EDMONTON SECTION CSCE DINNER MEETING NOTICE Thursday, November 20, 2014 University of Alberta Faculty Club, 11435 Saskatchewan Drive 26th Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition “Entrance Bridge at Athabasca River” Shahab Afhami, Ph.D., P.Eng. Kyley Moisey, P.Eng. Senior Bridge Engineer Project Manager Buckland & Taylor Ltd. Alberco Construction Ltd. Abstract Athabasca River Bridge was originally constructed in 1913 as a deck truss railway bridge, and converted in 1969 to a two-lane highway bridge with clear roadway of 8.23 m and total length of 203.4 m. In 2012 an assessment by Buckland & Taylor concluded that excessively corroded exterior HC stringers could no longer safely carry truck traffic and recommended closing the bridge to a single centre lane. An innovative concept to restore the bridge capacity while providing a wider bridge was developed to extend the life for 20 years at less than 25% of the replacement cost. A rehabilitation design was tendered in May 2013 and Alberco was the successful bidder. The rehabilitated bridge was opened to two traffic lanes in November 2013. The rehabilitation involved many unique design and construction innovations, which would be the focus of this presentation. c/o P.O. Box 60211, U of A Postal Outlet, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2S5 info@csceedmonton.org http://www.csceedmonton.org EDMONTON SECTION Speaker Bios Dr. Afhami is a Senior Bridge Engineer with Buckland & Taylor in Edmonton. Shahab has about 26 years of engineering experience in a variety of categories including consulting, academic, and research. In addition to his practice in Alberta for approximately 15 years as a bridge engineer, he has three years of consulting experience with industrial buildings and grain silos and has worked on field instrumentation and monitoring of bridge structures for three years as a research engineer at the University of Alberta. During his career, he has lectured several graduate and undergraduate courses. Kyley Moisey is a Project Manager for Alberco Construction Ltd. He has been involved in heavy civil construction specializing in bridge construction and rehabilitation of structures throughout the Province of Alberta for the past 10 years. His experience includes estimating, planning, and project engineering of construction projects. Kyley graduated from the University of Alberta in 2005. DINNER MEETING DETAILS Date: Thursday, November 20, 2014 Location: University of Alberta Faculty Club, 11435 Saskatchewan Drive Cocktails Registration – 5:30pm Dinner – 6:30pm Presentation – 7:30pm Closing Remarks – 8:30pm CSCE Student Members - $12.00 Student Non-members - $17.00 CSCE Members - $25.00 Non-members - $35.00 Please assist us in forecasting attendance by registering at least two days in advance via website at www.csceedmonton.org. An additional $5 drop-in fee will be applied to individuals not pre-registered. c/o P.O. Box 60211, U of A Postal Outlet, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2S5 info@csceedmonton.org http://www.csceedmonton.org EDMONTON SECTION Premium Sponsors Principal Sponsors c/o P.O. Box 60211, U of A Postal Outlet, Edmonton, Alberta, T6G 2S5 info@csceedmonton.org http://www.csceedmonton.org