Mass Intentions This Coming Week 33


Mass Intentions This Coming Week 33
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Mass Intentions
This Coming Week
Monday, November 17
Rv 1:1-4, 2:1-5…Lk 18:35-43
8:00 AM Mass – Pete Kiscoan
Tuesday, November 18
Rv 3:1-6, 14-22…Lk 19:1-10
8:00 AM Mass – Madeleine Verssue
Wednesday, November 19
Rv 4:1-11…Lk 19:11-28
6:00 PM Mass – John Kemmer
Thursday, November 20
Rv 5:1-10…Lk 19:41-44
8:00 AM Mass – Helen and Arthur Roseler
Friday, November 21
Rv 10:8-11…Lk 19:45-48
8:00 AM Mass – Ron Prawitz
Saturday, November 22
Rv 11:4-12…Lk 20:27-40
8:00 AM Mass – Mark Hesselmann
4:00 PM Mass – Gina and Bill Cunningham
Sunday, November 23
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17…1 Cor 15:20-26, 28…Mt 25:31-46
9:00 AM Mass – Suzanne Meierhoffer
11:30 AM Mass – People of the Parish
Thank you to everyone who filled shoe boxes or donated money for
Operation Christmas Child. Boxes must be returned no later than
after the 11:30 AM Mass this weekend. Forgot your shoebox? You
may drop it off at the Parish Office this week, M-F. Questions?
Contact Norma Conant, 364-3203 or Pat Bartlett, 32-1247.
Cathedral now provides Online Giving – a convenient and safe way
to make a one-time or recurring donation. Getting started is easy—just
visit our website,, and click our online giving
link. When you participate, your gift will be securely transferred
directly into the parish bank account. You won’t have to remember to
write a check or stop by the ATM on Sundays! Don’t forget to turn in
your Parish Time/Talent/Treasure Pledge Form by dropping it in
the Sunday collection basket or send/deliver it to the Parish Office.
The St. Anne’s Altar Society will be selling sewing and craft items
after the Masses on Sat., Nov. 22 and Sun., Nov. 23, in the Church’s
west vestibule. This is a good opportunity to do some Christmas
shopping – items include tea towels, hot pads, aprons, dish cloths,
winter hats and scarves, Christmas decorations, etc. Please come shop
and help support the Altar Society at the same time. Donated items
are welcome. Thank you.
Our Food Pantry is in desperate need of small empty containers (i.e.
cottage cheese, sour cream, whipped topping, etc). THANK YOU!
Envelopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$
Loose Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Weekend’s Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Total for October as of 11/10/14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $
Monday, November 17
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
6:00-6:50 PM
School of Religion – Ruggle Hall
Tuesday, November 18
10:00-11:30 AM Parish Staff Meeting-Msgr. Dierkes Mtg Rm
4:30 PM
ECC Board Meeting-Msgr. Dierkes Mtg Rm
5:00-7:00 PM
Burger King Night – N. Belt Burger King
6:00 PM
School Board – Msgr. Dierkes Mtg Room
7:00 PM
Boy Scouts – Gym
Wednesday, November 19
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
3:00-4:00 PM
Bell Choir Rehearsal – Church
6:30 – 8:00 PM
Dinner and Psalms DVD Series – Ruggle Hall
Thursday, November 20
8th grade tournament at Bishop LeBlond High School Nov. 20-23
8:30 AM
Yoga – Gym
3:00-4:00 PM
Bell Choir Rehearsal – Church
3:00-4:30 PM
Brownies (Ridens) – Ruggle Hall
6:30 PM
Stewardship Mtg – Ruggle Hall
7:00 PM
RCIA – Msgr. Dierkes Meeting Room
7:00 PM
Cantor Rehearsal - Church
7:30-9:00 PM
Cathedral Choir Rehearsal – Music Room
Friday, November 21
Open Door Food Kitchen staffed by Cathedral Parishioners
8:00 AM
All School Mass
9:30-11:00 AM
Food Pantry
6:30-9:00 PM
Ladies Night Out – Ruggle Hall
Saturday, November 22
9:00 AM-2:00 PM Cub Scouts Clean-Up – Gym
3:00-3:30 PM
3:30 PM
4:00 PM
After Mass
Altar Society Bazaar - West Vestibule
Sunday, November 23
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
After Mass
Altar Society Bazaar – West Vestibule
Coffee & Donuts
10:45 AM
Glory & Praise Choir Rehearsal – Music Rm
11:30 AM
After Mass
Altar Society Bazaar – West Vestibule
1:00-3:00 PM
Confirmation Session – Ruggle Hall
5:00-9:00 PM
Boy Scouts Emblem Session-Msgr. Mtg Rm
The Angels Are Coming! Next weekend, the Angel Trees will be
at the entrances. Each angel represents a homebound parishioner or
food pantry patron. Just a little gift lets them know they are
remembered in thoughts and prayers.
