Document 6599409


Document 6599409
MAIL TO: PO BOX 1188 SALEM, VA 24153 PHONE 540-387-2809
Salem Moose News
Don Ridenhour—Editor
November-December 2014
Important Changes Regarding Signing Members
Beginning August 1st a man can now sign a woman to a Chapter and a woman can sign
a man to a Lodge. Applicants must still be endorsed by a member of the Lodge or Chapter to which they are signed. This also changes the Privacy Policy since anyone other
than a spouse who is over the age of 21 now becomes a “Prospective Member” and can
only be signed in twice before required to join. A spouse, as well as immediate family
members under the age of 21, can still be signed in as many times as necessary without
being required to join as has always been the case. Any member signed, male or female
still counts toward the sponsor’s 25 Club totals for benefit purposes. As a special offer
our lodge men are waiving the $20 Application fee for the month of November!
Bluegrass Benefit November 22
Salem Moose Family Center is holding a Benefit Bluegrass Music Concert for Krystal Austin Dowdy, who is
struggling with cancer. Krystal is the daughter of Victor
Dowdy who is a longtime Moose member. The benefit
concert will be held on November 22, 2014, starting at
12:00 noon. The headliner band is going to be The Bluegrass Brothers which is made up of Krystal's Dad, Brothers, Uncle and others. Several other bands have already
promised to participate in the event. A family friend has
donated a hog and volunteered to cook it outside the
Lodge on his smoker. BBQ will be available for purchase
along with a couple of side dishes. This event is to be
open to the public, so invite all of your friends. There will
be no cover charge for the event, but donations will be
greatly appreciated.
Inside this issue:
Birthdays New Members
Gov & other Articles
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events
Moose Legion
Senior Regent Article
Donor Circle
Salem Moose News
Page 2
Board Of Officers
Eddy Caywood…………. Governor
Larry Nichols……........Jr.Governor
Marty Wilhelm….………….Prelate
Jim Layman…………. 1 yr Trustee
Jim Camper….………... 2 yr Trustee
Bob King….…..……… 3 yr Trustee
Richard Layman…...……Treasurer
Harry Rhodes…. Acting Administrator
Jay Frye……………Jr. Past Governor
Richard Woods...……….Sgt@Arms
Rick Shelor...……………....Inner Guard
Dianne Barbour....………Sr. Regent
Vacant……………………Jr Regent
Ginny Barbour……………Chaplain
Wendy Armes…..…Jr. Grad Regent
Louise Rhodes...…………Recorder
Morey Birch….……..…….Secretary
Sick & Distressed
November-December Bir thdays
November: 2) W Frye; 4) Larry Hale; 5) Ron Reynolds; 6) Steven
Carter; 8) Richard Smith; 11) Allen Kirby; Bob King; 12) Jerry Strong;
14) Justin Barba; 16) Joakim Kaloudis; 18) John Franklin; 20) Bob
Carter II; 21) Keith Butler; 22) Mark Barbour; 25) Joe Richardson; 26)
Mike Dennis; 28) Jim Martin; Michael Armes; 30) Donald Willis
December: 3) Greg Wilcock 4) Greg Hoge; Brad Surber; 5) Nolan
Jackson; 6) Nick Diblasio; Tilford Keister; 8) Mark Miller; 9) Greg
Jewell; 13) Jeff Hancock; 15) Clark Vandergrift; 18) George Selbe Jr.;
19) Jr. Combs; 22) Bob Bradbury; Rick Coleman; Dean Tabor; 29)
Ken Drewry; 30) J Morris III; William Phillips; 31) Butch Bryant;
Scott Johnson
Transfer in
William Brooks; Mike Elliot;
Terry Kidd; Anthony Shultz/
Richard Layman
Steve Wilcox
Let your Ginny Barbour or
Marty Wilhelm know when
someone is sick so that we may
visit them or help in whatever
way we can. Please keep Reid
Johnson, Jerry Rakes, and
Timmy Underwood in your
prayers. Thank you for all of
your prayers for these and the
many others who need them on
a daily basis.
Kenneth Wertz/Eddy Caywood
Please keep your contact informaMichael Wittmeier/Doug Gallotion up to date. Often times we lose
members because they move and fail
The last Friday of
every month is our
member birthday
party! A free beverage and a chance to
win a free dinner for
all members with
birthdays that month!
