The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of... presents


The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of... presents
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Music’s Scholarship Benefit Series
UNC Chamber Singers and
Carolina Choir
Susan Klebanow, conductor
Saturday, November 8, 2014
8:00 PM
Hill Hall Auditorium
Cantiones Sacrae
Sicut Moses serpentem in deserto exaltavit, SWV 68
Heinrich Schütz
Heu mihi, Domine, SWV 65
Supereminet omnem scientiam, SWV 76
Pro hoc magno mysterio, SWV 77
Jauchzet dem Herrn, alle Welt, Op. 69
Felix Mendelssohn
UNC Chamber Singers
Locus iste a Deo factus est
Anton Bruckner
Virga Jesse floruit
Motet VI: Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, BWV 230
Carolina Choir
J. S. Bach
UNC Chamber Singers
Sarah Kathleen Adams
Ellie Cain
Ana Dougherty
Rachel Lauren Eaker
MacKensie Kvalvik
Jenna Marvin
Kamaira Philips
Courtney Schlachter
Kathryn Endahl
Blair Flint
Emily Goldman
Jordan Holoman
Rachel Johnson
Kate Walker
Madelyn Ward
Maria Yao
Samuel Boobier
Dyson Ford
Ryan Rowe
Jared Smith
Kevin Michael Tillman
Blake Wall
Dylan Brown
Chris Burrus
James Carpenter
Aaron Thacker
Jason Zwierzynski
Carolina Choir
Sarah Kathleen Adams
Caitlyn Carmean
Marissa Brooke Cranford
Catherine Edmiston
Madeline Fisher
Alina Gabitov
Allana Geoffrion
Aneesa Glines
Hilary Green
Amanda Hemric
+Kayla Hill
*Catherine Jackson-Jordan
*Elizabeth Kent
Lauren Kneessy
Elaine Lanze
*Gabrielle McHarg
Nicole Papetti
Meredith Richard
Emily Shuman
Alex Stewart
Lindsay Stewart
Rachel Tuton
Taylor Wilds
Tori Bechtold
Ashleigh Bostic
Kiana Cole
Shay Coolican
Kennedy Crawford
+Eliana Fishbeyn
Madeline Hatcher
Melisa Hollar
Siobhan Hsu
*Caroline Hudson
Lauren Hussey
Charlotte Jackson
Shelley Leazer
Tara McKinnon
Kara McNelis
*Natanya Montgomery
Juliette Price
Ashlyn Rhodes
Mai Riquier
*Deena Walters
Alice Yu
Tatjana Zimbelius-Klem
+Griffin Allen
Justin Farmer
Braden Finch
*Jordan Gerber
Matthew Goldman
*Christopher Jenks
*Joshua McClenney
Allen Tirado
Aaron Thacker
John Paul Zalaquett
Luke Boehm
Keenan Brown
Nathanael Connor Brown
James Carpenter
Will Davidson
+Greg Geiger
Neil Hester
Jihoon Lim
Adam Michael Miller
Gabriel Moss
*Brent Pontillo
Scott Showalter
Zhongcheng Xiao
Aaron Thacker,
rehearsal accompanist
* Choir Council
+ Section Leaders
Texts and Translations
Schütz: Sicut Moses serpentem in deserto exaltavit, SWV 68 (John 3:14-15)
Sicut Moses serpentem in deserto exaltavit,
Just as Moses lifted up the serpent in the desert,
Ita filium hominis oportet exaltari,
Even so must the son of man be exalted,
Ut omnis, qui credit in eum,
So that all who have faith in him will not die,
Non pereat sed habeat vitam aeternam.
But have everlasting life.
Schütz: Heu mihi, Domine, SWV 65 (Psalm 31:2)
Heu mihi, Domine,
Quia peccavi nimis in vita mea,
Quid faciam miser, ubi fugiam,
Nisi ad te, Deus meus.
Dum veneris in novissimo die, miserere mei.
Schütz: Supereminet omnem scientiam, SWV 76
Supereminet omnem scientiam o bone Jesu, tua magna caritas,
Woe is me, O Lord,
How deeply have I sinned in my life,
What do I, poor one, do? Where do I flee?
