Document 6598444


Document 6598444
Marion McVeety School
38 Turgeon Crescent
Regina, SK S4S 3Z7
Phone: (306) 791-8492
Fax: (306) 751-2759
Web site:
October Newsletter 2014
News From the Office
We have much to be thankful for at McVeety School!
“It isn’t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful, but what you have in your heart.” ~ Author Unknown
Our September Open House and MMCC Welcome Back BBQ was well attended and the weather
cooperated with us. A huge thank you to our School Community Council who organized the BBQ - your time
and effort was greatly appreciated!
Our classroom teachers have been very busy assessing students this month. These assessments include:
 the EYE-DA in Pre-Kindergarten;
 the EYE-TA in Kindergarten;
 Oral Reading Records (ORR) in Grades 1 and 2;
 Fountas & Pinnell (F & P) Reading Assessment in Gr. 3;
 RAD – Reading Assessment in Grades 4 – 8;
 Numeracy Assessment (DNA) in Grades 1 – 8; and,
 Value Added Assessment in Writing (VAAW ) in Grades 1-8.
These pre-assessments will give us valuable information on how to meet your child’s learning needs.
Post-assessments for each of the above areas will occur again in May and June 2015. In addition, all Regina
Public School students in Grades 4 – 8 will be participating in the “Tell Them From Me” online student
survey. This survey helps schools improve the learning outcomes of our students and measures factors that are
known to affect academic achievement. Classroom teachers will share student achievement data with families at
our November conferences.
Feel free to contact me with your compliments or concerns.
Ms. Janice Dohlen
Acting Principal
Important Information from Transportation:
As the cold weather approaches the Regina Public School Board wants to ensure that school bus routes are running on
time, and that students are safe. Student delays at stops affect students waiting further into the route. Parents are asked
1. Ensure their child is at the stop location and is ready for boarding five minutes prior to the departure time.
2. Ensure, as necessary, that there is a responsible individual available to meet the vehicle after school.
3. Have alternate arrangements in place for those times when the vehicle is delayed.
From Brad Dimen, Supervisor of Transportation
Emergency Procedures
To ensure emergency preparedness, McVeety students and staff have been practicing evacuation drills. All Regina
Public Schools are expected to conduct a minimum of six fire drills each year and four “Lockdown” drills.
Should an evacuation to an off-school site location be required, we have made arrangements with École Monseigneur
De Laval, 1601 Cowan Crescent, to temporarily house our students and staff.
Marion McVeety School
38 Turgeon Crescent
Regina, SK S4S 3Z7
Phone: (306) 791-8492
Fax: (306) 751-2759
Web site:
MSC News
Our McVeety Student Council is comprised of the following sixteen energetic and enthusiastic student leaders: Erin A.
(Co-Chair), Delaney E. (Co-Chair), Clarisa M., Monique P. , Josh B., Ben H., YuJeong A., Haley W., Eugenie O.,
Taylor C., Declan H., Nicholis P., Sarah T., Beyond Z., Hunter P., and Elizabeth B.
Our first MSC project for 2014-15 is now underway. In recognition of World Food Day on
October 16th, our school has decided to participate in the FCC Drive Away Hunger program by
collecting donations of food for people who are hungry in our area.
By participating in this program, FCC will include our school for a draw for a $500 donation to be
used to make improvements at the school.
We encourage you to send a food item to school with your child during the week of October 6th to support this
Information explaining this project has gone home with the youngest and/or only child in each family. The MSC
would like to thank you for supporting this worthwhile cause!
Upcoming Spirit Days:
October 17th—Rider Pride Day (wear green & white)
October 31st—Orange and Black Day
Santa Store Donations Needed
Marion McVeety School will be partnering with Glen Elm School for their annual “Santa Store”. McVeety students,
staff and families are encouraged to donate new or gently used toys, items for caregivers, and a range of gifts for
students’ siblings. Our donations will provide an opportunity to assist the Glen Elm students to be able to purchase
items for their family members at Christmas time. Our McVeety Student Council will be heading up this project for our
school and accepting donations until December 8th.
Share the Warmth
Marion McVeety School is proud to be participating in the SaskEnergy Share the Warmth Program. This
program is a care-raising campaign designed to collect clean, gently-used warm clothing for families in
need from November 3-6, 2014.
We now need your support to help make this program a success! The goal is to collect nearly 20,000 pieces
of warm clothing this year. All of the clothing will be distributed to families and organizations in need to
help ensure our community is prepared for the upcoming Saskatchewan winter.
