
Article Review Report
Impact Factor 2.1506 (UIF)
RNI: MAHMUL 2011/38595
ISSN 2230-7850
Indian Streams Research Journal
International Recognition Multidisciplinary Research Journal
DOI Prefix : 10.9780
ISSN 2230-7850
Impact Factor : 2.1506 (UIF)
Journal DOI : 10.9780/22307850
Indian Streams Research Journal
International Recognize Multidisciplinary Research Journal
This is to certify that our Editorial, Advisory, and Review Board Accepted Research Paper of Dr./Shri. /Smt.:
fodkl foBB~Yk 'ksokGs Topic:- egknso dksGh tekrhrhy L=h f'k{k.k¼fo'ks’k lanHkZ & vkacsxko rkyqdk½
College/University:- lekt'kkL= foHkkxizeq[k ] dWEi ,T;qds'ku lkslk;Vhps ] MkW- vjfoan c- rsyax ofj”B
egkfon;ky;] fuxMh] iq.ks - The Research paper is Original & Innovative it is Done Double Blind Peer Reviewed.
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Received : 15th July . 2014,
Published: 1st August . 2014
Your Article is Published in The Month of August Year 2014.
Volume : IV, Issue : VII, August - 2014
Laxmi Book Publication
258/34, Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005,
Maharashtra, India
Contact Detail: +91-0217-2372010 / 9595-359-435
e-Mail: ayisrj2011@gmail.com
Website: www.isrj.net
Authorised Signature
See your article on Mobile
H.N. Jagtap
-How to Write ArticlesHere are a few basic steps to take to craft an interesting, informative article.
Method 1 of 3: Come Up With An Idea
1.Get to know your audience. Decide who you need to write for before proceeding with planning or writing an article. Identify the needs
of your readership. What do your readers need to know? How does your own knowledge matchup against the information they need?
This will be the easiest way for you to find a topic to write about
2.Be unique. If you are writing an article about something that other people are also writing about, try to be unique in how you approach
the material
3.Be passionate. You should care about the topic you choose to write about. Your enthusiasm will show in your writing and it will be
much more engaging for your readers
Method 2 of 3: Research Your Idea
1.Learn the basics. Get the general explanation of whatever you are trying to write about. This will give you a basic framework for what
to look for as you research.
2. Find reliable sources. Now that you know what to look for, research your topic. You can use the internet, a library, conduct interviews,
watch documentaries, or whatever you feel is appropriate to teach you everything you need to know about your topic. Be an expert!
3.Get different types of material. During your research, look for material that isn’t text. This can be used or altered to add to your article.
Method 3 of 3: Write Your Article
1.Decide your length. Does this article have a word count? Do you need to fill a certain number of pages? Consider what type of content
you’re writing about and how much space that can fill, as well as how much needs to be written in order to cover the topic adequately,
before proceeding with writing your article.
2.Outline your article. Before you begin formal writing, you will want to outline your article.
3.Edit your work. Before you submit your work, you will want to do some editing and revision. If time allows, wait for a day or two
before editing
4.Respect the rights of other writers. If you are using information from an external source, be sure to cite the source at the bottom of the
Contact Us:
egknso dksGh tekrhrhy L=h f'k{k.k¼fo'ks’k lanHkZ & vkacsxko rkyqdk½
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fodkl foBB~Yk 'ksokGs
lekt'kkL= foHkkxizeq[k ] dWEi ,T;qds'ku lkslk;Vhps ] MkW- vjfoan c- rsyax ofj”B egkfon;ky;] fuxMh] iq.ks -
Rajani Kota
Review Editor
(United States)
(United States)
258/34m Raviwar Peth, Solapur-413005 India
Contact: +91-217-2372010 / 9595-359-435
e-Mail: ayisrj2011@gmail.com
Website: www.isrj.net
Happy Writing.....
