Sandbach The Methodist S 16


Sandbach The Methodist S 16
The Methodist Church, Sandbach
Wesley Avenue, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1DG
Minister: Rev’d Kim Stilwell
Telephone: 01270 762074
Online at:
10:30am Mr Bryan Glassonbury. The Door Welcomers are Tom and Margaret
Cooke, the Reader is Tim Walmsley, the Flowers have been given by Stan
Hall and the Organist is Karen Foster. Please join us for Tea / Coffee after
the service.
This week, in our groups, meetings and homes, we pray for the people of Ethiopia:
despite significant economic gains and improvements in services like health and
education, millions continue to go without clean water and a healthy diet; Agri-Service
Ethiopia, and its work with poor and marginalised communities; women’s self-help
groups and microcredit schemes set up by Women Support Association, another of our
Ethiopian partners. [From the Christian Aid Prayer Diary.]
We pray also for John and Jean Eaton’s pastoral group: Edna Breathen; Ron Clayton;
Mary Gorst; David and Sue Hulme; Madge Lea; Marna Llewellyn; Edna Mann; Roy
Moseley; Dennis and Glenys Wilcox. Amen.
Mon 17 Nov 6:30pm to 8:00pm Drop-In Cool Zone ~ for young people aged 7 to 12.
Tue 18 Nov 1:30pm to 3:30pm Indoor Bowls.
7:45pm for 8:00pm Cell Group ~ at 3 Adlington Drive.
Wed 19 Nov 2:00pm “Discipleship and the People Called Methodists” course.
7:30pm Start of Advent Course ~ at 16 Park House Drive (the home of
Patrick and Deborah Darnes) ~ please see the poster.
Thu 20 Nov 9:45am Midweek Morning Worship ~ led by Rev’d Kim Stilwell.
Fri 21 Nov 10:00am to 2:00pm You are invited to Elspeth O’Dell’s At Home at 27
Chapel Lane, Rode Heath in aid of Claybourne (Methodist
Homes) and Rainbow House (NSPCC). Please see the poster.
1:30pm to 2:45pm ‘Stepping Stones’ Mother & Toddler Group.
6:30pm Climate Change: are we having an impact? Come along and
enjoy Fish and Chips before discussing whether the human
race has impacted our climate. Please let Karen have your fish
and chip order. In Room 1.
Sat 22 Nov 9:30am Mission Area Prayer Meeting ~ here in Room 1.
10:00am to noon Coffee Morning.
7:30pm Concert with Sandbach Ladies Choir. Tickets £5 (includes
refreshments) from Lu Burnand on 750377 or Valetta Cranmer
on 765553. Please see the poster.
From the rosters for the next week:
Tom and Glenys Fitzpatrick and Susan Hitchinson.
Saturday coffee
Andrew and Norma Stolworthy, Ann Horsfield and Gordon Wright.
Next Sunday:
George Wood (vestry) and Linda Jones (door).
Rob Glassonbury.
Elizabeth Bayley.
Door welcomers John and Marian Brain.
Peter Hitchinsoan.
Offertory counters George Wood and Pam Clewlow.
Ken and Margaret Beard and Peter and Pam Clewlow.
10:30am Rev’d Kim Stilwell with Worship Leader Karen Foster ~ Toy Service ~ in
the Wesley Centre. Please bring new unwrapped toys – especially needed
are gifts for babies and teenagers, for which there is always a shortfall. Toys
will be donated to the Salvation Army in Crewe. Any cash donations will be
used by the Salvation Army to buy vouchers for older teenagers. For more
details see the Crewe press or Google the Salvation Army Toy appeal. The
Salvation Army are always appreciative of contributions which they forward
to local children in South Cheshire.
5:00pm Mr Tim Cooke and Rev’d Kim Stilwell ~ Jigsaw Service.
Fri 5 Dec
Sun 7 Dec
4:00pm to 7:00pm Churches Together in Sandbach will be having a
stall at the Christmas Market (indoors). We shall be using it to
advertise Churches Christmas Services (cards), Food Bank,
Debt Advice, Christmas Lunch, plus there will be Christmas
Story booklets and give-away Fair Trade chocolates. We need
at least 2 volunteers for each hour at the stall – if you can help,
please see Kim or Karen.
Christmas Lunch ~ £12 ~ tickets now available from Sue and
Peter Hitchinson at Sunday coffee ~ Melon – Turkey with
seasonal vegetables – Home-made sweets – Cheese and
biscuits – Tea/coffee/mints.
Jean Eaton would like to thank everyone for their prayers and good wishes for
her operation. Jean is pleased to say that up to now everything is progressing very
I’m really delighted to inform you that, after visiting with the family last Saturday, I
have been accepted for an appointment at Ludlow in the Shropshire and Marches
Circuit. We are all very happy with this outcome. Many thanks for all your
prayerful support. Kim.
The current Sunday Coffee Rota runs out in the New Year and hopefully the
present teams are all happy to continue. If you are not on the present rota and
would like to offer help on the next one (which involves serving tea/coffee after the
service about four times a year) could you please have a word with Barbara before
she goes to print. Thanks in anticipation.
Christmas Day Lunch: We will once again be holding a Christmas Day
community lunch. Please help us to reach the people who will benefit most from
this service by letting them know about it. Flyers will be available at coffee for you
to take and share. There will also be a list of jobs for volunteers to sign up for.
We will be very grateful for whatever help you can provide. Finally we need
presents to the value of £5, wrapped and labelled whether for a man, lady or
either. Please give these to Karen.
Items for next week’s news sheet to Andrew Stolworthy by 7:00pm Friday please
12 Park House Drive, Sandbach CW11 1YW 01270 767660