Friends & Family gather to honour Dan


Friends & Family gather to honour Dan
Issue 36 Volume 4 November 7th 2014
Friends & Family gather to honour Dan
A huge crowd of friends, family and members of Ballybunion
Golf Club turned out on Saturday last in tribute to Dan Blake
the club’s former Head Green-keeper who retired in August.
A number of Dan’s closest friends obtained the Cashen course
from the club for the day and organised a team of four golf
event followed by a presentation and a wonderful evening of
fun and entertainment in the clubhouse.
Members and friends came not just from Kerry, but from all
over Ireland to honour the man who was charged with looking
after our two courses for the past thirty seven years and it
must have been written in the stars, as the golf event was won
by a team comprised of Dan’s former green-keeping staff, led
by his son Ian, who was ably assisted by Ger O’Gorman,
James McMahon and Tomás MacGearilt.
It was indeed a testament to the popularity of Dan to see
teams competing from Tralee, Waterville, Cork, Limerick,
Dublin and even a team from Oughterard in County Galway,
led by former Galway football great Liam Sammon who is a
friend of Dan’s.
Continued on page 3
Apart from Wednesday which was a “pet” day, the
weather has been miserable this past week and with the
clocks gone back one hour ,the nights are of course getting
longer and the days are getting shorter as we hurtle
towards the shortest day of the year on December 21st.
Halloween is over and although its only early
November , thoughts are now of Christmas with some
shops already displaying Christmas Fare .
November is traditionally a very quiet month especially in
the pubs as many people still maintain the old tradition of
giving up alcohol for the “Holy Souls”.
I happened to be out of town on Halloween night but I
believe the events that were laid on by the local “Events
Committee” and the Beale GAA were fabulous .
I was talking to a lady over the weekend who visited the
town that night with her children and she was most
impressed with the entertainment laid on, so take a bow
guys !
The “Zombie Trail” was hugely popular and thankfully as
mentioned elsewhere in this publication, it was practically
a trouble-free night for both our Gardaí and local Fire
Brigade, which goes to show ,that it is possible for young
people to enjoy Halloween without causing mayhem and
destruction to other people’s property.
Congratulations to my friends and colleagues in Radio
Kerry who after being named Ireland’s Number One local
Radio Station recently, did very well this week in the
JNLR figures with an increased listenership across the
Finally, my sincere condolences to the Falvey family of
Ahafona on the recent death of their sister Margaret
(Mags) Falvey and also to the Nagle family of Church
Road on the recent death of Philomena (Phil) NagleRyan .
May they rest in peace.
Continued from front page….
A huge gathering of family and friends in the
clubhouse later which included former Kerry
footballers Ogie Moran, Patie O’Mahony, Eoin
Liston and Jimmy Deenihan, enjoyed a
wonderful evening of fun and entertainment
and saw Dan presented with a unique piece of
Waterford Crystal (below) which was specially
commissioned for the event, in thanks for his
many years of loyal and dedicated service to
the club and its members.
I’m sure that I am joined by everyone in
Ballybunion and not just in the golfing
community, in wishing Dan a long and a very
happy retirement.
Readers Competition
We are giving away two pairs of tickets for
Radio Kerry’s “Night with the Stars” concert at
the Brandon Conference Centre in Tralee on
Wednesday November 26th.
Hospice Coffee Morning
The Ballybunion Hospice Committee would
sincerely like to thank John & Joan O’Connor
and the staff at Anne’s Tea Rooms for hosting
their recent Coffee Morning.
The all-male line up features some of the
biggest names on the Irish country music
scene including Mike Denver, Jimmy Buckley,
Michael English, Mick Flavin, Patrick Feeney,
Paddy O’Brien & T. R. Dallas and M. C. for the
occasion will be Radio Kerry’s Dermot
Moriarty .
