Start-up delivers Mediterranean diet with modern convenience
Start-up delivers Mediterranean diet with modern convenience
S TA RT- U P CA S E S T U DY 28 OctOber 2014 Start-up delivers Mediterranean diet with modern convenience Mediterra Nutrition Bars offers the appeal of the Mediterranean Diet in a convenient package. The brand is striving to stay true to the principles of its dietary heritage, but in the process, it may also change the landscape of the bar category for good. Karen raterMan reports. NNB Mediterra founder Telemaque Lavidas believes the bars’ solid nutrition and whole food ingredients will resonate with educated, core natural consumers – and that the Mediterranean diet basis gives the bars a point of difference: “We feel strongly we are filling a void in the market, especially with the savoury bars, which are about providing a product that is synonymous with the Mediterranean diet movement but also convenient.” N E W N U T R I T I O N B U S I N E S S w w w. n ew - n u t r i t i o n . c o m S TA RT- U P CA S E S T U DY 29 OctOber 2014 A FLAVOUR FOR EVERY PART OF THE DAY Mediterra bars on sale in Natural Grocer’s. N E W N U T R I T I O N B U S I N E S S w w w. n ew - n u t r i t i o n . c o m S TA RT- U P CA S E S T U DY 30 OctOber 2014 A FOCUS ON KEEPING ITS LEAD IN SAVOURY BARS GLOBAL BRAND STRATEGY N E W N U T R I T I O N B U S I N E S S w w w. n ew - n u t r i t i o n . c o m
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