Sword Points Transforming Lives Through
Sword Points Transforming Lives Through
Transforming Lives Through Jesus Christ Sword Points www.saintpaulsbrookfield.com November 6, 2014 (203) 775-9587 † Together, We Press on Toward the Prize Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13-14) Dear Friends, A fter our tremendous celebration last weekend, we are reminded of how blessed we are, both in our giving, and in our receiving. The outpouring of financial generosity behind our "Growing God's Kingdom" campaign, followed by our renovated facility, and now surrounded by dedicated service, including the preparation and execution of a first-rate party, all point to divine favor made manifest among us. Thank you all for your faithfulness. We now press on together with a clear vision as a parish in mission, transforming lives through Jesus Christ. The world is changing, as it always has, and always will. We have honed and enhanced our platform accordingly, in step with the times, around our unchanging calling of elevating an unchanging Christ. Our renewed facility embodies newness of life; our varied musical forms speak of a plethora of praise; and our enduring commitment to God's Word fulfills God's promise of delivering us into eternal life in any age, and never returning empty. We now enter a new era. Our Building Committee recently met to plan Phase II, a renovation of the Sunday School wing. New ministries are forming. The Holy Spirit is rising. Together we serve. Together we rejoice. Together, we press on toward the prize. Faithfully, Crocker Hall Recep 2 ption & Dedication 3 † What’s Your Spiritual Gift? Click on the following link to assess your God given gifts: http://www.spiritualgiftstest.com/tests Each week we’ll define a different spiritual gift. Evangelist The gift of evangelist is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to share the gospel with unbelievers in such a way that men and women become Jesus’ disciples and responsible members of the Body of Christ. Acts 8:5-6 * Acts 8:26-40 * Acts 14:21 * Acts 21:8 Ephesians 4:11-14 * 2 Timothy 4:5 † This Week at St. Paul’s Thu, Nov 6 - 7:30 pm - Mission Committee, Guild Room 7:30 pm - Property Committee, Classroom 7:30 pm - Music Night, Sanctuary Sat, Nov 8 - 7:30 am - Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Crocker Hall 11:00 am - House of Prayer, Sanctuary Sun, Nov 9 Twenty Twenty--Second Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 am - Traditional Eucharist 9:15 am - Young Adult Bible Study, Class Room 9:30 am - Rector’s Forum, Guild Room 10:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Contemporary Eucharist 4:00 pm - Youth Group Tue, Nov 11 Veterans’ Day (Parish Office Closed) 7:00 pm - Boy Scouts Troop 5, Parish Hall Wed, Nov 12 - 10:00 am - Holy Eucharist Rite I & Healing 7:00 pm - Staff Meeting, Tuck Room 7:30 pm - Vestry Meeting, Guild Room Thu, Nov 13 - 1:00 pm - Dorothy Day Ministry, Danbury 5:30 pm - Clericus Meeting, Guild Room 7:30 pm - Music Night, Sanctuary Sat, Nov 15 - 7:30 am - Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Crocker Hall 10:00 am - PraiseMoves, Crocker Hall 11:00 am - St. Paul’s Quilters, Crocker Hall 11:00 am - House of Prayer, Sanctuary Sun, Nov 16 Twenty Twenty--Third Sunday after Pentecost 8:00 am - Traditional Eucharist 9:15 am - Young Adult Bible Study, Class Room 9:30 am - Rector’s Forum, Guild Room 10:30 am - Sunday School 10:30 am - Contemporary Eucharist 4:00 pm - Youth Group 4 Rising Light A weekly column by Sarah Shepley S taying connected to God is vital in our journey as Christians because He is our source for success. I have witnessed his amazing power in my own life, but especially through swimming. Before every race I have to discipline myself to channel his power and center my mind on Him instead of allowing anxiety to creep into my head and discourage me. Whenever I do this I always perform far better than when I rely on my own strength. Although this example applies to physical strength, staying connected to God improves our mental strength. When we connect with God’s patience and God’s love, it is far easier to live life with a positive outlook and face any incoming challenges. Above all, staying connected to God will strengthen our relationship with Him as we stay in tune with his will and listen closely to his plan for our lives. Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. 