Community Sharing for Healthy Caring A Regional Early Childhood


Community Sharing for Healthy Caring A Regional Early Childhood
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Community Sharing
for Healthy Caring
A Regional
Early Childhood
Saturday, November 15, 2014
7:30 am to 5:00 pm
Howell High School Campus
1200 W. Grand River • Howell, Michigan 48843
In Parternership with:
This conference will provide information and tools to create holistic,
integrated programs for children and their families.
The Conference At-A-Glance
7:30 – 8:30 AM........................................................ Registration & SCECH Sign In
8:30 – 8:45 AM..............................................................................Welcome Address
8:45 – 9:45 AM............................................................................... Keynote Address
Lighten Up! Humor is FUNdamental to Providing Quality
Education and Care to Young Children
Paul McGhee Ph.D., President of The Laughter Remedy is guaranteed
to get you laughing as he shows you how keeping your sense of humor gives you the
emotional resilience needed to cope with the challenges that young children sometimes
offer, and still provide quality education and care everyday - even the tough days. With a
PhD in Developmental Psychology, he is internationally known for his own research on
children’s humor. He has published many scientific articles and fifteen books on humor
(five specifically on children’s humor), including Understanding and Promoting the
Development of Children’s Humor. Paul has received lifetime achievement awards from
both Oakland University and the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor for both
his basic research on humor and work on practical daily application of humor. He now
works full time as a professional speaker. Paul has provided keynotes and workshops to
many AEYC and other early childhood organizations across the USA, as well as in Canada,
Germany and Singapore. For more information about Paul, his programs and articles
related to children’s humor, see his website,
9:45 – 10:00 AM............................................................................................... Break
10:00 – 11:20 AM........................................................................................ Session I
11:20 – 12:05 PM........................................................................................... Lunch I
12:05 – 12:50 PM.........................................................................................Lunch II
12:50 – 2:10 PM.........................................................................................Session II
2:10 – 2:25 PM................................................................................................. Break
2:25 – 3:45 PM......................................................................................... Session III
3:45 – 4:00 PM................................................................................................. Break
4:00 – 5:00 PM.................................................................................Closing Session
Sing, Dance, Play: Fun to Make Your Day
Gari Stein, Early Childhood Consultant, Music-Movement Specialist
What is it about music and movement and young children? Is it that the research supports
the body-brain connection impacting all developmental domains? What about us, and how
good it make us feel too? Playing with music helps us to be more productive, is a natural
stress buster, and a teaching tool readily available that transforms cranky to calm in an
instant. You won’t want to miss one second of this toe-tapping, hand-clapping, happy feet
session to end your day. Come Sing, Dance & Play and get ready for too much fun!
A Word of Explanation
The conference workshops have been designed to appeal to many different groups. Each workshop
is coded as listed below to indicate targeted area.
N=New Workshop
R=Repeat Workshop from Previous Year
(A)Advocacy (ADMIN) Administrative (B)Business (CC)Child Care (CD)Child Development
(IT)Infant Toddler (M)Medical (PE)Parent Education (PR)Prevention (SA)School Age
Conference Registration Form
Registration is limited. Please register early! One person per form please.
Those received after this date may not be accepted.
FINAL DEADLINE: November 7, 2014.
Please Print Clearly
First Name__________________________________________________________
Last Name__________________________________________________________
Name of Business____________________________________________________
Street Address_______________________________________________________
City_________________________________ Zip Code_____________________
Daytime Phone (_____________________Evening
Phone _____________________
Please cut along dotted line.
E-mail Address______________________________________________________
Please fill out the workshop number for your first, second and third choice during each session.
First come first served.
Session I
Session II
Session III
1st choice
#_______ #_______ #_______ I wish to apply for Continuing
2nd choice
#_______ #_______ #_______
3rd choice
#_______ #_______ #_______
Education Units (SCECH)
Registration Fee: (Includes continental breakfast & buffet lunch)
Postmarked by Oct. 24, 2014................................................$60
Postmarked by Oct. 25, 2014 or later...................................$65
Raffle................................................ $5 for one or $12 for three
TOTAL ENCLOSED:_________________________________
Credit Card Information
Credit Card (circle one): MC
Print name as it appears on card:_ ____________________________________________________
Credit Card #_____________________________ Exp. Date____________ 3 Digit Code_ ________
E-mail address for receipt___________________________________________________________
Zip Code of cardholder’s billing address_______________________________________________
Total # of Registrations________________ Total Charged to Credit Card______________________
Those paying by credit card may submit registration online at or mail
this completed form and check, money order, or credit card info payable to:
Child Connect for Family Success
2710 E. Grand River, Ste. 6
Howell, MI 48843
Postmarked by October 24, 2014 conference fee: $60.00.
Postmarked October 25, 2014 or later, conference fee: $65.00.
