Integrating with Adobe Social Page 1


Integrating with Adobe Social Page 1
Integrating with Adobe Social
Integrating with Adobe Social
Overview / Adobe Experience Manager / Adobe Experience Manager 6.0 / Administering / Solutions Integration / Integrating with the
Adobe Marketing Cloud /
Adobe Experience Manager social communities capability supports integration of your hosted social
communities with Adobe Social.
Adobe Social is a comprehensive, hosted solution for building effective relationships that inform customers
and drive brand loyalty through unified management and moderation of all social activity.
When integrated with Adobe Social, your social communities become another channel of social
activity managed in the Adobe Social cloud. With your social communities' data stored in the cloud, you can
leverage the benefits of cloud storage, such as :
• sophisticated cross-channel moderation actions
• highly scalable Adobe Social infrastructure
• instantly updated data; no replication required
• 360 degree view of the customer
• simplified publish configuration and maintenance
While user generated content (UGC) is stored in the Adobe Social cloud, the social communities sites remain
on premise in the author and publish instances.
When integrated with Adobe Social, moderation of UGC may be accomplished with both Unified Moderation
and Trusted User Moderation, but not Admin Moderation.
Only UGC from the social communities SCF components are stored in the Adobe Social cloud.
As of AEM 6.0, the components which have been ported to the framework in the form of HBS
components are forum, comments, and tally (rating, voting) .
Enable Adobe Social Integration
An Adobe Social license for using the moderation feature is necessary for integration with the Adobe Social
To configure your social communities site to use the Adobe Social cloud for user generated content, contact
your account representative for:
• Host URL (address of Adobe Social cloud site)
• Consumer Key
• Secret Key
• Report Suite ID(s)
While optional, it is recommended to provide the following to your account representative:
• Moderator Username
The consumer and secret keys are shared across all report suites for a company. There is one report suite
per tenant.
The Adobe Social cloud moderator username should be the same as the moderater username for the social
communities author and publish instances.
Create a Cloud Service Configuration
For developer information about cloud service configurations, visit Cloud Service Configurations.
For AEM 6.0, only one Social Communities Data Store may be configured for a site. Configuring
additional instances will result in problems posting and flagging content.
On the author instance:
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Integrating with Adobe Social
To open a new Social Communities Data Store configuration using the Touch UI :
1. from the main console, click Tools in the left rail
2. navigate to Operations > Cloud > Cloud Services
or browse to http://localhost:4502/libs/cq/core/content/tools/cloudservices.html
3. scroll down to Social Communities Data Store and either
1. click Configure now
indicating there are no existing configurations
2. click Show Configurations
where you can view existing configurations or create a new one
click [+] to create a new configuration
4. the Create Configuration dialog will pop up
To open a new Social Communities Data Store configuration using the Classic UI :
1. from the main console, click Tools
2. arrive at http://<server>:<port>/miscadmin
3. expand Cloud Services Configurations in left pane
4. double-click Social Communities Data Store
5. click the [+] next to Available Configurations
In the Create Configuration dialog :
1. set Title
enter a title of your choosing as the name of your configuration
2. set Name
enter a name of your choosing for the node name
3. click Create
the Edit Component dialog will pop up on a new configuration page
1. Content Path should match value of
in OSGi configuration for Social Cloud Storage Resource Provider.
* For AEM 6.0, the value must be /content/usergenerated/asi/cloud.
2. set Host URL
3. set Consumer Key
4. set Secret Key
5. set Report Suite
A separate configuration is required for each report suite,
but for AEM 6.0, only one report suite is allowed per site.
4. click OK
the configuration will appear on the page
The consumer and secret keys must be encrypted/decrypted properly. See Replicate the Crypto
In order for authentication with Adobe Social to succeed, the machines running your hosted social
communities must be time synchronized, such as with the Network Time Protocol (NTP).
click Test Content Path Configuration
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Integrating with Adobe Social
tests whether your cloud service configuration is correct
click Test Connection to Data Store
tests whether your cloud host URL and credentials are correctly entered
The blue exclamation mark will turn into a green check if OK.
If not OK, check out the Troubleshooting tips.
Using a new page for your site and the Classic UI :
1. in the Sidekick, select the page icon (world on a page)
2. click Page Properties...
3. click Cloud Services tab
4. click Add Service button
5. from the list of services, locate and select Social Communities Data Store
6. click OK
7. to replace the default value Configuration reference missing
1. click the [v] to open the dropdown menu
2. select the Title given the cloud service configuration
8. click OK
Any page below this page, that uses the social communities components forum, comments, or
tally (rating, voting and poll), will store UGC in the Adobe Social cloud.
The page path will become a selectable social community filter in the Adobe Social Moderation
If you enable a Social Communities Data Store cloud service on a published page, any UGC
already stored in JCR will no longer be visible as there is no synchronization of data between on
premise storage and cloud storage.
