November 9 , 2014
November 9 , 2014
NURSERY– ONE YEAR OLDS (Church Hour – 1st Service) Nov 9 Janet Walker, Shelley Pearson Nov 16 Carol Braaten, Carol Wilken November 9th, 2014 NURSERY – ONE YEAR OLDS (Sunday school hour) Nov 9 Nikki and Barry Hunt Nov 16 Jane Carlson, Delsie Offerdahl NURSERY – ONE YEAR OLDS (Church Hour – 2nd Service) Nov 9 Matt and Carrie Strombeck Nov 16 Jean Greener, Jessica Pollard 2s & 3s ROOM Nov 9 Kruschke family Nov 16 Worth family We extend our sincere sympathy to Don and Mona Petty & family in the recent passing of Mona’s mother, Diane Borman. Her funeral was held on Thursday, Nov. 6th in Pine River, MN. Congratulations to Chris and Nila Pederson & family on the birth of Eli Augustus. He was born on October 31, and weighed 7 lbs. Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary to Frank and Jan Vetsch. They were married on November 6, 1964. Congratulations! COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING SERVICE to be held at the Christian Reformed Church in Pease on Wednesday evening, Nov. 26th at 7 p.m. A freewill offering will be taken. This service is sponsored by the Milaca Ministerial. OCTOBER GIVING REPORT Amount of offerings received in October Amount needed monthly as per budget Amount Under for October Year to Date $ 30,148.00 $ 35,181.00 $ -5,033.00 $ -25,088.00 TO ACCESS INTERNET: If you would like to access the internet please log onto the “MilacaFree-guest” network by using the following password: FreeGuest. Contact Information: Milaca Evangelical Free Church 1100 North Central Ave., Milaca, MN 56353 (320)-982-3217, E-Mail: Web Site: Our Purpose: We exist to glorify God By producing mature Followers of Jesus Christ Opportunities of the Week OTHER OPPORTUNITIES Today 6:30 p.m. Koinonia adult leaders meeting Monday 6:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. GriefShare Overseers leadership meeting MILACA EV. FREE CHURCH ANNUAL THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION, Sunday, Nov. 23rd, 6:30 p.m. Come and join us in our annual celebration of God’s goodness and blessings given to us during the year! A program of testimonies and music from our church family is being planned for Sunday evening, November 23rd at 6:30 p.m.! Our annual special project offering will be used for Latin American Mission’s. Food and fellowship will follow. Each family is asked to bring a pie. Tuesday 10:00 a.m. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:15 p.m. Thursday 9:30 a.m. Christian Women’s Club meets at the Methodist Church Building & Grounds ministry meeting; Health Cabinet meeting Koinonia; CONNECT Men’s study meets at Pastor Mike’s home Adult prayer group; Men’s Bible study Worship practice Card making in the Fellowship Hall If you are interested in recycling cards (making them useful again) you are invited to come and help Friday 6:30 p.m. Baby shower in honor of Samantha Goldsmith OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD SHOEBOX COLLECTION The answer to the question everyone asks this time of year is, "Do you know where our shoeboxes are going?" Just last week we learned that our gifts will be shipped to Belize, India, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania, and Uganda. If you want to follow your box you can donate shipping at through Follow Your Box. You can then print a label with a barcode to put on your box. You have one more Sunday to add your shoebox gift to our church collection at the front of the sanctuary. We are again serving as a relay center to collect gifts from our area. Mon - Fri., November 17-21 hours are 3 - 5:30 pm; Sat. Nov. 22, 9-11 am; Sun. Nov. 23, 12-2 pm; Mon. Nov.24, 9-11 am. BUILDING & GROUNDS Ministry Team is looking for snow plowing bids for the upcoming winter season. Anyone interested please submit a written proposal and place it in Mike Burma’s mailbox. BABY SHOWER: A sweet baby girl is on her way, let’s celebrate before the big day! All ladies are invited to a baby shower in honor of Samantha Goldsmith on Friday, Nov. 14th, 6:30 p.m. In the Fellowship Hall. They are registered at Toys ‘R’ Us, Kohl’s, JC Penney, and Sears. Instead of a card, please bring a children’s book. Hostesses: Mellanie and Rachel Goldsmith. Questions contact (320-294-3185) or LADIES CRAFT NIGHT: Friday, November 21, 6:30 p.m. Becky Asher’s home, 1030-110th Ave., Milaca. See Opportunities & Events bulletin board in the foyer for sign up and more info. Space is limited sign up by Nov. 16th. MILACA AREA SENIOR FELLOWSHIP: meeting on Nov. 21st, 1:30 p.m. Milaca EFC fellowship hall. Program: Jim Pluimer. Senior Dining Site Luncheon: Wed., Nov. 19th, Thanksgiving Dinner. $4. Call Jan Vetsch (983-5803) to attend. THANK YOU for your prayer support, words of encouragement, cards, gifts, and attendance at dad’s visitation and funeral. We are thankful for the hope that he is with the Lord. Pastor Mike & Darlene Dear Church Family, We are thankful to God for the uplifting support for our ministries, kind deeds, cards, and gifts especially during the recent weeks of Pastor Appreciation. Clausen’s, Johnson’s and Sommerlot’s WHAT AM I WORTH? Over the centuries people have believed that their worth is determined by what they accomplish, what they own, or another external standard. Who I am depends on my own efforts to accomplish, possess or control. But what does God think? What has he told us that establishes what our true value is to him and each other? 1. What value does God place on people? PERSONAL OBSERVATIONS AND RESPONSES ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 2. What barriers are there to experiencing our value? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ 3. How can we best respond to God’s love for us? ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________