COPPER BEECH ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PARENT NEWSLETTER 825 N. Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038 FALL 2014 CHANGES TO RECESS This year, our SWPBIS (Schoolwide Positive Behavior Instruction and Support) Committee made changes to recess to promote CARES behavior and hopefully reduce the number of incidents that occur during recess. Calendar of Events 10/23 & 24 Author Visit for students (Candace Fleming) 10/24 Spirit Day or Wear Orange Day 10/24 Goodies with Guests (7:30AM)Kindergarten Only 10/28 School Board Meeting (7:30PM) 10/31 9:30 AM Halloween Parade Afternoon Halloween Festivities 11/3-7 Non-Violent Conflict Resolution Week 11/4 Students off—Teacher Inservice Day 11/11 School Board Meeting (7:30PM) 11/12 10-12 Picture Retake Day 11/14 Red, White & Blue Day 11/17-11/21 American Education Week and PTA Book Fair 11/19 CB PTA Meeting (7:00 PM) 11/21 PTA Book Fair & Hoagie Night 11/25 School Board Meeting (7:30PM) 11/26 1st Marking Period Ends 12/4 CB PTA Meeting (7:00PM) 12/9,10,11 12:20 Early Dismissal & Parent Conferences 12/10 4:30 Literature Night at Barnes & Noble 12/15 9:30 Winter Concert -Students 12/15 1:30 Winter Concert - Parents 12/24-1/2 School Closed-Winter Break Students still have a 30-minute recess and a 30-minute lunch. However, the schedule was altered so that students have recess before lunch. Research has shown that this makes a positive impact on behavior and improves the transition into the classroom. We also wanted to provide students with more options during recess. Due to the generosity of the PTA, we were able to purchase recess equipment . Students can choose to play at one of the various stations: 1. Courtyard– Students can read, play board games, or draw with chalk. 2. Upper Blacktop– Students can play with jumpropes, hula hoops, or hopscotch, or Wall Ball. 3. Blacktop– Students can play basketball or FourSquare. 4. Field– The field is subdivided into sections for 2 kickball games, 2 soccer games, and free play (including catch). SOME REMINDERS SCHOOL DAY is 8:50AM-3:30PM. Supervision of students during arrival begins at 8:30 AM. Students enter the building at 8:50 AM and instruction begins at 9:00 AM. Students who are enjoying breakfast at Copper Beech may enter the B-side of the building beginning at 8:30AM and go directly to the cafeteria. RECESS/LUNCH: 11:00-12:00 Grades 1 &2 | 11:30-12:30 Grades 3 & 4 12:00-1:00 Grades 5 & 6 | 12:30-1:30 Kindergarten The cost of a school lunch is $2.65 and includes milk. Ala carte items, such as milk or snacks, cost from 35¢ to $1.00. Milk is 55¢. Chartwell‘s is the district‘s food service provider and has an online prepayment service. You can create an account at If you prefer to pay by check, make checks payable to Abington School District. Inside this issue: Halloween Page 2 American Education Week Schedule Page 4 Copper Beech Anti-Bullying Rules Page 5 Copper Beech C.A.R.E.S. Rules Page 5 Clubs– Parent Coaches Wanted Page 6 Copper Beech Peacemaker Pledge Page 7 PARKING LOT SAFETY—We remind parents to be mindful of our new procedures and would like to thank all those who have been making a positive impact. Our new procedures are in our online Parent Handbook, page 21. It may be accessed by going to the Abington School District website and click on Copper Beech. We ask parents to not walk dogs/pets onto school grounds due to allergies and fears. This is a safety precaution we would like to implement. COPPER BEECH ELEMENTARY Page 2 2014 SUMMER READING INCENTIVE The Copper Beech staff would like to congratulate the students who participated in the 2014 Summer Reading Incentive. Before the end of the last school year, students set a goal to read during the summer. We are delighted to report that over two hundred students completed the Summer Reading Incentive calendar. The calendar helped the students to track how much they read during the summer. As a result, students were able to remain focused on their goal. At the beginning of this school year, students were able to spend their ―pennies‖ and redeem their prizes at the ―Reading Corner.