TOWN OF FAIRFIELD SHELLFISH COMMISSION DRAFT MEETING MINUTES – June 11, 2014 The Shellfish Commission of the Town of Fairfield held a regular meeting on June 11, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor Conference Room of Sullivan Independence Hall, 725 Old Post Road, Fairfield, Connecticut MEMBERS PRESENT: Robert Bilek, Chairman; Sanford J. Wakeman, Vice Chairman; George Zygmant, Cathy Raynor, Richard Ferrari, John Short ABSENT: Sally Harold ALSO PRESENT: Thomas Steinke, Sr., Conservation Director; David Carey, Bureau of Aquaculture Director CALL TO ORDER – And Establish Quorum: Robert Bilek called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm. There was a quorum. Robert Bilek welcomed the newest member to the Commission, John Short. It was mentioned that former commission member, Paul Nelson, had passed away, and several Shellfish Commissioners attended his service. Thomas Steinke, Sr. is retiring in September, and the Commissioners wished him a happy retirement. I. BILLS AND COMMUNICATION A. Draft Meeting Minutes of May 14, 2014 Sanford Wakeman moved, Richard Ferrari seconded to approve the minutes of May 14, 2014. Motion passed unanimously. Robert Bilek noted that due to several late mailings, Thomas Steinke, Sr. agreed to have the mailings sent the prior Tuesday instead of Wednesday to insure commissioners have time to review the materials. B. Committee Reports 1. Clam Relay/Planting: Bilek, Wakeman, Raynor (see attached State DA‐BA relay permit issued to Fairfield Shellfish Commission on May 27, 2014) – Robert Bilek submitted an invoice from Capt. Salce for $850 for the Tuesday, June 3 relay to Thomas Steinke, Sr. Robert Bilek, Capt. Salce and his crew harvested hard clams along Fairfield Beach from 9:15 a.m. until 12:00 noon. In approximately three hours, 50 bushels were picked up. They proceeded to outer Southport Harbor from 2:15 to 4:00 p.m. and picked up another 18 bushels. It was considered successful, since over 11,000 hard clams were then relayed to the Sasco Beach Recreational Bed. 2. Water and Habitat Quality: Wakeman, Raynor, Bilek – Robert Bilek and Sanford Wakeman met on May 22, 2014 with the Department of Aquaculture to discuss what needed to be accomplished to open Southport Beach for clamming. The DA/BA shoreline survey has been moved back to 2015. The Exide dredging project starts in August, 2014 and will not be completed until at least the end of 2015. We hope to get Southport Beach open after that. DRAFT MINUTES SUBJECT TO REVIEW, CORRECTION AND APPROVAL BY THE SHELLFISH COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF FAIRFIELD Shellfish Commission June 11 , 2014 P a g e | 2 3. Permits and Access: Harold, Ferrari – Richard Ferrari will pick up self‐lamination paper from the Conservation Department to laminate permits at the free Summer Clam Clinic on Saturday, August 2. He will help people fill out and buy permits for future use during the event. He will get all necessary instructions. 4. Commercial Shellfish Regulations: Harold, Ferrari – Richard Ferrari and Sally Harold met to discuss and understand why past permit holders no longer want to work in Fairfield’s natural beds. The reason may be the value of the size of the clams harvested. The first step will be to foster a better relationship with local commercial shellfishermen. Richard Ferrari will schedule a meeting in August or late fall after the Clam Clinic and after the peak season. It was suggested that Capt. Salce be included since he is a past shellfish commissioner with a unique perspective. 5. Oyster Bed Development Committee: Harold – Sally Harold was not present. David Carey spoke at length about the need to develop municipal oyster beds. He suggested applying for a Viability Grant from the state, which requires matching funds from the town to develop smaller oyster beds in town waters. The Shellfish Fund could be used. Viability Grants are up to a $50,000 maximum and applications are due in November. We will need a grant writer, but the Department of Aquaculture will help and will write letters of support. He felt the western side of the outer Southport Harbor has a bottom that is conducive to growing oysters. We will need to place cultch on the bottom to get good recruitment. We might start in stages by putting cultch up Mill River or Ash Creek, and then transfer oysters to the outer harbor. We could look at the Viability Grant to purchase some shell. He stated the DA/BA would like to create the opportunity for smaller oyster companies to get started. Connecticut has 20 oyster bed developers, 7 grow in cages, and 13 harvest from natural beds. Two control most of the growing areas. They would like to see better management, requirements put on permits, standards set and terms and conditions included so that shellfishermen can do a better job of sustaining the shellfish populations. David Carey will send Robert Bilek a copy of the Nature conservancy handbook about Oyster Restoration. Regarding identifying the Minot Smith ground in outer Southport Harbor, Thomas Steinke