Document 6602691


Document 6602691
Children are very welcome at St Mary’s.
Junior Church takes place in the Parish
Room during the Sung Eucharist. There
is a children’s corner in Church for
supervised pre-school
All Christians who would normally do
so are invited to receive communion.
If you wish not to receive, please
come forward for a blessing. You are
warmly invited to coffee afterwards.
16th November 2014
The Second Sunday Before
Hymns for Today
60, 314, TODAY
437, 195, 494, 511
raffle ticket sellersand people to make mince
pies/scones/cakes for refreshments. Please
sign up and give a little of your time to help
Phil and Penny Jubin, Steve Sakakini and me at
this busy time of year.
Any enquiries
enquirie about the Festival to Chris
Young, tel. 01256 356973;
Psalm Response: Lord, you have been our
refuge from one generation to another.
Holy Baptisms At 2.00 pm there will be a
baptism service for Max Evans & Imogen
Oliver-Jones. All welcome.
Clergy Availability w/c 24th November
Both Fr Alec and Rachel will be away from the
parish from Mon-Fri.
Any enquiries during
that time should be directed to Debbie Filer.
The Wednesday 10 am service will take the
form of Morning Prayer.
Ploughmen’s Lunches This Thursday 20th
November at 12.30 pm. in the Parish Room.
All welcome.
Confirmation Service Please pray for all
candidates due to be confirmed at Winchester
Cathedral on 22nd November. In particular
Millie Rhodes, Stephen Douglas, Sylvia Eccott
& Phil Jubin.
Traditional Christmas Bazaar The
countdown to 6 December continues and we
are now only three weeks away! If you have
good quality items to donate, do please
contact the person(s) concerned – telephone
numbers are on the lobby poster. If you can
take an A4 poster for your home, workplace
or club, please speak to Fay Farrant or phone
on 476863. Any help you can give to make
the afternoon a success will be much
appreciated. Many thanks.
Christmas Bazaar - Books wanted!
Fiction only please! Books can be left in the
vestry or in the porch of 68 The Street. Many
thanks. Penny Potter
Christmas Tree Festival ‘St Nicholas’
13th/14th, 20th/21stDecember We need trees!
Lots of trees to transform our beautiful
church into a twinkling quiet haven in the
great rush towards Christmas. Please let me
have your bookings, we want more than ever
this year. And we need competition entries
for our Evening of Poetry, Prose – and
Drama, (deadline December 1st don’t forget)
and your favourite readings to do with
anything in the Christmas season.
And we need help. The lists for volunteers are
now up on the board in the lobby. Stewards,
Basingstoke Foodbank Update:
Did you know?
- 41% of people using the Foodbank have to
do so because of benefit delays
- 2,400
400 people across Basingstoke and Deane
have made use of it in the last year
- £18,000/year is needed to meet the
Foodbank's running costs, including the
storage facilities, utilities & it's 1 part-time
staff member.
- The
he rest of the Foodbank operation is run
by 70 volunteers
- 18 people from the Basing Ward have
needed to make use of the Foodbank in the
last 2 years; at least one had to walk both
ways to collect their food from the
Foodbank's Trinity Methodist Church facility.
Urgent request: Any donations of dried or
long--life UHT milk and/or fruit juice would be
gratefully appreciated.
Have you lost your Jump Leads? Among
recent donations from St Mary's to the
Basingstoke Foodbank were a set of jump
leads and a tow rope in a shopping bag!!! They
have been returned to us, so please speak to
Rev'd Rachel if they are yours!
The Weaving Continues ……
As you will notice, the art project is gradually
taking shape and being added to through many
hands. If you have not submitted a photo and
would like to, or would like to help weave,
please talk to me. I am glad to see that it is
already fulfilling its purpose
which is to help us
to put names to faces and know some roles
that are currently held so our communication
is more effective. Through this emerging
visual piece we recognise faces of many who
have made extraordinary contributions to the
life of St Mary's over the years and it is
becoming a beautiful expression of the body
of Christ woven together and reflecting
something of the image of God in our
community. Gill Sakakini
Christmas by Candlelight with Guildford
Cathedral Choir at All Saints Church,
Odiham, on Saturday 6 December at 7pm:
The men, boys and girls of Guildford
Cathedral Choir will sing popular Christmas
Carols by candlelight and will feature Tom
King, BBC Young Chorister of the Year 2014.
The concert will be directed by Katherine
Williams and the organist will be Paul
Provost. Tickets at £15 each are available
online from www.guildfordwww.guildford
WALSINGHAM 2015 - a Parish Pilgrimage
to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham has
been booked for 2015 - April 21-23rd inc. In
view of the popularity of this pilgrimage in
April last, 14 places plus one for Fr Alec have
been booked and a £10 deposit on each place
is required before Christmas. Please let me
know as soon as possible
if you would like a
place and please try to get me a cheque
a.s.a.p. for £10 made out to the Parish of Old
Basing and Lychpit. Book early to avoid
disappointment. Penny Potter
From Fr Alec
The parable of the talents which we read
today is reminder to use our gifts wisely. But
more than that, it is a challenge to be daring in
the service of God, to trust in his ability to
support us through our endeavours. We
stand under judgement, Jesus will not ask if
we succeeded or failed, but if we tried.
Please pray for:
Bishops Timothy, David and Jonathan
All who carry the responsibility of leadership
Generosity and forgiveness.
Wise and just stewardship in the Church.
Those working in financial services
Max Evans & Imogen Oliver-Jones
being baptised
• Those who are sick or suffering, among them:
Penelope Bickley; Pat and David Sacree; Beryl
Streether; Mavis Lloyd; Jackie Deadman; Jean
Schluter; Betty Annie Bembridge,
Bembridge and all others
in pain or sorrow;
• All those who have died recently
recently; Peter Williams;
Leslie Fosh; and all those whose anniversaries fall
at this time;
During the service a collection will be taken during the Offertory Hymn.
Hymn. If you miss this collection, gifts can be placed
in the wall pillar. Gift Aid envelopes are available in the pews. Deo Gratias Registered Charity No. 1136606
PARISH CONTACTS: Vicar - The Rev’d Alexander Battey 354707
Assistant Curate – The Rev’d Rachel Hartland 07717 942669