Planning Committee
Linda Herbert, Child Connect for Family Success, Chairperson
Susan Allen, Child Care Council, Oakland County, Vendor Chairperson
JoAnn Cook, Child Connect for Family Success
Lisa England, Child Connect for Family Success
Lori Gnegy, LESA-Early Childhood Programs
Peggy Hall, Child Connect for Family Success
Cathy Hengesbaugh, Howell Public Schools, Facility Chairperson
Becky Price, Child Connect for Family Success
Jennifer Rountree, Child Connect for Family Success
Kim Schemansky, Child Care Network
Celeste Zielke, Child Connect for Family Success
Who Should Attend?
• Administrators
• Child Care Personnel
• Church and Community
• County Commissioners
• Educators
Health Educators
Home Economists
Human Services Personnel
Law Enforcement Personnel
Program Directors
Social Workers
Unlicensed Providers
Of Special Interest
• Participants earn 6 clock hours of training, .6 SB-SCECH available if approved. See last page
of brochure for details.
• Exhibitors and Vendors ~ An area will be designated for display from vendors.
• Registration is Limited ~ You will not receive further registration information prior to the
conference. Unless you are notified by the committee, your registration was accepted.
• Meals Included ~ A continental breakfast, lunch and beverages are included in registration fee.
• Both lunch sessions have been extended by 10 minutes each.
Exciting Raffle Opportunity!
Prizes include:
• $500 Visa Gift Card
• Dell Venue 8 Pro Tablet, WiFi, 64 GB
• iPad 2, WiFi, 16 GB
Just include $5.00 for a raffle ticket or $12.00 for 3 raffle tickets with your conference registration
fee. The tickets you purchase will be given to you with your registration packet at the conference.
Extra tickets can also be purchased “day of” conference. Prizes would make great holiday gifts!
You can also phone Child Connect for Family Success at 517-548-9112 to purchase tickets prior to
the conference and up until the drawing at 9:30A.M. on December 11, 2014. You need not be present
to win. Winners will be notified by phone and posted on our website at
Session I ~ 10:00 - 11:20 am
Mindfulness in the Early Childhood Classroom: What Infants and Toddlers
Can Teach Early Childhood Educators
As early childhood educators we often become so skilled at multi-tasking that we reduce or lose the ability to be present
with the children we interact with. Explore the current research on mindfulness based on brain science, consider what
infants and toddlers development shows us regarding being present and apply teaching strategies to use in our classrooms.
Elizabeth Grace, Professor, Early Childhood Education, Schoolcraft College
Core Knowledge and Core Competencies for the Early Care and
Education Workforce
Michigan’s newly revised Core Knowledge and Core Competencies (CKCCs) provide specificity and clarity about the expectations of knowledge, skills, and dispositions early childhood educators need to effectively provide high quality care and education.
Explore how the revised CKCCs can be used as a road map for high quality practice and to meet professional development goals.
Robin Zeiter, Professional Development Specialist, Office of Great Start/CDC, Michigan Department of Education.
Games, Games and More Games
Today’s generation is geared all around electronics. What happened to exploring and playing outside? Learn how to
keep your preschoolers active and moving by playing fun, exciting and creative games, which can be played outside,
inside, in a large or small space.
Lisa J McCoy, Recreation Specialist, Independence Township Parks, Recreation and Seniors
Laughter is Good Medicine
Laughter is good medicine. Learn the physical, mental and social benefits of laughter. Experience laughing for the
health of it, and ways to include laughter in your life.
Holly Tiret, Extension Educator, MSU Extension, Suzanne Pish, Extension Educator, MSU Extension
Head Injuries and Concussions: What Every Child Care and
Learning Provider Should Know
An interactive session on common myths surrounding head injuries and concussions, discuss newer management
strategies for head injuries in the ER, and demonstrate ways to prevent head injuries at child care.
Andrew Hashikawa, Physician - Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician, University of Michigan
Read it! Then Theme It!
At least five plans put together for you that will engage preschoolers. Each plan includes a book to read, food, crafts,
music and activities following the theme from the book. Use one each week or add some of your own ideas and
stretch it out for a month. Sample crafts and book lists will be provided. Some of the books we use are Blueberries for
Sal, What Grows, I Dream of an Elephant...
Bonnie Berzins, Childcare Provider, Program Facilitator, Mollie Brendel, Educator, Program Facilitator
Knit One, Purl One: How Knitting Correlates to Learning
Knitting has been around since ancient Egypt - it’s time that you pick up needles and learn! Discuss the awesome correlation between handwork and learning, you’ll be needles in hand, learning yourself!
Wendy Shepherd, Executive Director, Mittens for Detroit
Supporting Children’s Friendship Development
Together explore and discuss the development of children’s friendship skills in the early childhood setting. Gather
insight based on strategies used to support all children with friendship development.
