
5th November 2014
Headteacher: Ms Jane Oborn
Roedowns Road • Medstead
Tel: (01420) 562824
Alton • Hampshire • GU34 5LG
Fax: (01420) 562451
Dear Parents,
The Christmas Term has arrived! We know this
for several reasons. Firstly, the office is stacked
1. I’ll wear a little poppy as red
high with shoe boxes wrapped in Christmas
as red can be to show that I
paper and stuffed full of wonderful gifts for
remember those who fought
children in need from far flung corners of the
for me
world, Secondly Mrs Duguid and Mrs Hickman
have been frantically collating the children’s
Christmas card designs to send off to the
printers, and thirdly both Key Stage 1, with
Reception, and Key Stage Two started to practise their Christmas Nativity songs during their Key Stage Worships
this morning. The children, and staff, are already in good voice… watch out for the glitter!
I hope everyone had a lovely half term.
Please can I take this opportunity to remind you about playground procedures before and after school, the
children were reminded on Tuesday after Worship.
Before School
Children dropped off at 8.40am will be supervised by a school adult and must play on the playground where they
can be kept in clear view, NOT run round the back of Pre-School, Table tennis area, woods or the field.
This is in keeping with Breakfast Club procedure and means children playing with their friends from Breakfast Club
are all meeting the same expectations, as well as being kept safe.
If you need to drop off before 8.40am please arrange for your child to go to Breakfast Club.
After School
Children must not play in the woods, field or adventure playground after school when parents are supervising
them. Allowing your children to play in the woods between the playground and the road causes confusion since
they are not allowed to play here at break-times; the area is used during class learning under close supervision
only. Please leave the playground reasonably promptly to allow staff on duty to go and get on!
Thank you for your support in keeping our children safe.
It is with regret that I must tell you Mrs Liz Tilbury, the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator who we share with
St Mary’s Bentworth, is leaving to work for Hampshire Behaviour Support Service after Christmas. Liz says she is
very happy at Medstead, and at St Mary’s, but this is something she has always wanted to do and opportunities
are rarely available. We wish her every success as she moves to work with a number of different schools across
Hampshire. Mrs Ayres, Headteacher at St Mary’s, and myself will advertise for, interview and recruit a successor
and will keep you updated on this.
Ms Jane Oborn – Headteacher.
This newsletter and school policies can be found on
Oak Class Plastic Milk Bottles Needed
Oak Class are collecting the 2 & 4 litre plastic milk bottles with tops for a top-secret project after halfterm. If you are able to contribute any please bring them to Oak Class or the office (empty and washed
please !) Thank you
Year 3 Christingle Service
Year 3 parents are warmly invited to join Maple Class for their Christingle Service in the Church on
Thursday 4th December 0930 - 1030. The children are also leading a Christingle service in school the
following day but this is for children only. (This may be slightly different to the details previously
Inter-Schools Cross Country Running Event
Tuesday 11th November at Eggars School 1600-1700
All years welcome to participate – please let the school office know if your child wishes to take part. You
will need to arrange transport to and from Eggar’s and we have been advised it is likely to be very muddy !
Proud to Participate
Last year Mr Day asked for the children to bring in some photos and write about a sporting/physical
activity that they do outside of school. It would be great to carry on again this year and showcase all of the
fantastic sporting interests that we have within our school. Please photograph your child and hand in at
the office with a short written description and it can go up in the Key Stage 1 corridor for the other children
to see. It may just inspire others to participate as well !
This Friday !
Please see attached poster for this great opportunity to both clear out your cupboards and raise money for
school !
Please leave bags at the gate next to the car park before 9 am
This newsletter and school policies can be found on
Great South Run update
Congratulations to our team of 6 runners who all successfully completed the Great South Run on 26 th
October. The team raised a magnificent £ 1600 for Footprints Down Syndrome Association Thank you
for all your support and kind donations.
Gold Badges
This week Gold Badges go to:-
Tilly Fowler – for improved focus and self-belief
Izzie Nesbitt – for being a great role model by focussing on her learning
Hannah Williams, Lorna Plumridge, Tilly Thomas, Fred Kavanagh, Dylan Powell
& Oliver Dixon - For being great company and learning lots at the scientist day at the Gilbert
The Gilbert White Science Centre
Paris Tedder – for improvement in reading
Eoghan Heneghan – for challenging himself to make hexagonal biscuits !
Archie Swain – volunteering to help and being efficient
Julia Woolford – for demonstrating a positive and mature attitude to learning
Matthew Hodges – for writing an excellent news report
Matt Jeffrey – for really sensible learning behaviour and effort in his work
This week’s learning
Trailblazer Week
This weeks’ learning revolves around cross-curricular activities which are taking place
This whenever
newsletter possible.
and school
be found
on children
It policies
would be
if your
can talk with you about
some of the activities they have been involved in this week
Wildlife Survey and Butterfly Competition.
Please see the below circulated on behalf of the Wildlife Conservation Group – it is
intended this forms part of the Medstead and Four Marks Neighbourhood Plan. Please see
attachments with the newsletter.
Please find attached a copy of the 2014/15 Survey which will help us identify protected species and other wildlife in
residents' garden s and on their land. This will form part of the Neighbourhood
We will collect any completed surveys from the school on Friday, 28 November!
Wild birds are relatively simple to identify and record, but if you are uncertain, there are plenty of bird books and the RSPB
supply a free leaflet, 'Birds in your Garden', and also, 'Wildlife on your doorstep'. Likewise, Butterflies and Moths are not
difficult to record, and there are many books and online information available from Butterfly Conservation.
Any lethargic, or poorly-looking birds which are unable to feed, may have Trichomonosis, a respiratory disease which affects the 'finch' family.
This disease can be treated, so please take any birds which appear to be affected to Hart Wildlife Rescue, in Medstead
You will have noted Bats flying at dusk
during the Summer months. Anyone with a Bat detector will have been able to identify the different species, but unless you are
near a river or lake, the Pipistrelle is probably
the most common Bat species recorded in the area.
Hedgehogs and other small mammals are still about due to the warm weather this Autumn. (Further information on the
website). It is important for Hedgehogs to build up reserves for hibernation, and meaty dog/cat food is suitable, or speciallyformulated Hedgehog food is available online, or from garden centres. Any small or underweight Hedgehog should be taken in a secure,
but well-ventilated box to Hart Wildlife Rescue, Tel: 01420-562335.
Deer, Foxes and Badgers are often about during the Winter months. Badgers are usually in hibernation, but we know of
several Badger clans that keep relatively active throughout the year. (See website)
If you have problems with Badgers digging up lawns, etc., they will be looking for earthworms , their main diet. If you put down
some bread, peanuts (the type supplied for garden birds only) and dried fruit, not only will you be able to enjoy watching
Badgers feed, but they may avoid excavations in your garden. If you need more help or advice, please contact.
If you have a garden pond, we hope you had plenty of Frogs this year. Let us know if you had any other interesting Amphibians
or Reptiles in your garden.
Lastly, let us know about anything else that might be of interest!
Good luck and enjoy completing your Wildlife Survey!
Any children aged 12 years or below, may enjoy taking part in the B U T T E R F L Y colouring COMPETITION.
The butterfly picture attached may be printed off, or reproduced in any way, but should not be larger than A3. The Entry Form is
also attached.
Entries will be judged by the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group at the next meeting.
The Closing date is Friday, 28 November, and we will collect Entries and any Wildlife Surveys
from Medstead and Four Marks Primary Schools
This newsletter and school policies can be found on