Vision baits International


Vision baits International
Vision baits International
Mile End Business Park, Oswestry, Shropshire SY10 8NN U.K.
Tel: +44 (0)1691 659859 Fax: +44 (0)1691 671487
Email: Web:
A member of the Morgans Group
Advantage Base Mixes
Advantage base mixes 3
Roll your own bait
New Dimension
base mixes
Special boilie mix
Special hook baits
and designer glugs
Freezer baits
Welcome to Vision baits International
Shelf life boilies
A company with a ‘new’ name but with more than thirty-five years experience in developing carp baits
‘that catch fish!’
Liquid food
We have a range of products to suit every angling situation and our freezer bait range is awesome. Over
the next 12 months you will start to see the product range appear in many more shops but if you have any
problems finding what you require give Darren a ring.
Bulk food oils
Essential oils
Keep sending in the pictures and keep in touch with your catches via our email address:
Power of the pellet
The devastating
method mix
Natural extracts
Super sense
Hook bait enhancers
Particle power
Bait ingredients
Tight Lines for now
Tony Mills (Product Development)
Darren Conway (General Manager)
2 VISION baits
Tony Darren Co
All our base mixes contain only
the finest ingredients available,
they are chosen for their
digestibility, soluble attractors,
protein content, amino acid
profiles and lipids. We also
support our nutrition with a
proven vitamin and mineral
You should also remember that
10kilo of dry mix will make
approx 14-15kg when finished,
which helps to bring the price
Our mixes can be used as High
attract instant hook baits or as a
long-term baiting tactic. They all
leak off those soluble feeding
triggers carp find hard to resist
and all our mixes contain
unique interactive proteins and
enzymes that knit the matrix of
the bait together.
Here is a short profile and my
personal big fish recipes for
each mix.
Adding eggshells will give that
extra crunch that carp seem to
Advantage Base Mixes
1 kg bag
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
VISION baits 3
Advantage Base Mixes
A classic BIG carp catcher. It can
be used as a long term food
source or it can work as an
instant high attract food bait –
carp find this mix irresistible, its
range of tastes and textures
ensure a continuous flow of
soluble food signals leaking
from the bait.
LT94 contains blends of proven
carp foods. LT94 low temp fish
meal, CP70 soluble fish
proteins, krill extract, soluble
liver extract, our own blend of 6
quality milk proteins, complex
carbohydrates, seaweed, maize
60 protein, a blend of insect and
egg biscuit bird foods, the
classic all time great ‘ROBIN
RED’ plus several unique
feeding triggers which work
within the bait matrix.
LT94 has been developed to
compete with the carp’s natural
food source and applied
corrrectly will catch you a lot of
BIG CARP. The more they eat –
the more they want!!!
The pellet to use with LT94 is
Vision bloodworm and red
pepper extract.
This bait WILL compete with
any bait available and in most
cases outfish them through the
4 seasons.
6 medium eggs
40ml LT94 liquid base mix
30ml red salmon oil
3ml sweetener
5g savoury meat palatant
10g betain (dissolve in eggs)
For extra crunch use the
eggshells, crush them up and
add to your liquids.
Advantage Base Mixes
This mix was developed to give
anglers the opportunity to use a
top class fishmeal without the
robin red influence.
If there is one bait that is a true
4-season banker, here it is.
A mix closely developed with
several of my field testers 25
years ago. I have refined the
food profile slightly over the
years but this mix still catches
now like it did back them. It will
work as an instant bait as soon
as it is introduced but because
of the digestibility it will work as
well in the hardest winter or in
the middle of a hot summer.
LTM94 contains the same
ingredients as LT94 without the
robin red and with an increased
bird food content.
The pellet to use with LTM94 is
Vision ocean protein
This is a bait to stick with, as it
will eventually dominate the
venues catches.
Boil for 11/2 - 2 minutes. Dry for
6 hours and then freeze.
When crushed the bait smells of
savoury liver with shellfish
undertones, which come from
NATURAL extracts, used within
the bait structure.
4 x 4 contains 9 perfect blends
of ingredients which work
together interactively creating a
bait which will compete with
any bait on the market. 4 x 4
contains high quality milk
proteins, LT94 fish meal, caplin
and sardine fish meal, soluble
fish extracts, shrimp meal,
seaweed, complex carbohydrates, robin red, maize 60
protein, selected ground bird
foods and our signature feeding
If on a personal choice you wish
to add a more distinctive label
I suggest 3ml of ocean protein
or 2ml liver and garlic sausage.
It is important you use the LT94
base mix concentrate in this
recipe, as it has been specifically
developed to interact with the
dry ingredients in the mix
The pellet to use with 4 x 4 is
our successful MULTIBLEND
with its broad spectrum of pellet
types, giving break down times
from 15minutes to 24hrs.
6 medium eggs
40ml 4 x 4 liquid base mix
30ml red salmon oil
4ml sweetener
5g spice-tastic
15g betain (dissolve in eggs)
If you feel you want to create
your own label try 3ml
pineapple and 2ml ocean
protein dropping the 4 x 4 liquid
base mix concentrate and
adding 40ml of maximino bio
liver. This combination is a
favourite of mine on European
big fish waters catching from
the off.
Boil for 11/2 minutes.
Dry for 6 hours and then freeze.
When crushed the bait has a
savoury liver and garlic sausage
undertone, a classic carp aroma
and certainly comes in my top 3
all time great carp attractors.
6 medium eggs
40ml LTM94 liquid base mix
30ml red salmon oil
4ml sweetener or 5g Candy
10g betain (dissolve in eggs)
Boil for 11/2 - 2 minutes.
Dry for 6 hours and then
When crushed LTM94 has a
subtle sweet molasses maple
aroma, these two
concentrates have caught
thousands of fish since the
If on a personal choice you
wish to customise the mix I
5ml pineapple + 4ml
sweetener or 4ml squid and
octopus + 3ml sweetener.
Dropping the base mix
concentrate and adding 40ml
Maximino Bio multi blend.
4 VISION baits
VISION baits 5
Advantage Base Mixes
Roll your own for that Extra Edge
A natural crustation mix that
contains a high level of oyster
shell for the crunch factor.
The extracts included in this mix
are the nearest thing to the
carp’s natural food items, it has
an exceptionally fully digestible
food profile coming from the
unique soluble proteins used
within the bait structure.
The pellets to use with ocean
protein are Vision halibut plus
or Ocean Protein.
A long-time winter favourite of
6 medium eggs
40ml OP liquid base mix
30ml red salmon oil
4ml sweetener
10g betain (dissolve in eggs)
Ocean protein contains high
levels of green lipped mussel
extract, squid extract, soluble
fish proteins, krill meal, shrimp
meal, LT94 fish meal, crushed
oyster shell, marine protein
extracts, maize 60 protein, our
range of quality mixed milk
proteins, complex carbohydrates, pharmaceutical kelp
powder, CLO and ground
aquatic insects, all the
ingredients interact, supporting
the NATURAL food signals
which leak from this 4 course
carp meal.
Boil for 11/2 minutes.
Dry for 6 hours and then freeze.
When crushed, OP leaks off a
crab/shellfish label, another big
fish bait for a long-term baiting
programme, although this will
work instantly as a high attract
Although this mix contains a
large proportion of insect, egg
biscuit bird foods and robin red,
it has a protein content of
around 65% which comes from
a blend of acid and rennet
casein, calcium cassinate, whey
protein concentrates,
lactalbium, egg albium, high fat
calf milk, complex
carbohydrates, maize 60
proteins, sea weed, dextrose
monohydrate, enzymes and two
interactive feeding triggers used
extensively in the aquaculture
The interacting ingredients
within the matrix of the bait
create a new dimension in carp
mixes. This bait can be
described as AWESOME the
natural enzymes tick away
within the bait creating a highly
digestible and nutritious food
If you wish to add your own
label plum shellfish, squid and
octopus or black caviar are
good bets, but please keep the
levels to 2 or 3ml per 6 eggs,
dropping the OP liquid base mix
concentrate and using 40ml of
maximino bio fish.
CRS is a unique blend of energy
and protein, which carp can
fully utilise for all four seasons.
CRS has been developed to give
a change bait if carp become
wary of fish meals, it is easily
digested and the high quality
milk content insures the carp
keep coming back time and time
The pellet to use with crushed
red seed is Vision
6 medium eggs
40ml CRS liquid base mix
30ml soya oil
4ml sweetener
10g betain (dissolve in eggs)
2 tea spoons of salt or MSG
5g lacto-cream palatant
Boil for 2 minutes.
Dry for 6 hours and then freeze.
When crushed the bait leaks a
gentle creamy red fruit and
clove essential oil label, this
definitely is a big fish bait and
applied carefully will become a
long term food source.
If you wish to customise your
mix, I would suggest 12 drops of
geranium oil as the alternative,
dropping the CRS liquid base
mix concentrate and adding
40ml of maximino multiblend.
