Missing Output in the Variable Browser


Missing Output in the Variable Browser
FAQ 019
Missing Output in the Variable Browser
missing block output variables; missing signal labels; ControlDesk Variable Browser; referenced
models; variable description file; TRC file; <modelname>.trc; Inline Parameter; virtual blocks; Signal
storage reuse; optimization
I have built and downloaded my model without any problems and want to trace some variables with
ControlDesk or ControlDesk Next Generation. But in the ControlDesk/ControlDesk Next Generation
Variable Browser, some block output variables, parameters or signal labels seem to be missing. What
is the reason for this?
Relevant Products
Real-Time Interface (RTI) and ConfigurationDesk, differences between Real-Time Interface (RTI) and
ConfigurationDesk are explicitly pointed to.
The variable browser in ControlDesk/ControlDesk Next Generation displays the contents of the
variable description file (TRC-File, <modelname>.trc), which is generated by the build process. The
following list explains known issues with variable description file and its generation.
1. Check the Signal storage reuse checkbox on the Optimization page (or the Optimization’s
sub-page Signal and Parameters) of the Configuration Parameters dialog
If this option is enabled, block output variables may be shared by several blocks They are not
represented by global variables. Such block outputs are not generated into the variable
description file (TRC file), as it would be unclear which data has to be traced.
A warning is displayed during the build process if the Signal storage reuse option is set to
Check the Inline parameters checkbox on the Optimization page (or the Optimization’s subpage Signal and Parameters) of the Configuration Parameters dialog.
If this option is enabled, the block parameters are inlined so that their concrete values are
used in the generated C code, which make them non-modifiable. As a result, no block-specific
parameter is available in the variable browser. For further information on Inline parameters
refer to Simulink Coder® User's Guide (formerly Real-Time Workshop User’s Guide) by The
3. Check the Include only Simulink.Parameter and Simulink.Signal objects with global
storage class checkbox on the Code generation (formerly Real-Time Workshop) – RTI
variable description file options (RTI)/DSRT variable description file options
(ConfigurationDesk) page of the Configuration Parameters dialog.
If this option is enabled, only parameters and signals are included in the variable description
file (TRC file), which reference a Simulink.Parameter or a Simulink.Signal object in the
MATLAB workspace. If this option is set, the variable description file (TRC file) only provides
the Labels group and the Tunable Parameters group. It does not contain the entire model
The dependencies between the three mentioned Configuration Parameters settings (Code options
settings) and the Model Hierarchy in the variable description file group “Model root” are shown below:
Missing Output in the Variable Browser
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Code Options Settings
Model Hierarchy in the Model Root Group
Inline Parameters = ON
Signal Storage Reuse = ON
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = OFF
Signals specified as test points and signals
with a global storage class are available
No parameters are available
Inline Parameters = ON
Signal Storage Reuse = ON
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = ON
The model hierarchy is not available
No LookupTable Data entries are available
Inline Parameters = OFF
Signal Storage Reuse = ON
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = OFF
Signals specified as test points and signals
with a global storage class are available
Block parameters are available
Inline Parameters = OFF
Signal Storage Reuse = ON
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = ON
The model hierarchy is not available
No LookupTable Data entries are available
Inline Parameters = ON
Signal Storage Reuse = OFF
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = OFF
All block output signals are available
No block parameters are available
Inline Parameters = ON
Signal Storage Reuse = OFF
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = ON
The model hierarchy is not available
No LookupTable Data entries are available
Inline Parameters = OFF
Signal Storage Reuse = OFF
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = OFF
Inline Parameters = OFF
Signal Storage Reuse = OFF
Include only Simulink.Parameter and
Simulink.Signal objects with global storage
class = ON
All block output signals and block parameters are
The model hierarchy is not available
No LookupTable Data entries are available
The variable description file groups “Labels” and “Tunable Parameters” are also differently affected by
the three mentioned code option settings.
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4. Check the Enable local block outputs checkbox on the Optimization page (or the
Optimization’s sub-page Signal and Parameters) of the Configuration Parameters dialog.
If this option is enabled, output variables might be created as local function variables and not
as global variables.