1 Chronicles 16:11 Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually! I was greatly blessed this weekend to attend a reception and dedication of Crocker Hall in honor of the Rev. George Crocker, at St. Paul’s, my former church in Brookfield, CT. George was my first pastor after I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. It was great to see George and all my brothers and sisters at St. Paul’s. George my friend, may the Lord richly bless you always! - Steve Hemming † Good Stewardship Begins At Home: Our Home P lease remind all who use our home to be good stewards by turning off lights, closing curtains, turning down thermostats, cleaning up after themselves and locking doors when they are leaving, especially as cold weather and dropping temperatures consume more energy. 5 † Be Generous Like God by Mari-Anna Stålnacke @flowingfaith W e are told to be generous, right? How do you feel about it? How would you feel if someone told you not to try to be more generous than God? I was puzzled for sure. Especially when it was Bernard of Clairvaux (1090 - 1153). Read it yourself! What could it mean? “The man who is wise, therefore, will see his life as more like a reservoir than a canal. The canal simultaneously pours out what it receives; the reservoir retains the water till it is filled, then discharges the overflow without loss to itself … Today there are many in the Church who act like canals, the reservoirs are far too rare … You too must learn to await this fullness before pouring out your gifts, do not try to be more generous than God.” I know we can’t be generous without God. I know God is generous. I know we need to pass on what we receive in order not to stink (stagnant water and all that). I know we are blessed for being generous. But why should we not try to be more generous than God? Shouldn’t we be as generous as possible? Well, I think there’s no way we can be more generous than God. We are just not able to do it. But shouldn’t we at least strive to be more generous than God? What Bernard of Clairvaux is trying to say here is that we can’t do God’s work on our own. We can’t even just pass on what we hear if we don’t let it permeate in our own hearts first. God’s word needs to be received and let it run its course in us before we can pass it on to others. We need to be reservoirs, not canals. We need to abide in God and be filled with the Spirit to overflowing. Then we won’t get burned out. Then we will naturally be generous like God. And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. As the Scriptures say, “They share freely and give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will be remembered forever.” For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. Yes, you will be enriched in every way so that you can always be generous. And when we take your gifts to those who need them, they will thank God. (2 Cor. 9:8,10-11, NLT) We are called to be generous like God. But we are not called to be more generous than God. There’s a huge difference. When we are generous like God, we abide in God and let him work in and through us. When we try to be more generous than God, we lean towards self-rightousness and that is a road to disaster. Everything good starts in grace and ends in grace. And everything in between is grace. We are called to live in this amazing grace and let the overflowing goodness of God spill on to others. That’s what being generous like God is all about. 6 C Attention Parents and Parishioners! ome check out our new Sunday School Central bulletin board in the Sunday School hallway. This week we have added index cards to our Wish List, labeled with items and gift cards that the Sunday School can use to better meet the needs of our students each Sunday. If you would like to donate an item, simply remove the top index card with the item name (to remind yourself!) and record your name and email address on the card below (to let us know!). You can bring the item in at your earliest Thank You from the Nursery! convenience and give it to Heather, he nursery continues to look better and better - thanks to many Nicole or leave it labeled in the generous donors! Thank you so much to Mary Allen for church office. Thank you so much in donating many wonderful books to the nursery library. The nursery advance for your support. will continue to accept donations of any kind for this age group, T including any cute push, pull or walking toys! 7 † Scholarly Speaking How Does Salvation Work? - II L ast week we looked at the views of the Roman Catholic and various Eastern Churches and found a general agreement that Salvation and Justification began with Baptism and were fostered and developed through participation in the sacraments and through Godly living.