SeniorNet Auckland Next SeniorNet Meeting


SeniorNet Auckland Next SeniorNet Meeting
SeniorNet Auckland
Next SeniorNet Meeting
Tuesday 11 November 2014
SeniorNet Auckland’s General Meeting is held at 10:00 every 2nd Tuesday of the
month at the RSA, 57 Princes St., Onehunga, Auckland 1061. Phone 634 8341;
Chairman: Neville Lane 6254191
Secretary: Julia Tu’ineau 6341846
Treasurer: Anne Udy 6366405
Courses: Dawn Whiteman 6241201
Programmer: George Williams 6230830 Membership: Anne Udy 6366405
Newsletter: Dawn Whiteman 6241201
Hospitality: Patricia Dick 6242151
Factotum: George Sabine 6341846
Website: Dawn Whiteman 6241201
Hall furniture: George Sabine 6341846
Committee Member: John Locke 6301522
Speakers Officer: TBA
AV Technical Officer: TBA
CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: November 2014
Greetings and welcome to Term 4
in which a wide range of courses
has been organised for your consideration. For course information,
refer to your latest Newsletter and
for updates go to our website
and refer to Teaching Schedule
and Schedule Calendar.
Course information on the website
is updated frequently so do check
regularly to learn the latest. For
completeness, the latest News-
letter is also available on the website.
project moves through its proving
To make enquiries and to enrol for
courses, contact Dawn Whiteman;
624 1201 or email or
visit Dawn at her table during our
monthly meetings.
The speaker for our 11 November
meeting will be Gerard De Silva
of PC Tech, a regular and welcome contributor of information.
Gerard will give us an update on
mobile/portable devices including
smart phones, iPads, tablets and
laptops. If you should be planning
a visit to PC Tech in Newmarket
note that the new location is at 3
Mortimer Pass. (See Page 3 for
more info.)
Dawn and Programmer George
Williams are in the process of developing an on-line system for
prospective Students to obtain
course information and to enrol.
Details will be provided as the
Chairman’s Report Continued on Page 2
Onehunga RSA Car Park
[Entrance off Neilson Street]
The RSA car park is available for
use by SeniorNet members while
attending courses and monthly
meetings. The arrangement between us and the RSA is the
donation of a gold coin for every
vehicle using the park; to be
deposited in the labelled box
placed in the
Learning Centre
classroom and
in the hall on
meeting days.
Page 2
SeniorNet Auckland
Chairman’s Report—continued from Page 1
For 9 December, we have arranged
for Lee Chisholm, Operations Manager of NetSafe, to give us a
presentation on cyber security and
to offer security advice. For a salutary lesson on risks of all kinds, see and
click on Scams!
We are discussing with Auckland
Transport a presentation with the
working title of ‘Ticketing Systems’
on a date to be decided in the New
Year. Details will be advised.
While on the subject of speakers;
on your behalf I thank Dawn,
Michael and George for their
willingness to fill the gap on14
October with their brief but interesting talks.
And now for a few reminders:
Our Christmas Luncheon will be
held at 12 noon, 2 December at
Waipuna Lodge Mt Wellington.
For tickets see
Patricia Dick on
11 November.
Those yet to pay
Annual Subscriptions are invited
to visit Anne Udy at her desk or
use the form in the October Newsletter to renew on-line.
Membership enquiries may also
be made to Anne.
Great news! The Auckland Council
has generously granted us an Accommodation Supplement toward
off-setting the cost of our annual
rental for the next 12 months. We
have expressed our thanks formally in a letter to the Council.
Neville Lane
From the Course Co-ordinator—Computer Trends
Welcome to
New Members
Marlene Hudd
Michelle Senk
Windows 10 with
new Start button!
Have you decided to take
the Windows 8 plunge
and want to know not just
how to get by but how to
thrive in this brave new
Windows 8 world?
To meet your needs, our
SeniorNet Learning Centre
runs five courses: Windows 8 Introduction to
10: Two
weeks in,
already 1
have joined the Windows
Insider Program to try out
the Windows 10 Technical
Computing Pt 1, Introduction to Windows 8 Pt 2,
Windows 8 Tablets and,
Windows 8 File Management Pt 1 & Pt 2.
Data collected from some
users of the operating
system suggest people are
adjusting well to the radical departure from
previous designs, says
Microsoft. Watch out
those who make scathing
comments; the ‘wind
might change’ and set
your face!
Preview. Problems:
Search and Task barbuttons are fixed.
Control Panel. Lots of
settings are only available
from one of the applets.
Tabs need to be added to
A lot of people want the
Charms bar back — but it
hasn’t actually been removed; and is revealed
with Windows
Windows 10 doesn’t fix
the annoying split between the Metro-style PC
Settings and Desktop-style
Page 3
Click here, to go to the SeniorNet Web site.
Courses and Workshops for November—December 2014
Table of Scheduled Courses for November—December 2014
Postal Address SN Auckland
SeniorNet [Auckland] Inc
PO Box 13366
Onehunga Auckland 1643
Having trouble with your PC or Laptop, SmartPhone or Tablet, or your
desktop home computer? Contact
Gerard de Silva and certified technicians for prompt repairs.
Phone: 522 5400 Email: