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Educational Programs for Nurses | 2015
Continuing Education
PO Box 4004 | 210 Water St.
Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
Foot and Nail Care
Programs for
Foot and Nail Care
invest in
yourself AND
your career
Broaden Your
to invest in
yourself and
advance your
A 2-Day Program
n February 18, 2015
n June 17, 2015
n October 14, 2015
Clinical Pacticum
n February 19 -or- 20
n June 18 -or- 19
n October 15 -or- 16
n February 19, 2015
n June 18, 2015
n October 15, 2015
n June 18 -or- 19, 2015
invest in
your career
See details inside.
Attendee –Foot and Nail Care: Education for Nurses
“The instructor and materials presented greatly
contributed to my knowledge to help me feel
confident with foot care.”
Effective May 1, 2015—There are new
eligibility requirements for the
WOCNCB Foot Care Certification Exam.
Did You Know?
Broaden Your Professional Horizons
wound care
expert AND
“I realized there was so much more
to wound care.”
Dawn Johnson, RN, CWOCN
Wyoming, MN
Dawn Johnson came to this understanding while working as
a home health nurse in Chisago County, Minnesota, a rural
area north of Minneapolis. One of her patients was a woman
in her 90s who had a foot wound that had not healed in five
years. Using a compression technique she learned during her
Wound Ostomy and Continence certification, Dawn was able
to heal the wound, and her patient was able to remain living
independently in her own home.
Because Dawn sees so many foot wounds, she decided to
attend “Foot and Nail Care: Education for Nurses”. In addition
to her clinic practice, she also provides foot care to hospitalized patients. Healing wounds is important to Dawn – but her
real passion is prevention. With proper foot and nail care, she
hopes to help her patients avoid the need for wound care
Tara Beuscher
Foot and Nail Care: Education For Nurses
A 2-Day Program
Education | 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.
(held at The Florian Gardens)
Wednesday, February 18
Wednesday, June 17
Wednesday, October 14
Clincal Practicum* | 7:30 a.m.- 4:00 p.m.
(held at First Lutheran Church)
Thursday, February 19 -or- Friday, February 20
Thursday, June 18 -or- Friday, June 19
Thursday, October 15 -or- Friday, October 16
* Thursday or Friday clinical is available on a
first-come-first-served basis.
As our population ages and we see rising
rates of diabetes, the demand for foot and
nail care is rapidly increasing. This area of
nursing practice is often neglected in formal
nursing education, leaving a shortage of
professional providers. This program will give
you all the tools you need to begin a practice
of basic foot and nail care.
You will:
• Identify the components of a comprehensive lower extremity assessment.
• Identify selected conditions of the skin
and nails.
• Describe appropriate patient teaching
content and methods.
• Discuss issues related to foot and nail care
as an independent nursing practice.
• Demonstrate basic and intermediate
level foot and nail care in a supervised
clinical setting.
CEUs; Contact Hours
Continuing Education
Contact Hours will be awarded by the
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Continuing
Education / UW-Extension. Participants will
receive 6 education hours and 8 clinical
hours for completing the course.
In 2005 the Wound, Ostomy and Continence
Nursing Certification Board began to offer
a certification examination for foot and
nail care. Certification is an indication of an
individual’s current knowledge in a specialized area of nursing practice. It provides a
standard to assist the employer, the public,
and members of health care professions in
the assessment of practitioners. This course
qualifies you to take the certification exam.
Requirements for Participants
Proof of current licensure is required 30 days
prior to the start of the program. Participants
must be licensed RNs. LPNs may be eligible
to register if they will be providing foot and
nail care under the direct supervision of a
registered nurse, or are licensed in a state
that includes intermediate level foot and nail
care within the LPN’s scope of practice.
$725 Fee Includes:
Foot and nail care equipment kit, two
lunches, refreshments, program manual,
instruction, and supervised practice. We will
refill all of your liquid supplies at the end of
the clinical day, so you can go back home
with a full kit, ready to work!
Who Should Attend
Registered nurses who work with elderly or
disabled populations in the community or
any clinical setting.
