Document 6602581


Document 6602581
Wade Stains, Patty Ruffing, Clair Smithbower, Rita Williams, Susan Kline,
Margaret Lee, Adam Lee, Heather Swope, Ron Noll, Tessie Garell, The
intentions of the Alumni Circle of Prayer, our Military, and the Sainthood
Cause of our founding Pastor, the Rev. Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin.
In an effort to keep our prayer list current, please call the rectory if someone on this list can be removed, or if you would like
someone added. Our hope is to continually keep this updated, so that our parish family can pray for these special intentions.
Nov. 17 to Nov.23
7:30/8am Trevor Hogue/Amber Beck
4pm Luke Mento/Jimmy Wyland
8am Neil Sutton/Larry Grimes
10am Maddie Phisterl/Amanda Chumrik
Weekly Goal
Difference +
$ 6809.00
$ 398.00
$ 7,207.00
$ 6,800.00
$ 407.00
$6,800 is our weekly goal to have our parish self-sufficient
Thank you to all who gave to our collection last week.
Deuteronomy 14:23 The purpose of tithing is to teach us to put God first in our lives.
The Scriptures for Sunday, November 16, 2014: First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31
(157A) Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 Second Reading: Thessalonians 5:1-6
Gospel: Matthew 25:14-30 or 25:45-15, 19-21
Liturgical Reflection: The more complete form of participation in the Mass by which
the faithful, after the priest’s communion, receive the Lord’s Body from the same
sacrifice, is strongly endorsed by the Second Vatican Council. The Church
encourages that the communion received by the faithful ideally come from the altar
where at that Mass bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. The
Church strongly endorses that consecrated Hosts normally not be brought from the
tabernacle for communion distribution at Mass. The fuller sign of liturgical
participation is that the Body and Blood of Christ on the altar be distributed among
all participants at that Mass.
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Number 55
Stewardship Reflection : We become good and faithful stewards by nurturing and sharing
the unique gifts given to us by God: our spiritual gifts, our relationships our intellect, and our
material possessions.
Established 1799 by Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin – Servant of God
321 St. Mary Street – P.O. Box 10 – Loretto, PA 15940
Rectory Phone 472-8551 Rectory Fax 471-4959
Rev. Msgr. Timothy J. Swope, V.F., Rector
Deacon Michael Condor
Father Matthew Reese, Vocation Director, In residence
St. Michael School 472-9117 Religious Education 472-9808 Bingo 471-2764
SUNDAY MASSES 8am & 10am
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 11:30-12:30 & by request
BAPTISMS by arrangement and preparation -please call the parish
MARRIAGES 6-9 months preparation time-please call the parish
Mass Intentions – November 17, 2014 through November 23, 2014
Monday, November 17 – St. Elizabeth of Hungary
Historical Society)
Tuesday, November 18 – Weekday
Wednesday, November 19 – Weekday
Thursday, November 20 – Weekday
7:30AM LOUISE BYRNE (Adam & Margaret Lee)
Friday, November 21 – The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
7:30AM DIANE GRIFFITH (Earl & Ann Weakland)
Saturday, November 22 – Saint Cecilia
8:00AM BILL & AGNES WYLAND (Russ & Dorothy Itell)
4:00PM FLO FARABAUGH (family)
Sunday, November 23 – Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe
Vision for Our Church
We, God’s holy people, embrace the vision of the Father’s kingdom. We also realize that
this vision is a profound mystery of His love, power, and rule, in which the Father continually
invites all his children into His eternal presence. This kingdom is unveiled to us and to our
church by the grace of the Spirit found in the encounter with our Savior who teaches and
feeds us by Word and Sacrament.
Jesus entered into our history as a pilgrim on a journey to His Father. In this journey he
transformed and built up those he encountered in his ministry of professing the Father’s love
found within the Kingdom of God. Therefore, we, His disciples, follow in the Master’s
footsteps on our pilgrim journey. As individuals and as a church, we build up the dignity of
our brothers and sisters in professing the Father’s love.
Into Action
Looking back on our tradition, especially the Acts of the Apostles, we see the disciples and
the church in action. Building up the Kingdom with our brothers and sisters with acts
empowered by the Spirit’s love and professing the Father’s love by our self-gift to others, we
journey together in a common bond to the full manifestation of the Kingdom. This view of
our church gives us a number of clear directions to follow:
1. We are to be a people of prayer and worship.
2. We are to be a people who evangelize and catechize.
3. We are to be a people who develop strong communal bonds of love.
4. We are to be humble stewards of God’s manifold riches.
Meeting Schedule
St. Michael School News
The Jr. High Interscholastic Reading Competition will be held at Bellwood High School on
Tuesday, November 18th. The elementary competition will take place on Thursday,
November 20th. Our teams have worked hard and we wish them much luck and success!
We thank Mrs. Jeannie Byrne, Mrs. Ann Beiswenger, Mrs. Theresa Domidica, Mrs. Frank,
and Mrs. Grata for preparing the teams for the Reading Competition. We hope their love of
reading sets an example and leads the students to be life-long readers and learners.
