
‘Love is not patronizing and charity isn't about pity, it is
about love. Charity and love are the same -- with charity
you give love, so don't just give money but reach out your
hand instead.’
Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)
Welcome to all who worship here today — visitors, newcomers and regulars alike. Visiting
communicants, of whatever Christian tradition, are invited to receive communion here.
Gluten-free communion wafers are available on request at all Eucharistic services in this Cathedral.
Please enquire of the Sidesmen or Servers for directions to the distribution.
Information about St John’s Cathedral and its ministries can be found at the Welcoming Table after
the 9.00 am service, on the notice boards and on the website:
Clergy are here to listen and help - please feel free to speak to one of them after the services, or
make contact during the week: St John’s Cathedral, 4 – 8 Garden Road, Central. (花園道4-8號)
Tel: 2523 4157, Fax: 2521 7830
Please turn off your mobile phone or switch to SILENT.
Today at the Cathedral
8.00am Said Eucharist (Please see separate order of service)
The Revd Robert Martin
Outreach Ministry—Helpers for Domestic Helpers
James 2.14-17
James Choo
9.00am Sung Eucharist (Please see separate order of service)
(Communion setting: Noel Rawsthorne)
The Revd Robert Martin
Introit Hymn
453 Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
First Reading
Micah 6.1-8
Jeff Evans
146 (chants in F by Ivor Atkins)
Second Reading
James 2.14-17
Doris Lye
Gradual Hymn
337 As pants the hart for cooling streams
Gospel Reading
Luke 4.14-21
The Revd Jenny Wong Nam
Outreach Ministry—HIV Education Center
Robert Bull
The Peace
Offertory Hymn
Be still, for the presence of the Lord (NEP 629)
Look at the world (John Rutter)
Communion Hymn 299 My spirit longs for thee (1st tune)
Recessional Hymn 235 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
10.30am Sung Eucharist (This service is held in Mandarin)
The Revd Wu Wai Ho
Outreach Ministry—St John’s Counselling Service
11.45 am Holy Eucharist (Please see separate order of service)
(Communion setting by Leonard West)
The Revd Robert Martin
Introit Hymn
453 Stand up! Stand up for Jesus!
First Reading
Micah 6.1-8
Karmen Kar
Second Reading
James 2.14-17
Karmen Kar
Gradual Hymn
337 As pants the hart for cooling streams
Gospel Reading
Luke 4.14-21
The Revd Robert Martin
Outreach Ministry—Parents and Toddlers
Alice Shum
The Peace
Offertory Hymn
Be still, for the presence of the Lord (NEP 629)
Communion Hymn 299 My spirit longs for thee (1st tune)
Recessional Hymn 235 Forth in thy name, O Lord, I go
2.00pm Sung Eucharist (This service is held in Filipino and English)
The Revd Dwight dela Torre
Outreach Ministry—Prison Ministry
6.00pm Choral Evensong (Sung by the SJC Evensong Choir)
(Preces and Responses by Robert Jones)
The Revd Will Newman
490 Judge eternal, throned in splendour
89 vs 20-30 (chant in C by John Goss)
First Lesson
1 Kings 1.15-40
Priscilla Chen
in G (Ben Parry)
Second Lesson
Luke 14.7-14
The Revd Will Newman
Nunc Dimittis
in G (Ben Parry)
Never weather-beaten sail (Charles Wood)
The Revd Hugh Phillipson
476 Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
332 All hail the power of Jesu’s name (omit *vs)
Saturday 15th November 2014
12.30pm Said Eucharist (This service was held in Filipino)
Celebrant and Preacher
The Revd Dwight dela Torre
6.00pm Sung Eucharist (This service was held in Cantonese)
The Revd Wu Wai Ho
Outreach Ministry—Mission for Migrant Workers
The Collect, Post Communion Prayer, Readings and Music
for 6.00pm service
The Collect for The Second Sunday before Advent
Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son was revealed to destroy the works of the
devil and to make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life: grant that we,
having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure; that when he shall
appear in power and great glory we may be made like him in his eternal and
glorious kingdom; where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy
Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Psalm 89 vs 20-30(6.00pm)
20. Thou spakest sometime in visions unto thy saints, and saidst : I have laid help
upon one that is mighty; I have exalted one chosen out of the people.
