Document 6602122


Document 6602122
The Weekly Newsletter of Community of Joy Lutheran Church
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Gracious God, help us be a part in creating
communities of faith that live your love in the
world in word and deed. Lead us, guide us,
show us the way you
would have us serve as
This Week of JOY
your hands and feet in
our neighborhoods and November 16, 2014
in the world. Amen.
11/16 Worship Services
8:15 & 10:45am
2015 COJ Council
Profiles on page 7
At both worship services today
there will be special music offered
by Alicia Evans and Tyler Zack
Adult Education
Sunday School
11/17 Joy Quilters
PiYO Classes 6:30pm
Sunday, November 23, 2014
v Commitment Sunday
v Congregation Meeting
Adult Education
Sunday, November 16, 2014
How important is your Nationality to God?
Join Cliff Walker this Sunday at 9:40 a.m. as we explore
God’s Big Book of Faith.
Ministry Moment
Lynette Schurdevin will be sharing a
Stewardship Ministry Moment during both
worship services today in your second week
of COJ’s 2015 Stewardship Season.
See page 3
11/18 Tuesday Morning
Women of Prayer—
Strength in Numbers
11/19 Supper
Children’s Activity
Youth Choir
Children’s Choir
Youth Activity
Adult Bible Study
ReJOYce Rehearsal
11/20 Joyful Journey
11/22 Men Alive!
Joyful Hearts Meeting
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
People Page
Thank You to Our Volunteers!
Communion: (8:15)
Liam Richardson
Lucas Kostel
Laurie Ethier
Mary Colangelo
David & Tracy Lizon,
Debbie Zack
Lance & Heather Himmelberger,
Janet Cooper
Donna Doles
Barbara Shotwell
Sam & Lynn Sampson
Ron & Sherri Bathje
Music/Tech/Sound Team:
Aaron Howe
Alicia Evans
Andrew Dumas
Anne Kinney
Douglas Hammett-Lair
Dianne Hensley
Emeline Richardson
Hannah Shotwell
Hayley Dumas
Jamil Howe
Jean Pratschner
Jim Shotwell
Katheryn Josselyn
Kara Robertson
Mark Evans
Pelly Hutton
Star Cooley
Trula Howe
Tyler Zack
Zach Shotwell
Pastor Michael Bastian
Administrative Assistant Earlene Shroyer
Director of Music: Aaron Howe
Office Volunteers: Peg Tool, Donna Doles,
Louise Scott
Nursery Attendants: Anne Econopouly,
Katrina Cooley
Treasurer: Dick Tool
Bookkeeper: Earlene Shroyer
Financial Secretary: Tracy Lizon
Web Site: Daniel Maynard, Doug Hammett-Lair
Congregation Council
Bill Hensley—President
Cliff Walker—Vice President
Chris Sillence—Secretary
Julie Evans
David Lizon
Jamila Mamuya
Where are the Treats?
We have no one signed up to
bring treats for almost the rest of the
year...oh no!
There’s a sign-up sheet
on the table in the
841 Saratoga Dr. NE
Rio Rancho, NM 87144
Phone: 505-896-2543
Fax: 505-896-0756
17th: Samuel Laird
19th: Julie Laybourne
20th: Scott Maass
Jayson Wintermute-Covel
21st: Ansel Robertson
Ministries Teams
Worship: Pastor Michael, Aaron Howe
Grow and Sunday School: Anne Econopouly,
Laurie Ethier, Rich Nelson and team
VBS: Nancy Cooley
F.E.A.S.T.: Sarah Farrell (505) 897-0322
Youth Programming: Joan Bouty,
Nancy Cooley, McKenna Hutton
Home Communion: Liz Roberts
Care & Support: Gretchen Comfort,
Donna Doles
Community Outreach: David & Tracy Lizon,
Jean Pratschner, Jo Ann Nelson, Cliff & Judy Walker
Fellowship: Neal Shotwell
Stewardship: Pastor Michael, Dick Daisley,
Julie Evans, Anne Kinney, April Mortensen
Communications: Earlene Shroyer
Volunteer & Leadership Development:
Rich Nelson, Pat Shodean, Chris Sillence
For any reports or information, contact the
appropriate person listed above.
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
COJ Commitment Sunday
November 23, 2014
Together let’s keep COJ strong and moving forward!
What time is it? It’s STEWARDSHIP time!