Jennifer Rountree, Early Childhood Workforce Development Specialist, Child Connect for Family Success
Birds Fly, Fish Swim, People Feel
After a brief review of Erickson and Maslow we will discuss the four temperaments and learn ways to support young
learners in the classroom.
Michelle Smith, Teacher, U of M Health Systems CCC
10 Where Are the Men? And Why are They Not Here?
Men face many challenges in child care. Learn how we can open our profession to men as equals: recruitment, training, retention, public relations. Men are encouraged to attend and join MIKE(Men Involved with Kids in Education)
Sally Adler, Child Care Instructor, WCC, Scott Stewart, Lead Preschool Teacher, WCC
11 Risking to be Risky
Is there a downfall to de-risking children? What’s the difference between risk and hazard? Does risk impact development? Learn the answers to these questions and more.
Shannon Coon, Presenter, Kelly Zechmeister-Smith, Program Director
12 Mindfulness For Children; Help Kids Manage Stress
Be successful in daily interactions with children by teaching “mindfulness” awareness. Mindfulness can improve
focus and concentration. Learn hands-on techniques to assist in building attention and awareness skills that can positively affect social emotional skills and academic success.
Gail Innis, Extension Educator, MSU Extension
13 But They’re Just Playing…..
Engage in playful activities while learning the latest in child development and brain research showing how children’s
play is a critical bridge to academic learning.
Kate DeKoning, Licensing Consultant, State of Michigan, Carrie Harris, Licensing Consultant, State of Michigan
14 Uke Can Make Music
Learn how to hold, tune, and play children’s songs on the ukulele. Participants with no prior experience will be playing within minutes. Ukes will be available for the workshop.
Evie Boss, Edutainor,
15 Playing with Code - Come Learn How to Write Computer Code and Have Fun Doing It! N(SA)
Learning how to code can be child’s play. Making beginning coding available to elementary school children empowers them.
They get hooked on the possibilities and will be further ahead in the job market of the future. Learn the tools to making coding
fun! Bring your laptop or tablet to “play” with the tools introduced and I’ll guide you in how to get the most out of them.
Cynthia Weber, Content Developer and Teacher, Parent Child Education, Camp Infinity and New Morning School
16 Express Yourself: Demonstrating How Children Communicate
Children are capable of expressing needs and wants, collaborating, and working through conflicts. Early communication skills impact how children handle situations later in life and should be taught just as academics.
Janelle Pauldine, Kindergarten Teacher, Kimberly Curry, Preschool Teacher, Owosso Public Schools
17 I Didn’t Mean to Ruin Your Day: Understanding What’s Driving the Behavior N(CD/CC/PE/PR/SA)
Recognize that a child’s challenging behavior is rooted in biological and environmental factors and not the desire to
ruin your day. With this mindset, you can use evidence based prevention strategies to help the child succeed.
Gloria J Sherman, M.Ed., LPC, Independent Trainer, Coaching Parent Educator and Counselor, Parenting and
Teaching with G.L.O., LLC
18 Making Learning Visible
Learn hands-on about a powerful observation and photography based “Learning Story” approach to documenting
student work that makes learning visible to parents on a daily basis.
Emily Senese, Director, Jennifer Young, Lead Preschool Teacher, Suzanne Gabli, Executive Director/Owner, Building
Blocks Preschool
19 Special Needs Special Children
Get ready to explore free resources for those who parent, teach or care for a special needs child. From books and
DVDs to therapeutic toys and interactive storybooks we will explore it all in this hands-on interactive session.
Carla Sharp, Head of Youth Services, Brighton District Library
20 Terrific Transitions
Struggling with transitions? Fresh out of ideas? Learn about child development and using that knowledge to plan for
successful transitions. Leave with practical ideas that can be implemented in your classrooms immediately!
Michelle Mertic, Teacher Mentor, The Guidance Center
21 Early Warning Signs of a Learning Difference
Many children present with behavioral problems, learning differences, or social awkwardness, but how do you know
if that child is showing red flags of a bigger learning issue? Learn about identification of common learning issues.
Aimee Kotrba, Ph.D., Pediatric Psychologist, Thriving Minds Behavioral Health
22 Creating a NAEYC Professional Portfolio
The NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards are presented as a framework for creating a Professional Portfolio to
evidence the practicioner’s growth, knowledge and competence in Early Childhood over time.
Alicia Williams, Early Childhood Consultant
23 Math Matters: Teaching the Foundations of Early Math Development
Learn how to teach math using hands-on and creative methods. The core concepts of early math skills will be discussed. Simple lessons and activities plus exciting new math toys and DIY ideas will be shared!
Molly Diemer, Education Consultant, Molly Diemer Consulting
24 Integrating Fine Arts Into Your Pre-K Classroom
Learn many ideas on how to integrate fine art into your classroom curriculum. Ideas for learning about great artists
and many project ideas to share with your children, through a make and take project.