‖ Research says that students‘ independent reading correlates to students‘ achievement in reading at school. The practice of reading improves students‘ proficiency. We encourage you to continue reading every night at home. We appreciate your participation with keeping literacy active at home. TWO IMPORTANT NUMBERS CHILD CHECK: 215-881-2011 NURSE: 215-881-2747 HALLOWEEN PARADE, OCTOBER 31, 2014 Copper Beech will be hosting a Halloween Parade on Friday, October 31st at 9:30 AM. Spectators are welcome. If you plan to park your car in the parking area behind the school, it will be open from 8:30-9:15 AM. Onlookers may view the parade by standing in the bus lane or on the hillside in front of the school. Sidewalks around the school will remain clear for the students to parade. After the parade, cars will need to be removed from the parking area by 10:45 AM. Children may wear their costumes to school. They will be given time to change after the parade. Since safety and positive character are two of our school‘s priorities, we request that costumes are suitable for elementary level children. Inappropriate costumes or accessories, such as fake weapons and blood, are not allowed. Additionally, for the safety of our students, masks may not be worn by adults on school grounds. Teachers will hold classroom festivities later in the day. Teachers and homeroom parents will contact parents to assist. Parents who are assisting with classroom activities will be given a special wristband for entry. We appreciate everyone‘s cooperation in making this an exciting, yet safe, day for the students. Page 3 PARENT NEWSLETTER WELCOME TO COPPER BEECH—NEW STAFF RICHARD WELSH is our new Elementary Curriculum Specialist. He attended Indiana University of Pennsylvania & Gwynedd-Mercy College earning a Bachelors of Science in Elementary Education and a Masters of Science in Educational Leadership, respectively. He has been with Abington School District for 7 years. He enjoys working with our students and providing them with enrichment and remediation opportunities. Some of his hobbies are recreational sports, jogging, reading, movies, and snowboarding. MICHAEL STASZKIW (pronounced—StasQ) joins us after 6 years at Roslyn Elementary School. He has attended Boston and Arcadia Universities with a degree in elementary and Special Education and a Master of Education-Reading/ESL concentration. Mr. Staszkiw grew up in the Roslyn and Glenside area. He enjoys swimming, traveling, just completed a half-marathon, and has an interest in the environment and conservation. PAMELA (PAM) SHEFCIK is one of our part time library clerks. She attended Hood College and New England Culinary Institute, holding an Associates degree in Culinary Arts. She is married, has two sons, a cat and a dog. Along with her love of books, she enjoys cooking, baking and photography. TRACY BERGER has been an employee of Abington for 6 years and is a paraprofessional at Copper Beech. She has been married for 24 years to Walt and has 4 sons—Sean & David (twins), Paulie, and Eric. She loves to travel, especially to the shore and is a huge Eagles fan. ELIZABETH MACDONALD is one of our Speech/Language Pathologists. She was an undergraduate at West Chester University and attended LaSalle University. She has a BA in Communicative Disorders and an MS in Speech Language Pathology. Ms. MacDonald has 2 sisters and a cat; loves reading and running. CHRISTINE STEINMETZ is our new Kindergarten teacher. She earned her BS in Rehabilitation and Human Services at Penn State and her Early Elementary & Special Education with a Masters at Arcadia University. She enjoys playing and coaching volleyball and spending time down the shore with her 3 younger sisters. She has been a volleyball coach for the last 5 years. NADINE HOFFMAN is our new Itinerant Instrumental Music teacher. She obtained her BA in music education through Susquehanna University. She has one brother. She enjoys hiking, dancing, cooking/baking, crocheting, and, of course music, which she loves sharing with our students. FRAN O‘TOOLE is a paraprofessional and has been with Abington School District in many capacities over the past 27 years. She loves decorating her home, has one son and is a ―Mom-Mom‖ to 3 beautiful granddaughters. ELIZABETH DUPOLDT has joined us as an Administrative Assistant. She is new to Abington School District but has spent the last 3 years in another school district. She was a music major at the University of the Arts, Temple and loves all kinds of music. She has a son, Frank, and a daughter, Sophia. With her knowledge of how a school is run, she will be a big asset to the front office. CASEY FITZSIMMONS is known to her students as ―Ms. Fitz‖. She is our new Special Education Itinerant teacher and is starting her second year in Abington. She attended West Chester University and has a degree in Early Grade Prep (K-4) and Special Education. She has 2 sisters, a new brother-in-law, and over 30 first cousins. She loves traveling, photography, swimming, and has played water polo for 5 years. Page 4 PICTURE DAYS AT COPPER BEECH Copper Beech offers two Picture Day sessions during the school year. Students participate in both for different reasons (i.e. Fall for an individual picture for emergency cards and Spring for the class picture). Every student takes