21. I have found David my servant : with my holy oil have I anointed him.
22. My hand shall hold him fast : and my arm shall strengthen him.
23. The enemy shall not be able to do him violence : the son of wickedness shall
not hurt him.
24. I will smite down his foes before his face : and plague them that hate him.
25.My truth also and my mercy shall be with him : and in my Name shall his horn
be exalted.
26. I will set his dominion also in the sea : and his right hand in the floods.
27. He shall call me, Thou art my Father : my God, and my strong salvation.
28. And I will make him my first-born : higher than the kings of the earth.
29. My mercy will I keep for him for evermore : and my covenant shall stand fast
with him.
30. His seed also will I make to endure for ever : and his throne as the days of
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen.
First Reading (6.00pm): 1 Kings 1.15-40
So Bathsheba went to the king in his room. The king was very old; Abishag the
Shunammite was attending the king. Bathsheba bowed and did obeisance to the
king, and the king said, ‘What do you wish?’ She said to him, ‘My lord, you swore
to your servant by the LORD your God, saying: Your son Solomon shall succeed
me as king, and he shall sit on my throne. But now suddenly Adonijah has become king, though you, my lord the king, do not know it. He has sacrificed oxen,
fatted cattle, and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the children of the king,
the priest Abiathar, and Joab the commander of the army; but your servant
Solomon he has not invited. But you, my lord the king – the eyes of all Israel are
on you to tell them who shall sit on the throne of my lord the king after him.
Otherwise it will come to pass, when my lord the king sleeps with his ancestors,
that my son Solomon and I will be counted offenders.’
While she was still speaking with the king, the prophet Nathan came in. The king
was told, ‘Here is the prophet Nathan.’ When he came in before the king, he did
obeisance to the king, with his face to the ground. Nathan said, ‘My lord the king,
have you said, “Adonijah shall succeed me as king, and he shall sit on my
throne”? For today he has gone down and has sacrificed oxen, fatted cattle, and
sheep in abundance, and has invited all the king’s children, Joab the commander
of the army, and the priest Abiathar, who are now eating and drinking before
him, and saying, “Long live King Adonijah!” But he did not invite me, your servant,
and the priest Zadok, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and your servant Solomon.
Has this thing been brought about by my lord the king and you have not let your
servants know who should sit on the throne of my lord the king after him?’
King David answered, ‘Summon Bathsheba to me.’ So she came into the king’s
presence, and stood before the king. The king swore, saying, ‘As the LORD lives,
who has saved my life from every adversity, as I swore to you by the LORD, the God
of Israel, “Your son Solomon shall succeed me as king, and he shall sit on my
throne in my place”, so will I do this day.’ Then Bathsheba bowed with her face to
the ground, and did obeisance to the king, and said, ‘May my lord King David live
for ever!’
King David said, ‘Summon to me the priest Zadok, the prophet Nathan, and
Benaiah son of Jehoiada.’ When they came before the king, the king said to them,
‘Take with you the servants of your lord, and have my son Solomon ride on my
own mule, and bring him down to Gihon. There let the priest Zadok and the
prophet Nathan anoint him king over Israel; then blow the trumpet, and say,
“Long live King Solomon!” You shall go up following him. Let him enter and sit on
my throne; he shall be king in my place; for I have appointed him to be ruler over
Israel and over Judah.’ Benaiah son of Jehoiada answered the king, ‘Amen! May
the LORD, the God of my lord the king, so ordain. As the LORD has been with my
lord the king, so may he be with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the
throne of my lord King David.’