* The principal Reformers, Luther (1483 - 1546), Zwingli (1484 - 1531), and Calvin (1509 -1564) differed among themselves in many respects but they all adopted a doctrine of Justificaiton by Faith alone, received through Grace. They also agreed in linking this to Unconditional Election *or Predestination) to Salvation. A quick survey has failed to find a direct link in Luther’s writing between his view of Justification and his battle against Indulgences, it seems probable that the link between the latter and particular good works (notably including monetary donations) was a large factor in his rejection of the Roman view that godly living was part of the process which achieved Justification.‡ Zwingli, the leader of the Reformation in Zurich, and Luther, his contemporary, differed widely on many points, notably on Sacramental theology where Luther, although rejecting Transubstantiation, retained the Catholic view of the Real Presence, and the effectiveness of the sacraments themselves. Zwingli, in contrast regarded them merely as reminders of the grace associated with them, and having no real effect of their own. The two agreed closely, however, on Justification and Election, though Zwingli was far more apt to extend this election to Pagans (who had not actually known of and then rejected Christ).§ Probably the most prominent advocate of this view, however, is the French/ Genevan Reformer, Calvin - indeed, it is a principal element of the theology which bears his name. Born a generation after the others, he developed the idea of Predestinaiton more fully than his predecessors, putting forth a theory of double predestination in which every person is absolutely destined either to Salvation or to Damnation; and from which the elect cannon fall away. While all this is a logical development from the earlier teachings it goes beyond what earlier Reformers, or the Catholic theologians (especially Augustine and Aquinas) that had inspired them, had taught.♦ Slightly later in the Reformation period the Dutch theologian Arminius (1560 - 1609) developed an alternative approach. Originally a Calvinist, he became involved in theological controversy and was eventually led to propound another view Predestination and Election. He taught that Election was Conditional: while he held that it was the decree of God, he argued that this election was for believers who were “engrafted in [Christ] by faith.” He also taught that this faith came by grace, that this grace was available to all, but was resistible. In addition he redefined Predestination as a predetermination of destiny of the Elect rather than a predestination of who would be elected. A final point of difference was his teaching that the Elect could fall away from Salvation, and that persistence o you have a question you was conditioned on their on own would like answered by our continuation in the faith.● Scholar-in-Residence? Send your We’ll continue next time with a look at ecclesiastical, liturgical, doctrinal, Anglican views on the subject . - Fr. Bill Loring, Scholar in Residence historical or other inquiries to: Stpaulsswordpoints@gmail.com. D (Continued on page 9) 8 (Continued from page 8) * † ‡ § ♦ ● How Does Salvation Work? - II “Scholarly Speaking”. Sword of the Spirit, November 2014, p. 18 There is a good discussion in Wikipedia, sv. Salvation; and sv. Justification. In this context ‘Unconditional’ means that election is made by God’s own choice without regard for the present or future merits of the individual (in this view faith is an indication of prior election, but not a cause of that election). Wikipedia, loci cit. and sv. Theology of Martin Luther Wikipedia, sv. Huldrych Zwingli, and Zwingli's Distinctive Doctrines Wikipedia, sv. Salvation; and sv. Justification; and sv. John Calvin. Wikipedia, sv. Salvation; and sv. Justification; and sv. Arminianism 9 10 The Hearts to Hands Ministry and the Christian Caring Committee strive to meet the physical needs of Saint Paul's parishioners. We meet these needs by coordinating assistance from other parishioners who want to help. If you are currently struggling with a housing, transportation or financial challenge, please contact Nicole O'Connors (860) 788-2995 or Gail Winkley (203) 775-3343 for assistance. Donations Needed For Hearts to Hands Ministry! We recently helped one of our parishioners to find permanent, affordable housing and they will be transitioning into their own apartment soon. They are in great need of a few basic household items and some furniture pieces to get started. If you can donate any of the following items, in like-new condition, please