The committee would also like to thank
everybody who attended and donated to this
most worthy cause. It was a most successful
and enjoyable event and a total of €340 was
All you have to do is answer the following
question with your name, address and mobile
telephone number by email to :
Parent & Toddler Group
The Ballybunion Patent and Toddler group
meet every Wednesday morning upstairs in the
Community Centre from 11am - 1pm.
Question : What is Mike Denver’s real name ?
Closing date for entries will be Thursday
November 20th and the winners will be
announced in Issue 38 of Ballybunion News on
Friday November 21st.
This is a great way of getting to meet new
people in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere
and don’t forget that new members are
always welcome.
Fundraising Night at the Dogs
Mathematics High Achievers
A fundraising night at the dogs will be held at
the Kingdom Greyhound Stadium in Tralee on
Saturday December 20th.
The late Anne Healy passed away suddenly at
the tender age of 41 in August leaving behind
her husband Barry and her young children
Óisín and Niamh.
The fundraising event has been organised by
friends and neighbours to assist the family in
this very difficult time and the organisers are
seeking sponsorship through advertising from
business people in the local area.
St Joseph's Secondary School, Ballybunion
recently received a letter informing them that
two of the school’s students Milan Hartney
While the organisers appreciate that these are and Marissa Molyneaux (pictured above with Principal Mr
John Donovan and Maths Teacher Miss Marina Mulvihill) , were
difficult times for businesses, they hope that
identified by the State Examinations
people will be able to contribute something
Commission (SEC) as high achievers in
towards this very worthy cause.
Mathematics in the 2014 Junior Certificate
A full-page advertisement in the programme for Examination.
the night costs €100, with a half page at €50
Both students have now been invited to
and a quarter-page at €25.
participate in the 2014 Irish Beaver Computing
Contest with students from over forty other
Contact : 087-1330910
Anybody interested in donating to the fund can
also do so through a Bank Account which has
Naturally the parents of both Marissa and Milan
been set up at Bank of Ireland in Abbeyfeale.
were delighted with the great news and Milan's
mother Polly revealed that he struggled with
The following are the details :
maths when he studied in England, but he has
really progressed and developed a love for the
Bank : Bank of Ireland Abbeyfeale,
subject since attending St Joseph's and she
Sorting Code : 90-41-30
also commended the excellent maths teachers
Account Number : 82913072
and the excellent work being done at the
IBAN Number : IE89BOFI90413082913072
Swift Code : BOFIIE2D
Pub Quiz
Ballybunion Tourism & Marketing Team, in
association with the Ballybunion Community
Forum will host a fundraising Pub Quiz on
Friday November 21st at the Bunker Bar.
All monies raised on the night will go towards
the Christmas Light Fund and as always it
promises to be a great night of fun so please
come along and support it to ensure that our
town will be looking great for Christmas.
Tom O’Driscoll & Dan O’Sullivan auctioning a signed Kerry Jersey at the Golf Club on Saturday night last
Sean Griffin of Lahesrough North & London pictured with his
parents James & Susan at his graduation from LIT with a B.Sc
Honours in Construction Management .
“The Fourball”
Pat Hitchen, Dan Blake, Michael Nagle & Bob O’Sullivan at the Dan Blake presentation night on Saturday last at the Golf Club.
Anthony Bennett & Ger Rowan at the Dan Blake
presentation night on Saturday last at the Golf Club.
“ Will anyone buy my Ball ?”
Tom O’Driscoll auctions a signed Munster rugby ball at the Dan
Blake Presentation Night
Ballybunion Community Games
The committee of the Community Games were
extremely disappointed by the poor attendance
at the recent AGM.
This organisation is most important to the
community as it promotes sport and the
wellbeing of our children through several
disciplines and includes all of the Ballybunion
area and schools within the area.
At the meeting it was decided, that new adult
volunteers must be encouraged to join and
it was made clear, that if new volunteers were
not forthcoming, then the Ballybunion branch
would be disbanded which would be very
regrettable indeed.