Here is a foolproof guide in
rolling your own baits for that
extra edge
A lot of Anglers are really
missing out by not rolling their
own boilies, it really is cost
effective 10kilo makes about
14kilo of finished mix plus you
can customise your mix so no
one can copy you.
Rolling bait is not rocket science
and you do not need hundreds
of ££s worth of equipment to
get started. I rolled baits for
years without a mixer using a
large mixing bowl, a fork and a
small gardener rolling table. A
12-egg mix start to finish should
take 11/2 hrs maximum,
however if you want to buy
freezer baits Vision have a
range to cover every situation.
Here is how I roll my baits and I
do roll my own even now!!!
There have been thousands of
words written on how to make
bait, this is my own step-by-step
guide to rolling bolies.
1) The first and one of the most
important things is
somewhere to roll your bait,
the wife’s kitchen especially
if you are using Squid and
Octopus or Ocean protein
will only cause a big row!
Find a garage, garden shed
or outhouse that has plenty
of firm working area so that
you can spread out your
base mixes, oils, attractors,
mixing and measuring
utensils. Make sure, you
have everything to hand so
that you are not going to run
out of any ingredients when
you start.
At this point I must
emphasise, when measuring
and weighing your
ingredients you must have
accurate equipment, keep to
the recommended dosages,
have a recipe sheet or small
book available so that you
can write down the exact
amounts used. A spoon of
this, a glug of that, just
doesn’t work. The day you
find a combination that gives
you the edge is useless
unless you have accurate
records to copy.
You will need a large mixing
bowl, or electric mixer, a
saucepan to boil your
finished baits in, a spoon or
sieve to remove them from
the water, a good rolling
table and a kitchen timer. I
suggest a 16mm or 18mm
table to start and a bait gun,
either hand operated or one
that is operated by a
2) You are now ready to start
mixing: Eggs are a very
important part of a base mix
and great care should be
made to only use FRESH
eggs: Try to buy them direct
from a farmer. A method of
testing if eggs are fresh is to
place them one at a time in a
bowl of water, if they remain
in the bottom of the bowl
they are ok, if they start to
rise or float they should be
discarded. I always use
medium eggs and work in 6
egg mixes, depending on the
type of base mix used, this
will produce approximately
11/2 kilo of finished mix.
ALWAYS work with the same
size eggs, if in doubt weigh
each egg. Break 6 eggs into
a large mixing bowl or
mixer; whisk the eggs
together with a fork until
blended. Do not use a whisk
or blender due to producing
too many bubbles, which
could result in your mix
Use the eggshells in
your mix, crush them
up and add to your
paste, this gives the
crunch carp like, it also
provides a valuable
calcium intake.
6 VISION baits
VISION baits 7
Roll your own for that Extra Edge
3) You can now add any
flavours, bulk food oils, or
liquid foods to your eggs.
You can also add a teaspoon
of colour to your liquid if
required but remember fish
meals and red seed mixes
will end up brown and red,
this is due to the colour of
the base ingredients. Blend
in the liquids so they
disperse in the eggs.
IF you are adding powdered
attractors and enhancers,
add them to the base mix
and make sure they are
mixed in well.
Make sure you have
accurately measured the oil
and liquid foods keeping to
the recommended dosage
levels, if you do accidentally
put in too much of
something, throw it away
and start again.
4) You are now ready to add
your base mix to the eggs.
A lot of people seem to have
problems at this stage. Don’t
just pour in 1000g of base
mix and expect it to mix
well, because it won’t.
After making several batches
of bait you will know almost
to the gram how much mix
you are going to need,
however if for any reason
you change your recipe
make sure of that extra mix,
if its not used put it in an
airtight container and save it
for the next time.
Add your dry mix to the
bowl 200g at a time, using a
fork or electric mixer with a
dough hook, mix until a firm
consistency is arrived at.
Once it becomes impossible
to mix with a fork it is time to
lift it out and start kneading
by hand. Common sense
and a couple of mixes will
tell you when the mix is
right, a good rule of thumb is
a clean bowl with no excess
mix clinging to the sides, and
no dry mix in the bottom of
the bowl.
5) Lift out your mix and start to
knead by hand. At this stage
you might find it too sticky.
Put another handful of base
mix into your bowl and drop
the ball of paste into it. By
constantly pushing and
kneading the sticky base mix
into the dry mix it will start
to firm up quite quickly. Do
not get it too dry, as this will
cause the base mix to start
cracking, if this happens add
a little water and knead into
the paste until it becomes
workable again.
To test if it is ready to roll
take a small piece of paste
and roll it in the palms of
you hand, if it makes a
perfect smooth bait with no
cracks and it does not stick to
your hand you are ready to
roll your boilies.
Roll your own for that Extra Edge
6) Take the paste and roll into a
long sausage, so that it fits
into your bait gun, any
excess can be used after you
have used what’s in the gun.
Placing the excess paste into
a plastic bag and rolling it up
will help to stop it drying out.
In very warm conditions I
only make enough to just fill
the gun.
Extrude a sausage onto your
bait table base, now place
the top on and press down
firmly, push backwards and
forwards 3 to 4 times, lift off
the top, you should now
have perfectly round baits
ready to boil. If they have
broken up the mix is to dry.
If they have dragged along
the table they are too sticky.
Roll all the base mix ready
for boiling.
The other major problem is
down to the wrong nozzle
size. This will produce
misshapen baits, ovals and
square sides are the most
Different types of base mix
may require slightly different
size nozzles. This will depend
on the base mix ingredients;
just because you are rolling
out a 18mm bird food base
mix it doesn’t necessarily
mean the nozzle has to be
As you extrude the sausage
some mixes will expand
sometimes by up to 1mm.
So an 18mm sausage
finishes up 19mm, the result
is misshapen boilies, trial
and error will produce the
exact size nozzle. I always
start 1mm smaller than I am
rolling and trim small
amounts off the nozzle until I
am satisfied with my finished
baits. Mark the nozzle for the
next time you use it, a good
supply of spare nozzles will
ensure you can keep on
rolling if you cut one the
wrong size.
7) When you have finished
rolling your base mix put on
your pan of water to boil,
now clean up the utensils,
put away your flavours, oils
and liquid foods. Seal up the
bag containing any base mix
and store in a dry plastic
container for next time. I like
to use a large towel to put
my boiled baits on this helps
in drying them off.
The most important thing is
when you put your boilies
into the boiling water you
only put a few in at a time,
the water MUST NOT come
Before you lift out your mix
rub a little olive oil on you
hands, this stops the base
mix sticking whilst you
knead it.
off the boil. A kitchen timer is
invaluable at this point as too
much boiling can ruin a great
bait making it no better than
a ready-made shelf life boilie.
Set your timer to the
required time and now drop
in a few baits give them a stir
after 30 seconds. As your
timer goes off at 2minutes,
scoop out your boilies, and
place them on the towel,
repeat until all your bait has
been boiled.
You may have to add extra
water because of evaporation, always make sure the
water is brought back to
boiling point before
continuing. Make sure you
follow the recommended
boiling times on the base
mix instructions. I sometimes
vary these batch to batch,
some baits will be softer to
release their attraction
quicker, some slightly harder
for hook baits. I always give
my baits a minimum of
12hrs drying.
I then place them 1kilo at a
time into plastic bags, write
any information on the bag –
flavour – attractors – liquid
foods. There is nothing like
knowing what you are
fishing with.
Depending on how much
liquid you have after adding
liquid foods, bulk food oils,
flavours and variation in
eggs sizes. You may need to
use 450g of mix or 1000g.
The best thing to do is have
some spare mix handy in
case you need a little extra.
So there you have it, a complete
guide to making your own
boilies. It might seem a little
complicated but after a couple
of mixes you will be rolling like
a professional.
And remember boilies don’t
have to be little round balls,
chops and pellet shapes always
seem to catch fish because they
look a little different to the
Tight Lines
Bait diameter
8 VISION baits
Suggested boiling times
Standard base mixes
2 minutes
21/4 minutes
3 minutes
31/2 minutes
Suggested boiling times
Milk proteins
Tony Mills
(Product Development
Vision baits International)
If you have any bait making
queries email
tonymills@visionbaitsinternatio" and I will try and
answer your questions or give
you my advice on your bait
VISION baits 9
New Dimension Total Base Mixes
I put these 3 mixes together to
enable anglers to compete on
BIG European waters where
huge baiting campaigns are
These mixes are mid protein
easily digested and high leakage
enabling the fish to find and
enjoy the food source easily. By
adding one of our liquid foods
and a label you will have a
superb bait, which will last for
Packed with crushed and
ground seeds including
micronised hemp, linseed, nyjer
rape, micronised ground flaked
maize and maize meal, full fat
soya, full fat calf milk, whey
powders, yellow semolina rice
flower and whole egg powder.
You can customise your mix if
needed but our Europa seed will
catch without any additions.
One of the advantages of
europa mixes is they only
require oil, flavour, colour,
betain and water – NO EGGS.