COJ Stewardship Season
A lineup of Ministry Moments and Speakers
November 16th
Lynette Schurdevin
Charlie Fielder
Eggs and Issues
The 2014 COJ Congregational Meeting will be truly “Lutheran”
(that means there will be food and coffee)
9:45 a.m. Sunday, November 23rd in the Fellowship Hall
Congregation Meeting
Sunday, November 23, 2014 between services in the Fellowship Hall
Discussion Points
Election of 2015 Council Members
Presentation of Ministry Review at COJ in January, 2015
Discussion of COJ Logo Update
Financial Situation Update of COJ
At the congregational meeting on November 23rd, there will be information shared about a
Ministry Review that is taking place at COJ in January 2015. COJ Council has approved this
review at the request of Pr. Michael. We will welcome a Ministry Review Team from area
Lutheran churches who will engage with us during our time together, January 23 - 25, 2015.
Pastor Michael will be in Boston, MA and out of the office from
Tuesday, November 18th through Thursday, November 20th.
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
Upcoming Events at COJ
November 19th
Last F.E.A.S.T. for 2014
November 23rd
Congregation Meeting
Commitment Sunday
November 27th
Happy Thanksgiving! The office is closed
December 3rd, 10th, 17th
Evening Advent Services
December 14th
Children’s Christmas Play and Potluck
December 21st
German Christmas Service
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
Welcome to Community of Joy!
Last Sunday we welcomed Winnie Scrom into our community.
COJ youth working as servers:
Sabrina, Sam, Star and Jelani
Thanksgiving Dinner at COJ
A Huge
Restocking COJ’s
Kitchen Pantry
$30.19 in coin was collected for
Storehouse West.
Earlene will be taking an hour break for lunch
each day, between 12:00—1:00 p.m.
The office may still be open during this time,
but to be sure please call first before.
Items we need:
Coffee (!!!)
è 8 oz. cold beverage cups
è 8 oz. hot beverage cups
è 8 inch paper plates
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
Family Ministries
Second Sunday in Advent - Sunday, December 14th
8:15 a.m. Service of Holy Communion
9:30 a.m. Special Advent Service - Isaiah Jones and the
Seekers of The Lost Christmas Treasure presented by
COJ’s Children’s Choir.
There will be a Potluck following the Children’s Christmas Play
If anyone would like to help with costumes or props for
the Children’s Christmas program, please contact
Joan Bouty at 891-1684 or 690-2280.
The Last Wednesday F.E.A.S.T.
Wednesday, November 19th
Here is the schedule:
Youth Choir
Children’s Activity
Children’s Choir
Youth Study
Adult Study
Music Team Rehearsal
5:30 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
The Final Supper is Pizza!
Nancy Cooley has become ill and is asking for someone to step up and take
her place teaching Sunday School. She teaches grades one through
four. Please consider and pray about how you can help. The children will
love you for it!
Please contact Laurie Ethier or Pr. Michael
for more information or to volunteer.
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
Our Church
2015 Congregation Council Nominees
I am Chris Sillence, COJ Council Secretary, and would like
to state my intention to run for another two year term as a
member of the COJ Council. There have certainly been
difficult issues and decisions that have had to be made over
the past two years. However, it was an honor and privilege to
be part of the process to help COJ grow and thrive as we
take on these issues.
Chris Sillence
As many of you know, I have
been battling some major
health issues. The family and
essence of COJ has never
shown brighter to me during
these times. The support to
my family and I can never be
forgotten. As such, I wish to
continue serving COJ and
using my talents the best I
can so continue supporting
such an amazing congregation.
David Lizon, born in Pittsburgh, PA, January 27, 1955, moved to
New Mexico in January 1980, and is a member of COJ since
2007. Presently serving on COJ council.
David Lizon
We Rejoice the Hutton Family
Zoe Pearl Rickert
made her grand
appearance at
8:32 p.m. on Tuesday,
November 11th.
She weighed in at 6
lbs. 11 oz. and both
her and mommy
Vallen are doing well.
Thanks to everyone
for your prayers and
good wishes.
