl to check with Julie Mertz about the saying for the popcorn handout for guests. Sept Communion: Tim, Doris, Justine & Trevor NEW BUSSINESS Baptism October 17th for Bo Pearson, Parents Rick and Carson (Cassie) Pearson Sept 14th Pastor Samual with the Champion House Foundation will be giving a presentation at the church on Sept 14. Bible study to start on Sept 25th. Schedule for soup and sandwiches will be discussed during the meeting Sept 17th. Doris commented that we should inquire to the members about the start time for Church service. Jeff motion to adjourn Tim seconded motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Trevor McDonald, Secretary Diaconate Board Meeting Minutes—Sept 17th, 2014 Present: Jeff & Cheryl Williamson, Mike & Dayle Chilson, Trevor McDonald, Doris Dominiack, Justine Springer, Tim Pringle, and Sherry Hansen Absent: Parker Evans (Jr. Deacon), Brett Storey (Junior Deacon) and Pastor Oleson The minutes of Aug 20, 2014 were read by Trevor. Date for Bo Tobin Pearson amended to October 19 instead of 12th. Motion to approve by Sherry seconded by Doris. Motion Passed. OLD BUSSINESS Labels for popcorn for visitors is on hand and will be placed on popcorn packs. Dates on popcorn to be checked. September 25th, Jerry Tibbs will be conducting services. November 23rd Alicia Vincent, Granddaughter of Roy and Wanda Swanson will be providing message. Changing of church service time for summer services to be placed on the annual meeting agenda for discussion. Will have Pastor announce this as the meeting approaches so members can provide input and decide on any schedule changes. October Communion: Mike, Dayle, Jeff & Cheryl November Communion: Sherry, Justine, Doris & Trevor NEW BUSSINESS Emerging Ministry Summit will be held in Pierre October 4th. Pastor will have room for anyone who wishes to join him. Bill for Tayzlee Michalek Baptism submitted to Lynn. Bible Study: Doris informed diaconate that husband Steve will bring meat and cheese trays from Cedar Shore each week for bible study. Sept 25 - Dayle and Cheryl will provide soup. Oct 2 - Sherry and Doris will provide soup. New members for diaconate were discussed. Will have this placed in the bulletin to find interested members to serve. Jeff motion to adjourn Tim seconded motion passed. Respectfully Submitted, Trevor McDonald, Secretary November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Sanford service at 2 pm 3 Regency service @ 1:30 4 9 10 11 Fri 1 17 23 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am worship 11:30 coffee Fellowship 24 30 Dec1 7 8 13 14 15 20 21 22 5 6 Trustee 5:30, Confirmation 6:45, choir Soup 6pm, Bible study 7pm 12 Trustees at Sat 5:30 6:45 confirmation choir Nominating board meets at 9:30 am 16 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am worship service 11:30 carry-in dinner 9:30 am NO Sunday school 10:30 am Worship 11:30 coffee fellowship Thu Jr High y.g. 6:30 and W.F 7pm @ pasonage 2 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Worship 11:30 am Coffee Fellowship 9:30 am Sunday school 10:30 am Worship Service 11:30 coffee fell.& RE Wed 18 19 Missions 5, Diaconate at 6pm, Jr high y.g. 6:30, 6:45 confirmation, choir 25 26 Community Thanksgiving service, Trinity Lutheran Pastor Jim gone through the 29th 27 28 29 Dec 5 Dec 6 Happy Thanksgiving Dec 2 Dec3 6:45 confirmation choir Dec 4 United Church of Christ 107 North Merrill P.O. Box 238 Chamberlain, SD 57325 (605) 234-5205 Return service requested Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Chamberlain, SD Permit #6 Sept.10th, 2014 Trustee Meeting Notes Present: Pastor Jim, Tom Stone, Merrill Karlen, Steve Dominiack, and Carson Pringle Absent: Al Renner, John Blum, Jerad Evans & Chris Phillips Pastor began the meeting with a prayer and Merrill called the meeting to order. Motions were made by Tom and Carson to approve the Sept. meeting notes, carried. Motions were made by Steve and Tom to approve the Sept. bill list, carried. Motions were made by Tom and Steve to approve the financial report, carried. Old Business: Carson checked into the electronic bill pay option for church members. More information will be looked into and members will be updated. Nov. 9th will be the first insert for Stewardship Sunday and pledge cards will go out to members along with a letter. Pastor Jim went to Pierre to an Emerging Ministries meeting on Oct. 4th. He reported the topic of discussion at one workshop was advice, suggestions and education on Endowment Funds through UCC Funds. (this is the national office) Pastor Jim will invite Susan Tuve from Vermillion for a phone conference about more investment information. New Business: The trustees discussed putting a motion light at the back (south) door of the church as it is very dark out there. They will also get prices for updated, brighter lights at the north entrance also. The local Weight Watchers group approached UCC (and a couple other businesses) to have their weekly Thursday meetings here. Tom made the motion to approve the meeting and Carson made the second, approved. Lynn will let the group know that it was approved; they will make the final decision. The meeting was adjourned by Tom and seconded by Carson. The next meeting was set for Wed. Nov. 5th, 2014 at 5:30 pm in the church library. Lynn Miller, secretary 10353 10358 EFT 10359 10360 10361 10362 10362 10363 10364 10364 10365 10365 10366 10357 10367 10368 10369 10369 10355 10356 10370 10371 10372 10373 10373 10354 PAYEE DESCRIPTION James Oleson payroll Schmitt Music choir music US Treasury Irs deposit Tim Johnson custodian Jane Cameron organist Lynn Miller secretary Northwestern Energy parsonage Northwestern Energy church Office Products contract Steckelberg Garbage parsonage Steckelberg Garbage church Midstate Comm. parsonage Midstate Comm. church Servall church rugs Post Office 1 roll of stamps copy right license Williams Music Repair tune piano Burke Oil parsonage Burke Oil church UCCIB church package The Hartford worker's comp Variety Plus window envelopes Cokesbury 4 yr old Bibles-Re Hickey Heating furnance filters Sd Conference OCWM Sd Conference Placerville Jerry Tibbs 9.21 service TOTALS GENERAL 2,977.68 124.48 400.00 BUILDING MUSIC 99.22 72.84 228.58 540.26 243.40 587.60 37.10 18.36 28.28 140.26 139.51 37.02 49.00 250.00 95.40 147.89 678.23 1,949.50 1,035.00 30.73 69.94 107.23 667.00 50.00 204.35 10,262.82 746.04 MEMORIAL TOTAL 2,977.68 99.22 197.32 400.00 228.58 540.26 243.40 587.60 37.10 18.36 28.28 140.26 139.51 37.02 49.00 250.00 95.40 147.89 678.23 1,949.50 1,035.00 30.73 69.94 107.23 667.00 50.00 204.35 11,008.86