Past participants have included:
nurse practitioners | wound and ostomy
care specialists | diabetes educators | nurses
employed in home health/hospice, parish,
corrections, tribal health, community-based
elderly services, long term care, transitional
care settings | nurse entrepreneurs interested
in creating their own foot and nail care
Tara Beuscher
foot care expert
Betty Adsit RN, Eau Claire, WI
Betty Adsit has a passion for helping others, volunteering, and working with the senior
population. After relocating to Eau Claire, Wisconsin with her husband and two children, she
wanted to take some time to find her true niche in health care – and one that would allow
more time with family and friends. Betty did some research and found the Foot and Nail Care:
Education for Nurses program. She quickly realized it would provide skills and knowledge that
would transfer to all areas of health care and set her apart professionally. While starting her
own business was never her plan, she also decided to take the Foot and Nail Care: Starting a
Business class just to develop her general business skills.
After taking both courses, Betty was encouraged, energized and ready to take the next step.
Today, she has started a small business in foot and nail care, and hopes one day to expand.
The flexibility she has with her own small business allows her to be everything she wants to
be personally and professionally.
Did You Know?
Effective May 1,
2015—There are new
eligibility requirements
for the WOCNCB Foot
Care Certification Exam.
Initial (first-time) candidates must:
1. Have a current RN License
2. H
old a Bachelor’s Degree (or
higher)—Effective January 1, 2015
3. Complete BOTH of the following:
1. Accumulate a minimum of 25
CE/CME credits (contact hours)
specific to foot care, and 2. Accumulate a minimum of 40 clinical
hours under the direct supervision
of an expert in foot care for
example: Physician, Podiatrist,
Nurse Practitioner, Physician
Assistant, or a CFCN®. The expert
MUST HAVE experience relevant
to foot care.
• Both the CE/CME credits (contact
hours) and clinical hours must be
specific to foot care and must be
completed within the previous 5
years from the date of the application while functioning as an RN.
• Note: Candidates that do not currently hold the desired certification
are considered an initial candidate,
including candidates whose certification has lapsed. All candidates
must take a certification exam to
earn credentials initially. All who
currently hold the certification at
that time will maintain and be able
to recertify their CFCN® credential
as long as there is no lapse in
certification. If credentials lapse, a
Bachelor’s degree will be required
for establishing certification.
Practitioner, Charlottesville, VA.
Dr. Beuscher is an Adult Nurse
Practitioner specializing in Wound,
Ostomy and Continence care with
the University of Virginia Health
System and brings a wealth of
teaching and clinical experience in
foot and nail care. She is also certified as a Clinical Nurse Specialist
in Gerontology. Tara draws upon
her work experience in clinic,
hospital, home care and long term
care settings, and her extensive
training in foot care, gerontology,
wound, ostomy, continence, and
pain management services. She
has been teaching foot and nail
care since 1991 and has taught the
Foot and Nail Care: Education for
Nurses course in Eau Claire for over
fifteen years.
Luke Kempen
Mr. Kempen serves as the Director
of the Small Business Development Center at the University
of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Luke
possesses extensive business experience in the areas of finance and
accounting, leadership, strategic
planning, project management
and human resources. He also has
direct experience with business
startup, marketing, business planning and business sale/transition.
Dana Spates
Ms. Spates provides Healing Touch
in Paynesville MN through a private
practice in her home as well as at
Holistic Health Options. She also
offers Healing Touch through Rice
Hospice in Willmar, MN. Dana is
also an Experienced Registered
Yoga Instructor, Certified Personal
Trainer, and Tai Yoga Body worker.
She is certified by Healing Touch
International as a Healing Touch
Practitioner and Instructor.
Tara Beuscher | Luke Kempen
Dana Spates
Foot and Nail Care:
Starting A Business
Energy Therapy For
The Lower Extremities
6:00- 9:00 p.m.
8:00 a.m.- 1:00 p.m.
Thursday, February 19
Thursday, June 18
Thursday, October 15
Thursday, June 18 -or- Friday, June 19
* Thursday or Friday course is available on a
first-come-first-served basis
If you are interested in a career change that will allow freedom
and flexibility in your schedule, or you would like to supplement
your income—consider starting your own foot and nail care
business. Take the first steps to starting your business and join
us for this informational workshop. Hear from a Foot and Nail
Care specialist, small business entrepreneurs and current foot
and nail care business owners. Learn how to start your business
from a local entrepreneur, who will guide you through the
process of developing your lean start-up plan. Gather tips and
tricks to strengthen your business during our panel discussion,
where you will hear from current professionals in the field as
they answer questions and share best practices. You will walk
away from this course with the confidence to take the next
steps to enhance your career in foot and nail care. And much
Are you interested in expanding your healing skill set? Join
us for his workshop on alternative pain relief and treatment
techniques. The Healing Touch technique is a relaxing, nurturing energy therapy that uses light touch on and above the body
to balance the Human Energy System. It supports the body’s
own natural ability to heal.