contact Dot Crocker (860) 355-5672 or Nicole O'Connors at nmoconnors@gmail.com. hand mixer towels, hand towels, washcloths kitchen towels Walmart or Target gift cards for cleaning supplies round kitchen table, 4 chairs ***This parishioner will also be without a mattress to sleep on in their new apartment. We would like to accept financial donations to put towards the purchase of a new mattress and box-spring set as well. Thank you so much for your consideration! “God is Great!” The following are pictures of the view Diane Kansas has from her new home in Bantam where she is now resting her head. Diane loves her new home and the view just outside her windows. The previous tenant fed the deer so now they visit Diane. Diane gives thanks to the Lord for blessing her with her own home that is perfect and the wonderful people of St. Paul’s Brookfield who have helped and supported her along the way. 11 † Thanksgiving Baskets F or the November food baskets, please bring items you would enjoy at Thanksgiving. We will make up baskets for the same families who will be receiving the gifts from our Christmas Giving Tree. We will need two family-sized turkeys to be donated. While you shop, if you could please choose any items from the following list: Gravy/Stuffing, Pumpkin Pie Mix, Bread, Cranberry Sauce, Fruit Pie Fillings, Juices, Canned Vegetables, Pie Crust, Potatoes, Fresh Sweet Potatoes, Cake Mix, Soup, Paper Products/Decorations, Brownie Mix, Nuts. All food donations are due by Sunday, November 23rd. Once the food donations have come in, we will need volunteers to divide the food into the baskets for the families. Please speak with Barbara DeAnzeris, 203-775-3722. 12 † Transforming Saints of God November 6th William Temple Archbishop of Canterbury, 1944 W illiam Temple was born October 15, 1881, and baptized three weeks later, on November 6, in Exeter Cathedral. His father, Dr. Frederick Temple, Bishop of Exeter and then of London, became Archbishop of Canterbury when William was fifteen. Growing up at the heart of the Church of England, William’s love for it was deep and lifelong. Endowed with a brilliant mind, Temple took a first-class honors degree in classics and philosophy at Oxford, where he was then elected Fellow of Queen’s College. At the age of twenty-nine he became headmaster of Repton School, and then in quick succession rector of St. James’s Church, Piccadilly, Bishop of Manchester, and Archbishop of York. Though he never experienced poverty of any kind, he developed a passion for social justice which shaped his words and his actions. He owed this passion to a profound belief in the Incarnation. He wrote that in Jesus Christ God took flesh and dwelt among us, and as a consequence “the personality of every man and woman is sacred.” In 1917 Temple resigned from St. James’s, Piccadilly, to devote his energies to the “Life and Liberty” movement for reform within the Church of England. Two years later an Act of Parliament led to the setting up of the Church Assembly, which for the first time gave the laity a voice in Church matters. As bishop and later as archbishop, Temple committed himself to seeking “the things which pertain to the Kingdom of God.” He understood the Incarnation as giving worth and meaning not only to individuals but to all of life. He therefore took the lead in establishing the Conference on Christian Politics, Economics and Citizenship (COPEC), held 1924. In 1940 he convened the great Malvern Conference to reflect on the social reconstruction that would be needed in Britain once the Second World War was over. At the same time he was a prolific writer on theological, ecumenical, and social topics, and his two-volume Readings in St. John’s Gospel, written in the early days of the war, rapidly became a spiritual classic. In 1942 Temple was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury and reached an even wider audience through his wartime radio addresses and newspaper articles. However, the scope of his responsibilities and the pace he set himself took their toll. On October 26, 1944, he died after only two and a half years at Canterbury. W e need your help! The Gospel Rescue Mission is in need of volunteers to support the shelter. Please donate your time and talent to the Mission. Gospel Rescue Mission ministry provides overnight shelter for homeless men, case work, and compassionate care. Its programs include counseling, Christ-centered twelvesteps, employability education, transitional living residences, meal service for the homeless, and Bible study. Location: Good Samaritan Mission, Inc. 