CTE Works! Shaping the Future CTE Works! Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West Hotel


CTE Works! Shaping the Future CTE Works! Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West Hotel
CTE Works! Shaping the Future
A summit on excellence in career technical education
CTE Works!
NOVEMBER 13, 2014
Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West Hotel
CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................... 1 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE ....................................................................................................... 2 WELCOME .................................................................................................................................................... 3 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................... 4 KEYNOTE Dr. Sarah Heath ............................................................................................................................. 5 KEYNOTE Eric Chester ................................................................................................................................... 6 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 10:00 – 10:50 AM.................................................................................................. 7 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 11:00 – 11:50 AM.................................................................................................. 9 LUNCH 12:00 – 1:00 PM ............................................................................................................................. 11 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 2:10 – 3:00 PM .................................................................................................... 11 CONCURRENT SESSIONS 3:10 – 4:00 PM .................................................................................................... 14 Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Education Awards Ceremony ............................................ 16 Notes, Doodles, Ideas, Etc. .......................................................................................................................... 21 About the CTE Works! Summit ................................................................................................................... 22 EXHIBITORS ................................................................................................................................................. 22 Conference sponsored by Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and Minnesota Department of Education.
The Governor’s Workforce Development Council quarterly public meeting will be held in conjunction with the
CTE Works! Summit 2014
7:30 – 8:30 AM
Registration and Breakfast
8:30 – 8:35 AM
Welcome and Conference Overview • Regency Room
JoAnn Simser, State Director Career & Technical Education, Minnesota State
Colleges and Universities
Paula Palmer, Director Career and College Success, Minnesota Department of
8:35 - 8:50 AM
Opening Remarks • Regency Room
Charlene Briner, Chief of Staff, Minnesota Department of Education
John O’Brien, Senior Vice Chancellor, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
9:00 - 12:30 PM
Governor’s Workforce Development Public Meeting • Conference B
8:50 - 9:30 AM
KEYNOTE: Dr. Sarah Heath, ACTE President • Regency Room
9:30 – 9:50 AM
Minnesota Association for Career and Technical Education Awards
Regency Room
9:50 – 10:00 AM
10:00 – 10:50 AM
Concurrent Session One
10:50 - 11:00 AM
11:00 – 11:50 AM
Concurrent Session Two
12:00 – 1:00 PM
Lunch • Europa Room
1:00 – 2:00 PM
KEYNOTE: Eric Chester, Center for Work Ethic Development • Regency Room
2:00 – 2:10 PM
2:10 – 3:00 PM
Concurrent Session Three
3:00 – 3:10 PM
3:10 – 4:00 PM
Concurrent Session Four
CTE Works! Summit 2014
Welcome all Career Technical educators, honored guests, CTE teachers, faculty, counselors, advisors,
administrators, and state agency, business, industry and community-based organization leaders.
The theme of this year’s CTE Works! Summit, “Shaping the Future,” encourages us all to reflect on the great
work you are all doing. Your creative and innovative leadership is transforming CTE, and improving the lives
of Minnesota citizens and the economic vitality of our state.
During this conference, we will share with and learn from each other and our keynote presenters. Dr. Sarah
Heath, President of the Association for Career and Technical Education, brings excitement to workforce
preparation and education from a national perspective. Eric Chester, Founder of the Center for Work Ethic
Development, brings us a new perspective on self-management and people skills and practical ideas for
incorporating the employability skills important to the workforce.
Our nearly 60 presenters share exemplary practices in Career Technical Education in sessions focused on a
variety of topics: career and college readiness, innovative programs and strategies, social media and
technology, and outreach to diverse audiences. In addition, the MN Governor’s Workforce Development
Council conveys a statewide perspective in its public quarterly meeting, which you may choose to observe.
Enjoy the conference!
JoAnn Simser
State Director Career & Technical Education
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
Paula Palmer
Director of Career and College Success
Minnesota Department of Education
The CTE Works! Summit and the contents of this program were developed under the Carl D. Perkins Career Technical Education grant from the U.S.
Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
Looking for help?
We’re all sincerely dedicated to making the CTE Works! Summit a great experience for you. Have a question?
A suggestion? Need technology help? Please stop one of our Conference Captains, or talk to us at the
registration table.
Username: guest
Password: 3131
Tweeting at the conference
If you’re tweeting use hashtags: #cteworks and #cteworkssummit.
Follow @CTEMinnesota for the latest conference updates and announcements.
Post a comment and share photos on our CTE Minnesota Facebook page:
Send us links to your blog or send us your write-up and we’ll post it in real-time. E-mail it to
Conference Website
You’ll find real-time updates to the conference on our website: www.cteworksminnesota.org
Community Message Board
Not interested in social media? No problem! Share your thoughts, insights, “a-ha!” moments, and comments
with us on the message board located in the snack area.
We value and use your feedback to inform ongoing professional development efforts. Please take a moment
after each session to fill out an evaluation. You’ll find printed forms in your folders.
If you prefer to do them online, go to: www.research.net/s/CTEWorks2014Evaluation
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
CEUs for administrators and teachers/faculty are can be picked up at the registration desk.
Access to the conference presentations
You’ll find all the presentations posted at: www.cteworksminnesota.org/schedule after the conference.