We have used a blend of whole
egg powder and whey gels to
eliminate having to find fresh
These are 3 of my favourite
(1) 35ml soya oil or sesame oil
1 teaspoon red dye
40ml corn steep liquor
2 teaspoons sea salt
4ml sweetener
10g betain (dissolve in water)
6ml strawberry oil 6 drops
bergamont essential oil
5g red fruit palatant
Mixing instructions
You will need 1000g of dry mix
add the dye, sea salt, oil and
flavour to the mix and stir in
well, dissolve the betain in your
water and then add the mix
until a soft paste is achieved,
you may find the mix needs a
little more water as it will
absorb quite a lot.
Roll and boil for 2mins then dry
for 6hrs, freeze or use.
(2) 35ml soya oil or rapeseed oil
1 teaspoon yellow dye
6ml scopex
5g candy-sweet palatant
2 teaspoons of salt
10g of betain
35ml maximino multiblend
Follow the mixing instructions
as 1st recipe
(3) 35ml soya or sesame oil
35ml maximino multiblend
6ml maple
30ml molasses concentrate
10g candy-sweet palatant
2 teaspoons of sea salt
10g of betain
Follow the mixing instructions
as 1st recipe.
This mix has no dye as the
molasses darkens the
finished boilie
New Dimension Total Base Mixes
3 top quality fish meals,
(40%) ground VB canary food,
full fat soya, semovite, sea
weed powder, whey powders,
whole egg powder, insect and
egg biscuit bird foods, milk
proteins, maize 60% protein and
full fat calf milk.
These are 3 of my favourite
(1) 30ml blended fish oil
4ml garlic & liver sausage
3ml sweetener
5g savoury meat palatant
10g betain
30ml maximino bio liver
Follow mixing instructions
(2) 30ml salmon oil
5ml ocean protein
30ml maxamino bio fish
10g betain
3ml sweetener
5g spice-tastic palatant
Follow mixing instructions
(3) 35ml salmon oil
5ml plum shellfish
3ml sweetener
35ml maximino multiblend
10g betain
5g red fruit palatant
Follow mixing instructions
50/50 PLUS
An economical 50/50 mix but
with the Vision PLUS. A blend
of yellow semolina, full fat soya,
rice flour, micronised maize,
high protein milks, maize 60%
protein, whey powders, calf
milk, whole egg powder,
vitamins, minerals and the
Vision trigger.
(3) 35ml soya oil
5ml pineapple
10drops N.buytric acid
5g lacto-cream palatant
2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon yellow dye
10g betain
30ml maximino multiblend
Follow mixing instructions
My 3 favourite recipes are as
(1) 30ml soya oil
4ml dairy cream
3ml maple
4ml sweetener
35ml corn steep liquor
10g betain
2 teaspoons sea salt
1 teaspoon of colour
Follow mixing instructions
(2) 35ml blended fish oil
4ml cranberry
3ml black caviar
4ml sweetener
2 teaspoons sea salt
30ml maximino bio liver
10g betain
1 teaspoon red dye
5g red fruit palatant
Follow mixing instructions
New Dimension
total birdfood,
fishmeal and 50/50
super boilie mix
1kg bag
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
New Dimension
total birdfood,
fishmeal and 50/50
super boilie mix
1kg bag
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
10 VISION baits
VISION baits 11
Vision Special Boilie Mix
A basic boilie mix made at the
request of our Eastern block
customers. Boils hard in
90 seconds and is ideal for big
baiting campaigns, again needs
no eggs.
A great mix which performs
brilliantly for which it was
My 3 favourite recipes are
(1) 1kg boilie mix
1 x 100ml Vision maximino
one shot liver and garlic
Add enough water to make a
smooth paste.
(or use 6 medium eggs)
1 teaspoon of salt.
Roll to size.
Boil for 2 minutes.
Dry for 4hrs then freeze or
use within 2 days.
(2) 1kg boilie mix
6ml strawberry oil
3ml sweetener
1 teaspoon salt
40ml of liquid Vision CSL or
maximino bio liver
Add enough water to make a
smooth paste. (Or use 6
medium eggs)
Roll to size.
Boil for 2 minutes.
Dry for 4hrs then freeze or
use within 2 days
Alternatively use the Oneshot strawberry oil mix.
(3) 1kg boilie mix
7ml ocean protein
3ml sweetener
1-teaspoon salt
40ml liquid food of your
choice – my choice is Vision
bio fish concentrate.
Follow other recipes.
Alternatively use the one
Special Hookbaits & Designer Glugs
shot ocean protein mix.
If you require a bait with a
better food value choose one
of the total new dimension
mixes or our Advantage
Special Boilie mix
1kg bag
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
There are a lot of anglers who
are missing golden opportunities for extra attraction and
for little effort could be fishing
with very special hook baits.
24 and 48 hours in a liquid food
combination, these baits will
draw in anything up to 20% of
their own weight with liquid
You only have to flick through
the pages of the numerous carp
magazines and always
somewhere there will be an
article or picture sequence
involving more hook bait
This will also work with readymade shelf life boilies,
increasing their attraction and
adding substantial food value.
Here are a few ideas that have
been very successful for me and
our team of field testers.
This is the simplest form to
increase hook bait attraction.
Cover your hook baits with a
liquid food.
Any of these Vision products
are superb. Our Maximino bait
soak can also be flavoured to
match your hook bait.
Just add 5ml of your selected
attractor, shake well then soak
your pop-ups, bottom baits,
maize or any other hook bait
you wish to enhance.
Another superb way for high
attraction is rehydration. This
involves soaking rock hard airdried freezer baits for between
Some years ago I soaked a kilo
of bottom baits in Salmon oil
for 6 months. These made
outstanding hook baits for the
summer months. I have also
soaked bottom baits in Vision
Bio liver formula for up to 1
year, these proved exceptional
when fished as single hook
baits during the Autumn/winter
Hook baits that have been cut in
half or trimmed down will soak
up your glugs much quicker as
this exposes more of the softer
core for penetration.
By making your own bottom
baits you have the opportunity
to create different shapes and
increase the food signals that
leak from within the baits
Here are a couple of mixes I use
to great effect.
LT94 base mix
1 medium egg
20ml LT94 base mix supplement
10g soluble liver powder
10g betain
10g keramine
Mix all the powders and liquids
in with the egg.
Add enough base mix to make
a softish paste.
Roll and boil for 2 minutes
(16mm) keep a little of the paste
back to wrap around your hook
baits for maximum leakage of
Your baits don’t have to be
round balls, pellets and odd
shapes can often give you that
extra edge you are looking for.
This is another mix that has
caught thousands of carp all
over the world.
New Dimension fish meal base
60ml water
30ml maximino bio fish formula
20g green lipped mussel
10g squid extract
10g betain
2ml ocean protein or black
10g paprika
Mix, roll and boil as first recipe.
Fish this one over a bed of
multiblend pellet.
Don’t forget paste, it will
certainly catch you more
during the winter months
because of the incredible
leakage of attractors. Red
crushed seed along with
our 4 x 4 will bring you
some amazing results.
12 VISION baits
VISION baits 13
Freezer Baits
Freezer Baits
All our freezer baits are HAND
ROLLED to our big fish recipes.
They contain the optimum
levels of liquid foods,
sweeteners and attractors to
make them competitive with
any bait on the market. With a
combination of watercraft and
good angling you will catch
plenty of fish.
Crushed red seed
Our baits perform as high
attract instant catchers for day
sessions or as a long-term food
source. You will notice they
have subtle inclusion rates so
the baits will keep catching year
after year and you will find the
more the carp eat the more they
will search out these preferred
food items.
Available in 1kg bags 12mm
16mm 18mm
Crushed red seed
Ocean protein
4x4 season
LT94 and LT94 pellet
There are pop-ups and hook
bait enhancers to match the
Don’t forget to send us your
pictures with details of bait,
venue and tactics used, we
award £100 worth of bait and
pellet every month for the fish
caught with the most merit.
Ocean protein
14 VISION baits
Available in
1kg freezer
4 x 4 season
VISION baits 15
Shelf Life
Advantage Shelf Life Boilies
Shelflife Boilies
By continually searching and
developing new techniques in
shelf life’s we have been able to
produce baits with the identical
food profile to our freezer baits,
extensively field tested in the
UK and Europe, the results have
been superb. Many of our field
testers are now convinced they
are as close to freezer baits as
We use a natural dehydration
process to shelf life these baits
and unlike a lot of European
boilies they contain no high
levels of preservatives.
They can be used straight from
the bag or rehydrated for 8hrs
after which time you will think
you are using fresh freezer
These baits contain the exact
same food profile and liquid
attractors as our successful
freezer range with the
convenience of a long shelf life.
Pop-ups and hook bait enhance
dips are available to match the
Using the same developments
as our ‘ADVANTAGE’ shelf lifes.