Use the usual method for activating a page or activating a complete section (tree) of your website.
(Activating is analogous to publishing and replicating.)
If the Social Communities Data Store configuration has not been activated at the time the page is being
activated, a dialog will appear allowing activation of the configuration along with the page.
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Integrating with Adobe Social
To activate the Social Communities Data Store configuration(s) separately, there are two methods.
Using Touch-Optimized UI:
1. from the main console, click Tools
2. click Replication
3. click Activate Tree
4. arrive at http://localhost:4502/etc/replication/treeactivation.html
5. set Start Path
1. to select all configurations, set value to
2. to select a specific configuration, set value to
/etc/cloudservices/socialdatastore/<configuration node name>
6. click Activate
Using Classic UI:
1. from the main console, click Tools
2. click Configuration Console
3. arrive at http://localhost:4502/miscadmin#/
4. expand Cloud Services Configurations
5. select Social Communities Data Store
6. in right panel select the configuration to activate
7. click Activate
The consumer and secret keys are encrypted using the Granite CryptoSupport Service, therefore /etc/key
must be replicated from the author instance to all publish and other author instances in order for the keys to
be encrypted/decrypted properly.
Once replicated, the OSGi bundle named Adobe Granite Crypto Support must be restarted on each
For correct profile and profile image links, be sure to properly Configure the Link Externalizer.
Be sure to set the domains to be URLs that are routable from Adobe Social.
To view the OSGi configuration for AEM Social Communities AdobeSocial Resource Provider:
1. launch the Web Console
• touch-optimized UI : Tools > Granite Operations / Web Console
• classic UI : Web Console
• address : http://<server>:<port>/system/console/configMgr
2. locate and select AEM Social Communities Cloud Storage Resource Provider
(resource for OSGi bundle AEM Social Communities AdobeSocial Resource Provider)
3. click pencil to enter edit mode
4. verify the is set to /content/usergenerated/asi/cloud
No changes are required to be made to the service configuration.
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Integrating with Adobe Social
Setup Moderation User and Avatar
When the on premise social communities become another channel in the Adobe Social cloud, moderation is
managed from the cloud. When moderation actions occur in the cloud, such as a moderator reply or marking
a comment as spam, the data entered in the cloud will be seen on the social communities author and publish
sites as well.
To ensure the moderation data shows up correctly identified, the same username should be used for the
moderator user on both the social communities site and the Adobe Social site. To do so, the username of
the on premise moderator should be specified to your account representative when setting up your Adobe
Social account.
If it is desired for an social communities moderator's avatar to be visible for the related moderator on Adobe
Social :
• the avatar must be on the social communities' publish instance
• the avatar must be public
This is true regardless of whether the relevant content is created on an author or publish instance.
Social communities and Adobe Social are in separate domains, and for security purposes,
credentials and avatars are not shared.
Unified Moderation on Adobe Social
The next step, once a Social Communities Data Store cloud service has been configured for your social
communities, is to visit the online help for Unified Moderation to learn how to configure a Moderation Feed.
When signed in to Adobe Social with company name and credentials, selecting the report suite
associated with an enabled Social Communities Data Store cloud service results in the pages'
paths being listed as selectable communities on which to filter a moderation feed.
Test Content Path Configuration fails
This test ensures that social communities cloud service is setup correctly. Failure to pass the test may be
related to the AEM Social Communities AdobeSocial Resource Provider (OSGi bundle).
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Integrating with Adobe Social
Ensure the value of Content Path in the Social Communities Data Store configuration matches the
value of in the OSGI bundle.
• make sure the config is saved, if edited
• try deleting and reapplying the config
• Is the OSGi bundle Active?
• try refreshing the imports
• stop and start the bundle
• if still not starting, note down what packages are red and check if the
the "" service is started
Test Connection to Data Store fails
To wipe out an existing configuration :
1. using CRXDE Lite (http://<server>:<port>/crx/de)
2. navigate to node /etc/cloudservices/socialdatastore
3. delete the child node with the Name given the configuration you want to remove
4. click Save All
Clear Social Communities Data Store Configurations
To wipe out an existing configuration :
1. from main AEM console, click CRXDE Lite
2. navigate to node /etc/cloudservices/socialdatastore
3. delete the child node with the Name given the configuration you want to remove
4. click Save All
Authentication Errors against Adobe Social
If receiving authentication errors against Adobe Social, and the AEM error.log contains messages about
stale timestamps, then verify that time synchronization is happening. It is recommended to use a tool such
as the Network Time Protocol (NTP) to time synchronize all AEM author and publish servers.
New Content Does Not Appear in Searches
The Adobe Social cloud storage infrastructure uses eventual consistency to help achieve its scaling and
performance goals. For this reason, new content is not instantly available and it may take several seconds
for it to appear in search results.
While the interval affecting eventual consistency is monitored, please contact your account representative if it
takes longer than a few seconds for new content to appear in searches.
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