Videotaping and photography at the conference
We are having both keynote sessions and concurrent session It Takes a Village to Create a Career Pathway
videotaped for professional development purposes. We may also have a photographer on-site to take some
photos. None of these materials will be used for commercial purposes. All materials recorded and developed
are used strictly for educational purposes.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
KEYNOTE Dr. Sarah Heath
Dr. Sarah Heath
National President of the Association for Career
and Technical Education
8:50 a.m. | Regency Room
Keynote: Building the Bench: Inspiring the
Next Set of CTE Leaders
10:00 am | Regency Room
Concurrent Session: Integrating CTSO in the Classroom
Dr. Heath has worked in Career and Technical Education her whole career as a high school business and
computer science teacher, state program director, and now as a local system CTE administrator. In her
current position, she supports 430 CTE instructors at 21 high schools and 14 middle schools in Jeffco Public
Schools, the largest public school system in Colorado. Increasing workforce education and preparation is her
life’s passion and she serves as the National President of the Association for Career and Technical Education
to increase support for Career and Technical Education and general career development in schools across the
She is also a newlywed and feels blessed to have a husband who is extremely supportive of her work in
Career and Technical Education.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
KEYNOTE Eric Chester
Eric Chester
Founder of the Center for Work Ethic
1:00 p.m. | Regency Room
Keynote: Developing Today's Workforce and Tomorrow's - from the Inside Out
2:10 pm – 3:00 pm | Regency Room
Concurrent Session: Additional Insights on Developing
Tomorrow’s Workforce
As educators and workforce practitioners, one of the biggest challenges we face is bridging the gap between
employers who are seeking skilled workers and workers who are equipped with those skills. Though many
job seekers can be equipped with hard skills – those taught from books – most are lacking soft skills — those
that involve self-management or “people skills,” which aren’t taught in the classroom.
Since 1998, Eric has earned the reputation as the expert on school-to-work transition and, as such, has been
speaking to, and working with employers who are feeling the effects of an emerging workforce that is
woefully prepared with the work ethic necessary to succeed. He’s the founder of The Center for Work Ethic
Development and has created curriculum that is being used in schools, colleges, corporations and workforce
centers throughout America. Eric’s dynamic presentation not only illustrates why the work ethic in America
has declined, he also provides practical, proven ideas for inculcating the soft skills that are in high demand
and short supply in today’s workforce.
Articles and Blogs
Below is a sampling of Eric’s blog articles. See them and more at http://ericchester.com/blog/
There Ain’t Nothing Sexy ’bout a Blue Collar Job, so Compete on Pride of Workmanship
Why is Roger Gunlikson Still On Fire at Work at Age 76?
Unemployment Will Remain High for Millennials Searching for a Dream Job
Gen Y and the Dreaded “C” Word
Stop Programming Robots
CTE Works! Summit 2014
10:00 – 10:50 am
Integrating CTSO in the Classroom
(Following Dr. Heath's morning keynote address)
NOTE: This session is being videotaped. In this session, Dr. Heath will talk about easy and
quick ways to integrate your Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) in your
classroom as well as management tips. You will be provided copies of sample materials
including how to organize your officer team, committee structures, and a sample
program of work. Please be prepared to share your best practices with the members at
this session.
Presenter: Dr. Sarah Heath, National President, Association for Career and Technical
10:00 – 10:50 am
Conference C
The "Necessity" of Social Media
Social Media . . . how social is it? What is your digital footprint? When does it start?
Who has access to it, how is it controlled, and can you manage it? Experience some eyeopening information on digital dossiers, the cloud, terms and conditions, and ecommerce. Find out how the new 'status quo' affects students and people of all socioeconomic levels.
Presenter: Jason Strukel, Virginia High School
10:00 – 10:50 am
Conference D
Help Students Become Career Ready Through BestPrep Programs
BestPrep, an educational nonprofit, offers free and low priced programs (such as free
volunteer professional speakers and a summer business camp) that work to prepare
students for the future by equipping them with business, career and financial literacy
skills. This breakout will explain the resources and how to get involved; for any educator
looking for outside resources to help complement their current CTE curriculum.
Presenter: Megan Gustafson, BestPrep
10:00 – 10:50 am
Conference E
Experiential Summer Camps for High School Students
The Centers of Excellence in healthcare and manufacturing (HealthForce Minnesota and
360, respectively) will present on their high school summer camp programs. The
presentation will include an overview of camp programming, student demographics, and
outcomes. The presentation will incorporate video and photos to best show the
engagement of the students.
Presenter(s): Valerie DeFor, HealthForce Minnesota; Jessica Gehrke, 360
10:00 – 10:50 am
Conference F
Helping Our Immigrant Students Succeed
This workshop invites participants to stations and resources around the room that lay out
common barriers faced by many of Minnesota’s immigrant and refugee youth, as well as
concrete recommendations for changes to policies and practices at the state,
institutional, and classroom level. The material presented is based on the findings of a
two-year statewide research project conducted by The Advocates for Human Rights, with
emphasis on information related to post-secondary education.
Presenter(s): Sarah Herder, Madeline Lohman, Ayona Riley, Michele Garnett McKenzie,
Emily Farell, The Advocates for Human Rights
CTE Works! Summit 2014
10:00 – 10:50 am
Conference G
Better Data on High School to College Transitions with SLEDS
The Minnesota Statewide Longitudinal Education Data System (SLEDS) provides access
to a rich dataset which educators, policymakers, researchers, students and parents can
use to answer a range of program and policy questions. View the power of this analytic
tool – http://sleds.mn.gov. – to strengthen your decision-making work and extend your
understanding of the impact of K-12 education.
Presenter: Rachel Vilsak, Minnesota Department of Employment & Economic
10:00 – 10:50 am
Conference H
Careers in Protecting the Food System
The global food system is a critical infrastructure that faces myriad threats and
challenges. Congress' passage of the Food Safety Modernization Act in 2011 means
that there will be ample need for young professionals skilled in supply chain
management, risk assessment, and systems thinking. The National Center for Food
Protection and Defense is developing constructivist curriculum integrated with digital
age technology teaching how to protect the food system from intentional adulteration.