22 Maple Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810 To learn more please email us at volunteer@jerichopartnership.org 13 † Dorothy Day Ministry E very second Thursday of the month, it’s St. Paul’s turn to cook and serve meals at the Dorothy Day Hospitality House in Danbury. Please consider helping out in this vital ministry. Contact Barbara DeAnzeris or Don Winkley for more info. 14 † Choir Practice for Sword Points Readers (click on the red links below to begin your personal practice) Opening Hymn Gradual Hymn Offertory Hymn Closing Hymn Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Rejoice! Rejoice Believers Tune: Munich Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah W illiam Williams (1717-1781) was born the son of a prosperous farmer in Wales. He intended to become a physician, but at a revival meeting conducted by the evangelist, Howell Harris, committed himself to ministry. In doing so, he solved a serious problem for Evangelist Harris. The problem was this: The Welsh love to sing, but there were few good hymns in the Welsh language. The solution was this: William Williams proved to be a prolific hymn writer - a great Welsh poet. Williams wrote more than eight hundred hymns during his lifetime. "Guide Me, O Thou Great Jehovah" is one of the few that has been translated into English and is the only one in common use in English-language churches today. This hymn is a prayer for a person going through tough times - a person traveling through a barren land - a thirsty person in need of water. Have you ever felt like that? Have you ever felt confused, wondering where to turn? Have you ever felt the need for someone to point you in the right direction! Have you ever felt the need of a strong helping hand? If so, this is your hymn - your prayer. It admits, "I am weak," but it answers, "Thou art mighty!" It asks, "Hold me with Thy powerful hand." It prays, "Feed me till I want no more." And then it promises, "Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee." I don't know if it is still true, but I am told that, for many years, Welsh crowds at rugby matches or other public gatherings would sing this hymn, much as we in the U.S. start games with the playing of the National Anthem. I am also told that many Welsh people were inspired to learn to read just so they could read the words to Williams' hymns. William Williams turned out to be both a great hymn writer and a great evangelist. During his many years of ministry, he traveled nearly 100,000 miles (160,000 km), often drawing crowds of 10,000 people who came to hear his preaching and sing his songs. He had a great impact on the people of Wales and, through his music, on all the world. copyright 2007, Richard Niell Donovan † Transforming Stewardship “For we are God’s fellow workers…” - 1 Corinthians 3:9 W e are called to help God build His kingdom on earth. We are His eyes, ears, hands and voice on Earth. By giving of our “first fruits” of our time, talent and treasure we help fulfill God’s call. Are you doing all you can to help? Do you spend time in prayer every day? Do you participate in one of the many parish ministries? Do you give generously in the offertory collection each week? A s part of our outreach, St. Paul’s donates gift cards and non-perishable items to six area food pantries. The non-perishable items are provided by our generous congregation and are truly appreciated. Donations for the food pantry can be left in the basket at the back of the church. Delivery is made to one food pantry each month. Thank you. 15 16 † The Best Crockpot Beef Stew Ingredients: 2 pounds beef stew meat, (cut into bite-sized pieces) 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp pepper 1 medium onion, finely chopped 2 celery ribs, sliced 2-3 cloves of garlic, minced 6oz can tomato paste 32oz beef broth 2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 2 cups baby carrots carrots 4-5 small red potatoes,cut into bite-sized pieces (about 3 cups) 1 tablespoon dried parsley 1 teaspoon oregano 1 cups frozen peas 1 cup frozen corn ¼ cup flour ¼ cup water Directions: Combine beef, celery, carrots, red onion, potatoes, salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, oregano, Worcestershire sauce, beef broth, and tomato paste in the crock pot. I used a 6 quart crockpot for this stew. Cook on LOW for 10 hours or on HIGH for 6-7 hours. About 30 minutes before serving, mix the flour and the water together in a small dish and pour into the crockpot. Mix until well combines. This will add a nice thickness to the stew. Next add in your frozen peas