E C vents alendar


E C vents alendar
Events C alendar
Fri.- Nov. 14
8-10am. Free. “How to Get a
Business Up and Running.”
Register: btdc.biz/onlineregistration.asp. 516-869-7614. Harbor Links Club House, 1 Fairway
Dr., Port Washington.
GPM: Sacagawea
2 & 3pm. Film free with admission. Explores the expedition with Lewis and Clark. (50
min.) 516-571-8010. garviespointmuseum.com. 50 Barry
Dr., Glen Cove.
Library: Programs
Mother Daughter Book
Pajama Storytime
7pm. Ages 4-6. Story, games,
craft and more. Register x317.
355-7850. hillsidelibrary.info.
155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
Theatre Box: One Act
Fri. and Sat at 8pm. Sun. at
2. $15 adults, $10 seniors, $5
students. “Happily Never After,”
“Ledge, Ledger and the Legend,”
and “The Actor’s Nightmare.”
516-900-2031. theatrebox.org.
United Methodist Church of
Floral Park, 35 Verbena Ave.
Sat.- Nov. 15
APEC: Photography
own camera. Pre-register at
718-229-4000. Alley Pond
Environmental Center, 228-06
Northern Blvd., Douglaston.
ister. 355-7850. hillsidelibrary.
info. 155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
Library: SMART Driving
APEC: Programs
Animals that Go Bump in
the Night
10:30am-12:30pm. $21.
Ages 5-6. Learn about nocturnal animals and what
they do dur ing the night.
Story, snack, hike and more.
11/15 and 11/22 from 9-10:30am.
$66pp. Adults. Learn composition and lighting. Bring your
10:30am-12:30pm. $24. Ages
8-12. Learn about the microscope. Must register for all
programs: 718-229-4000.
A l l e y Po n d E n v i r o n m e n tal Center, 228-06 Northern
Blvd., Douglaston.
Model Train Show
Sat. & Sun. from 11am-4pm.
Suggested donation: $5 adults,
$3 ages 4-11.
donated to the NC Empire
State Games for the Physically Challenged. 433-4444.
trainville.com. 103 Grumman
Rd West, Bethpage.
GPM: Wolf Adventures
11am, 1 & 2pm. Film free with
admission. Explore the habits of the grey wolf and its
struggle for survival in today’s
world.(15 mins.) 516-5718010. garviespointmuseum.
com. 50 Barry Dr., Glen Cove.
OWG: Family Program
12pm. All ages. Free w/ad-
Library: Programs
This Sat. and Sun, from 12-4pm. All ages. Free w/ admission. Explore Native American celebrations and traditions.
3-6pm. Nassau County residents affected by Super Storm
Sandy. Clinic will have HUD
counselors, bankruptcy attorneys, law services, and
more. Reg. required 516747-4070 or email info@
nassaubar.org. 15th & West
Streets, Mineola.
2-4pm. Job Club: How to Find a
Job You Love.
5pm. $2. Gr. K-4. Harvest Centerpiece craft. Register x317.
6:30pm. $2. Gr. 5+. Art project.
3 5 5 - 7 8 5 0 . h i l l s i d e l i b r a r y.
info. 155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
and used items. 333-1839.
712 The Plain Road, Westbury.
Tues.- Nov. 18
Spouse Bereavement
Support Group
LICM Programs: Cranberry Festival
mission. Walk. View pet portraiture. Bring a pet picture
for your craft. 516-333-0048
or oldwestburygardens.org.
71 Old Westbur y Rd.
LICM Programs:
Give Thanks
Sat and Sun 11:30 am to 2pm
Ages 3+. $5 w/ admission. $10
theatre only. An Iroquois Native
American plays flute and drums,
shares songs and stories. 11
Davis Ave., Garden City. 516224-5800 or LICM.org.
BroadHollow Theater:
“South Pacific”
Sat. at 2 & 8pm. Sun. at 2:30pm.
$23 adults, $21 seniors, $18
students and $14 under 12, $25
at door. Group rates available.
Musical. For tickets 516- 7754420 or broadhollow.org. 700
Hempstead Tpke., Elmont.
Community Reform
Temple: Rummage Sale
Sat. from 6:30-8:30pm. Sun.
from 10am-12pm. Free. New
APEC: Star Safari
7:30-9:30pm. $16pp. Adults and
children 9+. Astronomer Mark
Freilich will lecture about various constellations. Then outside
for a star and moon observation.
Can bring your own telescope
or binoculars. Pre-register
at 718-229-4000. Alley Pond
Environmental Center, 228-06
Northern Blvd., Douglaston.
Sun.- Nov. 16
APEC: Vet Tech
10am-12pm. $23. Ages 10-13.
Learn the skills required to
keep our animals healthy. Must
register for all programs: 718229-4000. Alley Pond Environmental Center, 228-06 Northern
Blvd., Douglaston.
OWG: Adult Workshop
10:30am. $15. Learn the basics
for getting a great photo. Registration required. 516-333-0048 or
oldwestburygardens.org. 71 Old
Westbury Rd. (Raindate 11/23.)
BroadHollow Theater:
“Willy Wonka Jr.”
12pm. All tickets $10, $12 at
door. Group rates are available.
Musical. Tickets: 516- 775-4420
or broadhollow.org. 700 Hempstead Tpke., Elmont.
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Gift Certificate
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All Winners Must Supply Proof Of Birthday
Last Week’s sEpTEMBER 21 Winner Was:
Amanda Turner of New Hyde park
Thurs.) Call 311 or 869-6311 to
register. Roslyn Comm. Ctr., 53
Orchard St., Roslyn Heights.