5. Check the Inline invariant signals checkbox on the Optimization page (or the Optimization’s
sub-page Signal and Parameters) of the Configuration Parameters dialog.
If this option is enabled, constants and signals that depend only on constants are not available
as variables in the generated code
6. Check the “Include signal labels” and “Include virtual blocks” checkboxes on the Code
generation (formerly real-Time Workshop) - RTI variable description file options (for
RTI)/DSRT variable description file options (for ConfigurationDesk) of the Configuration
Parameters dialog.
If cleared, the signal labels of the model are not generated into the variable description file and
virtual blocks are not available in the variable description file
7. Check whether you want to trace a signal of an I/O block (RTI or Model Port Block) that is
unconnected or connected to virtual blocks (Ground, Terminator, Input, Output, Goto,
From, Mux Demux, etc.).
If an I/O block (RTI or Model Port Block) is unconnected or connected to only virtual blocks,
Simulink Coder (formerly Real-Time Workshop) marks the I/O block as unconnected. For
performance reasons real-time code is optimized. No code for the I/O channel is generated
and either the entry for the block port is not generated or the port is marked as No data
(unused channel) in the variable browser.
In this case, include at least one non-virtual block in the signal line, for example, a unity Gain
block (Gain value set to 1) or for Boolean signals a Simulink© Logical Operator with its
operator parameter set to OR and its second input port set to a constant Boolean 0.
The Hardware interrupt block, Software interrupt block, Data Capture block, Background
block, IPI block and Runnable Function block (formerly Trigger Event Port block) are
completely virtual and offer no signal to be traced. Therefore, such blocks do not appear in the
variable description file.
8. In some cases, Simulink Coder (formerly Real-Time Workshop) does not generate separate
variables for the block output signals of Constant blocks.
Instead of the block output signals, you can also observe the Constant block parameters
within ControlDesk/ControlDesk Next Generation. In the Variable Browser, locate the
Constant block you want to observe and drag and drop its parameter to the desired
To make sure that Simulink Coder (formerly Real-Time Workshop) generates a separate
variable for an output signal of a Constant block, you can declare the signal to be a test
point. To declare a test point, use the Simulink ® Signal Properties dialog box. For further
information on test points, refer to Simulink Coder® User's Guide (formerly Real-Time
Workshop User’s Guide) by The MathWorks.
This also applies to the outputs of virtual blocks that are connected to Constant blocks.
10. Check whether one of the following variable description file features have been set in the
respective subsystem or in one of the subsystems located above the respective subsystem.
Normally these features are used to either hide the contents of a subsystem in the variable
description file or to reduce the size of the variable description file:
For RTI: An activated TRC Exclusion block (Block Display: TRC Exclusion <activated>)
is part of the model
the Configuration Parameters option Apply subsystem omission tags on the Code
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generation (formerly Real-Time Workshop) - RTI variable description file options page of
the Configuration Parameters dialog in combination with a subsystem tag DsVdOmit set to
1 or -1.
For ConfigurationDesk: Configuration Parameters option Apply subsystem omission
tags on the Code generation (formerly Real-Time Workshop) - DSRT variable description
file options page of the Configuration Parameters dialog in combination with a subsystem
tag DsVdOmit set to 1 or -1
9. When using referenced models (available since dSPACE Release 6.1) several aspects
regarding the appearance of signals and parameters in the variable description files have to
be taken into consideration.
If the Total number of instances per top model option on the Model Referencing page
of the Configuration Parameters dialog is set to Multiple, the contents of the respective
referenced models do not appear in the variable description file.
For referenced models the Inline parameters optimization is always assumed to be
enabled (on), regardless of the referenced model’s actual setting. Definitions of global
parameters made in the Configuration dialog are ignored for referenced models. Only
those blocks parameters specified by Simulink.Parameters objects with storage class set
to "SimulinkGlobal", "ImportedExtern", "ImportedExternPointer" or "ExportedGlobal"
appear in the variable description file.
Variables of Inport blocks located on the root-level of a referenced model are never
generated into the variable description file. This also applies to the outputs of virtual blocks
which are directly connected to such an Inport block.