• Explore nursing entrepreneurship and healthcare innovation
• Learn how to develop a lean start up plan
• Determine insurance and Medicare processing solutions
• Discuss the marketing and promotion of your business
• Enjoy hors d’oeuvres and great conversation with current
business owners and other professionals in nursing and foot
and nail care
$69 Fee includes:
The course instruction, course materials and refreshments.
CEUs; Contact Hours
Contact Hours will be awarded by the University of WisconsinEau Claire Continuing Education / UW-Extension. Participants
will receive 3.0 education hours for completing the course.
Who Should Attend
Past, current and future RN/LPNs who have attended the Foot
and Nail Care: Education for Nurses program or other RN/LPNs
who have an interest in developing their own foot and nail care
Learn the basics of the energy system of the body, including:
• Energy fields
• Energy centers
• Meridians
A number of pain relief techniques will be demonstrated:
• Ultrasound
• Sealing a wound
• Pain drain
• Pain ridge
$99 Fee includes:
The course instruction, course materials and refreshments.
CEUs; Contact Hours:
Contact Hours will be awarded by the University of WisconsinEau Claire Continuing Education / UW-Extension. Participants
will receive 4.75 education hours for completing the course.
This course will not provide you with Healing Touch International certification or CEU’s.
Who Should Attend
RN’s, LPN’s, Wound Care Practitioners, Physical Therapists,
Pain Management Therapists, Massage Therapists or Nurse
“The instructor and materials presented greatly contributed
to my knowledge to help me feel confident with foot care.”
Attendee –Foot and Nail Care: Education for Nurses
2340 Lorch Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54703
All programs are held at The Florian
Gardens whith the exception of
the Foot and Nail Care Education
which is held at the:
First Lutheran Church
1005 Oxford Ave.
Eau Claire, WI 54701
UW-Eau Claire Continuing Education encourages children and
adults with disabilities or other
special needs to participate in
our programs whenever possible. If you require a reasonable
accommodation, please notify us
at least two weeks in advance of
the program so that appropriate
arrangements can be made.
Contact Continuing Education at
715-836-3636 / toll-free 866-8932423, or use the Wisconsin Relay
System (711). All requests are kept
We understand life happens.
Should you need to cancel or
transfer your registration, please
see our website for our full
cancellation policy or call us at the
number listed above.
An EEO/Affirmative Action employer, University
of Wisconsin provides equal opportunities in
employment and programming, including Title IX
and ADA requirements. No tax dollars were used to
print this publication.
5 Ways to Register
715-836-3636 | toll free 1-866-893-2423
715-836-5700 | toll free 1-800-835-3755
UW-Eau Claire Continuing Education | PO Box 4004 | Eau Claire, WI 54702-4004
210 Water Street, Eau Claire | 7:45 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., M-F
Call or email ce@uwec.edu
Foot and Nail Care 2015
Foot and Nail Care: Education for Nurses
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 | $725
Clinical Practicum:
n Thursday, February 19, 2015 -orn Friday, February 20, 2015
Wednesday, June 17, 2015 | $725
Clinical Practicum:
n Thursday, June 18, 2015 -orn Friday, June 19, 2015
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 | $725
Clinical Practicum:
n Thursday, October 15, 2015 -orn Friday, October 16, 2015
Job Title
Check if you are a currently licensed RN
Home Address
City / State / Zip
Foot and Nail Care: Starting a Business
Home Phone
Thursday, February 19, 2015 | $69
Organization / Company Name
Thursday, June 18, 2015 | $69
Company Address
Thursday, October 15, 2015 | $69
City / State / Zip
Energy Therapy for the Lower Extremities
Work Phone
Thursday, June 18, 2015 | $99
Friday, June 19, 2015 | $99
Email Address
Payment Information (Payment is required with registration)
Check or purchase order enclosed payable to UW-Eau Claire.
P.O. #
American Express
Cardholder’s Signature — I authorize the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire to charge my credit card listed below.
Print Cardholder’s Name (include address if different from above)
Credit Card Number
Card Expires
CVV Code (back side of card)