We have produced a mid
protein, easily digested, high
leakage BIRDFOOD and FISH
MEAL BOILIE for use on
commercial run waters or for
European trips.
New Dimension boilies are
certainly baits for the next
generation; we have full
confidence you wont find a
better mid protein bait for the
Our high leakage bird food baits
contain elevated levels of high
oil, crushed seeds, soya oil,
vitamins, minerals, liquid corn
steep liquor, sweeteners, salt,
liquid attractors and our mid
protein base mix.
These fish meals contain 30%
blended fish meals along with
crushed oyster shell, bird foods,
vitamins, minerals, liquid corn
steep liquor, sweeteners, liquid
attractors and our mid protein
base mix.
New Dimension Shelflife
500g and 1kg bags
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
20 kg bulk sacks
Available in 18mm & 16mm and
500g. 1kg bags. 3kg & 5kg
Cranberry & Black caviar
Black caviar
Liver & garlic sausage
Ocean protein
Plum shellfish
Squid & octopus
Pop-ups and hook bait enhancer
dips containing LIQUID FOODS
are available to match the
complete range of boilies.
Available in 18mm & 16mm;
Bags, 500g .1kg .3kg & 5kg
Maple. Pineapple plus. Red
plum. Strawberry & bergamont.
Scopex. White chocolate. Tuttifrutti. Dairy cream.
Available in 1kg bags 3kg and
5kg buckets 15mm
Crushed red seed
Ocean protein
4x4 season
Shelf Life
16 VISION baits
Advantage Hydro Shelflife
1kg bags
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
VISION baits 17
Liquid Food Concentrates
Cornsteep liquor has over the
last 18 years become one of the
most popular liquid foods
available and in my opinion one
of the best natural carp
attractors of the decade.
CSL is derived from the wet
milling and steeping of maize
grains, resulting in a thick boozy
smelling liquid which carp find
irresistible, both maize and
sweet corn have been terrific
carp catchers but very low in
protein. Vision cornsteep liquor
concentrate is approx 30%
digestible protein with a welldefined free amino acid profile
and packed with vitamins,
minerals and natural occurring
soluble sugars.
Our CSL has been refined to
lose the fibre and gel which
although useful in animal foods
it contains NO real benefits to
the carp. Our CSL is now 100%
pure soluble protein resulting in
a completely soluble food
CSL is superb in pastes, boilie
mixes, bait soaks, pellets,
particles and method mixes and
with such a diverse profile every
angler should have a bottle in
his bag.
These are my favourite ways of
using Vision concentrated corn
steep concentrate.
1 Add up to 10ml per egg
when making your boilies.
2 Make your pastes up with a
mix 50/50 of CSL and water
or make a 1 egg mix
containing 50ml of CSL and
10ml of molasses.
3 Try soaking shelf life boilies
in CSL for 8 hours. This will
add amazing attraction and
digestible food value.
Keep some bottom baits
soaking for 24 hours. For
maximum attraction leave your
pop-ups glugged in CSL and
5ml of your flavour
Liquid Food Concentrates
Use up to 100ml per 1 kilo when
mixing your method mix
Sieve off the coarse items in
your mix and soak in neat CSL
for 1 hour, then add the rest to
make an unbelievable high
attract mix.
Maximino formulas
250ml container
CSL 1 litre container
molasses 1 litre container
maximino bait soak
Complex 200ml container
After cooking your particles add
1 litre of CSL to 10kg plus water
to cover your blend of seeds
and leave to ferment for 48
hours. The soluble liquid food
will seep into your mix for
added attraction and food value.
Using our Vision soak and spod
mix add 1 part CSL to 3 parts
water, while soaking for 48
hours. The attraction and
protein value of this mix is quite
During the winter months try
using small PVA bags with just
warm liquid CSL in them. This
gives outstanding soluble food
signals for the carp to home in
As you can see CSL can be a
real bonus all year round.
This thick sweet liquid is derived
from the production of sugar.
High in carbohydrates, easily
digested, energy, packed with
natural sugars but low in
proteins (8%). It is one of the
products overlooked for other
synthetic sweeteners.
Try leaving some maize or tiger
nut hook baits soaking for 6
weeks – AWESOME when
fished with pellet & particle.
I use it a lot and the
combination of molasses and
maple in Vision LTM94 boilie
range is just superb.
Soak or roll your pellets for 1/2
an hour before spodding or
bagging, 15 minutes if you are
using low oil pellets.
Add some of your flavour to the
CSL this insures you get instant
soluble attraction as soon as the
pellet hits the water.
Inject liquid CSL into your PVA
bag. Vision CSL is PVA friendly
and adds a terrific soluble food
signal to your bag mix.
I will also use molasses in
particles or for rolling pellets in.
it can also make a clingy boilie
dip which readily takes flavours
to suit your baits.
All our Bio range can be
mixed 50/50 with water to
make a bait soak to match
the soluble food signals in
your bait. Always add 10g
of Vision betain 98 to every
A dedicated mixer for method
mixes and PVA bags it can also
be used on pellets. Contains
concen-trated corn steep liquor
and a blend of hemp, soya and
fish oils. This product MUST be
shaken vigorously before use.
Available in 1- litre container.
Add up to 7ml per egg for
boilies and pastes. We have
also had a lot of success
soaking bottom baits and popups in the effective red liquid.
When you need an edge reach
for BIO PPC. Try adding 30ml
per kilo to groats or our Soak &
Spod mix to get some
incredible feeding spells,
contains the AWESOME
This product is used extensively
in the food and aquaculture
industry. The protein content
(80%) is fully digestible and
fishmeals containing Bio fish
always seem to produce the
better quality carp. The unique
structure of this liquid also acts
as a powerful taste enhancer
and it certainly goes in all my
fishmeals. Add up to 7ml per
egg for boilies and pastes.
A careful blend of CSL, Bio liver,
Bio PPC and Bio fish gives you a
powerful feeding and taste
stimulator. This is an
economical way to add the best
of four fish attractors.
Add up to 7ml per egg for
boilies or pastes. You can also
add it to particles at 20ml per
Liquid liver is one the best of all
time attractors for big carp. We
have added an organic acid,
spleen, mucosa and PPC to
increase the soluble attraction.
Add up to 7ml per egg for
boilies and pastes. 10ml per kilo
for particles, add to water after
cooking. You can also use it for
a long-term soak for bottom
baits, maize, tigers or pop-ups.
This is one product you can’t
overdo, 100% digestible and it
will also increase hunger
stimulation, giving you more
opportunity to hook your fish.
Maximino one shot
100ml bottle
Perfect combinations of corn
steep liquor concentrate, fish
oils, sweetener and one of our
powerful attractors. They are
simple to use for base mixes,
pellets, particles, method mixes
and PVA bags. They can even
be used as hook bait soaks for
bottom baits, pop-ups, maize,
and tigers. These combinations
are economical to use with
absolutely no waste, it gives
you the opportunity to change
your attractor at a reasonable
Again these were developed for
our European customers who
needed a cost effective product
that will catch fish again and
Available in 100ml bottles.
Take 1kg of pellet. I like to
use Vision multiblend or
our High betain low oil
carp, but any of our pellet
range will do.
Pour 100ml of liquid
molasses concentrate over
the pellets; now roll around
until they are well covered.
Add some fishmeal or base
mix to match your baits
and roll the pellets around
until covered.
You can use crushed
hemp, CSL meal, milk
powder or any other
product that will stick to
your pellets. – AWESOME
attraction as soon as they
hit bottom.
18 VISION baits
VISION baits 19
Bulk Food Oils
Bulk food oils are an important
part of the carps diet in the
spring and summer, it allows
the carp to use lipids (oils) as
their primary energy source
leaving the available proteins
for growth and running repairs.
All our oils are of the highest
quality and their food profiles
contain abundant omega oils.
We also add an antioxidant to
protect the oils against
oxidisation, which can cause the
fish health problems.
Economical fish oil with a
superb food profile. Blended
from various oily fish it has
been popular with anglers who
make their own bait for big
baiting campaigns.
All oils should be kept in a cool
environment, a fridge is ideal,
just remove them and allow
them to reach room
temperature before use.
What can we say about this
one, absolutely legendary
attraction and the food profile is
probably the best available. The
down side is the cost. Terrific in
baits, method mixes, and
particles or as a bait and pellet
soak. This oil is certainly worth
the expense and is one of my
favourite oils for adding to
*Throw away any oils that are
more than 12 months old!
Imported form Denmark and
refined to give a strong salmon
taste with a superb food profile.
This is my favourite oil for my
fish meal baits use upto 5ml per
egg for base mixes, 2ml during
the winter months or change to
soya oil. You can also use it for
PVA BAGS, method and stick
mixes, a soak for hook baits and
large halibut pellets, it is an
exceptional oil that has caught a
lot of big fish.
Add up to 5ml per egg, but drop
it in your winter baits, as it will
lock up all your attractors in the
coldest part of the winter. If you
need to use an oil to help
rolling, use rapeseed or soya oil.