Presenter: Neal Fredrickson, National Center for Food Protection and Defense, University
of Minnesota
10:00 – 10:50 am
Conference I
Career and Technical Education Programs - Strategies for Quality Programs
What are the quality indicators of successful secondary Career Technical Education
(CTE) programs? What is the mission and objectives of secondary CTE programs? What
is the role of Experiential Learning in CTE programs? What is the role of Career
Technical Education Student Organizations? These are a few of the questions that can
be answered to help understand how Minnesota secondary schools can support quality
CTE programs that meet the needs of their students.
Presenter(s): Joel Larsen, Minnesota Department of Education; Lavyne Rada, Minnesota
FFA Association; Michelle Kamenov, Minnesota Department of Education
10:00 – 10:50 am
Studio 2
Impact Teaching
Good teaching includes presenting subject matter materials using methods that
acknowledge and respect all learning styles and levels of attention for all students. “Tell
me and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me and I will understand".
In this workshop, participants will use hands-on experiential techniques and examples
to make better connections, build teams and improve presentations.
Presenter: Carl Olson, Energizer Olson
CTE Works! Summit 2014
11:00 – 11:50 am
Conference C
Practical Tools that Support Students, Instructors, Tech and Workforce Staff
Experience how many of the tools in the four channels of GPS LifePlan
(Goals+Plans=Success) help people successfully go through secondary, college, workforce
and military. GPS helps youth and adults to navigate academia, plan for a career and
postsecondary education, explore finance, leadership and personal issues, and deal with
experiential learning or internships – AS WELL AS meet statutory demands on schools
and the workforce. The session will conclude with a preview of proposed enhancements
to GPS.
Presenter: Randy LaFoy, Century College
11:00 – 11:50 am
Conference D
Junior Achievement – Inspiring Student Success in School and Beyond
Junior Achievement’s Capstone programs equip high school students with 21st Century
skills through experiential, hands-on learning opportunities using the latest technology.
Local business volunteers bring our curriculum to life by sharing their personal
experiences and expertise. All JA programs correlate to Minnesota Academic Standards.
This session will review the various JA high school programs, provide curriculum
examples, advise how to incorporate the programs into existing curriculum, and discuss
training needs. Learn more at jaum.org.
Presenter: Jennifer Kmecik, Junior Achievement of the Upper Midwest
11:00 – 11:50 am
Conference E
Tech IT Out - IT Exploration Curriculum!
The featured 3 tiered, IC3 aligned curriculum is designed for middle and high school
students and college freshman. Students are introduced to productivity skills,
programming, networking, security and analytics, while exploring diverse career options.
An overview is provided of the Advance IT Minnesota/MnSCU (FREE) curriculum,
incorporating it into existing student offerings, the stand-alone option, partnering with a
MnSCU institution, college credit and teacher training. For more information, go to
Presenter: Russell Fraenkel, Advance IT Minnesota
11:00 – 11:50 am
Conference F
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act -- WIOA is here!
[This session is repeated at 3:10 pm.]
On July 1, 2015, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act will become the new
federal legislation governing workforce development and Adult Basic Education. The new
law streamlines programs, reporting and administration and creates common measures
across "core" programs for both adults and youth. The law also emphasizes career
pathways, sector partnerships, and increased focus on attaining industry-recognized
certificates and credentials linked to in-demand occupations. Come discuss what the
future holds for your workforce partners!
Presenter: Judy Mortrude, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic
CTE Works! Summit 2014
11:00 – 11:50 am
Conference G
Tailoring the Curriculum Review Process to CTE
[This session is repeated at 2:10pm.]
Often times district initiatives and processes, such as curriculum review, do not "fit" the
CTE elective courses. Learn how District 196 teachers are using CTE tools to answer the
tough questions, such as: "Which standards do you unpack for an Accounting course?"
"How do you determine what the Essential Learnings are for the single section
Hospitality course?" And, "If you don't have learning targets based on standards, how
do you implement a common formative assessment?"
Presenter: Nandi Rieck, District 196 (South Metro Consortium)
11:00 – 11:50 am
Conference H
Creating Personal Learning Plans
Learn how these tools in MCIS: Career Plan, Checklists, App Tracker, Course Planner,
and Resume Creator, all work together to build a student’s Personal Learning Plan
legislated in M.S. 120B.125. Tools added to MCIS this year include a Learning Styles
Inventory, and an Employability Skills Survey, to further a student’s self-understanding.
Find out how to help students share their plans with parents and counselors/advisors.
Staff can follow a student’s progress through the MCIS Administration site.
Presenter: Dorothy Wolf, Minnesota Career Information Systems
11:00 – 11:50 am
Conference I
Keys to Successful Advocacy: Examples from Agriculture, Food & Natural Resource
Education (AFNRE)
What makes some educational programs more successful than others? Advocacy! Come
learn from the Executive Director of the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership
Council (MAELC) who advocates statewide about agriculture, food and natural resource
education (AFNRE). The workshop will cover advisory boards, community outreach and
advocacy plans. We will highlight examples from AFNRE programs in the state and
engage attendees to reflect on how to improve their own advocacy of their local
educational programs.
Presenter: Sarah Dornink, Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council
11:00 – 11:50 am
Studio 2
Best Practices for your RealCare Program
In this session, learn how this evidence-based program combines interactive activities,
complete curricula and hands-on simulators for infant care skills, parenting and childcare
careers. Hear stories from instructors on program best practices and incorporating core
academics into lessons. The Total Parenting Experience encompasses goal setting,
parenting techniques, coping skills and more.
Presenter: Merri Johnson, Realityworks, Inc.
11:00 – 11:50 am
Studio 5
New and Emerging CTE Leaders seminar-developing and marketing CTE Programs
This session is for new and emerging CTE leaders only. Learn how to develop an
approved CTE program and what it takes to market this program. The success of a CTE
program is the direct result of many factors including enrollment, partnerships, the
community and student successes. Workshop participants will gain insight about
marketing and implementation strategies, Programs of Study, and utilizing data as a
marketing tool.
Presenter(s): Jean Rakun, Wayzata Schools/Hennepin West Consortium; Jessica Lipa,
Secondary Technical Education Program
CTE Works! Summit 2014
LUNCH 12:00 – 1:00 PM
Lunch is buffet-style in the Europa Room. Lunch tickets are provided inside your name badge. Please bring
those with you to lunch and one of our Conference Captains will collect them.
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Additional Insights on Developing Tomorrow's Workforce
(Following Eric's afternoon keynote address)
NOTE: This session is being videotaped. Join Keynote speaker Eric Chester for a
follow up conversation as he shares ideas on how we can help shape the future of
Minnesota workers. This is your opportunity to ask questions and engage in ways
we can better serve Minnesota students and working adults.
Presenter: Eric Chester, Founder of the Center for Work Ethic Development
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference B
Technical Skill Assessment Meeting- Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
Secondary teachers and postsecondary faculty in agriculture, food, and natural
resources are invited to attend this meeting facilitated by MDE/MnSCU CTE staff.
We will review the work achieved over the past 5 years through the Minnesota
Technical Skill Assessment initiative. We will also discuss next steps in this project –
what students should know and be able to do upon completion of an AFNR high
school or college program.
Presenter(s): Ginny Karbowski, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; Joel
Larsen, Minnesota Department of Education
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference C
CTE: Key in Developing the World's Best Work Force
Under Minnesota Statutes, section 120B.11, school districts are to develop a
World’s Best Workforce (WBWF) plan, which documents the WBWF student
achievement goals, strategies and initiatives that the district are engaged in to meet
the goals, and subsequent progress made on those goals. Participants will become
familiar with WBWF goals, identify ways to become involved in the district WBWF
planning, and discuss how their CTE programs offer opportunity for students to
realize the WBWF goals.
Presenter: Paula Palmer, Minnesota Department of Education
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference D
Career Exploration: Shaping CTE Students' Pathways
Career exploration is an important part of helping students to be career and college
ready. Attend this interactive workshop for strategies and activities you can use
with your students. Leave with a toolkit.
Presenter(s): Katie Pierre, Century College; Valerie Castillo, Century College; Erick
Lehet, 916 Career & Technical Center; Shelli Sowles, 916 Career & Technical Center
CTE Works! Summit 2014
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference E
The Career Development Process--How to Guides
Many tools are available to help with student’s Personal Learning Plans, but few
talk about the career development process. This session will visit new tools, and
introduce a benchmark system developed by the Minnesota Career and College
Readiness Collaborative, with membership from a variety of stakeholders. The agelevel benchmark guide utilizes the Association of School Counselor's standards and
other state's systems. If your organization wants a fabulous grade-by-grade system,
you should attend this session.
Presenter(s): Al Hauge, Career Development Specialist, Minnesota College and
Career Readiness Collaboration; Tricia Dahlman, iSeek Solutions
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference F
The Future of a Doctor of Education Program in Career and Technical Education
at the University of Wisconsin-Stout
The University of Wisconsin-Stout has a storied history in Career and Technical
Education; as a polytechnic institution, the programs offered are in response to
market demand. During the 2011-12 academic year, a needs assessment and
market analysis was conducted to determine the potential for a doctoral program
offering in Career and Technical Education at the university. Come hear the results
of that research, and the plans for this new CTE educator program.
Presenter: Carol Mooney, University of Wisconsin-Stout
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference G
Tailoring the Curriculum Review Process to CTE
[This session repeats at 11:00am.]
Often times district initiatives and processes, such as curriculum review, do not "fit"
the CTE elective courses. Learn how District 196 teachers are using CTE tools to
answer the tough questions, such as: "Which standards do you unpack for an
Accounting course?" "How do you determine what the Essential Learnings are for
the single section Hospitality course?" And, "If you don't have learning targets
based on standards, how do you implement a common formative assessment?"
Presenter: Nandi Rieck, District 196 (South Metro Consortium)
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference H
AgileGrad: Degree Planning and Institutional Collaboration Aimed at Student
AgileGrad is a web-based tool that allows CTE students and faculty/staff to
collaborate to create academic success plans. Through the use of AgileGrad,
students at North Hennepin are more connected to their academic advisor and
aware of their degree requirements. Additionally, because students plan their
degrees in advance, faculty and staff gather data about future academic terms and
course loads. AgileGrad links Academic and Student Affairs departments together
through our proprietary Early Alert system.
Presenter(s): Eric Pleiss, North Hennepin Community College; Ben Mullen, North
Hennepin Community College; Mala Ugargol, North Hennepin Community College
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Conference I
Career EdVenture - A Northeast Minnesota Career Readiness Initiative
The Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training, partner in the Workforce Center
system, is embarking on the third year of the Northeast Career EdVenture initiative
to provide career guidance and exploration services to local schools. Resources
include individual consultations and class workshops on a variety of work and
career-related topics, including planning and paying for postsecondary training,
identifying potential careers based on assessment, and access to employers for firsthand exposure to the world of work.