Jen Pifer, Lead Teacher
25 Fine Motor Development: Birth to Age 5
Fine motor development begins at birth and progresses with growth, opportunity and trainings. Stages of development will be highlighted as well as practical ideas and materials will be suggested to assist in the development of fine
motor skills.
Shelley Mercer, Teacher, Capital Area Community Services
26 Self-Regulation: Waiting for the Marshmallow
One of parents’ most important responsibilities is helping children learn to govern themselves. New research shows
that children’s self-regulation and delayed gratification in the early years often predict a child’s school achievement
better than IQ scores.
Jan Lober, Educator/Prevention Specialist, LACASA, Polly Mallory, Director, Family Prevention Services, LACASA
27 Montessori-A Brain Based Education
A power point presentation that shows actual brain science behind the Montessori method. Concrete materials will be
shown on how this method works.
Julie Harrison, Upper Elementary and Early Childhood Directress, Maple Tree Montessori Academy
28 Creating a Lending Library in Your Preschool Classroom
Don’t have a library in your preschool building or child care center? Creating a lending library in your classroom
does not have to cost a lot of money. Information to create your own library and the reasons for doing it.
Denise C. Swanson, GSRP Teacher, World of Wonder - Fenton Area Public Schools
29 Building Positive Pathways
Prepare yourself for Conscious Discipline structures, procedures and school-wide consistencies. Gain insight into
building personal relationships that allow your students, or own children, to control their personal journey. Let’s create Positive Pathways together!
Diana Keefe, Reading Specialist, Heather Urbanowicz, Kindergarten Teacher, Roosevelt Primary School
30 Children at Risk: How We Can Win the Health Crisis
Type 2 Diabetes and obesity are increasing at alarming rates in children. “Our children will become the first generation of children whose life expectancy is shorter than their parents.” (David Katz, M.D.) Learn what can be done to
alter the course to give our children a fighting chance.
Roberta Bailey, Wellness Educator & Children’s Health Advocate, Juice Plus+ & Tower Garden
31 Positive Discipline
Helping young children learn self-control is important to their ability to be successful citzens now and in the future.
Learn more about how you can help children develop these critical skills and create a successful environment in your
classroom or program.
Carrie Shrier, Extension Educator, MSU Extension
Session II ~ 12:50 - 2:10 pm
32 Science Time
You don’t have to be a scientist to do or have science in your classroom. Explore this “hands-on” workshop that contains easy and inexpensive science experiments, activities and table top props that you can do with all ages.
Sherry Ann Wolfer, Early Childhood Consultant, Kaitlyn Wolfer, Assistant Consultant, “Let’s Dig In”
33 Leadership: No Matter What Your Title Is! Part I (Part II #66)
Let’s break the stereotype that early childhood professionals are babysitters and start the leadership revolution!
Receive the opportunity to work interactively and reflectively with other professionals in your field to discuss what
leadership is, how it is not only relevant, but necessary for the early childhood field to develop your next leadership
Emily Paffenroth, ELC Program Manager, Starfish Family Services
Julie Trout, EC Support Coordinator, Starfish Family Services
34 Movement Matters! An Introduction to Brain Gym
Brain Gym is a sensory motor education program providing a series of movements to enhance focus, organization,
communication, coordination, and stress reduction. Used in over 80 countries for 30 years. It’s great for all ages.
Katy Held, Educational Kinesiologist, Learning from the Heart, LLC
35 Color Me Crayon!
Bring those crayon stubs with you and walk away with a hands-on craft. Revisit some old ways to play with your
crayons along with some new ideas. From using them to craft in different ways, to making a craft with them, plus
other activities. Make a dent in that bin of crayons no one wants to use once the new box of Crayola’s is open.
Bonnie Berzins, Childcare Provider, Program Facilitator, Mollie Brendel, Educator, Program Facilitator
36 Effective Consequences Without Punishments or
Rewards for Young Children Part I (Part II #72)
Understanding the use of natural, logical and artificial consequences. Discuss the use of consequences to enhance
self-esteem, promote self-regulation, and encourage pro-social skills.
Becky Stoessner, Center Director, Gretchen’s House - Early LCC
37 Reduce Costs While Maintaining Quality
To make ends meet is cutting programs, staff or quality the only answer? Discover ways to use limited funds more
efficiently. Learn how to use tools to analyze and monitor expenses, explore ways to reduce cost and discuss ways to
minimize lost revenue.
Monica Duncan, State Director, Rhonda Meyers, Consulting & Training Specialist, First Children’s Finance
38 Bring the Joy into Your Teaching with Song, Rhyme and Story
Learning grows from positivity! Readiness skills can be fun when adding songs that are well done! Come along and
don’t be snooty….we’ll have some fun and shake our booty!
