
Updated November 2014
307 West Brooks, Rm 307, Norman OK USA 73071
Cell: 405-973-5812 E-mail: Web:
Ph.D. in Business Administration, University of Oklahoma
2010 – 2015 (Expected)
• Concentration in Management Information Systems
• Dissertation Committee: Dr. Shaila Miranda (Chair), Dr. Robert Zmud,
Dr. Laku Chidambaram, Dr. Teresa Shaft, Dr. Ryan Bisel
• Dissertation: Improving Organizational Effectiveness via Logic Diversity:
The Role of Public Narratives and Social Media Use in the Energy Sector
(Proposal defended in Dec 2013, data collection in progress)
M.S. in Business Administration, Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
• Concentration in Information Systems (GPA: 4.0/4.0)
2007 – 2009
B.B.A. in Management Information Systems, Hyupsung University, South Korea
• Major GPA: 3.97/4.0 (GPA: 3.56/4.0)
1999 – 2006
ICIS Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Milan, Italy
AMCIS Doctoral Consortium Fellow, Chicago, Illinois
Digital Societies & Social Technologies Summer Institute (DSST) Fellow, U. Maryland
Energy Institute Doctoral Research Fellowship Award, U. Oklahoma
Alley-Rayonier Grant Award, U. Oklahoma
T.H. Lee Williams Grant Award, U. Oklahoma
Business Energy Solutions Center Doctoral Research Fellowship Award, U. Oklahoma
Winner of Student Paper Competition in Social Science, Hyupsung University
Dean’s Scholarship, Hyupsung University
2003 – 2005
Societal and organizational impacts of social media (with big data)
Innovation diffusion/post-adoption
Miranda, Shaila, Kim, Inchan, & Summers, Jama. “Jamming with Social Media: Reconceptualizing
“Shared Meaning” in Organizing Vision”, Under 3rd Round at MIS Quarterly
Curriculum Vitae
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Inchan Kim
Updated November 2014
9. Kim, Inchan & Miranda, Shaila. 2013. “Buffeting the Technical Core: Entraining Contention to
Innovation in the Social Media Era,” AOM Annual Meeting (OCIS Division), Lake Buena Vista,
Florida, August.
8. Kim, Inchan & Miranda, Shaila. 2013. “How Do Social Media Increase Firm Performance?
Entrainment of Innovation to Contention,” AMCIS, Chicago, Illinois, August
7. Summers, Jama, Miranda, Shaila, & Kim, Inchan. 2013. “Corporate Enactments of Social Control
across Social Media Affordances,” AMCIS, Chicago, Illinois, August
6. Kim, Inchan. 2012. “Social Media in a Social Phenomenon: Social Media in the Entrainment of
Contention to Innovation,” ICIS, Orlando, Florida, December
5. Miranda, Shaila, Summers, Jama & Kim, Inchan. 2012. “Visions of Social Media: Surfacing
Schemas from Firms' Informational Engagements,” ICIS, Orlando, Florida, December
4. Kim, Inchan. 2012. “The Role of Citizenship Behaviors in the Resolution of the Team-level
Innovation Paradox,” AOM Annual Meeting (Technology & Innovation Management Division),
Boston, Massachusetts, August.
3. Carte, Traci, Wang, Nan, Yetgin, Emre, & Kim, Inchan. 2012. “Conflict Asymmetry in CMC and
F2F Teams: A Longitudinal, Multilevel Study,” AOM Annual Meeting (OCIS Division), Boston,
Massachusetts, August.
2. Kim, HyungJin, Kim, Inchan, & Lee, Ho Geun, 2010. “The Success Factors for App Store-like
Platform Businesses from a Perspective of Third-party Developers: An Empirical Study Based on
the Dual Model Framework,” PACIS, Taipei, Taiwan. July.
1. Kim, HyungJin, Kim, Inchan, & Lee, Ho Geun, 2009. “An Empirical Study: Examination of the
Success Factors for Platform Businesses—Using the Dual Model Framework,” KMIS International
Conference, Seoul, South Korea, November.
6. Kim, Inchan, 2014. “Improving Organizational Effectiveness via Logics Diversity: The Role of
Public Narratives and Social Media Use in the Energy Sector,” Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium,
Norman, Oklahoma, April.
5. Kim, Inchan & Miranda, Shaila. 2013. “We’re Making the World Better… Or Are We? Energy Firm
Innovation and Social Backlash during the Social Media Era,” ICIS (pre-ICIS Workshop on ICT and
Societal Challenges), Milan, Italy, December.
Curriculum Vitae
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Inchan Kim
Updated November 2014
4. Kim, Inchan & Miranda, Shaila. 2013. “Social Media and Entrainment of Contention to Innovation
in the Energy Sector,” Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium, Stillwater, Oklahoma, April.
3. Miranda, Shaila, Summers, Jama, & Kim, Inchan. 2013. “Where Do Corporate Innovation Schemas
Come from? Making Sense of Firms' Discourse about Social Media,” American Sociological
Association (ASA) Annual Meeting, New York, New York, August.