Presenter: Michelle Ufford, Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training
CTE Works! Summit 2014
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Studio 2
RealCareer Welding Solutions: Tools Designed to Improve Your Program
Give your students hands-on experience to gain proper welding techniques with inhelmet live welding guidance! Realityworks welding solutions help students gain
quality welds quicker. Preview the NEW guideWELD real welding guidance system
to see how this solution combination can benefit your program.
Presenter: Merri Johnson, Realityworks, Inc.
2:10 – 3:00 pm
Studio 5
STEM Tools for Counselors
The STEM Career Exploration Toolkit is designed to effectively reach and encourage
every student to consider a future career in STEM. This presentation will focus on
an overview of this resource, career exploration activities and explicit lesson plans
and specific resources for recruitment of girls. Participants will have opportunity to
interact with each other through exploration and learn applications for use with
students. New resources for parents and families will also be shared.
Presenter: Eva Scates-Winston, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
CTE Works! Summit 2014
3:10 – 4:00 pm
It Takes a Village to Create a Career Pathway
NOTE: This session is being videotaped. The city of Rochester is responding to
workforce and community employment needs by mustering resources from multiple
partners to create and sustain a robust career pathway in Health Care Sciences. This
panel presentation includes representatives from Rochester Community and Technical
College, Rochester Public Schools, Rochester Adult Basic Education, Mayo Clinic and
WDI. They will describe the process that they are using across six key elements to
create and sustain the Health Care Sciences career pathway.
Presenter(s): Mo Amundson, Rochester Community and Technical College; Julie
Nigon, Rochester Public Schools; Jonathan Ninas, Mayo Clinic; Randy Johnson,
Workforce Development, Inc.; Jayne Gibson, Rochester Public Schools; Debra Hsu,
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference B
Technical Skill Assessment Meeting- Agriculture, Food, & Natural Resources
[This session is a continuation of the 2:10pm session]
Secondary teachers and postsecondary faculty in agriculture, food, and natural
resources are invited to attend this meeting facilitated by MDE/MnSCU CTE staff. We
will review the work achieved over the past 5 years through the Minnesota Technical
Skill Assessment initiative. We will also discuss next steps in this project – what
students should know and be able to do upon completion of an AFNR high school or
college program.
Presenter(s): Ginny Karbowski, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities; Joel Larsen,
Minnesota Department of Education
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference C
Sink or Swim: How to Modify Courses for Learners with Special Needs
This workshop will provide general education and special education teachers a
systematic process which will enable them to modify any course content so that
students who are included in the general education classroom will be able to
understand, know, and successfully complete the basic requirements of the course
without heavy reliance on paraeducators and homework support. Presenters will use a
river analogy to help participants understand the concepts in the modification process.
Presenter: Janine Wahl, Bemidji State University
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference D
Coon Rapids High School's Biomedical Program
Coon Rapids High School’s newly launched Biomedical Program provides students with
engaging, hands-on courses in the rapidly expanding careers of biomedicine. Classes
include a progressive study of the Principles of the Biomedical Sciences, Human Body
Systems, Medical Interventions and Biomedical Innovation during the four-year
program. The program is part of Project Lead the Way (PLTW), which prepares
students to be innovative and productive leaders in science, technology, engineering
and mathematics (STEM).
Presenter: Leah Sams, Coon Rapids High School
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference E
Youth Apprenticeship-Another Career Development Option
Youth Apprenticeship model has begun to grow again in Minnesota. It is designed
around a community committee format. Come witness how one can be started and
implemented within your region.
Presenter(s): Al Hauge, Youth Apprenticeship Specialist; Valerie Kvale, Workforce
Development, Inc.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference F
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act -- WIOA is here!
[This session repeats at 11:00 am.]
On July 1, 2015, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act will become the new
federal legislation governing workforce development and Adult Basic Education. The
new law streamlines programs, reporting and administration and creates common
measures across "core" programs for both adults and youth. The law also emphasizes
career pathways, sector partnerships, and increased focus on attaining industryrecognized certificates and credentials linked to in-demand occupations. Come discuss
what the future holds for your workforce partners!
Presenter: Judy Mortrude, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference G
Using Student Data to Improve Learning and Instruction
The phrase "data collection" can be intimidating, but it doesn't have to be! This
presentation will provide attendees with effective ways to use student data to inform
further instruction and to improve student learning. Discover how to use formative
and summative assessments to collect student data, and then how to analyze and
evaluate that student data in order to make evidence-based improvements to
curriculum, assessments, and instructional strategies.
Presenter: Elisabeth Murfield, American Public University System
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference H
Focus on College and Career Readiness: Implementing District-wide Accountability
When it comes to college and career readiness, measuring outcomes is key. See how
Minneapolis Public Schools has created My Life Plan, a series of college readiness
activities designed to ensure students are ready for postsecondary life upon graduation
and learn how the district has leveraged Naviance to deliver, track, and report data
related to college and career readiness.
Presenter(s): Danielle Jastrow, My Life Plan & Naviance; Breanna Parslow, Minneapolis
Public Schools
3:10 – 4:00 pm
Conference I
Student Success Through Positive Messaging, Positive Affirmations
This presentation will describe the “Micromessaging to Reach … Every Student”
materials from the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity and detail how microinequities can be addressed in Minnesota by focusing on data-driven processes and
continuous improvement or enhancements. Participants are engaged in classroom
activities and interactive exercises to increase awareness of the micromessages that
have unintentional impact on students.