So the priest Zadok, the prophet Nathan, and Benaiah son of Jehoiada, and the
Cherethites and the Pelethites, went down and had Solomon ride on King David’s
mule, and led him to Gihon. There the priest Zadok took the horn of oil from the
tent and anointed Solomon. Then they blew the trumpet, and all the people said,
‘Long live King Solomon!’ And all the people went up following him, playing on
pipes and rejoicing with great joy, so that the earth quaked at their noise.
Here endeth the First Reading.
Second Reading (6.00pm): Luke 14.7-14
When he noticed how the guests chose the places of honour, he told them a
parable. ‘When you are invited by someone to a wedding banquet, do not sit down
at the place of honour, in case someone more distinguished than you has been
invited by your host; and the host who invited both of you may come and say to
you, “Give this person your place”, and then in disgrace you would start to take the
lowest place. But when you are invited, go and sit down at the lowest place, so that
when your host comes, he may say to you, “Friend, move up higher”; then you will
be honoured in the presence of all who sit at the table with you. For all who exalt
themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted.’
He said also to the one who had invited him, ‘When you give a luncheon or a
dinner, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich
neighbours, in case they may invite you in return, and you would be repaid. But
when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind.
And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you, for you will be repaid at
the resurrection of the righteous.’
Here endeth the Second Reading.
Anglican Cycle of Prayer
Please pray for The Lusitanian Church (E-P to the Archbishop of Canterbury)
Lusitanian Church - (Portugal) and The Rt Revd José Jorge De Pina Cabral.
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (Anglican Church of Hong Kong) Cycle of
Please pray for Paul, our Primate and Archbishop; Peter, Archbishop Emeritus;
Andrew, Bishop of Western Kowloon; Timothy, Bishop-elect of Eastern Kowloon
and all the faithful members of the HKSKH, both clerical and lay.
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer
Pray for the Bishop, the Most Revd Dr Paul Kwong and all clergy of the Diocese of
Hong Kong Island; for the mission and nurture of Committees of the Diocese.
SJC Cycle of Prayer
Pray for St John’s Cathedral, Emmanuel Church, Pokfulam, Discovery Bay Church
and St Stephen’s Chapel, Stanley; for Dean Matthias and the Chaplains/Priests-in
Charge. Pray for CLARES, Castaways and SJC Flower Guild.
Prayer Requests
Please pray for Richard Firth, Adam Thompson, Amy Chan Siu Yuk, The Revd
Canon David Dang, Sue Fletcher, Felix Chan, Ophelia Chan, Esther Tai, Toung
Ming, May Cheng Wai Sheung, Fanny Tung, Daisy Chan, Chong Hang Yung
Sebastian, Bronwyn, Juliet Vasantraj, Revd Johnny Chan, William Lam, Susana
Westlake, Sherry, Raymond Cheung, Jun Clarke, Barbara Saunders, Shelley
Connolly, Bill Cox, Stephen Farmer, Simon Freeberne, Sin-Joh Chuang, Maria
Erlyn Carbon, Revd Susan Hewitt, Isaac Wiens, Thomas Wong, Perronnelle
Laskey, Cecilia Tang, Karen Kwong Lee Yuen Kwan, Sidney Poon, Charles
Dickson, Marlou Calalo, Robert Lee, Betty Bolloni, Margaret Pini, Carl Ka Tat
Wong, Dennis Shea, Edith Hall, Brenda Bishop, Martine Porter, Betty Taylor, Lee
Yuk Ying, Parveen Nadeem, Conor Henderson, Wendy Larkin, Juvy Bustamante,
Wing Sung, Stephen A Isidro, Robert Trout, Ho Yiu Sing, Gener Galapon, Novel
Chan, Bill Galvin, Revd Peter Frowley, Philip Law, Makiko Hardy, Arthuro
Canuto, Wong Lee Mo Fong, Chai Ching Pau Nyin, Elena Hutchinson, Edward
Wong Kar Yue, Fiona Bamber, Donna Mae Cuaresma, Inger Kvan, Stephanie Ng
and Abigail Sun.