The Psalms Bible Study Series continues on Wednesdays on
Nov. 19, Dec. 3, 10, & 17 with 6:00 PM Mass, 6:30 PM
Dinner, and 7:00 PM Program. If you can’t come in time for
Mass or dinner, please come for the program.
Do you have a favorite soup recipe that’s easy that we can use
at the Bible Study? Call or e-mail it to the Parish Office at
232-7763 or Bon Appétit!
“’Master, you gave me five talents. See, I have made five more.’ His master said to him, ‘Well done, my good
and faithful servant. Since you were faithful in small matters, I will give you great responsibilities. Come,
share your master’s joy.’” Mt 25:20b-21
All Ladies of the Parish are invited to Ladies Night Out on
Friday, Nov. 21, in Ruggle Hall. Join us to watch a Christmas
movie while enjoying great fellowship and yummy snacks. Please
bring $2 to cover the cost of the refreshments.
LITURGICAL MINISTERS - The winter assignment schedule
for December-February is being prepared. Please send any
requests (dates to be scheduled or not scheduled) by Mon., Nov.
24, to Tom Smith at or 232-7763.
Cathedral Class of 2015 is in the midst of their Legacy Project.
They would like to establish an outdoor Cathedral Wall of
Honor to thank the many parishioners who have devoted
themselves to our Parish, School, and ECC over the years. Contact
Mary Burgess, 232-8486 or
Cathedral ECC Coordinator Employment Opportunity:
Cathedral is looking for a dynamic & organized individual to
oversee the Early Childhood Center. Individual is responsible for
administering an ECC operating on a 40 hour week basis under
the auspices of Cathedral School and Parish. Duties include
program planning and implementation, program-to-family liaison,
supervision and evaluation of early childhood teachers and
support staff, and supervision of extended day and summer child
care program. Coordinator reports to the Cathedral School
principal. Requirement: Bachelor’s Degree in Early Childhood
Education or equivalent. Preferred: Experience in supervision and
administration. For information/application, contact Principal
Mary Burgess at or 232-8486.
The Partnering for Future Priests Steering Committee,
Conception Abbey & Conception Seminary College would like to
thank all of you for helping make this year’s PFP event a success.
We welcomed 240 guests and raised over $30,000 for the
Seminary’s “Leaders in Learning” library renovation project.
The “Leaders in Learning” project will provide the funds
necessary to begin the renovation of the library reading room and
enable us to continue to be leaders in learning. We couldn’t have
done it without you. Please know that all friends and benefactors
of Conception are remembered in the daily prayers and Mass of
both the seminary and monastic communities. THANK YOU!
Retreat at Sophia Center in Atchison, KS: Advent Wisdom on
Sat., Dec. 6, 10:00 AM-3:00 PM. St Benedict urges us to see
Christ in all the people and events of our lives. Join Sister Judith
Sutera, OSB, author of Liguori Press’s Advent and Christmas
wisdom from St. Benedict in preparing to welcome the coming of
Christ every day this Advent. Contact (913) 360-6151 or
CHECK THIS OUT. . . The Good News of Cathedral
• Congratulations to Dr. Evan Weight (Class of 01) on his
marriage to Jessica Burns in Kansas City on November 15!