Although a committee has been formed, the
organisation still needs the support of everyone
to protect the future for the local children, the
club, and the community.
The committee will hold another meeting at the
Community Centre on Tuesday next November
11th at 7.30pm and hope to see you there !!
Aishling Sugrue who graduated recently from the
Institute of Technology Tralee with an M.Sc in
health & Leisure.
Letter to the Editor
I received the following letter by email during
the week from a concerned reader.
Dear Ger,
I often take a walk up Knockanore Hill and
never fail to be amazed by the stunning views
and how grateful I am to have this scenic
treasure nearby.
I am however always saddened to see that
some others are not of the same mind and
don't treat this wonderful place with the respect
it deserves, scattering their fast food wrappers,
tins and plastic bottles everywhere, not to
mention the discarded pile of concrete.
Beale GAA Coiste na N’Óg
The Beale Under 14’s host Knock/Brosna this
Last Friday October 31st I was met with this
Sunday in the North Kerry Championship with a
appalling site (above) and I believe that they
throw-in time of 11.00am so please come along
were set fire to later that night, also effecting
and support these young boys.
the wild life in the area.
The club are currently inviting applicants who
I would love to find the culprit, name them, and
may be interested in coaching under-age
teams next year to contact Grainne Toomey on make them clear this rubbish away and pay a
hefty fine. I hope they hang their heads in
086-8944292 and arrangements will be made
to complete the GAA Foundation level course
over the next few months.
I sometimes think that this road would be better
New Flip Book gets Thumbs Up closed to traffic and open to walkers only.
Name and Address with editor.
The new Flipbook format introduced last week
has certainly won favour with readers and
thank you to everyone who emailed their
One or two of you still find the print too small
but I cant please everyone all of the time and I
will continue to publish both formats every
Friday from now on.
What do you the readers think ? I would
especially like the hear the views of anybody
living on the hill so please email your
comments to :
Ballybunion News would like to send birthday wishes to the
following readers who are celebrating around this time:
Frank Hughes
Roger Martin
Maureen Walsh
James Kissane
November 7th
November 8th
November 9th
November 10th
Mel Murphy
Jacqui Lynch
Fiona Mulcare
Mick McCarthy
November 12th
November 12th
November 13th
November 13th
If you, a family member, or friend, are celebrating an upcoming birthday why not send us
on a photograph by e-mail to : and we would be delighted to
send them birthday greetings via this publication.
Open 7 Days
Mon – Fri : 8.00am to 10.00pm
Sat & Sun : 10.00am to 8.00pm
Tel : 068-28111
Email :
Spinning Classes now Available
Beale GAA
Senior Football : Beale who have already
won promotion to Division 3 for next season,
play Beaufort in Ballybunion on Sunday next
November 9th at 2.00pm in the final game of
the County League, Division 4 while on the
following Saturday November 15th, Beale
host neighbours Asdee in the opening round
of the North Kerry Senior Championship at
3.00pm and the winners will meet
Knocknagoshel in the quarter final.
Work on the Clubhouse : Refurbishment of
the clubhouse is near completion and we look
forward to updated facilities for players and
supporters. The works (mainly internal)
include rearranging the configuration of
existing dressing rooms from four to two,
providing toilet facilities and showers in each,
the provision of a new kitchen area / meeting
room and new public toilets, upgrading of
building services and redecoration.
Football History : We are continuing our
work on compiling a history of Gaelic football
in the parish and we appreciate all
contributions to date but we are still seeking
photographs and would welcome any that
you may have.
Hole in One for Dods
White Collar Boxing : Following on the
tremendous success of the Beale GAA “Fight
Night” last Christmas, the club are planning
Congratulations to Donal “Dods” Liston (above) on
host a similar event this year.
a Hole-in-One at the 12th hole on Ballybunion’s
We are currently liaising with the local Cashen Cashen course on Saturday last during the Dan
Blake Testimonial Tournament.