Rest In Peace
Sidney Cowell, Tang Wai Kiu
Prayers will be offered for those named above during the weekday Eucharists.
To include someone in this prayer list, please contact Elisa, Tel: 2523 4157.
Welcome to St John’s
Visitors are always welcome at our services. If you are new to Hong Kong and/or
St John’s, do make yourself known at the Welcome Table where you can find
someone who will help with information about our life and ministry here.
After Service Refreshments
Refreshments are served after the 9.00am service in the Li Hall.
Outreach Sunday
Today we will give thanks for St John's Outreach Ministry. Do you know the
names of the outreach programmes? What are the ministries that the Cathedral
is involved in each day? Who are they helping? What difference are they making
to people's lives in Hong Kong? How can you get involved?
At services today a leader from one of the outreach ministries will speak about
the work of their organisation. We are thankful for all who take part in our
outreach ministry.
Consecration of Bishop Timothy Kwok
On Sunday 23rd November Archbishop Paul Kwong, assisted by the Bishops
of the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui and visiting Bishops from the Anglican
Communion, will consecrate Canon Timothy Kwok to the Order of Bishop in the
Holy Catholic Church. The service will take place here at St John’s Cathedral
and will start at 4.30pm. Bishop Timothy will serve as Bishop of the Diocese of
Eastern Kowloon and will be enthroned in his own Cathedral Church of the Holy
Trinity, Kowloon the following day at 8.00pm. Please keep Canon Kwok and his
family in your prayers at this time of preparation.
Baptism & Confirmation
Sacrament of Baptism: On Sunday 23rd November at the 11.45am
Eucharist we will celebrate the Sacrament of Baptism and administer First Holy
Communion for candidates from our ‘Genesis’ Course. These candidates, and
some of their children, will be baptised by the cathedral clergy and presented to
the Archbishop for Confirmation at a later in November.
Sacrament of Confirmation: On Saturday 29th November at 6.00pm
the Archbishop will preside at the Sung Eucharist and celebrate the Sacrament of
Confirmation for those candidates already baptised. Candidates from both the ‘I
believe’ and ‘Genesis’ Courses will be confirmed at this service.
We hope that members of the Cathedral Council and congregations will make
a special effort to attend the Confirmation Eucharist and welcome their new
brothers and sisters into our cathedral family.
The monthly Taizé service will return in January
Because of the Consecration Service next Sunday and a Christmastide Evensong
in December, the monthly Taizé Evening Prayer Service will be in recess until
January. Apologies to those who regularly attend this service.
American Thanksgiving Service
To celebrate American Thanksgiving Day there will be a service held here at St
John’s on Thursday 27th November at 1.00pm. The service will be conducted by
the cathedral clergy and local pastors from the English speaking churches.
Refreshments will be served in the north garden after the service. Please join us
for this annual opportunity to give thanks to God for his many blessings.
Parents and Babies and Toddlers
We meet each Thursday 2.30—4.30pm in the Fanny Li Hall to welcome new
parents and babies 0-2 years to St John’s Cathedral.
Tuesday 3.00-5.00pm is for 2-4 year olds and their parents to exchang ideas and
play and chat.
Dead Sea Scrolls & Artefacts Exhibition
The first function for the Michaelmas Fair 2015 will be a private tour to the Dead
Sea Scrolls & Artefacts Exhibition, on Tuesday, 9th December from 10.00am.
The group will meet at the Cathedral at 9.45am, getting back for lunch in the
Harold Smyth Room at 12.00noon.
Tickets are $100 each including transportation and tour of the exhibition by the
Asia Society; and a lunch. Only 40 tickets are available. First come first serve.