a Fall picture (in early October), which we use to attach to the emergency cards and for our student database. If you would like to order the pictures for your family, you must have placed an order before the picture was taken. During the Spring (in March), we take the class picture. Pictures are not pre-ordered. Every child will receive an individual picture package and the class picture, and you may decide whether you would like to purchase the picture after the picture is taken. Payment for the pictures you choose to keep are returned to school as well as any unwanted pictures. AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK NOVEMBER 17-21, 2014 During American Education Week , we invite you to visit Copper Beech Elementary School to participate in an instructional lesson taught by your child‘s teacher. We have planned many special activities to celebrate this event. The children and staff look forward to your attendance. Due to the format of the presentations, we ask that preschool children not attend the classroom visitation. Please enter the building via the main entrance (by clock tower) and receive a visitor‘s pass. ―Cougar Kids‖ will assist you in finding the classrooms, if needed. Adults are not permitted to stay at the school during lunch or recess due to school security. MONDAY , NOVEMBER 17 Grade 1 & K 10:15-11:00 Mrs. Loeffel A-268 Mrs. McKeough A-267 Mrs. Moran A-269 Mrs. Scholly A-264 Mrs. Seltzer A-261 Mrs. Sutch A-260 Mrs. Wolf A-265 1:45-2:30 Mrs. Bowlin A225 Ms. Chapple A227 Mrs.Conway B241 Mrs. McAleer B-230 Mrs. Nicholson A223 Mrs. Steinmetz B233 Mrs. Woods B232 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18 Grade 5 9:45-10:30 Dr. Portman A122 11:15-12:00 Mrs, Chung A129 Ms. Costa A121 Mrs. Gemzik A123 Mrs. Hagarty A118 Ms. Richards A128 Ms. Ryan A127 Mr. Staszkiw A116 Ms. Wentz A126 National Education Association, “Raise Your Hand for Student Success.” WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 19 Grade 2 & 3 10:15-11:00 Ms. Ansuini B309 Ms. Dooley B315 Mr. Falcone B237 Mrs. Mangin B312 Mrs. Rehill B236 Mrs. Schuyler B240 Ms. Sincavage B239 10:45-11:30 Ms. Coyne A316 Mrs. Gabrys A315 Ms. Gaskin A321 Ms. Malloy A324 Mrs. Philippi A323 Mrs. Slinger A317 Mrs. Smith A322 Mrs. Trabert A311 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20 Grade 6 1:15-2:00 Ms. Crompton B125 Mrs. Gerson B129 Mrs. Hideck B122 Ms. Jackson B130 Mr. Murphy B126 Mr. Oldham B132 Mr. Price B131 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Grade 4 10:15-11:00 Ms. Boyd B318 Mrs. Egan B310 Ms. Gogel B321 Mrs. Hagan B320 Mrs. Matthews B313 Mrs. McFadden B319 Mrs. Schellinger A313 Mrs. Scholl-Moore A318 Mr. West B320 C.B. C.A.R.E.S. and You Should, Too! We believe ―Copper Beech CARES‖ makes a difference and helps children behave in a cooperative way, have a positive attitude, demonstrate respect for others and themselves, have empathy, and practice safety. Below, you will find our school rules, including our anti-bullying rules. Please take a moment and review this information with your child/ren, then sign the Peacemaker Pledge on the last page and return it to school. NON-VIOLENT CONFLICT RESOLUTION WEEK, NOVEMBER 3-7 PEACE RALLY AND PTA ASSEMBLY, DIVERSITY IS COOL COUGAR KIDS—Student ambassadors chosen for consistently demonstrating CB CARES behavior. Grade 6: Nicholas Abrams, Paris Corbin, Zachary DePaul, Lindsay Heinrich, Cody Hurst, Raees Khan, Haley Mancini, Ciani Peay, Sophia Peech, Jackson Reazor, Joseph Rush, Jacob Siani, Jessica Sokolski, Meghan Strange Grade 5: Nijah Coward-Crawford, Justin Coyle, Andrew Duffy, Colin Haney, Alyssa Hegerich, Evan Koch, Abigail McClain, Ewan McMullan, Ashley Reilly, Aneesa Rohrer-Smith, Sydney Steiner, Zach Whiting, Daniel Whittock, Evan Williams GREAT SHAKE OUT EARTHQUAKE DRILL & LOCKDOWN DRILL The school district participated in the world‘s largest earthquake drill on October16, 2014. To practice in the event of an earthquake, the students and all staff members assume positions in their classrooms and protect themselves under desks by Drop, Cover, and Hold On. Also in October, our school will conduct a ―lockdown drill.