201 4 MA


201 4 MA
Tentss For Rent will be providing drayage serrvices for the November 33‐6, 2014 MATTRA conferen
nce at Hersheey Lodge: •
All packagges must arrivve at Tents Fo
or Rent betwe
een MONDAYY, 10/20/14 aand WEDNESSDAY, 10/29//14 Packages should be ad
ddressed: Attn:: MATRA Tentss For Rent LLC 110 W
Wood Cornerr Rd. Lititzz, PA 17543 Pleasse note that tthis is a new address. • All packagges shipped tto Tents For R
Rent must havve the third ppage of this fo
orm attached. • Please fill out the second page of th
his form and rreturn it to Teents For Rentt by 10/23/14
4 • Packages will be delive
ered to your b
booth by 10:3
30 AM on Weednesday, 11//5/14 or earlier by special request. or exhibitors sstarts at 12:00
0pm on Wedn
nesday) (set‐up fo
• Packages must be read
dy for pickup from your bo
ooth by 11:000 AM on Thursday, 11/6/14
4. All packagees must be d have appro
opriate shipping forms, andd the third paage of this forrm attached tto them. ready for shipment and
• Tents For Rent is not re
esponsible fo
or packaging, unpackaging or shipping ittems. • Tents For Rent is not re
esponsible fo
or any damage
e to items. W
We will inspectt the exteriorr of packages for any damage upon arrival. obvious d
• Fee is $85
5 for packagess up to 100 pounds. Each aadditional 1000 pounds is $$60. For anyth
hing over 2,000 pounds orr larger thaan standard pallets, please contact us fo
or special priccing. • This includ
des storage b
before MATRA
A delivery to booth at MATTRA and retu
urn to Tents For Rent for sh
hipping. All packages must be pickked up by ship
pper by Tuesd
day, 11/11/144. • Drayage ffees apply to all shipping ittems whether it is a one w
way delivery, rreturn ship on
nly, or if prod
duct is purchased
d at the Confe
erence and th
hen return sh
hipped througgh Tents for R
Rent. Pleasse contact us with any que
estions: Tentss For Rent LLC
C Daryl Sensenig daryll@tentsforrent.net Phon
ne: 717.733.9700 Fax: 7
8 Pagee 1 Dra
mpany Name: Billin
ng Address: Zip: Zip: City: State:
Shipping Addresss: Same as billing: ☐ City: State:
Conttact Person: Phon
ne: Email: Billin
ng Info: Checck: ☐ MasterCard: M
☐ Visa: ☐
☐ Discoverr: ☐ Cred
dit Card Num
mber: Expirration: / CV
VV: Signaature: mber of packages: Num
Total weight: Shipper: Shipment Info: Tracking number (if available): Estim
mated arrivaal date: Desccription of co
ontents: Bootth name: Pagee 2 20
ompanyy Name
e: Co
ontact P
Person: Ph
hone: Em
mail: Picckup ch
hecklistt: ☐Packagged and
d readyy for sh
nt ☐Shipment forrms atttached
☐This paaper filled out and aattacheed Pagee 3