Tricia Kjolhede, Musician, Early Childhood Specialist, Tunes n Tales by Tricia
39 Create Your Future
Reflect, Explore, Develop, Execute offers the building of the foundation of a successful future. Learn to assess skills,
interests, values, goals and resources that will provide a foundation for your career planning decisions for youths.
Jaye Hill Jr., Speaker, Brandi Shelton, Facilitator, Jaye Hill Speaks
40 Blocks! Blocks! Blocks!
The unit block was developed over a hundred years ago and continues to be a mainstay of early childhood curriculum. There are a lot of creative ways to enhance the learning potential of your block area and increase the fun factor.
Sally Adler, Child Care Instructor, WCC
41 Stewards of Children Part I (Part II #84)
Evidence-based program teaches adults critical steps to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse.
Learn the facts about CSA, signs and symptoms, solid prevention strategies and what to do if a child is being abused.
Deanna Norris, CAP Council Director, Sue Swartz, CAP Council Educator, Sue Rubin, CAP Council Educator, LACASA
42 Life in Colors - A Guide to Personality Typing
An introduction to personality typing using 4 “color types” to promote understanding of children and family members
and positive relationships.
Staci Haarer, Educational Consultant, Usborne Books & More
43 The Sport of Culture - Everyone Wins!
Just like sports start with a foundation of movement, culturally competent caregiving starts with a foundation of
awareness. We must be aware of what culture is, and how family culture influences….everything!
Brooke Rains, I Am Moving, I Am Learning National Trainer
44 Trash to Treasures for Toddlers
Repurposing household and commercial objects as craft and/or learning materials for toddlers. A fun way of thinking
outside the box or how to reuse and make purposeful items for learning and fun crafts. It is low cost and will teach
you how to recycle items instead of just throwing them away.
Teea Caples, Teachers Assistant, WCC
45 Everyday Science, Everyday Learning Part I (Part II #87)
Science is everywhere - we just have to find it! Explore how science can be used as a method of inquiry, while creating teachable scientific moments in everyday routines.
Leslie Promenchenkel, Director, Teddy Bear Day Care & Learning Center
46 Sensory Integration for the Daycare Setting.
Discuss and review activities to help children regulate their energy levels while demonstrating ways to better manage
those with sensory needs.
Dana Gepfrey, Occupational Therapist, Jill Maxwell, Physical Therapist, Max Well Therapy, LLC
47 The Playful Brain: Development of Young Children’s Humor
Learn basic developmental changes in young children’s humor from infancy until about age seven, along with the
social, emotional and cognitive developmental benefits from young children’s humor.
Paul McGhee, Ph.D., President, The Laughter Remedy
48 Raising the Bar….Setting the Stage for Appropriate Business
Practices Part I (Part II #89)
Explore administrative, program management and supervision fundamentals to operate early childhood programs, centers
and home care to include budget development and controls, business proposal writing, staff evaluation and supervision.
Alicia Williams, Early Childhood Consultant
49 Assessment Basics: Getting the Information You Need
Assessment brings you valuable information about the children in your care. Learn the basics and valuable strategies
for obtaining information about children through authentic assessment. Follow up workshop offered in session 3.
Carrie Chance, Program Data Specialist, CACS Head Start
50 Keep Your Spirit Soaring When the Rain Keeps Pouring with the
Creative Enchantment of Puppets
Using puppets are exciting for adults as well as children. Laugh, have fun, be inspired to learn a carefree and creative
approach to learning and teaching as a variety of puppets demonstrate and motivate to think “out of the box!”
Joyce Davis, Puppeteer/Consultant
51 Mandated Reporting
Retired Livingston County Prosecutor David Morse will teach everything you need to know about Mandated Reporting of child abuse and neglect: who must report; what must be reported; when reports should be made; definition of
“reasonable suspicion”; protection for reporters; and consequences for failure to report.
David Morse, Retired Livingston County Prosecutor
52 I Double Dare You!: The Importance of Risk Taking in Children’s Lives
To prevent child injuries and disagreements, rules are set and safety discussions are held. But can these actions be limiting children’s development? This question will be explored as well as how we can encourage children to be risk takers.
Jacqueline Wood, Early Childhood Consultant
53 Jr. Philanthropists: Encouraging Compassion in Children
Children are, by nature, giving. You can help your students grow to be giving and contributing citizens. Learn fun and
fresh ways to encourage philanthropy, while teaching children the value of helping others.
Wendy Shepherd, Executive Director, Mittens for Detroit
54 Managing Infectious Diseases in Child Care
Interactive Infectious Disease course designed for ALL child care providers. Learn the latest tips from a pediatrician
on how to prevent, recognize, and manage infections (e.g. pink-eye, lice, hand-foot-mouth) in child care.