Liquid Attractors
We have developed this to give
pellets a real boost during the
summer, it can also be used in
PVA BAGS, method mixes and
sticks giving off and attractive
oily slick to encourage the carp
onto your baits. Our booster
contains blended fish oils,
sweeteners and one of our
attractors. Available in 1-litre
containers. Natural. Red fruit.
Ocean protein. Dairy cream.
Maple & pineapple.
Blended fish oil
1 litre container
Red salmon oil
1 litre container
Pellet booster oil
1 litre container
Method mix concentrate
1 litre container
Concentrated hemp oil
250ml container
Store in a cool dark place whilst
not in use; keep all essential oils
out of the reach of children.
These comments are not
intended to alarm you; oils used
sensibly are perfectly safe. Most
essential oils are supplied in
brown dropper bottles with
their specific inclusion rate
clearly indicated on the label.
1ml is the equivalent to approx
24drops. The inclusion rates
recommended are those
accepted as being the most
consistent. All essential oils will
have to be emulsified, although
adding to your egg mix will
help to emulsify most oils
without additional products.
Use 5ml per egg in base mixes;
we have found it performs best
in high leakage bird food mixes.
Soak some hook baits for added
Suggested inclusion rate is 6-8
drops per pound dry mix.
A native herb of the USA,
growing profusely in swamps!
As a member of the mint family
it has been used widely as a
substitute for tea.
Get a pop-up tub, fill with
bottom baits, now top up
with one of the oils, and
soak for up to 9 months.
They become totally
saturated with oil. These are
exceptional catchers during
the summer certainly
rivalling halibut hook baits,
they will also repel any
smells normally picked up
from decaying weed or deep
silt traps.
20 VISION baits
Essential oils are extremely
potent, used sensibly they are
unquestionably some of the
most devastating fish catchers.
Please remember essential oils
are extremely concentrated
substances and should be
treated with respect. Always
keep oils away from any naked
flame, most are extremely
inflammable and vapour alone
may lead to combustion.
Essential Oils 50ml
Eye Dropper bottle
Used extensively in the
perfumery trade it is pale green
in colour with a slightly citrus
back note.
The major aromatic constituents
being linalylesters. The oil is
very fine and disperses into
small droplets when in water, it
is easily emulsified, and has
accounted for some good carp
throughout the country. A good
oil to use on a seed bait mix, as
well as HNV.
Suggested inclusion rate is 1624 drops per pound dry mix.
The best black pepper is
undisputedly grown in Malaga.
The berries are collected just as
they turn red and then allowed
to dry until they turn black and
wrinkled. The clear oil has a
distinct spicy back note, which
although bitter is not
overwhelming, quite subtle in
fact, it is partially water
miscible, and therefore easy to
emulsify. The chief aromatic
constituents are terpenes. This
is a big fish oil, and will require
some pre-baiting.
Suggested inclusion rate is 6-12
drops per pound mix.
The oil is derived from the fruit
and seeds of the pepper
capsicum arnum, grown in
America. From the success of
paprika powder in baits over the
years, and red pepper spices in
bird foods we knew this oil
would be a big fish catcher from
the start.
Another food oil, closely related
to pimento. The oil is thick redbrown in colour with a smooth
spicy top note. Like all the
pepper derived oils, paprika
performs better when prebaited,
and has worked on all the base
mix types, but as you can
imagine particularly well with
spices and bird foods. The oil
forms a thick surface film in
contact with water, and is
extremely difficult to emulsify
Suggested inclusion rate is 8-12
drops per pound dry mix.
An evergreen tree, the oil can
be extracted from the bud, leaf
and stem of the plant. It has a
marvellous spicy aroma, light
brown in colour with a principal
ergenol aromatic top note. What
can you say about this one, it
has been around since the mid
60’s, caught prolifically then and
continues to do so.
Clove also works well backed
up with spicy synthetic
essences. It has also been used
to great effect on tiger nuts. The
pale amber oil forms large
intermingling globules in water
and is relatively difficult to
emulsify. A great winter
Suggested inclusion rate is 1
drip or less per pound dry
A bulbous plant of the onion
family, its origin is so ancient
it has not been traced! For
those who can bear its
pervasive smell it must be
one of the biggest fish
catchers of all time. A thick oil
that varies in colour from
brown to pale yellow, it can
even be smelt through the
bottle, and is best stored
away from the kitchen! The
dense oil forms individual
globules in water, which can
sink and spread. An
unmistakable aroma, the chief
aromatic constituents being
amylsulphides. An absolute
classic needs some prebating.
Suggested inclusion rate is
1-1.5ml per pound dry mix.
The oil is extracted from the
leaves and stems of
pelargonium graveolens and
is grown in North Africa and
Central and Western Europe.
A beautiful floral aroma the
thin green oil tends to form a
large surface film in contact
with water and is partially
water miscible. Geranoil and
citronellal are the chief
aromatic compounds of the
oil. Geranium has proved to
be one of the most instant
oils, and seems to attract
every species as well as carp.
Essential oils can be blended
with other nature identical
flavours to create individual
attractor labels. These are a
few of my favourites, use half
the recommended level of
essential oil and add 3-5ml of
your second attractor.
Strawberry & Bergamon
Red fruit & clove
Tutti-frutti & Geranium
VISION baits 21
Liquid Attractors
We have a small range that
really do catch fish, as others
are fine-tuned they will be
added when we are satisfied
they are not just short-term
catchers. Use them in boilies,
pastes, method mixes and
Blend it 70% cranberry. 30%
black caviar in our LT94 a real
big fish catcher. It will need a
little pre baiting to get the best
from this combination but well
worth the effort if there are a
good head of large fish present.
This mix is very successful
An all time classic, garlic is a big
fish oil and we have exceptional
results with this concentrate at
2-3ml per 6 egg mix. It seems to
get the best results in red fish
meals LT94 plus the base mix
supplement and 2ml of liver &
garlic has been successful all
over the world.
It caught in the ‘70’s’ and it still
catches today. 5-7ml per 6 egg
mix. Plus 30ml of Vision
molasses concentrate, outstanding consistent catcher.
This is our version of
‘MONSTER CRAB’ and you will
not be disappointed with the
results. 3-5ml per 6 egg mix is
about right. One of our field
testers uses 3ml OP. 2ml
pineapple plus 8 drops of
N-Butyric in our ocean protein
mix and he does catch more
than a few.
Yet another classic. 3-5ml per 6
egg mix or try mixing it 50/50
with a fruit. Plum or cranberry
work superbly well in our 4 x 4
and Ocean protein mixes.
One of my favourites for
European trips. Up the flavour
levels to 10ml per 6 eggs for
special hook baits. Dairy cream
50/50 with white chocolate is
also a safe bet, a flavour that
works well in the winter.
Our own blend made famous
Very buttery always catches
Use 3-7ml per 500g
Big smell and always catches
year in year out. 3-5ml per 6
The Power of the Pellet
Superb taste, great in fishmeals
and high leakage birdfood baits.
5ml per 6 eggs.
Reflex Pellet Multi-blend
ANOTHER red fruit favourite,
great in fishmeals or blended
70% - 30% with shell fish
attractors. A steady fish catcher.
5ml per 6 eggs.
A very potent catcher but we
like to increase the sweetener
when using this one. A good
back up that catches all year.
5ml per 6 eggs.
A subtle confectionary attractor.
One of our field testers uses this
with Black pepper oil and has
had some staggering results;
very creamy, sweet smell works
well in high leakage bird foods.
7ml plus 12 drops black pepper
oil per 6 eggs.
This one is not for the faint
hearted, do not use it at home
and what ever you do don’t get
any on your clothes or you will
clear the pub!
Most anglers today rely on
pellets as part of their bait
application, we have
developed a range which
covers all your angling
needs. The descriptions
cannot possibly do justice
to their awesome fish
catching properties but we
know you will not be
disappointed with the
Strangely enough the carp
just love it. 1 drop per egg is
about right and you can use it
with all essential and natural
identical attractors. One I like
is 4ml red fruit, 6 drips
N-Butyric. It is a real stinker
but is a big fish catcher. This is
also a terrific cold water
attractor as it dissolves much
quicker in cold water, ideal for
the winter and single hookbait
N-Butyric acid
50ml eye dropper bottle
Liquid concentrates
100ml bottle
Power of
the Pellet
22 VISION baits
Remember all our
Reflex pellets are
nutritious and highly
Reflex pellets promote
growth and well-being.
Reflex pellets provides
essential vitamin and
mineral complexes for
perfect health.
They contain absolutely
no preservatives.
Easy to use.
Maximum attraction the
instant they hit the
Perfect for all angling
12 month shelf life
(when kept dry)
Ideal for all coarse fish,
carp, barbel, bream,
tench, roach and chub
all find certain pellets
irresistible. Various
break down times from
10 minutes to 24hrs.