Nassau Bar Assn.: Free
Legal Clinic
10am. Register at 516-3557850 x304. hillsidelibrary.info.
155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
Microscopic Studies
7pm. Gr. 5+. Register and then
pick up the book at the library.
Register x317.
Send your event to: events@marketplacepublications.com or fax: 516-997-7906
See our events online: marketplacepublications.com
Rock Hall Museum: Children’s Etiquette
12-2:30pm. $40. Ages 6+.
Nanny Rose will guide children through etiquette lessons. Reser vations required. 516-239-1157. 199
Broadway, Lawrence.
Museum of Art
Family Sundays
1-4pm. Free w/admission. Art
activities for youngsters and the
adults in their lives.
Library: Children’s Movie
1:30pm. Free. “Maleficent,” PG,
97 min. Adult must accompany
children. Register: 355-7850
x317. hillsidelibrary.info. 155
Lakeville Rd., NHP.
LI Singles: Dinner
4pm gathering, 5pm dinner.
25+. $3 plus $25 dinner. Cash
bar. Call Vinny at 516-4653953. meetup.com/singles. LaFocaccia Italian Restaurant, 70
E. Village Green (off Jerusalem
Ave.), Levittown.
Mon.- Nov. 17
Library: Programs
10am-4pm. Free assistance with
Partial Property Tax Exemption application. Appt. needed.
1:30pm. Movie: “Bridge on the
River Kwai,” PG, 160 min. Reg-
Medicare Update
10-11am. Residents of N.
Hempstead. 60+. Learn the
changes in Medicare Advantage Plans, Part D and get help
with Medicare costs. Call 311
or 869-6311 to register. Port
Washington Senior Center, 80
Manorhaven Blvd.
Reduce Your Salt
11am-12pm. Residents of
N. Hempstead. 60+. Learn
how to cut back on salt
and sodium in your diet.
M a g n o l i a G a r d e n s, 8 9 9
Broadway, Westbury.
Library: Programs
2pm. $10. 3rd Grade Computer
Class. Register.
6:30pm. Lecture: Tales From
The Job Front Wars. Register.
7pm. Bookclub. Register :
355-7850. hillsidelibrary.info.
155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
GPM: Pocahontas
11/18-11/21 at 2 & 3pm. Film
free with museum admission.
She had a vision of cooperation between the European
settlers and her people that
was revolutionary in its modernity. (50 mins.) 516-571-8010.
50 Barry Dr., Glen Cove
Wed. - Nov. 19
Assoc. of Piano Teachers of LI
10am-12noon. The LI Piano Duo: Yelena & Vladimir
Polezhayev. 516-326-8122.
Garden City Comm. Church,
Stewart Ave. and Whitehall
Blvd., Garden City.
Library: Programs
1 and 7pm. Book discussion,
“The Storied Life of A.J. Fickery,” by Gabrielle Zevin. Register x310.
5:30pm. Gr. 2+. Science adventures. Register x317.
355-7850. hillsidelibrary.info.
155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
Garden City Ski Club
Fri.- Nov. 21
11-12pm. Residents of N.
Hempstead. 60+. Learn about
the grief process and coping
skills. Meet other people who
are having the same experience. 1st & 3rd Fri. of each
month. Call 311 or 869-6311 to
register. Port Washington Senior
Ctr., 80 Manorhaven Blvd.
Library: Programs
5:30pm. Gr. 2-6. Crazy Catapults:
Understand how force and motion work in simple machines.
Register x317.
7pm. $3.50. Stress-less holidays
- floor class. Register: x310.
355-7850. hillsidelibrary.info.
155 Lakeville Rd., NHP.
OWG: Discussion
7pm. $35. Discussion with Richard Ormond about painter John
Singer Sargent. Dessert reception. Registration required. 516333-0048 or oldwestburygardens.org. 71 Old Westbury Rd.
LICM: Tiny Tom Turkeys
Tues. thru Fri. for Nov. from
2:30-4pm. All ages. Free w/museum admission. Build a holiday
tabletop-sitter. 11 Davis Ave.,
Garden City. 516-224-5800 or
Veterans Donation Drive
Now thru 12/12. Donate personal
care items, clothing and more.
For a complete list call 869-6311
or 311. Donations delivered to
the Northport VA Medical Center.
Drop off sites: Clinton G. Martin
Park, Manhasset Town Hall,
Michael J. Tully Park and Yes We
Can Comm. Ctr.
The Doe Club:
Christmas Party
12/6 at 7:30pm. $40. Dinner, dance and more. RSVP
by 11/25. 718-428-3316. 901
Lakeville Road, NHP.
Christian Women’s Club:
7:30pm. Ages 21+. Meets the
1st & 3rd Wed.’s. Activities include: social events, skiing and
snowboarding in New England,
out West & Canada. 516-8721448. gardencityskiclub.com.
Knights of Columbus, 1000
Marcus Ave., NHP.
12/2 at 12:15pm. $26. All women
and men are invited to “Yuletide
Luncheon.” For reservations or
info. call Jane Voss (after 10am)
at 516-742-0861. RSVP by 11/24.
Jolly Fisherman & Steak House,
25 Main St., Roslyn.
Thurs.- Nov. 20
Mention You Saw Their
Ad In Market Place.
Senior Talk
11:15-12:15am. Residents of
N. Hempstead. 60+. Meet people and talk about a variety
of topics. (Meets 1st and 3rd