Our McVeety Student Council will be coordinating our school’s involvement. This is a great opportunity to involve
our students in a volunteerism project that is fun for all grade levels and a valued charitable giving project. This project
is also an excellent “reuse” project for environmental education and promotes both community leadership and a caring
culture in our school.
It couldn’t be easier! We will be provided with a collection bin – please send your clean and gently used
coats, jackets, toques, mitts, scarves, and sweaters for families in need of a helping hand this winter.
Marion McVeety School
38 Turgeon Crescent
Regina, SK S4S 3Z7
Phone: (306) 791-8492
Fax: (306) 751-2759
Web site:
Terry Fox Run
Terry Fox week was kicked off this year with a pep rally in the gym. Two grade 4 students, Lucie and
Nolan, did a fantastic job of presenting videos and a PowerPoint about the Terry Fox legacy. The
students brought donations to school from September 22-26. Our Terry Fox Run was held on
September 24th at 2:30. The students walked/ran a route and then enjoyed oranges and water at the
end of the run. A big thank you goes out to all the parents who helped make this event a success.
McVeety School exceeded its goal this year, raising $953.63 for cancer research. Mr. Benson’s grade 5 class donated more
than $300 to this cause. Way to go McVeety School! You are truly making a difference for cancer research!
Girls’ Volleyball Team News
The following girls are part of Marion McVeety girls’
volleyball team this year.
Boys’ Volleyball Team News
Delaney E.
Erin A.
Eugenie O.
Haley W.
Hunter P.
Taylor C.
The boys’ volleyball team is up and running this year. There
are 12 players, many of whom are first time players. The first
game was held on Oct 6th against Perry. The boys gave a
fantastic effort for this game. The rest of the volleyball
schedule is as follows:
Yujeong A.
Elizabeth B.
Macquarie H.
Wednesday, Oct. 15—McVeety @ Massey
Beyond Z.
Sarah T.
Clarissa M.
Tuesday, Oct. 21—Argyle @ McVeety
Thursday, Oct. 23—Grand Coulee @ McVeety
The girls are playing very well and have impressed their
coaches with their great attitude and work ethic.
Tuesday, Oct. 28—Davin @ McVeety
Spectators are welcome for any of our games.
Wednesday, Oct. 29—McVeety @ Perry
Monday, Nov. 3—McVeety @ Massey
Marcel Lorenz, Paul Procyshyn
Wednesday, Nov. 5—Argyle @ McVeety
Come out and cheer on the boys for some of our home games!
Coaches: Mrs. Kuppenbender & Mrs. Schafer
McVeety Drama
Due to a circumstances beyond our control, we have had to change the technical/dress rehearsal dates and performance dates for
the fall drama production.
Please mark your calendar to come to see the play [Oz by Don Zolidis] on Wednesday, November 26 or
Thursday, November 27 (or both!) at 7:00 pm.
This play will take place at a new location for us: at Campus Regina Public/Cochrane High School.
Please join us for an excellent adventure full of laughs and meaning.
Mrs. Lelliott
Marion McVeety Community Council (MMCC)
All parents and guardians, as well as community members who live in the McVeety School area are welcome to attend meetings
held the first Tuesday of each month. Please mark your calendars and join us at the November 4, 2014meeting. We meet at
6:30pm in the staff room.
The MMCC is encouraging families to support their QSP magazine fundraiser. Orders may be completed online or on paper forms.
When ordering online, our GROUP ID is 3730637. Orders may be submitted throughout the year thru online ordering at
Upcoming Event: Please join us on Friday, October 24th for our Family Dance. Watch for information to come home soon.
We look forward to seeing everyone there!
Marion McVeety School
38 Turgeon Crescent
Regina, SK S4S 3Z7
Phone: (306) 791-8492
Fax: (306) 751-2759
Web site:
Regina Public Schools Cold Weather Policy:
When it gets cold or snowy, parents often ask "is school cancelled?", "are the busses running?", "will there be
indoor recess?".
A few things to know about severe winter conditions and school days at Regina Public Schools.
The school principal shall ensure that school procedures are in place so that students are not unduly
exposed to cold or inclement weather.
In elementary schools, student entrances are to be opened not later than 8:00 a.m.
In high schools, student entrances are to be opened not later than 7:30 a.m..