Please get your ticket either from Mrs June Li after 9.00am Sunday Service, or
Viola Ip at the Cathedral office during office hour.
A Prayer for Hong Kong
Lord God, we ask for your blessing on the people of the Hong Kong SAR:
at this time of divided opinions strengthen those who work for mutual
understanding; make our hearts open to hear and embrace those who hold
different views from ourselves; and may our leaders work together to seek
the common good. We pray in the name of one who spread healing and
reconciliation among all people, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
We are here to help
Pastoral Care
Pastoral care is an important part of our ministry here at St John’s
Cathedral. Our clergy are here to offer spiritual, emotional and practical
support on a day to day basis and in times of difficulty. This ministry
includes caring for those who are sick, the dying, the bereaved and the
lonely. The clergy can visit you at home, in hospital, or even somewhere
for a coffee and a chat.
If you or someone you know needs assistance please contact:
The Cathedral Office on 2523 4157 between 9.00am and 5.00pm,
2523 4110 in an emergency or after 5.00pm /
or at the weekend
You can ask to speak to a particular chaplain, the duty chaplain or you can
contact the Pastoral Ministry Coordinator, The Revd Catherine Graham on
9639 6777.
St John’s Cathedral
Please make a note in your diaries of this year’s special Advent Services
Sun 30th November
The First Sunday of Advent
6.00pm ‘Looking for the Light’
A Service for the beginning of Advent
Sun 14th December
The Third Sunday of Advent
6.00pm ‘Blue Christmas’ Eucharist
A Service for those mourning a loss
this Christmas season
Sat 20th December
6.00pm Cantonese Sung Eucharist with Carols
Sun 21st December
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
9.00am Sung Eucharist
with Sunday School Pageant
6.00pm Service of Nine Lessons and Carols
A traditional service celebrating in word and music
the Coming of the Christ Child
What’s happening this week
Services this Week
SJC Children’s Choir
SJC Children Instrumental Ensemble
Filipino Fellowship
Monday 17th November 2014
8.00am Said Eucharist
1.00pm One o’clock Prayers (Nave)
Monday 17th November 2014
12.30pm Meditation Group
Tuesday 18th
8.00am Said Eucharist
1.00pm One o’clock Prayers (Nave)
Wednesday 19th
8.00am Said Eucharist
1.00pm One o’clock Prayers (Nave)
6.00pm Said Eucharist
Tuesday Tots
Bible Reading Fellowship
The Music of Love and Care:
HIV Charity Concert 2014
Wednesday 19th
9.30am CLARES
1.00pm Lunch Time Recital—Jazz for Fun
Performers : Les Pianistes
Thursday 20th
2.00pm Parents and Toddlers Group
7.30pm Christian Listening Course
Thursday 20th
8.30am Said Eucharist
1.00pm One o’clock Prayers (Nave)
1.15pm Said Eucharist
8.00am Said Eucharist
1.00pm One o’clock Prayers (Nave)
3.00pm Friday Fellowship Group
Saturday 22nd
3.30pm Youth Fellowship (Cantonese)
4.00pm Andrew Fellowship (Cantonese)
Said Eucharist
Said Eucharist (Filipino)
Said Eucharist (Cantonese)
(Anticipated Sunday Service)
Next Sunday - 23rd November 2014
Christ the King
Ezekiel 34.11-16, 20-24
Psalm 95.1-7
Ephesians 1.15-end
Matthew 25.31-end
8.00am Said Eucharist
Celebrant and Preacher:
The Very Revd Matthias Der
9.00am Sung Eucharist
Celebrant: The Revd Robert Martin
Preacher: The Rt Revd Michael Jackson
10.30am Sung Eucharist (Mandarin)
