Spring 2015 Free-Standing Honors Courses


Spring 2015 Free-Standing Honors Courses
Spring 2015
Free-Standing Honors Courses
To Note:
This list is subject to change. It reflects information in UDSIS at the date of publication (11/13/14).
Please pay careful attention to the notes and restrictions for each course.
Some free-standing courses are not included on this list because the seats are all reserved for
specific majors or specific groups, such as first-year students.
Many Honors add-on courses will also be offered this semester (i.e. Honors sections that meet
with the regular section).
ACCT 207-080 - Accounting I
Not open to freshmen.
ACCT 316-080 - Intermediate Accounting II
PREREQ: ACCT315. RESTRICTIONS: Requires junior status and a grade of C- or better in ACCT315.
BISC 306-080 - General Physiology
Open to UDHP BISC and NSCI majors only. PREREQ: BISC 208 and two semesters of chemistry.
BISC 401-080 - Molecular Biology of the Cell
PREREQ: BISC 207 & one semester of organic chemistry.
BUAD 309-080 - Management and Organizational Behavior
Open to UDHP SO, JR, and SR students only.
CHEG 112-080/080L - Introduction to Chemical Engineering
PREREQ: C- or better in MATH 242. COREQ: MATH 243. Open to first-year UDHP CHEG majors only. To
enroll in this course you must complete the Honors Course Request Form.
CHEM 112-080/080D, 081/081D - General Chemistry
PREREQ: Honors CHEM 111 or permission of instructor. Minimum of MATH 115 or equivalent; enrollment in
MATH 241 or higher recommended. To enroll in this course you must complete the Honors Course Request Form.
CHEM 120-080 & 081/080L & 081L - Quantitative Chemistry
Open to UDHP BIOC and CHEM majors only. PREREQ: CHEM 104 or CHEM 111 and CHEM 115.
CHEM 334-080L - Organic Chemistry Majors Lab II
PREREQ: CHEM 333. COREQ: CHEM 332. Open to UDHP CHEM majors only. Requires permission from the
instructor. Instructor should email permission to honorsprogram@udel.edu. To enroll in this course you must complete the
Honors Course Request Form.
CHEM 444-080 - Physical Chemistry II
PREREQ: CHEM 120, or CHEM 220 and CHEM 221; MATH 242 (MATH 243 recommended); PHYS 208
(recommended) or PHYS 202. CHEM 419 and CHEM 444 cannot both be counted toward graduation. Register for a
CHEM 458-080L - Inorganic Chemistry Lab
Open to UDHP CHEM majors only. COREQ: CHEM 457. Requires protective eyewear.
CISC 181-080/080L - Introduction to Computer Science II
PREREQ: Grade of C- or better in CISC 108 or CISC 106. COREQ: MATH 115, MATH 117, MATH 171,
MATH 221, or MATH 241. Open to UDHP CISC, INSY, CPEG and ELEG majors only.
COMM 301-080 – Introduction to Communication Research Methods
PREREQ: COMM 256 or COMM 245 or COMM 330. Open to COMI majors only. Not open to freshmen.
ECON 101-080 - Introduction to Microeconomics: Prices & Markets
COREQ: One of the following: MATH 114, MATH 115, MATH 117, MATH 221, MATH 241, MATH 242,
MATH 243 or higher. Can be either a prerequisite or a corequisite.
ECON 103-080, 081 - Introduction to Macroeconomics: National Economy
PREREQ: ECON 101. Open to FR, SO UDHP students only.
ECON 303-080 - Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory
PREREQ: ECON103 and one of ECON251, ECON300 or ECON301; or permission of instructor. Open to UDHP
ECON majors and minors only.
ECON 308-080 – Banking and Monetary Policy
EDUC 240-080 – Law and Ethics in Education
Open to UDHP ETE majors only.
FINC 311-080 - Principles of Finance
Open to UDHP SO, JR and SR whose majors require this course. PREREQ: ACCT 207.
FINC 413-080 - Advanced Corporate Finance
Open to JR and SR majors only. PREREQ: FINC 312. This course satisfies the Senior Capstone requirement for the
Honors Degree if taken in one of the last two semesters prior to graduation.
LING 101-080 - Introduction to Linguistics I
Open to all UDHP students. Section satisfies University Multicultural Requirement.
MATH 243-080/080D/080L - Analytic Geometry & Calculus C
PREREQ: MATH 242 Honors or permission of instructor. To enroll in this course you must complete the Honors Course
Request Form.
MUSC 311-080 - Music History: 400 through 1600
PREREQ: grade of B or better in MUSC 211 or permission of instructor.
MUSC 313-080/081 – Music History: 1827-Present
PREREQ: MUSC211 with a grade of C- or better or permission of the instructor. Enroll in section -081 to fulfill the
Second Writing Requirement.
UPDATED: 11/13/2014
NSCI 320-080/PSYC320-080 - Introduction to Neuroscience
NSCI320-080 and PSYC320-080 are cross-listed. PREREQ: PSYC 100. Open to UDHP NSCI and PSYC majors
NURS 478-080 - Seminar: Care of Populations
PREREQ: NURS453, NURS460. For accelerated students, NURS473 must precede NURS479. COREQ:
NURS473, NURS480. Open to UDHP NURS majors only. This course satisfies the Senior Capstone requirement for the
Honors Degree if taken in one of the last two semesters prior to graduation.
PHIL 316-080 - Time Travel
No pre-requisites. Open to all UDHP students.
POSC 409-080 – Topics in World Politics: Ethics and Politics
PSYC 209-080 – Measurement and Statistics
PREREQ: Grade of C- or better in PSYC100 or NSCI100 and one course in basic college mathematics. Open to UDHP
PSYC and NSCI majors only.
PSYC 350-081 – Developmental Psychology
PREREQ: PSYC207 and PSYC209 or substitutes (MATH202, MATH205, STAT200, SOCI301), and only
PSYC209 for NSCI majors.
SOCI 201-080 – Introduction to Sociology
No prerequisites. Open to all UDHP students.
THEA 102-080 - Introduction to Performance
Seats reserved for UDHP FR and SO.
UPDATED: 11/13/2014