Parents/guardians are to be reminded that playground supervision is provided fifteen minutes before morning and
afternoon classes at elementary schools. When determining if students should remain indoors, Principals shall consult
Administrative Procedure 356 – Appendix: Extreme Weather Guidelines.
When students have an outdoor recess in cold or inclement weather, they are to be allowed to re-enter the building at any time
during the recess period.
Snow Days:
 There are rarely snow days at Regina Public Schools.
 Staff will go out of their way to ensure schools are open in all conditions because we recognize that students may show up to
school, regardless of weather.
 In the rare event that, during winter, a school does not open, or must close during the day it is usually for heating/mechanical
issues. In these cases, the school division will make every effort to contact families through a SchoolConnects message;
through the school & school division website; Twitter; and the local news media.
 Buses and other student transport will run in snowy conditions, unless roads are impassible. Families would be similarly
informed in the remote chance that transportation is cancelled due to weather.
 Families should always prepare for buses to run a little slower in extreme weather conditions and to ensure
that their children are warm and safe until picked up from the established pick up spots.
 Parents should note that Regina Public Schools only operates schools in the City of Regina. Many bus
cancellations reported on the radio are for schools outside of the city, schools that require highway
transport. Our buses stay within the City of Regina.
Families should ensure that students dress for the weather in all conditions. Let's keep all our students
warm, happy and safe! If you have any questions, please contact the school at 306-791-8492.
Transportation of Students in Severe Weather Conditions:
In the event of severe weather conditions, please listen for radio announcements. If it becomes necessary to cancel bus operations,
notice will be provided via the radio. Severe weather conditions and poor roads may extend bus running times, resulting in late
arrivals and/or departures. Parents/guardians should ensure that children are suitably clothed to withstand weather extremes, that
children are supervised until picked up, and that children have a place to go in the event of an emergency or an unavoidable delay.
Transportation of Students in Cold Weather
Regina Public Schools transportation has implemented a new procedure effective in the 2014-2015 school year:
If the wind chill and/or temperature falls below –45 C at 7:00 AM, all student transportation will be cancelled.
If the wind chill and/or temperature falls below –40 C or at 7:00 AM, transportation for students requiring
vehicles equipped with lifts (such as, students in wheelchairs) will be cancelled.
Parents/guardians and students will be notified through the School Connects Synrevoice System, as well through
radio, TV, and RPS social media (Twitter, etc.).
Marion McVeety School
38 Turgeon Crescent
Regina, SK S4S 3Z7
Phone: (306) 791-8492
Fax: (306) 751-2759
Web site:
Pearson Saskatchewan Portal:
Regina Public Schools would like to announce the purchase of e-text resources available through Pearson
Saskatchewan Portal as a support for Grades 4-9 students. E-Text resources are easy-to –use and available anytime
and anywhere internet access is available whether using a personal computer (MAC or PC) or other devices providing
the appropriate Pearson e-Text app has been downloaded (iPad and Android). E-Text resources available for
Grades 4-9 students include:
- Literacy in Action Grades 7-8 and Live Ink Grade 9
- Mathématiques WNCP/Math Makes Sense Grade 4-9
- Pearson Science Grade 5-9
- Saskathcewan Social Studies Grades 4-7 and Pathways Grade 9
In support of accessing Pearson Saskatchewan Portal resources, each student in Grades 4-9 will be provided with a
username and password in October and instruction regarding where and how to login and access e-text resources
available. Once this occurs, and in support of learning at home, parents/guardians of students in Grades 4-9 are asked
to record the student username and password at home to enable home access.
School Cash Online:
For safety and efficiency reasons, Regina Public Schools would like to reduce the amount of cash and cheques coming
into our schools. Please join the thousands of parents who have already registered and are enjoying the convenience of
paying ONLINE! It takes less than five minutes to register.
Instructions for setting up your “School Cash Online” account are available from our school office or you may click on
the “Online Payments” logo on our school website or the Regina Public School website at
Note: The friendly staff at the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk are available to 24/7 (365 days) to provide any
assistance you may require using the online system. Assistance is available on the School Cash Online website, by
emailing or by phone at 1-866-961-1803.
Parent Portal:
Parents can now access a myriad of information about their child(ren) online at any time. Regina Public Schools
proudly offers “Parent Portal” so that parents can access information such as grades, teacher comments and attendance,
through a confidential, individual online account.
An individual Access ID and Access Password must be given to each parent in person. This information is available at
any time through our school office.