Presenter: Eva Scates-Winston, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
CTE Works! Summit 2014
Minnesota Association for Career and
Technical Education Awards Ceremony
ACTE/ Region III and Minnesota ACTE Career Guidance Award
Recognizing individuals involved as a full-time school counselor and/or career development professionals
involved in CTE.
Sandra Fabian, St. Cloud Technical & Community College (Retired)
Recently retired from St. Cloud Technical and Community College, Sandy has
been an influential leader in career education in her community, in Minnesota,
and throughout the nation. “Building bridges to expand educational and career
options for students” has been her motto for over 40 years. As Director of
Academic and Innovative Partnerships, Sandy promoted high school to college
programming through the “Discovery Academy” initiative connecting high
schools to St. Cloud Technical & Community College. At the state level, she
assisted Minnesota in building the first data-driven Programs of Study website for
Minnesota, www.mnpos.com Today high schools and colleges across the state
use this website, now located at www.MnProgramsofstudy.org to communicate with students, parents,
teachers/ faculty, administrators, and counselors – offering valuable tools for career and college
planning. She has also promoted career education at numerous national CTE conferences and participated in
a three-year national study on model programs of study from 2009-2012. Sandy will be a candidate for the
ACTE/National Career Guidance Award at the ACTE Career Vision Conference to be held on November 19,
2014 in Nashville Tennessee.
Minnesota ACTE Teacher of Year
Recognizing a secondary teacher who provides outstanding career and technical programs for youth and/or
adults in their respective field and community.
William Garceau, St. Cloud Technical High School
William (Bill) Garceau is a full-time Technology Education teacher and SkillsUSA
advisor at St. Cloud Technical High School in St. Cloud, Minnesota. He teaches a
variety of course offerings in the Engineering, Manufacturing, and Technology
career pathways. Bill is known and respected by his colleagues at St. Cloud
Technical High School and across Minnesota for his innovative efforts to integrate
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) core concepts into the
Technology Education curriculum at his high school. He truly believes the Project
Lead the Way curriculum aligns with many of the geometry, algebra,
trigonometry, and physics standards in an applied manner. In 2013, Bill and three SkillsUSA students were
invited to travel to the White House in Washington D.C. for a National STEM Recognition Event. Students
from across the country were invited to attend for excellence in STEM including Bill’s students who earned a
1st place national award in the SkillsUSA Engineering Technology competition. It was a memory they will
never forget!
CTE Works! Summit 2014
Minnesota ACTE Postsecondary Teacher of Year
Recognizing a postsecondary teacher who provides outstanding career and technical programs for youth
and/or adults in their respective field and community.
Terri Pelzel, Minnesota West Community & Technical College
Terri Pelzel is a full-time Information Technology (IT) faculty, Student Senate
advisor and Business Professionals of America (BPA) advisor at Minnesota West
Community and Technical College – Jackson Campus. She teaches a variety of
Computer Science and Technology courses offered to students in various
disciplines at the college. Terri is known and respected for her continuous efforts
in developing and integrating core academics for student success. She is also
known for her willingness to try innovative delivery methods. Terri is a state
leader in Business Professionals of America (BPA) serving on the State Board for
many years. Recently, Terri became involved in Minnesota Business Educators,
Inc. (MBEI) as a way to connect with area high school teachers. Through contacts at MBEI, Terri has reached
out to local high schools and volunteers to speak at many school career days. In 2014, she initiated “Girls in
Technology (GIT) Day” where 9th and 10th high school girls were invited to Minnesota West, Jackson
Campus and encouraged to become involved in STEM activities.
Minnesota ACTE New Teacher of the Year Award
Recognizing a new teacher who has made significant contributions toward innovative programs and shown a
professional commitment early in their career.
Jessica Daberkow, Martin County West High School
Jessica Rehak Daberkow was a full time instructor in the Agriscience program at
Cedar Mountain High School in Morgan when nominated last spring for this
award. Her accomplishments over her first five years of teaching were
impressive! Student enrollment and participation increased in the Agriscience
program – thanks to Jessica’s creativity and innovation. She definitely made a
positive impact in the Cedar Mountain community and in the school district. Since
her nomination last spring, she was married, moved, and now teaches at Martin
County West High School in Sherburne offering a wide variety of course offerings
in the Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources career pathways. Determining
genes, sparks flying in the welding booths, making fishing rods, building end tables and learning about
leadership and FFA are still the topics covered in Ms. Daberkow’s Agriculture classes today. Creating handson experiences is a priority for Jessica as she believes that students learn best by doing, relating things to real
world applications, and having students solve problems through inquiry.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
Minnesota ACTE Carl D. Perkins Community Service Award
Recognizing teachers who have made significant accomplishments and outstanding leadership
in programs and activities that promote community involvement.
Christa Williamson, Kerkhoven Murdock Sunburg Schools
“One thing that impresses me about Ms. Williamson is her insistence that the
program reflects the community needs,” says Mr. Kyle Peterson, CEO of Peterson
Farms, Inc. Community participation and involvement is a critical focus for
Christa Williamson, agriculture educator at Kerkhoven Murdock Sunburg (KMS).
Christa has developed an active Agriculture Education (AgEd) advisory council.
Community leaders from agriculture lending, dairy and crop farming, and
agriculture manufacturing meet regularly to share and collaborate ways to
advance the AgEd program at KMS. In turn, the KMS AgEd program “serves”
the community with future workers who have the knowledge and skills that they
value and need for a vital and innovative workforce in the region. Each fall the KMS FFA students trick or
treat for hunger, gathering and packaging more than 1,000 pounds of food each October. The students also
participate in providing gifts for local families at Christmas time. Due to this relationship, the local human
services agency calls on the KMS Ag Department when they need additional help for projects.