said that the town Engineering Dept. is still working on converting the coordinates to latitude and longitude. C. Report(s) From The Conservation Department: 1. Shellfish Fund Balance ‐ $25,660.14 2. Shellfish Permits Issued through May 31, 2014 – 46 3. Phone calls for status of open/closed through May 31, 2014 – 67 Shellfishing remains closed. We closed for the relay, then there was a break in a Bridgeport sanitary sewer main, then we had rain over 1 inch that extended the closure. II. OLD BUSINESS A. There was an error in the agenda. A. and B. should be one agenda item: Shellfish Management Plan – Discussion of moorings in natural shellfish grounds. Shellfish Commission June 11 , 2014 P a g e | 3 Robert Bilek stated that during the relay it was observed that moorings sighted off Fairfield Beach may have little or no impact as we are not currently harvesting that close to shore. However, an addendum to the shellfish management plan should be researched and drafted to require approval by the Shellfish Commission before anyone places a mooring on the town’s natural shellfish grounds so they do not interfere with harvesting or impair the shellfish grounds. This would not include areas such as the Southport Harbor currently managed by the Harbor Management Commission and the Harbor Master. He noted that we need a knowledgeable consultant to help us prepare this addendum and there are funds in the budget for this, which Thomas Steinke, Sr. confirmed. Catherine Raynor moved, Sanford Wakeman seconded a motion to have a consultant prepare an addendum to the shellfish management plan to address the moorings issue to be ready for discussion at our July meeting at an expense not to exceed $500. There was further discussion. There is money in the fees and professional services account. A voucher will be prepared and submitted to Purchasing for the consultant. They agreed Geoffrey Steadman was very knowledgeable, and will be hired to research this subject and draft the wording. If a public meeting is required, we will insure it is held. The motion passed unanimously. Robert Bilek will draft some wording for the voucher and provide it to the Conservation Dept. C. CT DEEP OLISP – COP Application of George Martin to retain and replace ramp and dock and install timber pilings at 523 Harbor Road, Southport CT (May 22, 2014 letter from John Hilts to CT DEEP OLISP – see attached, and status re: communication with DEEP OLISP & Harbor Management Commission) – Robert Bilek spoke to Thomas Steinke, Sr. and Town Attorney Stanton Lessor, and decided it would not serve any purpose to send another letter to OLISP. Instead, he would like to discuss this with the Harbor Management Commission and other entities affected by the use of a COP in certain cases, since it does not allow for public input, and perhaps take this to DEEP management. He requested a sense of the commission as to whether or not this should be pursued. The sense of the commission was unanimous to pursue this subject. D. Summer clam clinic – Richard Ferrari led the discussion. This event is scheduled for Saturday, August 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. He distributed a package of material for review and comment by the commissioners, and it will all be discussed in July. The material will clearly state Southport Beach is not open for clamming. Richard Ferrari discussed posting information on the Town’s website with Kathleen Griffin. The Commission will review and decide what to post in July. George Zygmant said Conservation bought three rakes and is supposed to buy 2 handles to repair broken rakes. This will give us at least twelve rakes, which should be enough. Several Shellfish Commission June 11 , 2014 P a g e | 4 Commissioners said they would bring in their rakes as well to use, and they don’t feel we should use town money to buy any more. III. NEW BUSINESS A. Exide – Mill River Sediment Remediation (see attached detailed project schedule and 4/28/14 letter from Stacy McNulty, P.C., TRC Project Director) – Actual dredging is scheduled to begin August 4, 2014, and will continue until around the end of 2015. IV. INFORMATIONAL A. 2013‐2014 Budget Status – No comments. V. OTHER – CT Post letter to the editor regarding shellfisherman and environmental impact was discussed. Thomas Steinke, Sr. sent the Conservation Dept. status and trends memo to the commission. Conservation Department staff will likely be reduced in September. His position and the replacement process was discussed. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT – The Commission acknowledged receipt of a letter regarding a development project near I95 and the Mill River from Joy Shaw. The Shellfish Commission will review this further to decide if pollution of the Mill River is an issue. The Commission had no comment at this time and no action was taken. VII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Commission, Sanford Wakeman moved, George Zygmant seconded to adjourn at 9:11 p.m. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, Sheila Tesei