Christopher Ferris/Bob King
Tim Patton; Darryl Thompson/
Harry Rhodes
Ronald Puckett Jr; Danny
Wright/Sonny Davis
We welcome our new members
and congratulate the members who
sponsored them for fulfilling their
oath of obligation. We urge each
member to sign their friends and
family into our order so that they
may help us in expanding our fraternity and growing our lodge. By signing members you fulfill one of your
obligations of membership.
to inform the administrator or
Moose International of their
change of address.
We ask you to attend meetings
so that you may keep up with
current happenings in the
We are trying to raise $4000 for the
Mooseheart School Renovation Project We
are asking for only $10 per member. We have
almost reached our goal so ask how you can
contribute today!!!
Don Ridenhour—Editor
Page 3
The Governor’s Corner
Brothers and Co-workers,
Every newsletter from all lodges say basically the same thing. Members we need you to come join in
on the fun. Well, this one is saying the same thing. We need for you to come out or come back and
see what's going on. Lots of new things and interests.
We welcome your input as, after all. It is YOUR lodge.
FRIDAY……...12-1 AM
SQM Harry Rhodes
October and November are "Round up” months. The board has waived the $20 initiation fee, so $40
signs a member up for all of the great benefits the Moose provides.
On November 22nd, we are holding a BlueGrass benefit” with a variety of bands including “The
Bluegrass Brothers” so come on out and help us raise some money for a young man who needs our
Keeping it short, "just come on out."
Eddy Caywood, Governor
From the Administrator
Everyone seems to be busy during the Summer months with special projects and vacations taking much of your time. Well, now that Summer is
over and the crisp cool days of Autumn have arrived I want to personally
invite all members to come by the Lodge to see what you have been missing.
The social quarters is doing very well and I am very proud of all the social quarters
staff. Everyone works very hard to serve you. Even on slow days your bartenders are
always on the job and welcoming everyone with a smile. We are striving to please our
customers with good food and refreshments at a reasonable price. There are several new
ideas for entertainment in the social quarters in the making, such as Bar Bingo and the
Queen of Hearts board game. Any suggestions for different types of entertainment are
always welcome. I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has volunteered
to prepare and serve a Friday night dinner. Your help is greatly appreciated.
District 11
January 11
Mtn. Lake
1 PM
Membership is holding its own, but not increasing. As of my last transmit to Moose
Intl. we have 304 active LOOM members on the rolls. There are membership campaigns in place which are sponsored by Moose International and The Virginia Moose
Association to try to attract new members. Salem Moose 2573 is adding its own incentive by waiving the $20.00 application fee for the months of October and November.
All these programs together make the next two months a great time to sign new members.
Thanks to everyone who purchased a paper cradle to raise funds for the Endowment
Fund. Every dollar raised helps to support Moose Charities, an organization that raises
funds for Mooseheart Child City & School and the Moosehaven retirement community.
As a reminder go to to stay informed on what's going on at Moose
International. go to to connect to the Virginia Moose Association
website. Also, the Salem Moose Family Center 2573 website can be accessed by going
Fraternally, Harry Rhodes, Administrator.
Salem Moose News
Page 4
Sunday November 2nd Moose Legion Sponsored Breakfast 9-11:30 AM
Joins us for our monthly real southern style breakfast consisting of eggs (any style), sausage gravy, biscuits, hash browns, bacon,
fruit, and coffee $5 for Moose Legion members and $6 for all other members and their guests. Special prices for children so
bring the whole family! The Lodge Moose Legion Committee uses funds from these breakfasts to support ongoing projects of the
Lodge and fraternity.
Friday November 7th “Seafood Night” 6-9 PM
Join us as we serve a variety of seafood for your dining pleasure!
Sunday November 16th WOTM Breakfast 9-11:30am
The cost of the breakfast is $6.00, which includes 2 eggs MTO, Bacon, Hash browns, homemade biscuits, Sausage gravy and
sausage. You will not leave with an empty stomach!!!
Friday November 21st “Steak Night” 6-9 PM
Join us for a steak cooked to your taste along with a potato, salad, and bread.
Friday December 5th “Seafood Night” 6-9 PM
Join us as we serve a variety of seafood for your dining pleasure!
Sunday December 7th Moose Legion Sponsored Breakfast 9-11:30 AM
Joins us for our monthly real southern style breakfast consisting of eggs (any style), sausage gravy, biscuits, hash browns, bacon,
fruit, and coffee $5 for Moose Legion members and $6 for all other members and their guests. Special prices for children so
bring the whole family! The Lodge Moose Legion Committee uses funds from these breakfasts to support ongoing projects of the
Lodge and fraternity.
Saturday December 13th Children’s Christmas Party 2-4 PM
There will be a sign-up sheet on the WOTM Bulletin board to sign up your child so we can insure that every child who attends
receives a gift from Santa.
