3-4 November 2014


3-4 November 2014
3-4 November 2014 – Miami, Florida
2014 Praxity
North American
International Tax Conference
To register, please visit
3-4 November 2014
www praxity-conferences com
Sign up for this exclusive seminar
Early Bird Price:
Book on or before October 3rd, 2014
and pay only $1,295 ($1,395 thereafter)
Includes breakfast, lunch, refreshment breaks, and seminar
materials on both days.
Conference takes place at Mayfair Hotel & Spa, Miami, Florida.
A reduced room rate of $165 plus taxes per night has been
negotiated for delegates. (subject to hotel availability, which
cannot be guaranteed if booking after 4th October 2014)
To make your reservation, please contact
the Mayfair Hotel & Spa reservation department;
Phone:305-441-0000, ext 3570 or 1-800-433-4555
Fax: 305-441-1647
Email: roomreserve@mayfairhotelandspa.com
From Principles to Planning
Join us for this exclusive Conference
You will come away with a deeper understanding of
the tax considerations of doing business internationally.
Tax experts from Canada, Mexico, the United States,
Puerto Rico, and Europe will guide you through the
global tax picture, from a North American perspective.
North American International Tax Conference
3-4 November 2014
To register, please visit
Monday 3 November
Tuesday 4 November
Track 1
07:15am Continental Breakfast
Track 2
www praxity-conferences com
Track 3
Track 1
Track 2
07:30am Continental Breakfast
08:00am Welcome and Introductions
08:00am OECD Initiative on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS)
08:15amRecent Developments in International Tax – U.S., Canada, Mexico,
and Puerto Rico
09:55am Break
10:00am Entity Selection: Branch, Cross Border Real Estate US Withholding Rules
CFC, or Check-the-Box?
11:20am Introduction to
Foreign Tax Credits
Transfer Pricing – Advanced
09:45am Outbound & Inbound Investments – Case Studies
11:05am A
n Introduction to Transfer Pricing
12:25pm Lunch
Indirect Tax in
Mexico and Canada
n Introduction to the Taxation of
Foreign Currency Transactions
and Translations
International Merger and
Acquisition Issues – Advanced Topics
IC-DISC Formation and Planning
Tax Treaties
12:40pm Lunch
1:35pm Introduction to Anti-Deferral Provisions
Taxation of
U.S. Expatriates
2:25pm Tax Compliance for International Activities
Gift & Estate
Canada – Income Tax
Accounting for
Income Tax
4:15pmAn Introduction to International Merger and Acquisition Issues
Advanced Tax Issues
– Inbound Investments
5:30pm- Reception
Planning for Worldwide Effective
Tax Rate
3:25pm Passive Foreign Investment Companies
Foreign Tax Credits
– Advanced Planning
Anti-Deferral Provisions
– Advanced Planning Techniques
Mexico/Puerto Rico
– Income Tax
4:15pm Panel Discussion and Wrap-up
5:00pm End