and corn. Continue cooking covered for 30 minutes. Serves 6-8. Click here to submit your favorite recipe. † Socks & Toiletries for the Homeless H omeless people are on their feet all day, and the only pair of socks they own are very likely to be threadbare. This year we are collecting socks and toiletries for the men’s homeless shelter throughout the winter months. Place donations in the bins in the back of the church or the Parish Hall. † Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins, detail 1838-1842 Schadow, Friedrich Wilhelm von, 1789-1862 H e was born in Berlin, the second son of the sculptor Johann Gottfried Schadow, who gave him his first lessons in drawing. He then turned to painting and in 1819 Schadow developed his paintings for churches. In 1826 he was made director of the Düsseldorf Academy of the Arts, which he reoriented towards the production of Christian art His paintings are mostly found in Düsseldorf and Berlin, but one of his best works, the ‘Wise and Foolish Virgins,’ is in the Museum at Frankforton-the-Main. He was perhaps more successful as a teacher and demonstrator than as a creative artist, but he had a very distinct, even though one-sided influence, upon the religious art of Germany. 17 This table is free to anyone who could use it, courtesy of the Building Committee, by contacting the parish office. 18 The Sirs of St. Paul’s enjoy a fireside chat! W e are warned about being unprepared when the Lord calls. How can we best assure that we will be ready? Living a life under-girded by the Holy Habits of prayer, study, sacrificial giving, and intentional involvement in a worshipping community, may help us to be ever responsible to God’s call - for whatever and whenever He asks. A Christian Alternative to Yoga TRANSFORM YOUR WORKO WORKOUTS UTS INTO WORSHIP WITH PRAISEM PRAISEMOVES OVES -THE CHRISTIAN ALTERN ALTERNATIVE ATIVE TO YOGA Classes held in Crocker Hall Saturday’s , 10:00 a.m. with Mary Perry, Certified PraiseMoves Instructor Email Mary to sign up at maryperry2@me.com Deep Stretching, Gentle Movement, and Strong Scripture combine for flexibility and strength. 19 † This Sunday’s Readings Awaiting His Coming Joshua 24:1-3a, 14-25 n our Hebrew scripture lesson, Joshua, like Moses before him, acts as a mediator between the people of Israel and God at Shecham. He calls them to affirm their covenant with the Lord. It was at Shecham that God first spoke to Abraham in Canaan, and at Shecham that Jacob abjured his family to “put away the foreign Gods among you.” Joshua recalls the Lord’s faithfulness through history and his consistent benevolence toward Israel. The choice is stark, for the Lord demands entire devotion; all other deities must be shunned and put away. In language reminiscent of treaty documents of the period, the people swear their loyalty to God. Psalm 78:1-7 The psalm recalls Israel’s trials and the Lord’s sustaining grace in the Matthew 25: 1-13 wilderness after the escape from Egypt. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 The bridesmaids who did not In this reading Paul offers a vision of how the dead in Christ will rise and then, together with those who are alive, be caught up to meet the Lord in the sky. bring extra oil were determining Apparently some members of the Thessalonian church had died, and there was the time frame in which the this concern; would they miss the Lord’s coming? First, Paul reminds them that the Christian hope is rooted in the God who raised Jesus. He then describes the bridegroom could be honourably day of the Lord’s appearing and the raising up of the dead and the living, using welcomed back to his home with highly poetic imagery conditioned by the worldview of his time. The essential meaning is clear: we shall be with the Lord. lamps fully ablaze. Their lack of Matthew 25:1-13 preparation is disrespectful and Our gospel is the parable of the wise and foolish maidens - those prepared and unprepared for the bridegroom’s coming. In several ways the details of the insulting to the bridegroom. story may strike us as odd and even a little unfair, but such a concern missies the main point, which has much in common with other of Jesus’ parables. One must at all times be ready with repentance and decision for the kingdom’s coming. In a later period this story was read with allegorical overtones. Jesus is the bridegroom whose return is delayed. Some in the church are falling asleep while others remain expectant. I † Pick Up Your Copy Today! Synthesis CE Study Guides for each weeks readings will be available at the back of the church. † Sermon Shorts