‖ This drill will be announced to students and staff and used as a means to practice procedures that are in place for administrators, teachers, support staff, and students. During a lockdown, students‘ movement in the building will be restricted and the classrooms and building will be secured. Entry to the building will also be prohibited throughout the duration of the drill. This announced drill is designed as an instructional opportunity so that students can know what to expect if an emergency situation requires that a lockdown be put into place. The drill also will provide a means for staff to identify areas where procedures may be strengthened. These areas will be reviewed in a session that is scheduled with Abington School District principals, central staff, and the district emergency management team. Please understand that it is not the intent to create distress by conducting this drill. Since this will be an announced drill, we hope that any anxiety related to the lockdown drill will be minimized. Prior to the drill, teachers will discuss the topic with children in a developmentally appropriate manner. This will be the first announced lockdown drill this year and other unannounced drills will be scheduled later in the year. We ask for your support in reinforcing with your children that emergency drills are conducted for practice and safety. It is important that students cooperate with teachers and staff and respond quickly to direction. It‘s all about the ―S‖ in CARES! We believe that each child is provided with a safe and nurturing environment. During Open House, we spoke about our school-wide positive behavior support and instructional program, ―Copper Beech CARES,‖ which helps students to think before they react to situations and to make good choices. Page 5 Page 6 FALL 2014 WANTED! PARENT COACHES ODYSSEY OF THE MIND COACHES NEEDED GRADES 4, 5, 6 GIRLS ON THE RUN GRADES 3, 4, 5, 6 Coaches are needed for our grades 4, 5, and 6 Odyssey of the Mind teams. Odyssey of the Mind is a worldwide creative problem-solving competition. Under the direction of a coach, teams work after school and at home to practice ―spontaneous‖ problem-solving and to create a unique solution of one of OM‘s long-term problems. GOTR is getting geared up for a new season at Copper Beech. We are working towards a 3rd5th grade team and a 6th grade team. Please email Dana Phelan with any question. The website for more information is The new season begins February 2015. Please contact Mrs. Viola, in writing, if you are interested in helping with this worthwhile, challenging endeavor. GREEN APPLE DAY OF SERVICE On Saturday, September 27, Mrs. Mary Ryan, fifth grade teacher, and eleven of her students met at Hallowell Park to participate in the Green Apple Day of Service. Students helped prepare park trees for the winter by filling buckets of mulch and spreading them around the trees. Hallowell Park is where many of CB students play soccer. Mrs. Ryan organized the ‗young tree‘ project with Dr. Rita Stevens, a former CB parent and President of the Abington Shade Tree Commission. The theme for the week was Forests of the World. Some of the parents were very pleased and impressed with the project that they stayed and helped! It was a beautiful day to help the environment. ASD ToGo and ASD E-Fliers ASD ToGo provides information from our website in a smart phone friendly app – available from the Apple App Store and from the Google Play Store. Parents can get information and news on their smart phones every day and on their way including news, an events calendar, lunch menus, school information, School Board Policies and Superintendent‘s Administrative Procedures, access to the Skyward portal, maps, and athletic schedules. Be sure to sign up to like Abington School District on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. Have you noticed less fliers coming home? You are now able to access school and community fliers by going to the Copper Beech website and clicking on ASD Community E-Fliers SKYWARD Please remember you are able to make changes in your child’s Skyward account by using your Login and Password. Please keep your phone numbers and email addresses up-to-date. If you need to change your address, please contact the school office. CHIP—INSURANCE INFO CHIP, Children’s Health Insurance Program, covers uninsured kids and teens up to age 19 in Pennsylvania. You can apply by going to or calling 1-800-986-KIDS. Page 7 825 N. Easton Road | Glenside, PA 19038 | 215-881-2000 | Fax 215-884-9816 Copper Beech Peacemaker Pledge I am a person who C.A.R.E.S. I try to ooperate with others when solving problems. I keep a positive I ttitude when I talk out a problem. espect everyone even if they look different from me. I show I stay mpathy when I say sorry if I think I have done something wrong. afe by using my hands to help people and not to hurt anyone. I have read the Copper Beech school rules and Abington School District exclusion offenses. I am supportive of the character education program, Copper Beech CARES, and reviewed the necessary information with my child. ________________________ ________________________ Student Signature Parent Signature ________________________ Homeroom Teacher **Please sign and return this page to school.**