Pilgrims and Indians, along with Kindergarten parents and grandparents will be our
guests at the Thanksgiving luncheon on Thursday. Prior to the luncheon, the Kindergarten
children will play their handmade tom-toms and perform Indian chants for their special
We are conducting a Food Drive from November 17 – 21. Please send canned goods and
non-perishable food items in to school with your child(ren) as we share what we have with
those less fortunate.
Religious Education News
Religious Education Dates to Remember:
November 16: Regular Class Schedule -Military Mail due today, November 16th
Finance Council Meeting Nov. 20th at 6:30pm in the Rectory
November 23: Regular Class Schedule-Classes Preparing for Sacrament of Reconciliation
Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet Wednesday November 19th. All are welcome to come
stitch and pray with us.
November 20: Parents of all Confirmation Candidates: You are invited to the Chapel House
this Thursday, November 20th, at 6pm to pray for your child at Mass.
November 30: No Classes; Thanksgiving Break!
News from other parishes and places
The Dorothy Day Center at Saint Francis University Invites you to share a catered
Thanksgiving meal, honoring our Senior Citizens November 26, 2014 at 10:30am to 1:00pm
at the Torvian Dining Hall On the University Campus. Must reserve spot by November 21,
2014 For questions, or to reserve seating, please call: 472-2878
Sister Theresa will be presenting Robert Barron's tape: UNTOLD BLESSINGS: Three
paths to holiness.TIME-6:00pm to 7:30pm. DATES: Nov.25, Dec. 2, 9 & 16. PLACE: St.
Francis Xavier Community Hall, Cresson. If you have any questions please call Sr. Theresa
at 472-9457. Please plan to come and bring a friend. This is a wonderful opportunity of
grace for Advent.
On Friday, November 21st, students from the parochial grade schools will be visiting
Bishop Carroll. This visit includes lessons, tours, information, demonstrations, activities, and
lunch. If you have a child in 7th or 8th grade at a public school and you would be interested
in having them come this day or another day to visit, please call Mr. Nagy at 814-472-7500
Ext. 105, or email for more information. Arrangements can be made
for a visit at your convenience as well. Also, any high school students interested in
transferring to BC are encouraged to call and schedule a day to visit the school.
There will be a Healing Mass on Monday, November 24, 2014, at 7 PM, at the Cathedral
of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr. Bill Kiel, from the Diocese of Greensburg, will be the main
celebrant. All are welcome, especially those in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual
healing, and those who support and care for them as well. Music for the Mass will be led by
the Cathedral Charismatic Prayer Group Music Ministry. The Mass is being presented by the
Cathedral Charismatic Prayer Group. For more information, please call 814-941-3832.
Saint Francis University presents…Our 2nd annual Slinky Action Zone Extravaganza! On
December 6th we are taking children ages 5-13 to Slinky Action Zone for a free, fun-filled
afternoon. The Dorothy Day Center will provide the children with a free meal and drink, as
well as ten free tokens to play the games. If the children want more than ten tokens, then
funds will have to be provided by the parents. Each child will be accompanied by a Saint
Francis University college student, who will look after the child’s needs for the afternoon.
The children need to arrive at the Dorothy Day Center, located on the Saint Francis
University campus, no later than 10:50 a.m. The bus will be departing the Dorothy Day
Center at 11 a.m. for Slinky Action Zone. The children will arrive back at the Dorothy Day
Center around 3 p.m. that afternoon.
Schwab Family Mausoleum >> [Pt. IV] The walk-in burial repository of the mausoleum
proper is 38” in width and 97” in height, and has a depth of 8 feet. The interior surface, to
include the walls, ceiling, floor, and the frontals of the six (6) drawers or body receptacles,
three on each side of the aisle, is faced with highly polished Rutland white marble. There
are two decorative bronze rosettes on each of the six drawers where the handles would
have been, and two larger rosettes on the ceiling. It was Schwab’s intention to build a low
maintenance mausoleum for his family; once each year the interior is swept free of
cobwebs and bugs, especially the floor, the glass is cleaned, and the fronts of each
receptacle are wiped with a damp cloth. There is a problem however: The roof is admitting
moisture into the interior; industrial caulking needs be applied to exposed joints where the
cement has worked loose. This year the rhododendrons were cut back from the outer walls
of the mausoleum to provide increased air movement, and the rear window was cleared of
encroaching branches. The boxwood hedges are trimmed annually so as to arrive at a
manicured, more formalized appearance. Now - in the six burial casements, their mortal
beds of eternal rest, beginning with the three on the LEFT side, repose the following: top –
Joseph E. Schwab (brother to Charles M.) 1864 – 1922; middle – John A. Schwab 1839 –
1924 - (father to Charles M. & husband of Pauline); bottom – Charles Schwab – 1810 –
1886 & his wife Elanora – 1817 – 1860 (Paternal grandparents to Charles M.). On the
RIGHT side repose the following: top – Charles M. Schwab – 1862 – 1939; middle –
Pauline Schwab – 1843 – 1936 (wife of John A. Schwab, and Mother to Charles M.);
bottom – Michael Farabaugher – 1807 – 1856 & Genevieve, his wife – 1811 – 1882
(Maternal grandparents to Charles M.). Each casement is 8 foot wide by 30 inches in height
and about 3.5 feet in depth. Each drawer front has the names of its occupants inscribed
onto the flat surface. Of importance to note is that Charles M. Schwab’s wife, Emma Eurana
Dinkey Schwab, is conspicuously absent. Emma was a Presbyterian. By her wishes, her
final resting place is in her family’s (Dinkey) vault in Monongahela Cemetery in Braddock,
Pa., near Pittsburgh. She pre-deceased her husband by eight months, having died in
January, 1939, at age 79, after fifty-five years of married life. But immediately upon her
death she was buried in a vault at Woodlawn Cemetery, the Bronx, New York; and her
husband, Charles M., like his wife, was placed shortly after his death in a vault in Gate of
Heaven Cemetery, Pleasantville, N.Y. They were not vaulted together in New York; nor
were they vaulted together in Pennsylvania. Both bodies were transported overland in the
spring of 1940 to their final place of repose. [Conclusion – Schwab’s Funeral; Life After
Death In His Mausoleum] f.i.s.