If not to you, my God?
When you appear on the very last day, have mercy on me.
Humanam et enim non angelicam suscipiens naturam
Et eam stola immortalitatis glorificans.
Vexisti super omnes coelos, super omnes choros angelorum,
Super Cherubim, super Seraphim ad dexteram patris.
Te laudant angeli, adorant dominationes et omnes virtutes
coelorum tremunt super se et super hominem Deum.
Surpassing all the knowledge of all humanity, o gentle Jesus, is your
great charity
Which you have shown us, although we are unworthy of your sole
goodness and mercy,
You took on human nature, not angelic nature,
Glorifying it with immortality.
To rise above all the heavens, over all the chorus of angels,
Over Cherubim, over Seraphim at the right hand of the Father.
Angels praise you, dominions adore you, and all powers of heaven
tremble before God.
Schütz: Pro hoc magno mysterio, SWV 77
Pro hoc magno mysterio pietatis
Benedico et glorifico nomen sanctum tuum,
Rex Christe, fili Mariae, fili Dei viventis.
Tibi sit honor et Gloria cum patre et sancto spiritu in
sempiterna saecula.
For this great mystery of devotion
I bless and glorify your holy name,
King Christ, son of Mary, son of the living God.
Honor and glory be to you with the Father and the Holy Spirit for
ever and ever.
Quam ostendisti nobis indignis pro sola bonitate et pietate tua,
Mendelssohn: Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt (Psalm 100 and Doxologie)
Jauchzet dem Herren, alle Welt;
Be joyful in the Lord, all the world;
Dient dem Herrn mit Freuden.
Serve the Lord with gladness.
und Kommet vor sein Angesicht mit Frohlocken.
Come before His presence with rejoicing.
Er ist Gott, unser Herr, er ist Gott:
And know that the Lord is God:
Er hat uns gemacht und nicht wir selbst;
He has made us and not ourselves;
Zu seinem Volke und zu Schafen seiner Weide.
We are his people and the sheep of his pasture.
O geht zu seinen Toren ein mit Danken,
Zu seinen Vorhöfen mit Loben.
Und lobet seinem Namen.
O go into his gates with thanksgiving,
And into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him, praise his name.
Denn der Herr ist freundlich Und seine Gnade und Wahrheit waltet ewig.
Denn der Herr ist freundlich, und seine Gnad und Wahrheit
währet ewig, für und für.
For the Lord is gracious,
And his mercy endures is everlasting.
And His truth endures from generation to generation.
Ehre sei dem Vater und dem Sohne Und dem Heiligen Geiste.
Wie es war zu Anfang, jetzt und immerdar,
Und von Ewigkeit zu Ewigkeit, Amen.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
And to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,
Forever and ever. Amen.
Mendelssohn: Heilig, heilig ist Gott der Herr Zebaoth
Heilig, heilig, heilig, ist Gott der Herr Zebaoth!
Alle Lände sind seiner Ehre voll. Hosianna in der Höh! Gelobt sei der da kommt im Namen des Herrn! Hosianna in der Höh!
Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts!
All nations are fully of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.
Bruckner: Locus iste a Deo factus est
Locus iste a Deo factus est, inaestimabile sacramentum,
Irreprehensibilis est.
This place was made by God, a priceless mystery,
It is without reproof.
Bruckner: Virga Jesse floruit
Virga Jesse floruit:
Virgo Deum et hominem genuit:
Pacem Deus reddidit,
In se reconcilians ima summis. Alleluja.
The rod of Jesse has blossomed:
A virgin has brought forth one who was both God and man:
God has given back peace to men,
Reconciling the lowest with the highest to himself. Alleluia.
Bach: Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden, BWV 230 (Psalm 117)
Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden;
Praise the Lord, all ye nations;
Preiset ihn, alle Völker!
Praise to him, all ye people;
Denn, seine Gnade und Wahrheit
For God, so gracious and righteous,
Waltet über uns in Ewigkeit.
Watches over us forever more.