VISION baits 23
The Power of the Pellet
The Power of the Pellet
Reflex pellets
900g bags
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
See price list for sizes.
High betain
ocean protein
High betain
Concentrated CSL
Bloodworm and
red pepper
This pellet is one of our most
popular for angler’s wanting a
high oil, high protein pellet
packed with energy and marine
extracts. This pellet has seen
some tremendous action in the
UK and Europe. Great for
adding to particle mixes, giving
off an oily slick for several
hours. Scalding to make a
method mix, adding to method
mixes for added attraction and
of course for PVA bagging.
Available in 3mm – 4.5mm –
6mm & multiblend.
Again a high oil pellet
developed for feeding trout.
Containing LT fish meals,
complex carbohydrates and a
proven vitamin and mineral
package. This pellet has caught
thousands of carp worldwide.
Available in 3mm – 4.5mm –
6mm & multiblend.
We have sourced this pellet
from outside the UK. It contains
elevated levels of Halibut oil and
at 55% protein this is one of our
favourite pellets for big long
distance pre-baiting campaigns.
Contains marine meals, krill,
LT94 fish meal, halibut oil and
the complementary vitamin and
mineral package.
Sweet hemp
High betain high oil
trout pellet
Available in 8mm – 10mm –
16mm – 20mm & multiblend.
Because of the low oil content
(7%) this pellet is a true fourseason catcher with a 2-3hour
breakdown time it leaks all
those carp attractors into your
swim quickly. This pellet is
packed with nourishing
proteins, easily digested by ALL
coarse fish. This is my favourite
pellet for adding attractors to.
This is a pellet I have developed
over the last 18months with the
help of several of my field
testers. I have isolated several
pepper extracts, which seem to
be irresistible to carp. Long term
field-testing has proven beyond
doubt that these pellets WILL
catch when all else seems to
fail. We use our low oil carp
pellet and roll the pepper
extracts into the pellet and if
you are using our LT94 red
fishmeal this is the pellet to use,
as it interacts with the soluble
attractors leaking from the bait.
Available in 3mm – 4.5mm –
6mm & multiblend.
Developed by ‘Darren Conway’
our production manager.
This is a combination of our red
pepper and bloodworm pellets.
These two pellets compliment
each other and have produced
some serious feeding
stimulation, it is amazing how
often two products will interact
and produce takes even on the
most difficult of days.
Available in 3mm – 4.5mm –
6mm multiblend mix
The natural attraction of hemp
needs no introduction. We have
developed this pellet to
compliment loose hemp seed
and other particle feeds. We use
whole hemp, gently crushed
and micronised, NO oil is
extracted during their
manufacture. A natural fruit
sweetener is added along with a
mild fruit aroma. Whilst being
developed this pellet saw some
incredible multi catches of carp
and barbel, this pellet will start
to breakdown immediately and
take around 30 minutes before it
has dissolved to an oily fizzing
bed of attraction.
All our 10kg buckets of pellet
contain a
Available in 6mm
I discovered CSL pellets 17
years ago and I still rate them as
one of the finest attractors
available. I have these
manufactured to my own recipe
and unlike a lot of farm pellets
that contain a lot of wheat or
barley meal, these only contain
CSL meal, Corn steep liquor,
betain and molasses. This is
one pellet I always have with
me and produces right through
the year even in the coldest of
winters. Dissolves with 30
minutes leaving a haze of
soluble attraction and a bed of
micro particles, which seems to
drive the carp wild.
Available in 5mm & 3mm
This blend has been our most
popular seller and contains a
range of all our pellets. Ocean
protein, trout, halibut, low oil
carp, bloodworm, red pepper,
hemp & CSL. Breakdown times
from 15 minutes to 24hrs. There
are even enough jumbo halibut
pellets for hook baits.
Containing a blend of natural
fish oils with added attractors.
It is a great way to boost pellet,
method mixes, particles and
PVA bag mixes.
Available in natural, red fruit,
ocean protein and dairy cream.
LT94 can be used for all four
This pellet has been
developed to be used with
our devastating LT94 freezer
bait or our Hydro LT94 shelf
The food profile and natural
attractants are identical to
these superb fish catchers.
We have also added a
combination of micronised
cereals and complex
carbohydrates; the breakdown time is 20 - 30
One of our field testers uses
a 50/50 mix of LT94 /
bloodworm / red pepper and
in his opinion this is the
ultimate pellet combination.
Available in multiblend 3mm to
Available in 3mm – 4.5mm –
6mm & multiblend.
High betain low oil carp
24 VISION baits
VISION baits 25
Pellets the New Age Particle
Spod them, bag them, scald
them or crush them.
Pellets are the new particle,
outstanding attraction easy to
use and readily available. The
following tips will help you get
the best from your Reflex Vision
pellet range.
Most of the carp’s food sources
are small and densely
concentrated available in certain
areas of the lake. By using
pellets in small densely packed
areas you can create similar
feeding situations the carp find
whilst searching for natural food
items, introduce enough and on
a regular basis, they soon learn
to accept them as an available
very nourishing food source.
Even the best natural food
sources will find it difficult to
compete with the almost perfect
nutrition, in our pellets.
By scalding with hot water you
can make a superb method mix
follow these simple rules for a
perfect mix.
1 Put 500g of trout or carp
pellets in a large bucket
2 Now add enough boiling
water to cover and leave to
3 After 10-15minutes the pellet
will have absorbed the water
and you can now mould it
into balls to use around you
method feeder.
4 The high attract paste can
also be wrapped around
boilies or used around a cork
ball as a pop-up hook bait.
5 This mix will also take large
quantities of smaller pellet or
particle to add to the
By making your own boilies or
pellet hook baits from your
pellet you can match your
method mix or PVA bag mix, I
have had a lot of success using
this particular method. It is very
simple and you don’t have to
have any special equipment,
follow these instructions and
put that extra edge into your
pellet fishing.
Using a liquidiser, grind up 250350g of dry pellet, when it has
become a fine powder it is
ready to use.
Break a medium egg into a
bowl and whisk with a fork, now
add enough powder to make a
pliable paste, use small
amounts until a plastercine
texture is achieved.
Pellets are great for PVA bags
and ground bait sticks. Use a
blend of different sizes in PVA
bags or crush them up with
pliers, this method ensures all
the oils and nutritious attractors
leak out quickly. For ground bait
sticks liquidise into a fine
powder then mix in a little
Visionbaits molasses concentrate, CSL concentrate or pellet
booster oil until the mix can be
squeezed together, now make
your sticks up.
Try using cat food mixed with
the ground pellet. Mash the cat
food with the pellet, 1 part cat
food to 2 parts powder. This
was my secret edge a couple of
seasons ago.
Now pull of a piece of paste and
roll it in the palm of your hands.
Different size pieces give you
different size baits; alternatively
use the small gardener roller
tables. You can make enough
hook baits for a 24hr session in
10-15 minutes.
Boil a saucepan of water and
add the baits in small amounts
then boil for 2 minutes (16mm
size) bigger baits need longer,
there you have it super hook
baits to match your method
Flavours can be added to the
eggs. 1-2ml is enough. Liquid
foods can also be added at 5ml
per egg. This adds further
attraction for the carp to search
Air dry them for 8-10hrs and
then freeze in small batches for
later use.
from our warehouse and
production manager
Darren Conway.
Using the FREE pellet
booster worth £12.50
1 Roll 1kg of pellet in 100ml
of pellet Booster oil and
let the pellet soak up the
oily attractants for 12hrs.
6 Your mix can also be
flavoured to match you
boilie. Just add 3-5ml of your
selected concentrate to the
pellet before soaking.
2 When you have tied up
your bag pour in some
Pellet Booster to create
an oily explosion when
the bag melts.
7 You can also make the mix
dryer if you wish by adding a
Vision method mix. Ocean
protein or Shell shock is
3 Soak some corn steep
liquor pellets or boilies in
pellet Booster for 2-3
days. This will really give
you a summer edge.
26 VISION baits
VISION baits 27
Red pepper extract
Sweet CSL
A terrific blend of ground and
flaked micronised maize, micronised flaked barley, micronised
crushed hemp, micronised
linseed, full fat soya, whey
powders, soluble yeast extracts,
bird foods and the incredible
Robin red.
This mix is loaded with caplin
fish meal, high oil 3mm trout
pellets, shrimp, krill, green
lipped mussel, sea weed, whey
powders and our high protein
binder this mix will also work
well in PVA bags and method
We all know the powerful
attraction qualities of hemp so
this mix had to be special!
Crushed hemp is loaded with
micronised hemp meal and
linseed, crushed hemp, whey
powders, yeasts and our high
protein binder.
You can also use this method
mix for PVA bags and ground
bait sticks. Breaks down in
about 20minutes leaving stacks
of attraction and high protein
food items.
Ocean protein has seen some
terrific action both in the UK
and Europe. Breakdown time
approx 30 minutes.