2. Kim, Inchan, Miranda, Shaila, & Summers, Jama. 2012. “The Innovation Paradox under Control:
The Role of Citizenship Behaviors in Reducing Software Development Backlogs,” ICIS (LG
CNS/KrAIS Workshop), Orlando, Florida, December.
1. Kim, Inchan & Zmud, Robert. 2011. “Superior Management Innovation Capability: What Is It and
How Is It Formed?” Big XII+ MIS Research Symposium, Manhattan, Kansas, April.
We’re Making the World Better… Or Are We? Energy Firm Innovation and Social Backlash during the
Social Media Era, with Dr. Shaila Miranda, targeting Academy of Management Journal (status: final
writing in progress)
Affordances for Connectivity: The Role of Corporate Portal Investments in Innovation, with Dr. Shaila
Miranda, targeting Information Systems Research (status: additional data gathering in progress)
Third-Party Application Developers’ Receptivity to Relationship Maintenance with a Platform
Provider: Dedications and Constraints, with Dr. HyungJin Kim and Dr. Ho Geun Lee, targeting
International Journal of Electronic Commerce (status: close to submission; final improvement on
theoretical arguments needed)
Kim, Inchan, 2009, “Do We Need to Impose Taxes on Avatars in Virtual Worlds? —Second Life
Case,” Digital Privacy and Law, 299-328, KSI, Seoul, South Korea.
Improving Organizational Effectiveness via Logic Diversity:
Leaders’ Framing and Organizational Usage of Social Media in the Energy Sector
Source: Price College Energy Institute (Award Amount: $10,000)
2013 – 2014
Longitudinal View on the Entrainment of Contention to Innovation
on Energy Sources: The Role of Innovation Types and Social Media.
Source: Price College Business Energy Solutions Center (Award Amount: $10,000)
2012 – 2013
Curriculum Vitae
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Inchan Kim
Updated November 2014
Alley-Rayonier Travel Support ($1,400), U. Oklahoma
T.H. Lee Williams International Travel Scholarship ($1,022), U. Oklahoma
Robberson Conference Presentation Travel Grant ($500), U. Oklahoma
Michael F. Price College Travel Funding ($7,500)
University of Oklahoma
Research Assistant to Dr. Traci Carte
2010 – 2011
Yonsei University
Researcher/Project Treasurer
2007 – 2009
• The Ubiquitous Computing and Network (UCN) Project
o The Ministry of Information and Communication 21st Century Frontier R&D Program
o Funded by South Korea Government
o Developed logic behind the u-stress index, an intelligent stress-measuring mechanism
o Developed two service scenarios for the u-Stress Management Center
o Evaluated the degree of adoptability, profitability, and technological excellence of
emerging healthcare technologies, such as a glucowatch
o Handled a budget of $100,000 in 2008
Research Assistant to Dr. Ho Geun Lee,
2007 – 2009
• Business Case Development: Amore Pacific—Penetrating into World Markets
• MBA Research Case Development: The Impact of a Blog-Messenger Link Service on Instant
Messenger Usage—Focusing on the Purpose of Blogging Service, Network Properties, and
Fitness of Blogging Service
Book Editor: Digital Privacy and Law, KSI, Seoul, South Korea
Teaching Interests
• Business analytics
• Database (modeling and SQL)
• IT innovation management
• Societal and organizational impacts of social media
Business Analytics related Experience and Skill Set
• Teaching Assistant
o MBA Business Analytics by Dr. Santhanam
: Created business analytic problems designed to be answered in Tableau
o MBA Social Analytics by Dr. Miranda
: Will be helping design the whole course (Spring 2015).
• Related Courses Taken and Taught
o Business Analytics by Dr. Santhanam
Curriculum Vitae
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Inchan Kim
Updated November 2014
o Exploratory Data Analysis by Dr. Rodgers
o Advanced Qualitative Research Method by Dr. Bisel
o Lab instructor: Data Analysis in Excel
Research Application
o Data visualization on social media use data
o Time-series data analysis on patent and contention data
o Content analysis on unstructured textual data (e.g., news articles, press releases)
Analytical Tools
o R: data visualization, text mining, content analysis, time-series analysis
o Tableau, Excel, SPSS Modeler
Independent Instructor, Database/AIS (MIS/ACCT 3353), U. Oklahoma
• MIS and Accounting core course
• Taught ERD modeling to database implementation including basic SAP
• Taught one session in Spring
• Evaluation: 4.89/5.00
• Selected student comments:
o “Prof. Kim is respectful, helpful, encouraging, and never condescending to his students.”
o “Prof. Kim loves to stimulate class participation by encouraging students to speak up,
ask questions, or offer comments.”
o “You could really tell he cared for his students to learn and understand the material.”
o “I have nothing but positive things to say about Mr. Kim.”
o “I would easily choose to take any other classes he may teach in the future.”