Andrew Hashikawa, Physician - Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician, University of Michigan
55 Stress Less with Mindfulness
Learn the benefits of mindfulness, pinpoint behaviors which make you vulnerable or resilient to stress, how the brain
can reduce or increase stress and experience mindful movements to relax.
Holly Tiret, Extension Educator, MSU Extension, Suzanne Pish, Extension Educator, MSU Extension
56 If Women are From Venus and Men are From Mars, Where are Boys From? Bridge the
Connection Between Female Teachers and Male Students R(CC/CD/ADMIN/SA/PE/PR)
By understanding our own personality traits, educators learn developmentally appropriate strategies in making connections with their students. Knowing your students will assist in creating a safe, nurturing, learning environment
reducing everyday challenges that arise.
Janelle Pauldine, Kindergarten Teacher, Kimberly Curry, Preschool Teacher, Owosso Public Schools
57 Raising Self-Reliant Children Who Can Survive, Bounce Back and
Thrive in an Ever Changing World
Learn effective strategies to prepare children to handle stress while teaching them about resilience. This plan for
resilience includes the 7 crucial C’s which can be the spark to assist students in their social-emotional growth.
Gloria J Sherman, M.Ed., LPC, Independent Trainer, Coaching Parent Educator and Counselor, Parenting and
Teaching with G.L.O., LLC
58 Music and Movement
Learn how to teach rhythm, rhythmic notation reading and writing, tone recognition, tone notation reading and writing, along with finger plays and movement (dancing) appropriate for 3 year olds through 12 year olds.
Julie Harrison, Upper Elementary and Early Childhood Directress, Maple Tree Montessori Academy
59 Looping - The Importance of Keeping the Community Together
Maintaining consistent care for children can be very challenging in a child care atmosphere. Learn how the Reggio
philosophy has inspired ways that children have been able to become independent, strong, caring and competent
individuals through the success of staying with the same teacher for the first three years.
Diana Hensley, Infant/Toddler Teacher, U of M Flint ECDC
60 I Did It and You Can Too!
Come ask our panel of experts your questions about Great Start to Quality, Michigan’s Quality Rating and Improvement System. Hear from home providers and center directors who have successfully navigated the Stars Rating
System and the positive impact it has had on their programs.
Kim Schemansky, Quality Improvement Specialist, CCN, Great Start to Quality Southeast Resource Center
Tricia McKay, Quality Improvement Consultant, CCN, Great Start to Quality Southeast Resource Center
61 Reading and the Young Child
How does a child become a reader beginning with birth? What developmental factors infuence a reader and what
activities can be done with young children to help them become readers?
Christine Turnbow, Center Director, Sylvan Learning Center
62 Five Financial Basics to Making Better Money Decisions
Learn five basic principles on how to make better decisions regarding Good Debt vs Bad Debt, Mortgage Elimination vs Payment Management, and investing for a Balanced Future. Receive a complimentary Financial Needs analysis upon request.
Michael Martindale, Owner
63 Teacher Talk Advantage Part I (Part II #94)
Learn verbal skills and techniques that motivate and inspire your students, reduce power struggles and learned helplessness, build relationships through the use of empathy, understanding, and mutual respect, and teach personal responsibility.
Sue Fitzpatrick, Montessori Teacher, Parent Educator, Montessori Advocacy, Dearborn Heights Montessori Center
Heidi Gauger, Montessori Teacher, CDA Instructor, Para-Professional Trainer, Dearborn Heights Montessori Center
Session III ~ 2:25 - 3:45 pm
64 Becoming Fat Friendly and Sugar Savvy
Learn the ins and outs of fat and sugar so you can navigate through the confusion and make better choices for yourself and the children you serve.
Amanda Piccolo, Registered Dietitian, Association for Child Development
65 Beyond the Birds & Bees - Talking to Preteens about Love, Dating & RelationshipsN(CD/PE/PR)
Talking about relationships doesn’t have to be intimidating or boring. With humor and insight, our presenters speak to
thousands of teens every year. Learn their techniques that help maintain open communication about tough topics.
Shari Cornell, Program Director, Pregnancy Help Clinic - First In Relationship Education Program
Becky Dilworth, Program Presenter, Pregnancy Help Clinic - First In Relationship Education Program
66 Leadership: No Matter What Your Title Is! Part II (Part I #33)
See full description in part I workshop #33
Emily Paffenroth, ELC Program Manager, Julie Trout, EC Support Coordinator, Starfish Family Services
67 Science Time
You don’t have to be a scientist to do or have science in your classroom. Explore this “hands-on” workshop that contains easy and inexpensive science experiments, activities and table top props that you can do with all ages.
Sherry Ann Wolfer, Early Childhood Consultant, Kaitlyn Wolfer, Assistant Consultant, “Let’s Dig In”
68 Bal-A-Vis-X: Balance, Brains & Rhythm
Come experience a brain/body intergration program using balance, sandbags, racquetballs and rhythm that is good for
preschool through senior citizens! Helps develop eye tracking, focus, balance, and anxiety.
Katy Held, Sanctioned Bal-A-Vis-X Instructor, Learning from the Heart, LLC
69 Bring the Joy into Your Teaching with Song, Rhyme and Story
Learning grows from positivity! Readiness skills can be fun when adding songs that are well done! Come along and
don’t be snooty….we’ll have some fun and shake our booty!
Tricia Kjolhede, Musician, Early Childhood Specialist, Tunes n Tales by Tricia
70 “She’s SO Annoying!” Managing to Work with Difficult Co-Workers
Some people are more difficult to work with than others - even in childcare! Learn interesting, fun approaches to
encourage peaceful co-existence on the job. This lively workshop will shift your perspective.
Wendy Shepherd, Executive Director, Mittens for Detroit
71 Color Me Crayon!
Bring those crayon stubs with you and walk away with a hands-on craft. Revisit some old ways to play with your
crayons along with some new ideas. From using them to craft in different ways, to making a craft with them, plus
other activities. Make a dent in that bin of crayons no one wants to use once the new box of Crayola’s is open.
Bonnie Berzins, Childcare Provider, Program Facilitator, Mollie Brendel, Educator, Program Facilitator
72 Effective Consequences Without Punishments or Rewards for
Young Children Part II (Part I #36)
See full description in part I workshop #36.
Becky Stoessner, Center Director, Gretchen’s House - Early LCC
73 Partnership Building: Set Yourself Up for Success
Building community partnerships is paramount to the viability of child care businesses. The process of developing
partnerships can be both extremely rewarding and exceptionally challenging. Learn about successful partnershipbuilding practices, discuss your experiences with others, and move forward with a new outlook on the power of
partnering in your community.
Monica Duncan, State Director, Rhonda Meyers, Consulting & Training Specialist, First Children’s Finance
74 Smart but Sensitive—How old IS that child talking like that?
A preschooler talking like an adult—mature thoughts, big words? But also an emotional rollercoas- ter! He questions
everything or can be VERY quiet. What to do to keep him/her engaged. Specific ways to handle intensities, understand emotions. Help for parents too.
Marie Brucker, M.Ed.,Gifted Consultant, Lynn Pomerleau, M.Ed.,Educational Consultant,MI Assoc for Gifted Children
75 Let’s Move - Child Care
Learn the basics of obesity prevention in child care settings. Physician-led interactive discussion focuses on the
important role of child care providers in improving physical activity, optimizing nutrition, and decreasing screen time
in early learning environments.
Andrew Hashikawa, Physician - Pediatric Emergency Medicine Physician, University of Michigan
76 Stess Less with Mindfulness! Mindful Eating
The National Institute of Health is currently finding more than 300 studies investigating the effectiveness of mindfulness based on stress reduction on ADHD, diabetes, etc. Learn the practice of mindful eating.
Holly Tiret, Extension Educator, MSU Extension, Suzanne Pish, Extension Educator, MSU Extension
77 Ahhhhh! This Child is Driving Me Nuts!
Communicate and negotiate with children to create an appropriate learning environment. Make connections with children that have disruptive behaviors. Understand different strategies for helping children that have difficult behaviors
Janelle Pauldine, Kindergarten Teacher, Kimberly Curry, Preschool Teacher, Owosso Public Schools
78 Concrete Math Concepts
Learn about concrete math materials that teach concepts of numerical notation and quantity, linear math concepts and
mathmatical operations. Sample of Montessori materials will be available that are used everyday in classrooms for 2
1/2 year olds through 12 year olds.
Julie Harrison, Upper Elementary and Early Childhood Directress, Maple Tree Montessori Academy
79 Celebrating Movement through…..Assessment?
Often times, preschool assessment requires a yes/no response. But there’s more to the story! Learn how you can
honor preschool-age children and their movement foundation by telling the WHOLE story.
Brooke Rains, I Am Moving, I Am Learning National Trainer
80 Developing Life Skills through Science for Young Children
Science experiences help children develop important life skills including problem solving, decision making, and critical thinking. Share lots of hands-on science activities to use with young children.
Theresa Silm, Extension Educator, MSU Extension
81 Keep Your Spirit Soaring When the Rain Keeps Pouring with the
Creative Enchantment of Puppets
Using puppets are exciting for adults as well as children. Laugh, have fun, be inspired to learn a carefree and creative
approach to learning and teaching as a variety of puppets demonstrate and motivate to think “out of the box!”
Joyce Davis, Puppeteer/Consultant
82 Create Your Future
Reflect, Explore, Develop, Execute offers the building of the foundation of a successful future. Learn to assess skills,
interests, values, goals and resources that will provide a foundation for your career planning decisions for youths.