S ing a song of the saints of God. To replay all our sermons, audio and videos follow this link for The Sunday Sermons. Check out our sermon archives as well. 20 † Happy Birthday to You! V irginia Beck celebrates tomorrow! Sunday is the big day for Tom Keating. Gail Crisalli will be blowing out candles on Tuesday. Sheri Brought, David Hotchlkiss & Walter Von Egidy will be another year older and wiser on Wednesday. Have a blessed day everyone! T he Jericho Food Pantry in Danbury has given St. Paul’s the 2nd Saturday of every month to staff the their food pantry. Our next volunteer date is November 8th from 10 am - 11:30am. If you are interested in volunteering on the 11/8 or future dates please contact Laurie DoBosh at ldobosh@tcco.com or 203-610-9731. † Save the Date St. Paul's Women's Retreat with all new Women of the Bible with Anita Gutschick and Joanne Hagemeyer is coming June 5-6, 2015 Women’s Evening Ministry Children of the Day by Beth Moore Remaining sessions are: Nov 18, Dec 2 & 16, and Jan 6 & 20, 2015 Meeting time 7:00 - 8:45 pm in the Guild Room An in-depth Bible study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians by Beth Moore Is family life a challenge? Is work driving you crazy? Do you know God has a purpose for your life, but can't figure out what it is? Know that your circumstances are not coincidental. And God's timing is impeccable. Join Beth Moore on the Thessalonian shores as she walks you through the truth of each verse of 1 and 2 Thessalonians. In this study, you'll face crises, afflictions, relationships, doubts, concerns, and fears. Find encouragement for living the Christian life now and hope for when Christ returns. 21 I † Your Prayers Are Requested For… t is such an intimate time when praying for the health and well being of others and such a privilege. The people that we lift up to The Lord are part of our hearts for all time. Please pray for… …..Dot Blake and other parishioners convalescing in extended care facilities. …..Holy Spirit, West Haven; St. Paul’s, Westbrook; Emmanuel, Weston. …..Peace in Israel, Jerusalem, and the Middle East. …..Revival at St. Paul’s and the greater Danbury area. …..Diocesan Episcopal Church Women, Diocesan Altar Guild; local ECW chapters and parish altar guilds; Anglican and Episcopal women's mission groups. .….Barbara Kast, Brenda Darling, Ginny Beck, Jean Stauffer, Gary Stein, Lee Rybos, Sue Balla, Betty Gardner, Ed Licence, Jay Trott, John Mainhart & Leontine Rybos, continued healing. …..the people of Guinea-Bissau; the people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; and our sister and brother members of the Assyrian Church of the East. …..Christians in Iraq and Syria facing persecution at the hands of advancing ISIS forces. Pray also for radical Muslims there (and in other nations) to come to know Jesus Christ. …..Michael for protection with the UN peacekeeping service. …..Syria, for a strong Christian witness among believers where missionaries are not allowed. …..Fr. George Hall, healing from cancer and his recent surgery. …..Patricia Brought, who is undergoing treatment for cancer. …..Nigeria, that those behind the attacks and kidnappings will repent and turn to Christ. …..An end to the epidemic of Ebola virus in West Africa. …..Pat Kenneally, who has a rare lung cancer. Pray for his family as well. …..Tom, Laurie DoBosh’s father, who is in the final stages of Parkinson's. Please pray for healing and relief from pain. † This & That & Links (Click on pictures or red links for more info) Links We Like Things That Make You Think Back Issues of Sword Points We are all missionaries “We are all missionaries ...or we are nothing.” Archbishop Desmond Tutu Click on the video to the left to learn more about the Missionary Society of the Episcopal Church. 22 Just For Fun ! (And Christian Fellowship) The Footsteps of Paul & John Selfie with the Father Save the dates. Plans are being finalized for another spectacular Biblical pilgrimage & cruise on October 16-31, 2015. Fr. Joe plans on joining us. Istanbul, ancient Troy, Ephesus, Patmos, Santorini, Athens, Thessalonica, Philippi….. More info soon. “This is cool, Fr. George! I’ve never taken a selfie with anyone who had a hall named after them!” † It Takes An Editorial Board Contributors to this Weeks Sword Points: C hris Barrett, Donna Cenamo, Dot Crocker, Lynne Donnelly, Steve Hemming, Pat Jennings, Heather Melody, Dori McManus, Beth Miller, Nicole O’Connors, Patrick O’Connors, Ken Perry, Mary Perry, Kirsten Peterson, Debi Pomeroy, Joe Shepley, Sarah Shepley, David Szen, Pam Szen & Don Winkley. 23