A power packed mix, which
breaks down very quickly
leaving a mass of fizzing oily
particles. This mix can also be
used as a ground bait or feeder
I put this together to compete
with the carps natural food
items, by using a high proportion of pink shrimp meal,
krill and oyster shell along with
caplin fish meal and a high
protein binder.
We found the carp were actively
looking for the smaller food
items mimicking similar natural
food sources. This mix is one to
use with fish meal boilies Vision
ocean protein or LT94 are a
good choice.
Ocean protein
I first discovered corn steep
liquor products about 17 years
ago and they are as good today
as they were back then.
I have put this mix together
using concentrated corn steep
liquor meal, crushed hemp,
micronised crushed linseed
meal, crushed and micronised
maize, whey powders, malt,
high protein binders and a
sweet enhancer we have
developed specifically to
encourage the carp to feed.
The sweet tastes and textures in
this mix really have the carp
searching the lake bottom to
find every last food item.
Impact Method Mixes
900g bags
3kg, 5kg and 10kg buckets
Big Pit Super Flake
20kg sack
A bonus value mix for big
baiting in the UK or Europe.
Packed with micronised flaked
maize, micronised flaked barley
and oats, brewers yeast, soluble
sweeteners, crushed hempseed,
crushed linseed, corn steep
liquor meal plus our high
protein binder.
This mix also makes a superb
bag mix.
We also give you a FREE
CONCENTRATE to give the mix
that special zip when you need
it. Terrific value, superb
from Darren Conway our
warehouse and production
Shell shock
1 Take some cat food and
mash it up, now add your
method mix until a dryish
paste is achieved.
Compress this into
ground baits sticks. You
can also mould some of
the mixture around your
hook bait for added
Big pit super flake
2 Beat one egg in a bowl,
now add your method
mix until a paste is
formed, and mould this
around your boilie.
Crushed hemp
28 VISION baits
3 You can also make the
Vision method mixes into
boilies, for your hook,
follow tip (2) then drop
into boiling water for 11/2
minutes. A great tip when
the going gets tough.
VISION baits 29
Vision Baits Method Mixes
The ‘Method’ style of fishing
was developed for the match
circuit and it was and still is a
highly effective ‘method’ of
landing large bags of carp. The
specialist angler did not take
long to realise its amazing
potential for targeting big carp.
By looking through the
monthly’s you will see how
effective it can be all through
the year, especially on wellstocked waters.
The Visionbaits method mixes
are highly developed mixtures
of tastes, textures, tantalising
smells and irresistible food
Follow these easy steps to get
the best from your mixes.
3 Mix vigoursly adding more
water until the desired
texture is achieved. You can
make the mix a dry texture
by adding less water. Allow
the mix to rest for 10
minutes it should have now
absorbed all the liquids and
may need a little more to
soften up the mix.
4 Mixes containing micronised
flakes might take a little
longer to soften, you can
now mould the mix around
your feeder.
5 Only add your hook bait
samples when you are ready
to fish and if you are using
dead maggots add a few live
ones to the mix this ensures
the mix will break down as
they wriggle about leaving
your dead samples around
your hook bait.
6 During the summer months
add 50-100ml of Visionbaits
salmon or blended fish oil to
your mix this creates an oily
explosive slick to draw fish
down to investigate. It will
also help to break up the mix
7 Vision method mixes can
also be used for ground bait
sticks and PVA bags. Try
mixing Visionbaits molasses
concentrate with your
chosen mix until you can
compact it into your mesh
tubing. Carp find this
Natural Extracts
All our mixes are perfected and
fine-tuned to catch you a lot of
fish. We only use the best
ingredients and all the 10kg
buckets come with a Free 1 litre
of method mixer, a blend of
liquid foods, fish oils and
specialist carp triggers.
All our ‘Advantage’ base mixes
relies heavily on the inclusion of
ranges represent the best and
most consistent BIG fish
Green lipped mussel has an
incredible big fish record and
comes from New Zealand.
Green lipped mussel contains
4% natural Betain.
Their quality is unquestionable
and we only provide the 100%
pure original product. Natural
extracts will add powerful food
signals to your baits and the
bio-availability is over 98%
In my opinion one of the best
carp attractors available.
Use 5-20g to a 6 egg mix.
Protiein content 83%
This is a pharmaceutical grade
liver powder. Rich in ‘B’
vitamins. It is a terrific carp
attractor with a good protein
content, a firm favourite with
BIG carp anglers.
Squid extract is another big fish
attractor. This is human food
grade, a stunning Big Fish
catcher. Works well in fish meals
containing soluble fish protein
and krill.
Use 5-25g to a 6 egg mix.
Protein content 80%
Use 5-30g to a 6 egg mix.
Protein content 78%.
Pharmaceutical grade soluble
liver powder, a terrific soluble
attractor that leaks those eat me
food signals.
Use 5-25g to a 6 egg mix.
Protein content 82%
1 Always use a round mixing
bowl, this ensures none of
the mix gets stuck in the
2 Place 1-2kg of mix into your
bowl and put some lake
water into a container, a bait
box is ideal, now add your
liquid foods, flavours or
other soluble additives, now
add them to your mix.
See current price list for
individual product sizes
30 VISION baits
VISION baits 31
Natural Extracts
Keramine is a soluble amino
rich ingredient, which leaks a
strong meaty smell and flavour.
Works particularly well with
liver powder and fish meals.
Use 5-25g to a 6 egg mix.
Protein content 72%
Seaweed meal is a course gritty
meal containing useful levels of
vitamins and minerals. Adds a
speckled look to your baits. A
good ingredient in fish meals.
Blend it 50/50 with our kelp
Vision Super Sense Carp Palatants
Betain HCI 98% pure, one of the
few attractors you should
always add to your mix
(dissolve in eggs). A well
documented stimulant which
interacts with the amino acid
profile to increase food intake.
Use 5-20g to a 6-egg mix.
A feeding carp is a hungry carp
and a hungry carp is a catchable
This range of palatants contain
a careful blend of product
groups to perform offertory and
gustory functions within the bait
Use 5-30g to a 6 egg mix.
Fish protein extract is an
amazing soluble attractor made
from hydrolysis of cooked fish.
This is in liquid form and should
be added to your eggs. Works
exceptionally well in red fish
meals containing green-lipped
Use 15-30g to a 6 egg mix.
Protein content 80%
Pharmaceutical grade spray
dried cornsteep liquor. This is
one of our favourite extracts. It
has been on the secret list for a
number of years. Incredible fish
Our kelp powder is a
pharmaceutical product
containing high levels of
vitamins and minerals. A useful
ingredient in all mixes. I
recommend blending it 50/50
with our seaweed meal.
See current price list for
individual product sizes
• Appetite and digestive
Plant extracts which
stimulate the appetite.
Use 5-20g to a 6-egg mix.
Sweetening palatants
A combination of high
intensity sweeteners,
potentiators and enhancers
which encourages long term
feeding spells.
Multifunctional palatants
Combinations of sweetening
and flavouring palatants
which encourage regular
feeding patterns by rounding
off the tastes in your baits.
Flavouring palatants
Combinations of aromatic
substances which act as
taste enhancers.
Use 10-50g to a 6 egg mix.
Protein content 63%
Nutritional additives
Complex organic trace
elements which work in
synergy with all other
palatant types.
pellet or particle. It is most
effective when combined with
other palatants performing
offertory stimulation.
Terrific in birdfood baits.
Use 5-10g per 500g of mix
Shake well before use.
Lacto-cream a persistent
creamy milk palatant, which
works in any boilie mix both
offering a gastromy stimulation.
Lacto-cream has an amazing
catch record when used as the
main attractor and combined
with ‘Super Sweet’ suits all
types of base mix.
Use 5-10g per 500g of mix
Shake well before use.
Savoury plus. A meaty palatant
reinforced with IMP & AMP.
ribonuclotides. This palatant
works extremely well in fish
meal mixes or with any meat &
liver combinations. One of my
Spice-tastic is an awesome
palatant when used in red
fishmeals or used with a
combination of spice flavours or
essential oils, this palatant
contains a combination of
several pepper extracts that are
proven carp attractors in their
own right.
MSG is a flavour enhancer that
has been used effectively to
bring out meaty taste in foods.
Many researchers also believe
that MSG imparts a fifth taste,
independent of the four basic
tastes of sweet, sour, salty and
bitter. This taste, called “umami”
in Japan, is described as
savoury or meaty.
Use 5-10g per 500g of mix
Shake well before use.
Use 1 level teaspoon per 6 egg
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Glutamate is an amino acid
found in all protein-containing
foods, and is one of the most
abundant and important
components of proteins.
Monosodium glutamate is the
sodium salt of glutamic acid.
When MSG is added to foods, it
provides a similar flavouring
function as the glutamate that
occurs naturally in food.
Use 5-10g per 500g of mix
Shake well before use.
See current Price List for
individual product sizes
Red fruit palatant is a powerful
appetite and flavouring palatant.