Minnesota ACTE Administrator of the Year Award
Recognizing leaders who provide outstanding career and technical education programs for youth and/or
adults in their respective field and communities.
Cindy Walters, Southwest Metro Educational Cooperative Center
“Cindy Walters is simply the glue that holds our Career and Technical Education
(CTE) programs together,” writes Mr. Darren G. Kermes, executive director of
SouthWest Metro Educational Cooperative Center in Chaska, Minnesota. For over
thirty years, Cindy Walters, Director of Alternative Programs and Principal of
SouthWest Metro Educational Cooperative Center, has inspired thousands of
students, teachers, community leaders, and colleagues in CTE. She has made a
difference in the lives of many; first as a graphic communications teacher and
now as a leader of career and technical education programs in the southwest
metro area. Cindy also serves as a national education team member for SkillsUSA,
a board member for SkillsUSA Minnesota, and the coordinator of 500+ adult volunteers at the annual
SkillsUSA Minnesota Conference. She is very involved in the Chaska Lions Club and its Lions Youth Exchange.
Cindy Walters contributes without expecting any recognition, gives time, support and encouragement to
others and certainly is one who exemplifies the characteristics of a Minnesota ACTE Administrator of the
CTE Works! Summit 2014
Minnesota ACTE Lifetime Achievement Award
Recognizing leaders who have, over their lifetime, made significant contributions to career and technical
education and the youth/adults involved in it.
Clifford Vrieze, Minnesota West Community & Technical College (Retired)
“Promoting, supporting, and sustaining career and technical education” … these
words truly tell the life story of Clifford (Cliff) Vrieze. He is a servant leader with a
strong commitment and passion for Agriculture Education (Ag Ed) and Career
and Technical Education (CTE) at the local, state, and national level. He has spent
his entire professional career advocating for CTE students, teachers, faculty and
leaders. He was named the 2004 ACTE National Teacher of the Year - a very
special honor for Cliff to represent CTE as its best teacher. Other honors and
awards include induction in the 2005 Minnesota FFA “Hall of Fame;” Governor
appointee (2008-2013) on the Minnesota Agriculture Education Leadership Council (MAELC); 2010 Co-chair
of UM Ag Ed Centennial Fund with over $150,000 raised for student scholarships; 2013 National Association
of Agriculture Educators (NAAE) Lifetime Services Award, and many more. “‘Same 'ol, same 'ol’ did not work
for me or my students,” says Cliff, “ … We relished the changes together.” For his lifetime of achievements,
Minnesota ACTE thanks Cliff for his leadership and commitment and proudly recognizes him with this
prestigious award.
ACTE/ Region III and Minnesota Award of Merit
Recognizing outstanding leaders outside the field of Career Technical Education (CTE)
for the highest meritorious contribution to the improvement, promotion, development, and progress of CTE.
JoAnn Simser, Minnesota State Colleges and Universities
JoAnn Simser has been a steadfast leader in career and technical education at
the local, state, and national level for many years. Currently JoAnn serves as the
State Director of Career and Technical Education in Minnesota. In this position,
she has been instrumental in moving Minnesota CTE forward for the past 7
years. She has successfully led the charge to implement the goals of Perkins IV
through the consortium model building effective partnerships between
Minnesota’s secondary high schools and postsecondary colleges. She has been a
champion of the Rigorous Programs of Study, Technical Skill Assessment, and
Pathways to Postsecondary initiatives. She has also promoted the annual CTE Works! state conference where
educators engage with business/industry leaders, government agency professionals, and policymakers in
professional development and coordination supporting the sustainability and growth of CTE in the state.
JoAnn has promoted student achievement and success through her strong support of nontraditional careers
programming. Finally JoAnn has nurtured and developed a vision for CTE through her shared leadership style.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
ACTE/ Region III and Minnesota Award of Merit
Recognizing outstanding leaders outside the field of Career Technical Education (CTE)
for the highest meritorious contribution to the improvement, promotion, development, and progress of CTE.
Dan Smith, Career and Technical Education Consultant
Dan Smith began his career as a graphic arts teacher in the 1970’s. He quickly
moved into leadership positions as a local director at several Minnesota school
districts in the 80’s and 90’s. From 2000-2014, he served as the state CTE
supervisor at the Minnesota Department of Education. One of his major
accomplishments has been partnering with MnSCU leadership to develop and
implement the Minnesota Perkins consortia model. Dan’s passion for promoting
and strengthening CTE in Minnesota is unstinting, spending countless hours on
policy and legislative issues as well as leadership development. His involvement at
the regional and national level has also been strong serving as ACTE/Region III
Vice-President, member of the national ACTE Board of Directors, and attending many ACTE national
association conferences and events.
ACTE/ Region III and Minnesota Award of Merit
Recognizing outstanding leaders outside the field of Career Technical Education (CTE)
for the highest meritorious contribution to the improvement, promotion, development, and progress of CTE.
