E -NEWSLETTER A Western Australian Independent Public School
E -NEWSLETTER A Western Australian Independent Public School
A Western Australian Independent Public School ISSUE 18 THURSDAY 13 NOVEMBER 2014 E-NEWSLETTER FALCON PRIMARY SCHOOL Baloo Crescent, WANNANUP 6210 Enquiries 9534 2411 or Email falcon.ps@det.wa.edu.au PRINCIPAL: MR WARREN BACHMAN OUR PURPOSE ► Falcon Primary School facilitates personal learning and promotes values that enable our students to learn to live successfully in a changing society. Dear Parents, Carers and Students You are reminded that tomorrow Friday 14 November is a School Development day and as such students are not required to attend. For your information the following days are scheduled as School Development days in 2015 and are endorsed by the School Board. Please mark these into your diaries to assist with future planning. Term 1 Term 2 Term 3 Term 4 Thursday 29 January Friday 30 January Monday 20 April Monday 20 July Monday 12 September Friday 18 December I am pleased to confirm that Tools for Schools is identified as the preferred supplier for student personal items in 2015. Timeline for ordering and receiving personal items: Lists distributed to students Monday 17 November Lists returned to school by Friday 28 November Teachers’ are currently engaged in report writing for the end of the school year. Reports will be provided for every student in years Kindergarten to Year 7 and distributed on Wednesday 17 December. Parents leaving the school on early holidays are asked to please provide a self addressed/stamped envelope so that their child’s report can be forwarded to them. Reports not collected or sent will remain at the school until 2015. There have been numerous enquiries from parents about class placements in 2015 and in some cases emails and letters requesting particular teachers for their children. Students commencing their Kindergarten year at Falcon will be the only group who will be informed of their placement this year. All other classes, once confirmed, will be displayed at the school from 11.00am Friday 30 January 2015. Please remember the school will make every effort to place students in classes based on their learning needs. There is no need for parents to request a placement as teachers are not confirmed in classes for next year until late January. Thank you. Parents may complete and return their child’s list without any payment. Payment can be made on collection of items from their store. Alternatively, online orders and payment can be made. New families can order directly from Tools for Schools by visiting their store. would Our Year 6 and Year 7 students are attending separate wo camps this year during the week commencing Monday 24 November. The Year 6 students are going to Bickley Camp School and Year 7 students are going to Forest Edge in Waroona. Thank you to staff and parent volunteers who are giving up their personal time to attend camp with the children. Tummy Rumble (Canteen) - Message from Gerry Please write recess orders on the white bags provided in the lunch packs as canteen is short on staff and this enables us to process orders efficiently. Help….Help… Help… Volunteers are needed preferably Wednesday and Thursday. Please contact Gerry direct on 9534 2934. Morning tea and lunch is supplied for volunteers. Thank You Lest We Forget Mrs Green’s Room 5.3 students have created a display Honouring Remembrance Day – 11 November. Please call by and read their beautiful poems. Dates to Remember: Thursday 13 November Friday 14 November Thursday 20 November Friday 21 November Mon 24 Nov – Fri 28 Nov Mon 24 Nov – Thur 27 Nov - FREE DRESS – Colour Day! – Gold Coin Donation School Disco “Costume Party” $5 Entry PUPIL FREE DAY Interschool Cricket and Lawn Bowls Parent Assembly Room 3.2 Year 7 Camp at Forest Edge Year 6 Camp Bickley Outdoor Rec Centre Congratulations to Tamsyn Hill in Kindy Seahorses for being the K-2 winner of the Australia wide NAIDOC Week colouring in competition. Tamsyn was presented with the Prime Minister’s Medal by the Executive Director of NAIDOC Initiatives, Dylan Williams and Councillor Don Pember at a special assembly held at Falcon Primary School on Tuesday, 11 November. Well done Tamsyn! Celebrating Cultures To acknowledge and celebrate all the wonderful cultures that make up our school Mrs Hyde has put together a beautiful “Dolls Of The World” Display in the library along with our new map of the world. You are welcome to visit the library and have a look. Mrs Hyde is also keen to know which nationality the dolls represent so if you can help her out that would be great. If you have any items to contribute towards a Christmas Around The World Display please see Mrs Hyde. Thank