Its combination of nature
identical flavours and enhancers
improves the palatability of any
mix where fruit flavours are
present. It performs particularly
well in high leakage birdfood
and fishmeal mixes.
In combination with ‘SUPER
SWEET’ its palatability is
Use 5-10g per 500g of base mix.
Shake well before use.
Candy sweet is a powerful
appetite stimulator; its
combination of intense
sweetening agents improves
the gastromy palatability of any
base mix, method mix, paste,
32 VISION baits
VISION baits 33
New Dimension Hookbait Enhancers
These have been developed to
complement the New
Dimension shelf life boilies and
unlike many other ‘dips’ Vision
has included a liquid food
package to increase the food
signals and food value from
your bait. There are a complete
range of flavours to
complement the boilie range
plus a natural dip which you can
add to your own attractor. I
would suggest adding 5-10ml to
the container and shake well.
If you require hard hook baits,
leave them to soak in the dip for
72 hours. Just make sure you
pre-drill them to prevent split
baits or punctured fingers.
Vision Pop Ups
All our pop-ups contain the
same liquid attractors as the
freezer and ready-made baits.
They can be soaked or dipped
to boost their attraction.
COMPLEX is ideal or use the
dedicated hook bait enhancer
dip to match your bait choice.
They will stay popped up for a
minimum of 48hrs.
are available in LT94. LTM94.
CRS. OP. & 4x4 Season, 12mm,
16mm & 18mm to match the
freezer and shelf life boilie
New Dimension Hookbait
Enhancers 150ml container
See current price list for flavour
Advantage hookbait enhancers
LT94, LTM94
Ocean protein, 4 x 4 season,
Crushed red seed
150ml container
LTM94, 4 x 4 SEASON,
Dedicated supplements
specifically developed for use in
the corresponding base mixes
although they can be used in
other base mixes to increase
food value and naural attraction.
Pop Ups
contain elevated flavour levels
for ‘ high attraction’ they are
available in 18mm and 16mm to
match the fish meal and bird
food shelf life boilie range.
Ultra bright pop-ups with
extreme attractor levels. These
baits are superb as single hook
baits, fished in isolation, zig rigs
or fished as a high attract baits
over a bed of pellet.
are available in 16mm
Squid & Octopus
Sunglow Yellow
pineapple & N.Buytric acid
Power Purple
Liver & Garlic Sausage
Pink Zing
Chilli Pepper
Satsuma Orange
Rampant Red
Ocean Protein
make your own custom popups. The mix is super buoyant
and simple to use there is
enough to do 2 x 1 egg mixes
giving you approx 100, 16mm
perfect pop-ups. Full
instructions with every
So simple to use no eggs
needed. 65mm of liquid is
approximately the volume of 1
medium egg.
Standard Recipe
1ml flavour - for high attract
baits use 3-5ml
1ml sweetener
1/2 teaspoon of colour
5ml soya oil
60ml of water or 1 medium egg
1. Mix well then add your popup mix to make a firm paste
2. Roll your pop-ups and then
boil for 21/2 minutes (16mm)
3. Make sure the baits are
completely submerged to
stop soft spots in you baits
4. The best way is to place a
sieve inside your saucepan
this will keep your baits
submerged whilst boiling
5. Dry for 48 hours then freeze
in small batches for later use.
Alternatively air dry for 10
Advantage popups
LT94, LTM94, Ocean protein,
4 x 4 season, Crushed red
seed 100g tub
New dimension popups
100g tub
See current price list for
flavour range
Lazer popups 100g tub
See current price list for
colours and flavour range
Vision popup mix 250g
The supplements work within
the matrix of the base mixes
adding soluble attraction and
terrific food value.
Keep to the recommended
levels for maximum advantage.
34 VISION baits
Pop-ups do not have to be
round. Try different shapes
for a little edge.
VISION baits 35
Soak & Spod
Ideal for the angler with not
much time. Soak it overnight
and it is ready to go, add Vision
Corn steep liquor, molasses or
Maximino formulas while the
mix is soaking, add a
tablespoon of salt per kilo for
maximum attraction.
This mix was primarily
designed for European waters,
soak for 48 hours and then boil
for 20 minutes. I have used it on
some large gravel pits in the UK
and once the carp get on it they
will browse for hours.
You can also add sweetcorn or
tinned particles available from
most Supermarkets. Another
edge is to add 1 large tin of
condensed milk whilst the
particles are soaking this will
give off a milk’d cloud when the
mix hits the bottom.
This mix contains hemp,
safflower, tares, maples, yellow
and red dog tooth maize,
linseed, rape seed and wheat.
Soak & Spod contains crushed
hemp, cracked and flaked
maize, crushed linseed, groats,
red and white dari, safflower,
rape and nyjer seed.
To increase the attractions add
one part molasses to one part
CSL 100ml per kilo after boiling
and soak for 24 hours. Don’t
forget the tablespoon of salt per
kilo when you first soak them.
This mix is very different from
the other partiblend type mixes.
Big pit euroseed
Soak & spod 900g bags
3kg and 10kg buckets
20 kilo bulk sack
Big pit euroseed 900g bags
10kilo buckets
20 kilo bulk sacks
Soak & spod
36 VISION baits
Mix particles 50/50 with any
of our pellet range. This will
ensure the carp get
adequate nutrition while
browsing over your bed of
feed. This is an economical
way to ensure the carp
return to these feeding
VISION baits 37
It’s Party Time - Using Particles
Unfortunately particles although
getting a fair amount of press,
just don’t get used or fished by
many of today’s carp anglers Believe me you don’t know
what you are missing!
In my opinion, carp like the
tastes of different particles,
tigers are very sweet and oily,
maize quite flavoury, slightly
sweet and hemp is slightly
sweet and oily.
Yes they do need some
preparation but the long-term
benefits can be used to your
advantage. Check out how
many BIG fish come out on
particles, the British record Two
Tone certainly likes his sweet
Providing you keep your
particles dry they will keep for
12 months, after that feed them
to the ducks. Our particle mixes
come in 10kg buckets, 900g
bags or 20kg sacks and if you
are buying in bulk, plastic
dustbins make superb storage
Particles are also very cost
effective and our Soak & Spod
‘so easy to prepare’ and Big Pit
Euro seed has enough larger
particles already in the mix to
use as hook baits, maize and
maples being two of our
A 10kg bucket of our particle
mix will weigh in at 15kg when
prepared, we also take care to
include a balanced range of
seeds and pulses to make sure
the carp get the correct levels of
vitamins, minerals, energy and
proteins. Most particles have a
protein content of between 20%
to 30% many contain elevated
levels of vitamins and minerals
plus being highly digestible and
nutritionally recognised as the
very best you can get.
Simple when you know how.
Just follow this simple guide for
any particle.
1. Soak for a minimum 24
hours. I personally like to
soak them for 3 days. Always
add one teaspoon of salt per
dry kilo and add other liquid
foods before adding boiling
water 2 to 1.
Place lid on top and allow to
soak. My favourite additives
are Vision Corn Steep liquor,
molasses and any of Vision
Bio formulas used at 25ml
per dry kilo.
2. When your particles are
ready, boil or pressure cook
for 15-20 minutes. I prefer to
presure cook, as the particles
are nutritionally superior to
boiled baits. At this time I
will also add 100g of soft
brown sugar per 5kg now
leave the particles to ferment
in a bucket for 3-5 days, they
are now ready for use, or
you can now freeze them for
later use. (Always make sure
there is enough water to
cover the particles in the
3. You can pick out some of the
larger particles when you are
fishing, try using them for
your hook baits. A great tip is
to use a few chopped boilies
and 3ml pellets mixed with
your particles, this tactic can
catch you a lot of fish by
improving the available
Bait Ingredients
We have a huge range of bait
ingredients available for customers to
blend their own baits. We will be glad
to offer any advice from our vast
experience or quote a price for your
own special blend.
Having talked to many
anglers who would like to
use particles but are PVA
mad are are misguided in
their belief that you can’t use
particles in PVA because the
particles will melt the PVA.
Here is how I use particles in
We also supply a number of other Bait
companies with bulk
ingredients and pellets.
Telephone or email
Darren Conway
for our wholesale price list.
01691 659859
1. Drain the particles well.
Now dry with neat
fishmeal or method mix tie up your preferred PVA
2. Drain your particles, add
corn steep liquor
concentrate or molasses
concentrate until the
particles are slightly wet tie up your PVA bag.
You now have particles
with liquid food
3. Using Vision New
Dimension dip in neutral
or any of our superb
attractors, drain the
particle and add the dip.
Mix around until the
entire particles are
covered - tie up your PVA.
The neutral dip will also
take many of our predigested amino liver
based liquids mixed
50/50, soak particles then
tie up your PVA.
4. Try adding particles and
Reflex pellets together to
create that ultimate
feeding package.
Vision offers two blends of
particles. My own favourite,
EURO BLEND’, both would
feature in various baiting
38 VISION baits
VISION baits 39