Vale Boxing Club who are training the
“boxers” to get in shape for the fundraising
Playing with his wife Jean and Tommy & Patsy
white collar boxing challenge which will take
Gleeson, Donal hit a four iron at the 195 yard
place over the Christmas Holidays and we
hole for the third “Ace” of his career, having
require twenty men and ten women to take
previously hole out on the 8th and 14th holes on
part in this fun event.
the old course.
Donal however, being the modest individual that
Anybody interested should get in touch with
Club Chairman John Farrell on 087 7979164. he is, says that he actually “ribbed” the shot and it
was a total fluke.
Wildcats Basketball
Community Forum Meeting
Ballybunion Community Forum will hold it's
next monthly meeting on Tuesday night next
November 11th at 7:30 in the Community
Centre’s upstairs meeting room.
The Under 12 Girls team with home advantage
defeated Gneeveguilla on Sunday last by 28-25
while the Under 14 Boys were beaten Tralee
Imperials by 34 -20.
The Senior Ladies team take part in the St.
Brendan's tournament in Moyderwell Tralee on
this Saturday November 8th and their game
times are : 9.30am, 12.30pm, 1.30pm and
4.30pm while the Under 16 Gilrs team are at
home to St Josephs on Sunday at 11.00am.
The agenda will include updates from the
forum’s three teams ,Tourism & Marketing,
Events & Festivals and Infrastructure & Town
Beautification and any new projects from any
other organizations within the town.
The main focus this month however is to review
a draft constitution that has been recently sent
out to everyone on the Forum’s distribution list.
The adoption of a constitution will allow the
Forum to move forward establishing
memberships, electing officers, obtaining tax
Don’t forget that training resumes for girls and
boys this Sunday at 12.30pm in the Community clearances, opening a bank account, etc.
Centre for ages 4,5, & 6 and 1.30pm for ages
Everybody is encouraged to attend and to have
7,8, & 9.
their voices heard, regarding constitutional
Being active in the Ballybunion Community
Forum helps the community to become
stronger and better and monthly meetings take
place on the second Tuesday of each month
from October through to May.
Cove Youth Café
The Cove Youth Café on Church Road have a
number of upcoming events beginning with a “
Céilí Beag” for any of the youngsters who still
have a hankering for the Irish College style
Céilí. This takes place on Friday November
21st between 9.00pm and 11.00pm in the dining room of Kilcooly’s Country House Hotel.
Each Thursday evening the Café will host a “
Party Piece” evening beginning at 7.30pm and
participants are invited to bring an instrument
or sing a song and enjoy the company of other
young musicians. (Admission €2).
After Christmas, an evening conversing as
Gaeilge for an hour, will be arranged with the
upcoming oral exams in mind.
Dan & Kay O’Sullivan pictured with the late Jimmy Vaughan (RIP) and his wife Myra at a dance in Ballybunion in the 1960’s
Hauling in a catch of Salmon at the Cashen strand in the 1950’s
“Castle in the Fog”
A wonderful picture taken recently by Derek Nagle from the cliffs over looking
the long strand
Converted Corkman ?
Tom O’Driscoll seems quite pleased to see Donal Liston wearing the Cork
Former Football greats Eoin “Bomber” Liston, Patie O’Mahony, Jimmy Deenihan, Liam Sammon (Galway) & Ogie Moran
pictured with Dan Blake at his presentation night on Saturday last at the Golf Club.
“The Ballybunion Elvis”
Con Mulvihill entertains the crowd at the Dan Blake Presentation night at the golf
club on Saturday last
John Carroll, Dan Blake & Jimmy Carroll at the Presentation night at the Golf
Club on Saturday last
Aishling Boyle, Patricia Boyle, Toni Quliter (Lady Captain), Mary Kelly, Judy McMahon & Margaret McAuliffe enjoying the
Dan Blake presentation night on Saturday last at the Golf Club.