Sunday December 14th Christmas Dinner 4-6 PM
Our Lodge will be hosting a Christmas Dinner for it’s members so come out for some good food and fellowship!
Sunday December 14th Dirty Santa Party 6 PM
Join us for a “Dirty Santa” Party 6 PM. This is an adults only event and gifts should be limited to $20
Friday December 19th “Steak Night” 6-9 PM
Join us for a steak cooked to your taste along with a potato, salad, and bread.
Don Ridenhour—Editor
Page 5
Sunday December 21st WOTM Breakfast 9-11:30am
The cost of the breakfast is $6.00, which includes 2 eggs MTO, Bacon, Hash browns, homemade biscuits, Sausage gravy
and sausage. You will not leave with an empty stomach!!!
Wednesday December 31ast New Year’s Eve Party
Details to follow
Sunday January 11th District Meeting Smith Mountain Lake 2346 1 PM
Join us at our District Meeting and find out what is happening at other lodges in our district. We will be taking the “Salem
Moose Express” and seating is limited so sign up today. The host lodge always provides a meal afterwards so join us for
an informative and fun filled day with your Moose Brothers and Coworkers!
For other dates and times of events check with the lodge, on our Facebook page “Salem Moose Lodge Loom”, on
our website at, and with your boards of officers
Karaoke on Fridays!
Dinner Specials every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday Night
Lunch specials every day
Come by and try our daily lunch menu. Something different every day!
Pool Tournaments every Monday Night w/special pricing for players
January 2015 VMA Mid-Year Conference in Norfolk
Details are available at on the “Conferences and Conventions” page
For other dates and times of events check with the lodge, on our Facebook page “Salem Moose Lodge Loom”, on
our website at, and with your boards of officers
We trying to form a veterans group in our lodge to keep up with information that may interest you concerning available benefits and such. Anyone interested
should contact Nolan Jackson for more information.
Join the “Donors Circle” today. Help us secure the future of Mooseheart and
Moosehaven with your fully tax deductible contribution.
Information is available at
Salem Moose News
Page 6
January 10,
Salem 2573
The next conferral will be held at our Lodge on
January 10, 2015. If you are not a Moose Legion
member sign up today and get enrolled at our
Lodge. Dues are $17 per year with an initial
application fee of $10. This degree is the first
step in your towards fulfilling your membership
obligation of advancing in the Moose.
It is much easier to become a member of the
Moose Legion Degree of Service. If you have
been a member of the lodge for six months or
signed one member you can become a member
of the Moose Legion. How easy is that to become a member of the “fun” degree? For only
$27 ($17 annual dues and $10 application fee)
you can become a member today!
The Moose Legion Degree of Service was originally formed to raise funds to build Mooseheart.
Now whenever there is a big project, on any
level, the Moose Legion is called upon to help
raise the funds and get things done. From the
Lodge level to the International level it is the
Moose Legion that is the backbone of our organization! We sponsor a breakfast open to all
Moose members on the first Sunday of every
month so come and see us.
Our Creed is to “do one good thing for someone
each day” so come out and join the fun degree
while we get the word out about the Moose fraternity!
Don Ridenhour, Lodge SMLC Chairman
International Membership Campaign
Ask not
what the
Moose can
do for you,
ask what
Sign a member today!
you can do
We have waived the $20 application fee for
for the
November so sign someone for $40 today!
Don Ridenhour—Editor
Page 7
Senior Moments
Hello Everyone! I can’t believe fall has arrived which means the holidays will
be here before you know it!
We have many upcoming events planned so make sure you don’t miss them!
As always we welcome all that would like to participate in our events. We can
always use a hand in decorating, preparing meals, and helping with the kid’s
Our meetings are held on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 7:00
PM followed by refreshments so please join us.
This is YOUR Chapter and we welcome fresh faces and new ideas!
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and God bless!
See ya at the Lodge!
Dianne Barbour, Senior Regent
Join the “Donor’s Circle” today by making a tax deductible donation to
the Endowment Fund in any amount. Receive a pin as soon as you reach
your 1st $100 and get more pins as your level increases. Your donations
help insure the future of Mooseheart and Moosehaven. For more information go to and follow the links provided. You will
be just a click away from fulfilling the obligation you undertook by joining our Order. There are also envelopes available in the vestibule to send
your money directly to the proper place.
Salem Moose Family Center 2573
1409 East Main St
Salem, VA 24153
Mail to: PO Box 1188
Salem VA 24153
The Moose
is going
“Back to Basics”
Check us out online at
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