Thank you to those who participated in this year’s Fall Clean
Up! Not only did we beat the old record of 67 volunteers, we
CRUSHED it with 103 volunteers! Thank you to: Fr. Matt,
Francisco, Melissa, & Xavier Aleman, Kristy Bachali,
Jackson, Isabelle, Grace Giles, & Gwen Bachali, Ron &
Rudy Barbosa, Mary Burgess, Lynn & Kelsey Cartledge,
Lindee Corkins, Leroy Davis, Chris Den Ouden, Pat Elder,
Dave, Taylor, & Claire Emmendorfer, Toni Lynn, Tyson,
Lilyann & Landon Gardner, David Grable, Ashley Guldan,
Rick, Esther, Sonya, & Alisa Hadsall, Steph, Hunter, &
Greyson Heck, Sally Hoehn, Gigi & Pete Hriso, John Joyce
& Hannah, Lillie, & Dustin Carpenter, Claudia Kammerer,
Marguerite, Steve, & Adam Klassen, Brigid Lehman, Joe
Lysaght, Jackie Martin & Fiona Gildersleeve, Tracy, Craig,
Reese, Rorey, & Ryder Mattox, Phil Merrigan, Jeff &
Dayton Milliken, Sue, Chase, & Zoe O'Meara, Earl Puett,
Linda & Adam Reardon, Julie & Henry Rizzo, Kathleen &
Andrew Saulan, Bryan, Heather, Noah, Adan, & Mia
Seiter, Maggie & Trevor Sego, Melinda Seufert, Brandan &
Jackson Sigrist, Tom Smith, Mike & Megan Sobetski, Kitty
Spafford, Allison Spratt & Kyle Norman, Dan & George
Sommers, Poppy, Lily, Finn, & Oliver Sullivan, Kelly, Matt,
Cooper, Quinn, & Henry Tabor, Grant Thomas, Jeanne &
Bernie Verssue, Ronica, Joe, & Gabby Vigliaturo, Katie
Welter, & Michelle & Mia Westland!
Stewardship Wish List
• The Class of 2015 is taking orders for their famous homemade
dinner rolls. Orders are due Wed., Nov. 19. Thanksgiving
Dinner rolls with be ready for pick up on Tues., Nov. 25, from
1:00-5:30 PM, and Wed., Nov. 26, from 8:00 AM-4:30 PM.
To order or for more information, contact your favorite 8th
graders or Lisa Lilly at or 232-8486.
• We have the opportunity to participate on the front page of a
special marketing website for Buchanan County for the next
two years. This includes a professionally made promotion
video about Cathedral that will become one of our marketing
materials, including our own website and Facebook page. This
fits right in with one of the main goals and recommendations
from our accreditation visit. The cost is $4,500, and we already
have received a $1,000 donation! Thank you so much for your
consideration and help to share the good news of Cathedral!
• Mrs. Maggie Sego would like to request a class set of the book,
Phineus Gage, for her Gr. 7 literature class at a cost of
$111.90. Thank you for your consideration!
Stewardship Makes a Difference…Discarding your
Cathedral Cash When planning your Thanksgiving dinner
old Christmas tree? Bring it to the Food Pantry. We will
have a Christmas Shoppe for our needy patrons. Getting
different bulbs or decorations? We’d be happy to take them.
Let’s provide that tree for children who would not have one
otherwise. If you are unable to get it to Cathedral, call Kitty
in the Parish Office for pick-up at 232-7763.
for family and friends, please remember that Cathedral Cash
always carries gift cards for our local St. Joseph grocery
stores. Purchase Cathedral Cash in the west vestibule after the
weekend Masses, order online, or contact Cathedral School at
232-8486 or Thanks again
for your support and commitment to this program!