Jaye Hill Jr., Speaker, Jaye Hill Speaks, Brandi Shelton, Facilitator, Jaye Hill Speaks
83 Blocks! Blocks! Blocks!
The unit block was developed over a hundred years ago and continues to be a mainstay of early childhood curriculum. There are a lot of creative ways to enhance the learning potential of your block area and increase the fun factor.
Sally Adler, Child Care Instructor, WCC
84 Stewards of Children Part II (Part I #41)
See full description in part I workshop #41.
Deanna Norris, CAP Council Director, Sue Swartz, CAP Council Educator, Sue Rubin, CAP Council Educator, LACASA
85 For the Love of Literacy: Make and Take
Make literacy come alive! An interactive make and take session to learn how to incorporate very low cost props in
your day to day literacy activities
Linda Bauer, Early Childhood Specialist, Genesee ISD, Cathy Baker, Early Childhood Specialist, Genesee ISD
86 Trash to Treasures for Toddlers
Repurposing household and commercial objects as craft and/or learning materials for toddlers. A fun way of thinking
outside the box of how to reuse and make purposeful items for learning and fun crafts. It is low cost and will teach
you how to recycle items instead of just throwing them away.
Teea Caples, Teachers Assistant, WCC
87 Everyday Science, Everyday Learning Part II (Part I #45)
Science is everywhere - we just have to find it! Explore how science can be used as a method of inquiry, while creating teachable scientific moments in everyday routines.
Leslie Promenchenkel, Director, Teddy Bear Day Care & Learning Center
88 Muscle Coordination and Balance
Using physical approach to brain development, learn how motor coordination exercises can stimulate both sides of
the brain to improve overall function.
Dana Gepfrey, Occupational Therapist, Jill Maxwell, Physical Therapist, Max Well Therapy, LLC
89 Raising the Bar….Setting the Stage for Appropriate
Business Practices Part II (Part I #48)
See full description in part I workshop #48.
Alicia Williams, Early Childhood Consultant
90 The Link Between Assessment and Individualization
A hands-on look at utilizing preschool assessments to individualize instruction. Receive information on effective assessment, and then explore how to use the information in classroom instruction and planning.
Carrie Chance, Program Data Specialist, CACS Head Start
91 The Daycare Diva’s Guide to Learning with Light
Join us for a hands on workshop designed to infuse your classroom environment with the magic of LIGHT! Learn
how to construct a light table and a shadow screen to use in activities during the workshop.
Geraldine Ralph, Lead Teacher/Blogger, Daycare Diva, Josh Ralph, Co Teacher
92 No Such Thing as a Bad Kid: Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behavior in the
Classroom and at Home
Explore the importance of creating a strengths-based culture in school and homes. Review the origins of troubling
behavior and how to respond versus react to problem behavior. Learn practical tools and strategies to use on Monday!
Gloria J Sherman, M.Ed., LPC, Independent Trainer, Coaching Parent Educator and Counselor, Parenting and
Teaching with G.L.O., LLC
93 Great Ideas for Greeting Time
Young children are capable of meaningful conversations. Discuss on-going documentation when self-regulation and
conversation skills are incorporated into preschoolers’ morning meeting. Examples and stories will be shared.
Breanna Waugh, Assistant Teacher, Shauna Phillips, Assistant Teacher, U of M Flint - ECDC
94 Teacher Talk Advantage Part II (Part I #63)
See full description in part I workshop #63.
Sue Fitzpatrick, Montessori Teacher, Parent Educator, Montessori Advocacy, Dearborn Heights Montessori Center
Heidi Gauger, Montessori Teacher, CDA Instructor, Para-Professional Trainer, Dearborn Heights Montessori Center
95 Surviving Toddlers
Become the ultimate survivor and outlast those toddler years. Learn how to outwit toddlers as you gain knowledge of
their brain development and developmental milestones. Outplay toddlers after learning what type of learning environment works best for them.
Cheryl Ries, Assistant Director, Morning Star Child Care
Continuing Education Units ~ To apply for the SCECH, indicate that on your registration form. You will need a valid e-mail address to keep and maintain SCECHs. At the conference
you must sign in and fill out paperwork for the SCECH before the keynote session begins. You will
be required to have the presenter’s initials for all sessions. If you do not have verification, arrive late,
or leave the conference early, you will not receive the SCECH. No exceptions will be made. There
will be a SB SCECH fee when you finish your SCECH application on-line.
• You must enclose payment for the entire registration fee.
• Make checks payable to: Child Connect for Family Success.
• For credit card payment, you may register and pay online at or complete the credit card payment info on the registration form.
• REFUND of registration fee will be made only upon receipt of written request postmarked no
later than October 31, 2014 and a $5 processing fee will be deducted from all refunds.
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