Debbie & Pelly Hutton
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
Our Church
You Can Never Thank People Enough
A huge
Thank You! to
Pat Shodean and Rich Nelson—for providing supper this past Wednesday evening
Louise Scott and Joan Bouty—for bringing treats last Sunday
Alicia Evans and Tyler Zack—for their offering of Special Music this Sunday
Thank you to everyone who cooked, cleaned, served food, loaned kitchen items, washed
dishes, decorated, shopped, set up, etc. for the Family Turkey Dinner. Special thanks to our
planning team - Dianne Hensely, Dorothy Laffoon, and Pat Shodean and to our fabulous
servers - Star Cooley, Sam Laird, Sabrina Howe, and Jelani Jackson who were there from
3:00 p.m.-till the end setting up, waiting tables, and breaking down.
Hanging of the Greens
Saturday, November 29th
at 10:00 a.m.
We really need your help to make our sanctuary
and fellowship area ready for the
Advent and Christmas season.
Last week’s attendance: 138 Sunday School attendance: 21
Giving for the week of November 9, 2014
Both Funds:
Actual Giving
more/(less) than
Thank you for your faithful financial stewardship.
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
Our Church
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Righteous God, our merciful master, you own the earth and all its peoples, and
you give us all that we have. Inspire us to serve you with justice and wisdom,
and prepare us for the joy of the day of your coming, through Jesus Christ, our
Savior and Lord. Amen.
Jamila Mamuya giving the Ministry Moment
last Sunday
Pat Shodean serving as
Reader last Sunday
Julie Evans, Anne Kinney and April Mortensen
during the Stewardship Skit last Sunday
Pastor Michael sharing about
courage and encouraging each other
during the Children’s time at worship
Jamila Mamuya offering Special Music
last Sunday
November 16, 2014
Community of Joy Lutheran Church Weekly Newsletter
Prayer Page
People of Prayer
Prayer List
Please help us keep this list updated.
Each week we randomly offer names of
To add or remove someone from this list, please contact
people connected to Community of Joy for
whom to pray. Ask God to protect them and
build them up.
Nov. 16th: Donna Doles
COJ Family
17th: Steve Kerridge
Alexandra & Gail Laird
Larry Zack
18th: Jean Potabi
Charles & Suzanne Davis
Mary Colangelo
19th: Frank Bailey
Chris Sillence & family
Nancy & Star Cooley
20th: Donna Huxtable
Dave & Pat Shodean
Norma Gruber
21st: Lemuel Mamuya
Elrine Frosch-Loving
Paul Laybourne
22nd: Mary Bencke
Fran & Brenda Young
Rachel Shroyer
COJ Church Council
Gary & MJ Horvat
Rich Nelson
Irma Pallas
Stephanie Belmore
Julie Evans
Virginia Wilcox
Bill Hensley
David Lizon
Jamila Mamuya
Chris Sillence
Cliff Walker
Friends of COJ
Dick Tool—Treasurer
Bette Houser
Joanna Smith
Together in Mission
Bob Carpenter
Ken & Nancy Hobsen
Bob Romero
Kody Carper
Camino de Vida—Albuquerque
Bobbi Winiecki
Laura Weyna
Camille Evans
Leroy Rupp
Iglesia Cristo Rey—El Paso, TX
Christine Schei
Malaya Peterson
Cynthia Cordoza
Marty Paavola & family
Davey Lizon
Mary Garcia
Debbie Steele
Mildred Shinn
Dominck Butta
Mina family
Kevin Nelson [12/06/10] - USN George H.W. Bush
Drury family, Jacob & Eli
Paul Jones
(son of Rich & Jo Ann Nelson)
SFC Karen Beattie [05/26/11] - Ft. Riley, Kansas
(cousin of Jackie Anderson)
Family of John Halford
Sam McGinley
Natan Willson [01/01/12] - Afghanistan
Family of Larry Edwards
Sarah Smothermon
(friend of Linda McCormick)
Felix Grinstead
Schei family
Mike Oldenborg [01/07/13] - Fallon, Nevada
Fred & Linda Hensley
Scott Peterson
George & Teri Toelcke
Steven McKinnon
(friend of Les & Pat Luehring)
Sue Woodall
Arvid Opry—(son of Rudi & Irma Pallas)
James Wallace
Tammy Lizon
Brett Archibald [10/20/13] - Phoenix, Arizona
Jeanne Heller
Todd & Summerlyn
(cousin of Jackie Anderson)
Jeff Potter
Jim McHugh
Every Tuesday morning at 9:30 a.m., a group of COJ members pray for people on this list, as
well as names we receive from the attendance sheets.