
Ed. Torre do Pátio Brasil, Sls. 1325/1327
SCS, Qd. 07, Bl. A, N. 100, Asa Sul
CEP 70.307-901, Brasília – DF / Brazil
Tel.: +55 (61) 3041 -6094
Netherlands Education Support Office
Fact sheet CAPES-Nuffic Programme – November 2014
This fact sheet provides a brief description of the CAPES-Nuffic Programme. The official publication
of the programme can be found at
(1) Development or support of research collaboration between Brazilian and Dutch higher education
institutions to empower highly qualified researchers in both countries.
(2) Development or support of institutional cooperation between Brazilian and Dutch higher
education institutions with the aim of curriculum harmonisation.
Application procedure
A Dutch and a Brazilian higher education institution must each submit an application in accordance
with a prescribed format respectively to Nuffic and CAPES.
The application form, in English, for the Dutch partner can be found at and
should be submitted by email to
The submission deadline for application forms is 5 December 2014 at 18:00 (Brasília local time).
Main activities
● Work visits focused on the development and implementation of a joint research programme or
on harmonisation of curricula, including comparability and recognition of credits;
● PhD or post-doc exchange;
● Undergraduate student exchange for education or training.
● Publishing joint scientific articles;
● Scholarships for Brazilian teachers and coordinators to travel to and stay in the Netherlands for
work missions.
● Scholarships for Brazilian PhD students to travel to and stay in the Netherlands for 4 to 12
● Scholarships for Brazilian post-doc researchers to travel to and stay in the Netherlands for 2 to
12 months.
● Scholarships for Brazilian undergraduate students to travel to and stay in Netherlands for a
study period of 4 to 10 months.
Ed. Torre do Pátio Brasil, Sls. 1325/1327
SCS, Qd. 07, Bl. A, N. 100, Asa Sul
CEP 70.307-901, Brasília – DF / Brazil
Tel.: +55 (61) 3041 -6094
Netherlands Education Support Office
● A grant of R$ 10,000 for the Brazilian university to carry out the project.
● The Dutch institution must exempt all tuition fees.
● There is no financial compensation for the activities of the Dutch institutions. Every Dutch
institution is responsible to finance its share of the project, which mostly means the financing of
the research or study placement, receiving work visits, organising work missions and all other
project activities.
Two (2) years, with the possibility to be extended up to four (4) years.
● There is a budget for a maximum of 30 proposals.
● Projects with two-way exchanges have higher priority in the project evaluation.
● The undergraduate student exchange applies for maximum of 10 students per year per
participating higher education institution.