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Authorized Signature
Laxmi Book Publication
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Happy Writing.....
f'k{k.k Eg.kts {k.kk&{k.kkyk feG.kkjs Kku f'k{k.kkeqGs vk/kqfudhdj.kkph nkjs [kqyh gksrkr vls loZ= ekuys tkrs- rlsp f'k{k.kkeqGs fodkl
izfdz;sr yksdkaP;k lgHkkxkyk izksRlkgu feGrs f'k{k.kkeqGs ufou dkS'kY; vkRelkr dsyh tkrkr- R;keqGs R;kauk uohu jkstxkjkP;k la/kh eksB;k
izek.kkr miyC/k gksrkr Eg.kwup 'kklukP;k fofo/k ;kstuk e/khy f'k{k.k gh ,d egRokph ;kstuk vkgsAbstract Report:
Very High
Very Low
1. Interest of the topic to the readers
2. Originally & Novelty of the ideas
Lkkjka'k gk okpuh; o os/kuh; vkgs-
3. Importance of the proposed ideas
f'k{k.k Eg.kts {k.kk&{k.kkyk feG.kkjs Kku f'k{k.kkeqGs vk/kqfudhdj.kkph nkjs [kqyh gksrkr vls loZ= ekuys tkrs- rlsp f'k{k.kkeqGs fodkl
izfdz;sr yksdkaP;k lgHkkxkyk izksRlkgu feGrs f'k{k.kkeqGs ufou dkS'kY; vkRelkr dsyh tkrkr- R;keqGs R;kauk uohu jkstxkjkP;k la/kh eksB;k
izek.kkr miyC/k gksrkr Eg.kwup 'kklukP;k fofo/k ;kstuk ef/ky ^f'k{k.k* gh v'kh ;kstuk vkgs dh ftP;keqGs O;fDrxr o leqnk; thoukr vusd
izdkjps cny ?kMwu ;srkrIntroduction Report: 'kks/kfuca/k
mijksDr fo"k;klacaf/kr fo'ys"k.kkRed lkjka'k fo'kn djrks-
4. Timelines
5. Sufficient information to support the
assertions made & conclusion drawn
6. Quality of writing(Organization, Clarity,
Accuracy Grammer)
7. References & Citation(Up-to-date,
Appropriate Sufficient)
Must add methods and materials in your article.
Methods & Materials Report: Methods & Materials used to per research topic.
Must add result in your article.
Result Report: Results are as per aims and objective and useful to further research .
Must add discussion in your article.
Conclusion Report: Thus, the research have wider scope for new academician and research scholars.
xkjs xksfoan] ¼1974½] lg;knzhrhy vkfnoklh %& egknso dksGh lgk/;;u izdk'ku] eqcabZ?
xkjs xksfoan] ¼1975½] vkfnoklh iz'u] vkfne izdk'ku] iq.ks?
ukMxksaMs xq:ukFk ¼1979½] Hkkjrh; vkfnoklh] dkWfUVusUVy izdk'ku] iq.ks?
dqyd.khZ 'kkSud ¼2007½] laLdqrh vkf.k thou'kSyh] Mk;eaM ifCyds'kUl] iq.ks &30?
equ?kkVs izeksn] ¼2007½] vkfnoklh ejkBh lkfgR;] Lo:Ik vkf.k leL;k] izfrek izdk'ku] iq.ks?
vkdjs ch- ,u ¼2009½] vkfnoklhP;k thoukoj lkeqnkf;d fodkl ;kstuspk >kysyk ifj.kke] fiaiGkiqjs cqd fMfLVªC;qVlZ] ukxiqj?
vkxykos izfni ¼2000½] la'kks/ku i/nRrh'kkL= o ra=s] fo| izdk'ku] ukxiqj
HkaMkjdj iq- y- ¼1987½] lkekftd la'kks/ku i/nRrh] egkjk’Vª fo|kihB xzaFk fufeZrh eaMG] ukxiqj?
ukMxksaMs xq:ukFk ¼1999½] lkekftd la'kks/ku i/nRrh] QMds izdk'ku] dksYgkiwj
Sharma K. R. (2002) Research Methodology National Publishing House, Jaipur.
Reference Report: Yks[kdkus
vH;kliwoZd] leiZd lanHkkZlg o izpfyr ekfgrh'kh fuxMhr vl.kkjs Li"Vhdj.k fnys vkgs-
Happy Writing
Happy Writing
fodkl foBB~Yk 'ksokGs
fodkl foBB~Yk 'ksokGs