Celebrant: The Revd Peter Koon
Preacher: The Very Revd Matthias Der
11.45am Eucharist—Common Worship
with Baptism
Celebrant: The Very Revd Matthias Der
Preacher: The Revd Robert Martin
2.00pm Sung Eucharist (Filipino)
Celebrant: The Revd Dwight dela Torre
Preacher: The Most Revd Ephraim
4.30pm HKSKH Consecration Service
The Consecration of the Revd Canon
Dr Timothy Chi-Pei Kwok to the
Holy Order of Bishop
Diocese of Hong Kong Island
Cathedral Office
Primate and Archbishop of
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui
Bishop of Hong Kong Island:
4-8 Garden Road, Central, HK
Tel: 2523 4157 Fax: 2521 7830
Sunday School Website:
Twitter: @StJohnsHK
The Most Revd Dr Paul Kwong
Archbishop Emeritus:
The Most Revd Dr Peter Kwong
St John’s Cathedral
The Very Revd Matthias Der
Cathedral Chaplains:
The Revd Desmond Cox
The Revd Dwight dela Torre
The Revd Peter Koon
The Revd Robert Martin
The Revd Nigel Gibson
(Chaplain and Priest-In-Charge of
Emmanuel Church—2523 4157)
The Revd Will Newman
(Chaplain and Priest-In-Charge of
St Stephen’s Chapel—2813 0408)
The Revd Mark Rogers
(Chaplain and Priest-In-Charge of
Discovery Bay Church—2987 4210)
The Revd Catherine Graham
(Chaplain and Anglican Communion Refugee
and Migrant Network Coordinator)
The Revd Wu Wai Ho
Cathedral Honorary Chaplains:
The Revd John Chynchen
The Revd Hugh Phillipson
The Revd Philip Wickeri
The Revd Jenny Wong Nam
Cathedral Outreach Programmes
Cathedral Bookstore
Renowned for its selection of cards and thoughtprovoking books.
Mon-Sat: 9.00am – 6.00pm
Sunday : 10.00am – 2.00pm
Manager: Chris Everett
Tel: 2868 2848 Fax: 2868 5106
Helpers for Domestic Helpers (HDH)
A place for domestic workers to find help.
(Basement, Administration Building)
Manager: Holly Allan
Tel/Fax: 2523 4020
Mission for Migrant Workers (MFMW)
An ecumenical help agency for migrant workers.
(Top floor, Administration Building)
Manager: Cynthia Tellez
Tel: 2522 8264 Fax: 2526 2894
Counselling Service
A professional counselling service
Director: Dr Mark Gandolfi
Tel: 2525 7207 Fax: 2524 2777
HIV Education Centre
Organist: Peter Yue
(1/F, Administration Building)
Manager: Elijah Fung
Tel: 2523 0531/2501 0653 Fax: 2523 1581
Sub-Organist: Felix Yeung
Music Officer: Alan Tsang
Wed : 9.30am – 12.00noon
Verger: Ho Tat Hoi
Castaways Shop
Executive Administrator: Viola Ip
Choirmaster: Raymond Fu
Head Server: James Choo
Head Sidesman: Roger Cole
Wed-Fri: 12.00noon – 2.30pm
Sat & Sun: 10.00am – 12.00noon
Manager: Teresa Topacio
c/o Cathedral Office
Tear off
Welcome to St John’s Cathedral!
We invite you to join the St John’s community.
Please complete this form and hand it to one of the Clergy, a Sidesman
or the Welcome Table or drop it into the collection bag/box.
First Name:
Name of spouse (if applicable)
Names and ages of children (if applicable)
Address: _________________________________________
E-mail: __________________________ Phone: ___________
Please circle as appropriate:
I would be interested in attending the
8.00am / 9.00am / 10.30am / 11.45am / 2.00pm / 6.00pm service.
I am interested in finding out about:
Sunday School / Baptism / Confirmation / Cathedral Choir /
CLARES / Flower Guild / Sidesman / Servers Guild / Filipino
Fellowship / Stewardship Scheme / Uniformed Group.
Other questions / information:
Information provided will be treated as confidential.