Lab Instructor, Introduction to MIS (MIS 2113), U. Oklahoma
2011 – 2013
• Price College of Business core course
• Taught data analysis skills in Excel and DB concepts and skills in Access
• Taught five sessions in Fall and Spring
• Latest Evaluation: 4.83/5.00
• Selected student comments:
o “I was pleased at how you would try and involve the class, asking us questions.”
o “Could tell he enjoyed teaching the material and helping students.”
o “He genuinely was helpful in demonstrating the computer skills we needed to learn,
and really truly wanted us to succeed. A model for every instructor in every course.”
Completed Teaching Academy, U. Oklahoma
• Studied theories of learning and principles of effective teaching
• Practiced different teaching strategies
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Alexandra Durcikova, U. Oklahoma
Teaching Assistant to Dr. Ho Geun Lee, Yonsei University
Curriculum Vitae
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2007 – 2009
Inchan Kim
Updated November 2014
Protivity Korea, Seoul, South Korea
• Junior consultant/business analyst
Founder of Kim & Park Accessories, Anyang, South Korea
• Women fashion accessory retailor
Ben Barnett Ph.D. Scholarship, U. Oklahoma
Yonsei Business School Research Fellowship, Yonsei University
President of the R.O.K Marine Student Association, Hyupsung University
Vice President of the MIS Student Association, Hyupsung University
Undergraduate Program Travel Grant ($10,000), Hyupsung University
2010 – Present
2007 – 2009
2004 – 2005
2003 – 2004
Communications of the Association for Information Systems
The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems
ICIS, AMCIS, PACIS, HICSS, AOM Annual Meeting (TIM division and OCIS divisions)
R, STATA, EViews, SAS, SPSS, SPSS Modular, MS Access, MS Excel, HTML
Doctoral Level Seminars and Methods at University of Oklahoma
Managing Technological Innovation Use
HCI and Business Analytics
Governance and Control
Cognition and Decision Making
Commuter Mediated Communication
Organization Theory
Organizational Behavior
Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Advanced Qualitative Research Method
Structural Equation Modeling
Exploratory Data Analysis
by Dr. Robert Zmud
by Dr. Radhika Santhanam
by Dr. Shaila Miranda
by Dr. Teresa Shaft
by Dr. Traci Carte
by Dr. Mark Sharfman
by Dr. Mark Bolino
by Dr. Albert Schwarzkopf
by Dr. Ryan Bisel
by Dr. Robert Terry
by Dr. Joseph Rodgers
Master’s/Doctoral Level Seminars at Yonsei University
e-Business Seminar
Seminar in Information Systems
by Dr. Ho Geun Lee
by Dr. Kil-Soo Suh
Curriculum Vitae
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Inchan Kim
Updated November 2014
Change and Innovation Seminar
u-Business Strategy
MIS Research Methodology
by Dr. Dongyup Shin
by Dr. Kyu K. Kim
by Dr. Kun Shin Im
Association for Information Systems
Academy of Management
Rifleman (Reserves), Republic of Korea Marine Corps
Rifleman (Active Duty), Republic of Korea Marine Corps, 6th Marine Brigade
2003 – 2009
2000 – 2002
Lee, Ho Geun, Kim, Hyungjin, Kim, Inchan, Park, Joohan, Chung, Yoojung, Lee, Sanghoon, “u-Stress
Index: An Intelligent Stress-Measuring Mechanism,” Korea Patent, 20080095776, Sep 2008.
Lee, Ho Geun, Kim, Hyungjin, Kim, Inchan, Park, Joohan, Chung, Yoojung, Lee, Sanghoon, “A
Business Model for the Ubiquitous Stress Management Center,” Korea Patent, 20080099530, Oct 2008.
Playing sports
• Team sports: football, soccer, baseball (pitcher, leftfielder)
• Individual sports: swimming, running, weight training
Traveling: traveled around Oceania, Asia, North America, and Europe
Writing: logical and vivid writing that captures imagination
Pedagogy: effective teaching methods and how to lead and motivate people
Public Speaking: humorous speech content winner, VP of membership at a Toastmasters club
Curriculum Vitae
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Inchan Kim
Updated November 2014
Dr. Shaila M. Miranda (Doctoral Dissertation Committee Chair)
Associate Professor of Management Information Systems
Michael F. Price College of Business
University of Oklahoma
(405) 325-5732
Dr. Robert W. Zmud
George Lynn Cross Research Professor Emeritus of Management Information Systems
Michael F. Price College of Business
University of Oklahoma
Dr. Radhika Santhanam
Director of the Division of Management Information Systems
Michael F. Price Chair in MIS
Michael F. Price College of Business
University of Oklahoma
(405) 325-0791
Dr. Ho Geun Lee (Master’s Thesis Chair)
Professor of Information Systems
School of Business
Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea
Dr. Kil-Soo Suh
Professor of Information Systems
School of Business
Yonsei University
Seoul, South Korea
Curriculum Vitae
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Inchan Kim