I-Con – 14, 2014 December 12 First Unitarian Church of Des Moines


I-Con – 14, 2014 December 12 First Unitarian Church of Des Moines
December 12 – 14, 2014
First Unitarian Church of Des Moines
What is I-Con?
I-Con is the Des Moines YRUU’s 7th annual weekend-long gathering of Unitarian Universalist youth (grades 9 12) from around the Midwest. At this conference, we get to socialize, discuss important topics, learn new
things, and meet new people. The schedule includes workshops, youth-led worships, meals, games,
community-building, and a coffeehouse (open mic).
Getting to I-Con
Registration for I-Con will begin at 7:00 PM at First Unitarian Church (1800 Bell Avenue, Des Moines). We
know that most people won’t be here right at 7, but please let us know if you’ll be arriving very late (see contact
info). There is plenty of parking at the church; let us know if you need any help with directions.
Details for I-Con
Sleeping arrangements – On Friday night, we will have gender-separated sleeping areas for youth
and adults. If you need any special accommodations, please let us know. On Saturday night we will
have a movie/game co-ed lock-in on the top floor of the church; note that a parent must sign off to
participate in this portion (see reg form). Gender separated sleeping arrangements will be available for
those who choose not to participate.
Food – Youth-planned (and cooked) meals will be available for breakfast, lunch, and dinner on
Saturday and breakfast on Sunday. We will not be providing dinner on Friday, so please eat something
before you arrive!
What to bring to bring to I-Con
Toiletries (please …)
Bedding Materials (sleeping bag, pillow, sleeping pad, air mattress, whatever else you need)
Pajamas & Additional clothing (again, please …)
Talents for Coffee House (and any musical instruments, etc. you want!)
What are the Rules for I-Con?
I will not arrive prior to 7:00 p.m. on 12/12/2014, unless I have permission from the host church.
I will not smoke, use tobacco products, use illegal drugs, or bring/consume alcohol at the CON.
I will not exhibit any sexual behavior and will not share sleeping bags. My pants or shorts, and
shirt will remain on unless changing in a washroom or specific changing area for my gender.
I will neither bring nor use any weapons, fireworks, explosives or flammable liquids.
I will neither bring nor use energy drinks or energy pills.
I will pre-register within the time frame requested. I will not leave the church building except to go
home, unless supervised by my advisor or a parent/guardian for a specific reason, or as part of a
CON workshop.
I will model self-care by respecting myself, recognizing my physical (sleep!), emotional, and
psychological needs, and seeking appropriate allies and professionals (when needed) with whom
to process my feelings and concerns.
I will manage my time in order to honor my need for physical and spiritual renewal so that my
needs do not interrupt or undermine my participation, or anyone else’s, in this faith community.
I will contribute to the community being created at the CON by actively pursuing my own faith
development and enrichment.
I will abide by the rules of the site, the laws of the city, and state in which the CON is located.
I will not use cameras, cell phones, iPods, video, or other electronic equipment to take photos or
videos of myself or anyone else at CON to be used on the Internet, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr,
or any other social media without their express consent in advance.
I will not be in a room at night without proper supervision.
What is the Cost for I-Con?
Youth: Registration due by November 24th - $35.00
Late registration - $40.00 (Contact Megan if worried about the deadline)
Adult Sponsor: FREE
Long sleeve T-Shirts: $15.00 each – must be ordered by November 24th
Please send checks to the address below.
Who should I contact for more information about I-Con?
Adult Contact:
Megan Salley
Please send completed registration forms & payments by December 1st to:
Megan Salley, Youth Coordinator
First Unitarian Church of Des Moines
1800 Bell Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50315
Youth Registration Form
Basic Information
Zip Code:
Grade: 9 10 11 12
Phone Number: youth(
parent/guardian (
Email: youth_______________________
Ordering a T-shirt ($12.00)? Size: S M L XL NONE
Youth Signature
I agree to abide by all of the rules set forth herein: __________________________ (youth signature)
Parent/Guardian Signature
I give permission for ________________ to attend I-Con, and I DO / DO NOT (circle one) give permission
for him/her to participate in the Saturday night lock-in (see description on pg 1):
_________________________ (parent signature)
Con Details
Eating habits?
Is this your first con?
Congregation (if applicable):
Congregation Location (if applicable):
All youth must have an adult sponsor participating in all I-Con activities and staying at the church.
Emergency Info
Emergency Contact:
Family Physician:
Health Insurance Provider:
Allergies or Dietary Restrictions:
Other Needs/Information:
Policy Number:
Sponsor Registration Form
Sponsor’s Role
The general role of the sponsor is to chaperone the youth, support the community, and participate in
conference activities. The purpose of the 7:1 youth:adult ratio is to ensure a safe environment for the
weekend’s activities. The goal for sponsors is to help foster a fun community, to encourage all of the youth to
participate in con activities, and to meet other great UU adults.
As a sponsor, we will ask that you participate in the conference activities when reasonable, though we will
make sure that those of you who need to drive significant distances will get chances to relax and rest.
We thank you for your participation – we could not have this event without your support! If you have any
questions, please feel free to contact Megan!
Sponsor Information
Zip Code:
Phone Number: (
Ordering a T-shirt ($12.00)? Size: S M L XL NONE
Con Details
Eating habits?
Is this your first con?
Congregation & Location (if applicable):
Please list the youth you are sponsoring; you can add more youth later if you have late signups (no more than 7 per adult!)