Senator Al Franken, United States Senate
Senator Al Franken has worked hard to improve education in Minnesota and
around the country. As a member of the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
(HELP), he has also been a strong supporter of career and technical education
that provides relevant workforce skills for our citizens to enhance our global
competitiveness. Recently, Senator Franken signed onto a letter to the Senate
Appropriations Committee urging funding for the Carl D. Perkins Career and
Technical Education Act State Grant program. “Perkins provides the principal
source of federal support for program improvement and helps strengthen the
integration of academic and career and technical education (CTE) at the secondary and postsecondary level.”
states Franken and 24 of his Senate colleagues including Minnesota’s Senator Amy Klobuchar. Senator
Franken has also been working hard to make college more affordable for Minnesota families introducing
legislation that would require schools to use a universal financial aid form letter, giving families a better
understanding of the true cost of college. We thank Senator Al Franken for his strong support and honor him
with this award!
NOTE: Field representative San Solomon is accepting this award on the Senator’s behalf.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
Notes, Doodles, Ideas, Etc.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
About the CTE Works! Summit
This annual CTE Works! Summit is one example of the partnership between Career Technical Education at
the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and Minnesota Department of Education’s Office of Career
and College Success. When we’re not busy planning this annual conference, we spend a significant amount
of time providing other professional development opportunities for educators throughout the year, including
Minnesota State Colleges and Universities faculty, Minnesota Department of Education teachers,
administrators, and related counselors and advisors. You can find these professional development events
here: www.cte.mnscu.edu/professionaldevelopment
We believe collaboration is a conduit for creativity, transformation, student success, and the advancement of
lifelong career pathways. That is why we facilitate multiple ways to support high-school-to-postsecondary
relationships with workforce and community partners that advance Career Technical Education and
encourage Minnesota students and workers to be successful. Visit our joint MnSCU and MDE website for
Career Technical Education website at www.cte.mnscu.edu.
This summit is co-sponsored by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities and the Minnesota Department
of Education. Throughout the year we partner closely under the auspices of the Carl D. Perkins Career and
Technical Education Act of 2006 to improve career technical education and create opportunities for all
Minnesota learners to enter high skill, high wage, high demand employment.
CTE Works! Summit Planning Team
Denise Felder, Conference Chair, Minnesota State Colleges & Universities; Jean Kyle, Conference Co-Chair,
Minnesota Department of Education; Yingfah Thao, Minnesota State Colleges & Universities; Jared Reise,
Minnesota State Colleges & Universities; Eva Scates-Winston, Minnesota State Colleges & Universities
Ginny Karbowski, Minnesota State Colleges & Universities; Jean Rakun, Hennepin West Consortium
Mo Amundson, Rochester Community & Technical College; Michael Mitchell, Minnesota Department of
Education; Nandi Reick, South Metro Consortium; Patrick Lair, Dakota County Technical College; Shannon
Malovrh, East Range Consortium; Stephanie Meinke, Dakota County Consortium; Jean Rakun, Minnesota
Association for Career and Technical Administrators.
CTE Works! Summit 2014
■ Finance
> Banking Services
> Business Finance
> Securities and Investment
> Accounting
> Insurance
■ Education and Training
> Administration and
Administrative Support
> Professional Support Services
> Teaching/Training
■ Government and Public
> Revenue
and Taxation
> Foreign Service
> Governance
> National Security
> Planning
> Public Management
and Administration
> Regulation
m n
Knowledge and Skills
Agriculture, Food,
tural Resources
& Na
Inf ts
■ = Career Cluster
> = Career Pathway
■ Health Science
> Biotechnology Research and Development
> Diagnostic Services
> Support Services
> Health Informatics
> Therapeutic Services
Health ience
Employability • Ethics • Systems
Teamwork • Career Development
Problem Solving • Critical Thinking
Information Technology Application
Legal Responsibilities • Communication
Safety, Health and Environment
Social Studies • Math • Science
English • Personal Finance
Academic and Technical Literacy
Additional Resources
■ Human Services
> Consumer Services
> Counseling and
Mental Health Services
> Early Childhood
Development and Services
> Family and Community
> Personal Care Services
■ Law, Public Safety,
Corrections, and Security
> Correction Services
> Emergency and Fire
Management Services
> Law Enforcement
> Legal Services
> Security and
Protective Services
■ Hospitality and Tourism
> Lodging
> Recreation, Amusements and Attractions
> Restaurants and Food/Beverage Services
> Travel and Tourism
■ Business, Management,
and Administration
> Administrative Support
> Operations Management
> Business Information Management
> Human Resources Management
> General Management
■ Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
> Animal Systems
> Agribusiness Systems
> Environmental Service Systems
> Food Products and Processing Systems
> Natural Resources Systems
> Plant Systems
> Power, Structural, and Technical Systems
fa ng
tu inee
g, ring,
H um
■ Marketing
> Merchandising
> Marketing Management
> Marketing Communications
> Marketing Research
> Professional Sales
tions, &
nica stems
m Sy
om ion
, C mat
& Adm, Man
istr age
■ Architecture and
> Construction
> Design/
> Maintenance/
■ Manufacturing
> Production
> Manufacturing
Process Development
> Maintenance,
Installation, and Repair
> Quality Assurance
> Logistics and
Inventory Control
> Health, Safety,
and Environmental
■ Science, Technology
Engineering, and
> Engineering and
> Science and
■ Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics
> Facility and Mobile Equipment Maintenance
> Health, Safety, and Environmental Management
> Logistics Planning and Management Services
> Sales and Services
> Transportation Operations
> Transportation Systems/Infrastructure
Planning, Management, and Regulation
> Warehousing and Distribution Center Operations
■ Information Technology
> Information Support and Services
> Network Systems
> Programming and Software Development
> Web and Digital Communications
■ Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications
> Audio/Video Technology and Film
> Journalism and Broadcasting
> Performing Arts
> Printing Technology
> Telecommunications
> Visual Arts
Minnesota Career Fields, Clusters & Pathways