REMINDER.....boxes for Military Mail are in all entrances of the Basilica. Please place your
signed cards (name on inside and name & address on back of card) bound with a rubber
band in packs of 25 or 50 in the boxes. NO ENVELOPES PLEASE. Our military deserve at
least a loving greeting at Christmas time. All cards due by Nov 24.
Pastors Page
Mt 22: 14-30
The servant in the gospel was afraid to invest the money given to him. In our families if we
fail to invest ourselves in each other we will end up just like the servant, a loser! Without
personal investment in a relationship, there are no dividends and no growth.
In a few weeks we will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9am. This is a great
opportunity to take time out and thank God for all of the manifold gifts we have received
here in this country. The Lord has been gracious to many of us and this now becomes a
good opportunity to share some of the benefits that we ourselves have received, with the
least of the Brethren. As many of you know the tradition at St. Michaels is that we take up a
collection of money and food for the Dorothy Day Center, who act as our agents in this work
of charity.
If you are looking for good spiritual help, please consider an excellent spiritual monthly
resource entitled “The Magnificat”. Information on subscriptions for this booklet:
MAGNIFICAT® PO Box 822 -Yonkers, NY 10702; 1-866-273-5215
ATTENTION LECTORS Please stop by the Sacristy after mass to pick up your new lector
CHOIR PRACTICE-The choir will practice every Wednesday from 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM.
Come and join us in praising the Lord!
Thank you to Eleanor Sutton for coordinating the kitchen and to everyone who volunteered
in any capacity and/or donated food/drinks the Saints Tour. Thank you to all of the
generous sponsors as well. Your donations enable us to forward all money collected over
the weekend to the SFU Dorothy Day Center. Through ticket sales (over 400 guests
went through the tour), 50/50's, t-shirt sales and kitchen sales, I am pleased that we are able
to provide the SFU Dorothy Day Center with a check for over $3,900. Again, thank you to
everyone who helped in any way. We would not be this successful without all the
support. Marie Link
Since 1940, Catholic Charities has helped our neighbors throughout Central Pennsylvania
regardless of faith or background. Last year, fifteen counselors helped 5,612 families with
emergency needs such as heat, rent, shelter, doctors’ visits
and funerals. While the average request was a seemingly modest $246, Catholic Charities
had enough funds to help only 20% of those who sought assistance.
Because the Annual Catholic Appeal helps cover operating expenses, 100% of contributions
received through this second collection will directly help neighbors in need.
Please return your special envelope or make your gift online at . Thank
you for helping Catholic Charities of Altoona-Johnstown to reduce poverty in our
communities by giving in next week’s collection envelope.
The Carmelite Community of the Word will be holding a Big Band Music Dinner and Dance,
Saturday, November 29, 2014 at the Carrolltown Fire Co. Banquet Hall, 148 South Main St.,
Carrolltown, PA. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.; Dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. Dancing will
be from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. with music provided by Flood City Brass. Tickets can be
purchased for $24 each (Cash Bar) by calling Sr. Jane at 814-886-4098; Sue at 814-3222470, or send a request to Carmelite Community of the Word, at 394 Bern Road, Gallitzin,
PA 16641. Proceeds from the evening will benefit the Carmelite Community of the Word.
Is Your Marriage Hurting? MARRIAGE CARE is a new, free, diocesan couple-to-couple
ministry for couples (or individual spouses) in stressed marriages who don’t know where to
turn or what to do. Find hope, help, and healing, as a MARRIAGE CARE couple walks with
you, offering confidential guidance and faith-filled support through prayer (if you wish),
discernment, resources and referrals you can trust. It is not counseling. (Professional
counseling is available through Catholic Charities on a sliding-scale fee basis.) MARRIAGE
CARE couples are available throughout the diocese. Contact;
814 886-5551 or in the Loretto area contact Marriage Care couple Deacon Mike & Barb
Condor at, 886-4948 between 10 am – 9 pm Monday through
Saturday. You are not alone!