Variables of Outport blocks located on the root-level of a referenced model are never
generated into the variable description file. Furthermore it may happen, that block outputs
of blocks which drive such an Outport block are not generated either. To solve this
problem, a test point can be set for the respective signal
Like subsystem outputs, Model block outputs are also contained in the variable description
file. However, Model block outputs are available only for scalar and vector signals
Up to dSPACE Release 6.3 model block outputs are not available for Buses which
contain another bus.
11. Signal generators and viewers defined with the Signal & Scope Manager are not generated
into the variable description file.
12. Due to an optimization of the Simulink Coder (formerly Real-Time Workshop), the output ports
of Bus Selector blocks might not be written to the variable description file. If the Bus Selector
blocks’ outputs do not seem to be necessary for calculating another non-virtual block, no code
is generated for the block. This is the case if the following conditions apply
The Bus Selector block is fed by a Signal Conversion block
The output of the Bus Selector block is not used in any non-virtual block.
Select the Test point checkbox in the Signal Properties dialog of the Bus Selector block’s
output signal to have code generated for the Bus Selector block.
13. If you start a build process using MATLAB R2009b or newer, the generated variable
description file does not contain entries for variables that are connected to a Simulink Outport
block on the root level of the model. This applies to direct signal connections and also indirect
connections via virtual blocks. The following entries are missing in the generated variable
description file:
Variables for input signals of Simulink Outport blocks on model root level
Variables for output signals that are directly or indirectly (via virtual blocks) connected to a
Simulink Outport block on model root level
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14. The tunable parameters can be structures containing numerical values. If MATLAB
workspace variables and Simulink.Parameter objects provide a data structure as a value,
they can be configured as tunable parameter structures.
However, tunable parameter structures are not generated into the variables file.
15. The Constant block supports a bus object as data type to use structured parameter as
Constant value. Structured parameters are not generated into the variables description file.
16. You can use arrays of buses to represent structured data. A Simulink bus itself can also
contain bus arrays. This feature is supported, but for the elements of a bus array no entries
are generated into the variable description file.
17. If the block's output data type is specified by Inherit: Inherit via internal rule, the data type
propagation for some Simulink blocks, can lead to a non-expected output data type (fixed
point data type, for example ufix8_En7).
If a 64 bit fixed point data (for example ufix64_En30) is automatically chosen, the signal is
missing in the variable description file.
To avoid this behavior you have to specify Inherit: Inherit via back propagation or Inherit:
Same as input as the output data type in the block.
18. For RTI: Up to dSPACE Release 7.0(RTI 6.6) signals and parameters with enumerated data
types are not generated into the variable description file.
19. For RTI: In former releases the code of the Signal Generator Block has been extended. With
this extension the WaveForm parameter was available in the variable description file
switching the Signal Generator's wave form during simulation. With MATLAB R2010a, the
Real-Time Workshop changed the code generation of this block. As a result, the WaveForm
parameter cannot be provided any longer in the variable description file.
20. For ConfigurationDesk: Entries for blocks displaying sinks like the Simulink Display Block
or the Data Outport Block of the dSPACE Model Port Library are not contained in the
variable description file.
21. For ConfigurationDesk: Simulink Inports and Outports as interface blocks for your model
instead of the Data Inport and Data Outport blocks of the Model Port Block library, the
following limitation apply:
Outport blocks which retrieve a vectorized signal from a virtual block are not supported
If you detect missing output in the Variable Browser and none of the documented reasons apply to
you, send the Simulink model together with the version information of the active MATLAB Release and
the active dSPACE Release and a short description about the missing output to the dSPACE Support
(mailto:support@dspace.de) for further examination.
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Related dSPACE HelpDesk documents
Variable Description File (TRC File) in the
RTI and RTI-MP Implementation Reference.
Available Variables in the Variable Description File in the
RTI and RTI-MP Implementation Reference.
Limitations with Variable Description File in the
RTI and RTI-MP Implementation Guide
Limitations Concerning the Build and Download Process in the
ConfigurationDesk Real-Time Implementation Guide
Rules for Model Referencing in the
ConfigurationDesk Real-Time Implementation Reference
Limitations Regarding Simulink Variables in the Variable Description File in the
ConfigurationDesk Real-Time Implementation Reference
Related FAQs
Missing Output in the Variable Browser
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