You. Student Representative Council News Thank you to everyone who participated in Free Dress Colour Day! The Student Representative Council will present all all money raised as a gift to the school on behalf of all students for 2014. Managers Award PP Dolphins Uniform Award Room 3.2 Golden Broom Award Room 3.2 Enviro Saver Award Room 2.3 Garden Gnome Award Room 2.1 Punctuality Award Award Room 1.4 Honour Certificates Congratulations to the following students on receiving an honour certificate at the parent assembly on Friday 7 November, 2014. PP Rainbow Fish Haidie Burniston Savannah Hubbard PP Dolphins Morris Singleton Ciara Purton PP Starfish Jayke Cooper Hunter Grace 1.1 Hayley Barron Taj Bryan 1.2 Saphyre Tinania Bronwen Jones 1.3 Luca Dayman Tahlia Hill 1.4 Shiloh Pantall Leia Singh 2.1 Zayd Fredericks 2.2 Joshua Beaton Aries Haitana 2.3 Brodie Tonkin Zeus Haitana 2.4 Madison Upton Megan Melbourne Layla Pinfold Quinn Didsbury 3.2 Blade Cooper-Lawrence Ava Stubbs 3.3 Ethan Harvey Cullum Toumoua 3.4 Reece Downey Pou Wara 4.2 Finley Sutton Cooper Thomson Junior DuPlessis 5.3 Edan Lennox Lucy O’Halloran 5.4 Paige Sanders Neva Thorp CONGRATULATIONS on the Principal’s Award Recipients of the Principal’s Award at the Parent Assembly on Friday 7 November, 2014. Paris Rerekura (YEAR PP) Isabelle Pol (YEAR 2) Hudson Atkinson Tanner (YEAR 3) Emily Coughlan (YEAR 4) Kirwan Brandt (YEAR 7) To be held Thursday, 14 November. Entry fee will be $5. Kindy to Year 3 Years 4 to Year 7 - 4.30 to 5.30pm 6.00 to 7.30pm Tickets are now available at $10 each. The family who sells the most tickets will receive five free lunch orders per child. For further enquiries pleasecontact Megan 0404 028 686. Next P&C Meeting will be held Wednesday, 10 December at 9.00am in the Conference Room – All Welcome! Parents – Please make sure your contact details are up-to-date particularly if you have moved recently or updated your email address and phone numbers. Thank you Administration Block 1 Teddy Bears Picnic Block 1 students and teachers wore their pyjamas to school on Wednesday for their annual Teddy Bears Picnic. Teddy bears were lucky enough to be allowed to sleep over in Block 1 but unfortunately were very naughty and made a great big mess of the classrooms. Teddy’s were paced on red dots for time out to reflect on their behaviour! Thank You Crow Alert A very special Thank You to Bouvard Recreation Centre and also Marcell Brewer who have donated $315 worth of free products for the P&C Thermo raffle! Crows have been getting into open school bags and stealing lunches so please make sure student lunches are sealed in a lunch box and school bags are kept zipped closed. Thank you. Calendars are available for purchase from Administration for $5.00. Proceeds will go towards the continuation of the chaplain service. This week in Japanese, students tried their hand at Japanese flower arrangement or ikebana. Ikebana is based on simple design with only a few branches and flowers used. Students had a real flair for it and we now have some wonderful arrangements around our school. Thank you to all the families who contributed the beautiful flowers and leaves. Well done to Navana, Lok and Ezra on their beautiful creation. Halls Head Bowling & Recreation Club The Halls Head Bowling and Recreation Club is more than just an excellent venue to play bowls (including juniors). It is also the perfect spot for fund raising events, conferences and an evening out on Friday after a hard week with full bar facilities, entertainment and catering provided by Paul Wynne of Platinum Service Catering (bookings essential and family friendly). For more information please phone 9581 1726, email on admin@hallsheadbowling.com.au or please come down and we would be pleased to show you around YOUR local club at 3 Sticks Boulevard, Erskine. Focus Virtue The focus virtue for weeks 5and 6 is Excellence. EXCELLENCE is doing your best. Doing your best helps you find out what talents you have and ensures jobs are not left half done. Faction Points Flame Red Spinaway Blue Mercedes Green Crusader Gold 1063 928 796 1039 School Banking The Commonwealth school banking program continues to be great success with positive outcomes for the children participating. This year children at Falcon Primary School have deposited a combined savings of $5900, depositing a total of 748 times. Banking will continue until the last week of school on the regular THURSDAY. If your child would like to participate, depositing as little as 5c per week into their own Commonwealth Bank account during school hours, with the reward of prizes after making only 10 deposits, please don't hesitate to contact Tracy Lamerichs on 0412 611 238. HAPPY BANKING!