10:15 A.M. ** Invocation Season of Praise
10:15 A.M. ** Invocation Season of Praise
Vol. 81 Sunday, November 16, 2014 No.46 Zion’s Vision: Zion desires to be a family church empowered by the love of Christ to serve the family of God. Zion’s Mission: Zion Baptist Church Shall: Enlist Sinners, Educate Students, Empower the Suffering, Encourage the Saints, and Exalt our Savior. (Acts 2:41-47). Historically Black Colleges and Universities (H.B.C.U. Observance) THE ORDER OF WORSHIP* 10:15 A.M. Ministry of Prayer and Praise ** Invocation Season of Praise Musical Ministry Ministry of Fellowship Welcome Ministry Ministry of Giving Offertory Prayer ** Doxology God’s Tithes and Our Offerings AFFIRMATION OF GIVING “Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.” LUKE 6:38 Ministry of The Word Musical Selection ** Scripture Reading The Preached Word………………………….Minister Alfonso L. Campbell, III Invitation to Christian Discipleship Altar Call Benediction **Congregation please stand Subject to change at the direction of the Holy Spirit* A thought for today! “Don’t Quit” When things go wrong as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low, and the debts are high, And you want to smile, but you have to sigh, When care is pressing you down a bit— Rest if you must, but don’t you quit. Success is failure turned inside out, The silver tint of the clouds of doubt, And you never can tell how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar, So, stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit— It’s when things go wrong that you mustn’t quit. Author unknown PLEASE JOIN US ON SUNDAYS Breakfast served at 8:00 A.M. Sunday Morning Prayers – Sanctuary – 8:30 A.M. – 9:00 A.M. Sunday School will begin at 9:00 A.M. Worship Service will begin at 10:15 A.M. Wednesdays Noon Day Bible Class-Deacon Owens-Chapel Pastor’s Bible Study Class-FH-at 7:00 PM YCLC Bible Study will meet in Ed. Wing Aud.1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesday at 7:00 PM -November, 2014 (a week at a glance) Today 16 Regular Worship……………..HBCU Sunday…………………….………….10:15AM ViZions Brunch Outing after service- Where TBD Dance Rehearsal – after service –Sanctuary 17 Board of Christian Education Meeting…………………FH…………..…7:00PM-9:00PM 18 Deacons Meeting………………………………...Ed. Wing Aud………..7:00PM-9:00PM Human Resources Committee…………………...Trus. Room……..……7:00PM-9:00PM 19 Play Rehearsal…………………………………...Sanctuary……………..6:00PM-9:00PM 20 Play Rehearsal……………………………………Sanctuary…………….6:00PM-9:00PM 21 Crusade Play Dress Rehearsal……………………Sanctuary……………6:00PM-9:00PM Dance Rehearsal…………………………………Ed. Wing Aud………..7:00PM-9:00PM 22 Annual Prayer Breakfast………………………Fellowship Hall…..10:00AM-12Noon Guest Preacher-Rev. Dr. Winston Ridley, Pastor, Greater First Baptist Church The Day of Reckoning Play……………..Sanctuary……………………………5:00PM 23 Regular Worship………………Holy Communion………………………..….10:15AM DEACON’S WORDS OF INSPIRATION A Still Small Voice www.ziondc.orgYou may email your prayer request(s) to prayers@zionbaptistchurch.netor place your prayer request(s) in the Prayer Box (vestibule of the sanctuary). NOTICES OF INTEREST “A New Era of Faith” Hebrews 12:1-2 God is calling us to be faithful as leaders and as a congregation in our season just as those who came before us were faithful in their season. We must acknowledge and embrace this as our season, while at the same time learning from those that came before us that ran their race and made great progress. We must now receive the baton and continue the progress. We cannot afford to be stagnant as there is no victory in running in place. Our race is different as our season is different but our prize is the same. We all run for an imperishable crown rather than a temporary trophy. While there will be external weights or obstacles, we must overcome them through our faithfulness and run boldly into this New Era of Faith. _________________________________________________________________________ Zion Renewal Scholarship Applications for current college sophomores, juniors, and seniors are available on Zion’s website and are due by November 30, 2014. _________________________________________________________________________________________ OPERATION JOY 2014 Outreach Ministry Phase Two- The SEASON OF CARING Of Operation Joy began November 9, 2014, and ends November 30, 2014. Gift Tags will be distributed in the Fellowship Hall four (4) Sundays: November 9, 16, 23, and 30. Every Zion Member is eligible to select Gift Tags and purchase gifts of Joy during period indicated above. The Mighty Men of Zion requests that you please return properly wrapped gift(s) with Gift Tags firmly attached to outside of gift(s) on or before December 14, 2014. Please do not sign your name to Gift Tag(s). THANKSGIVING FOOD FOR FAMILIES-PLUCK –A-FEATHER OR TWO! FROM THE BOARD IN THE VESTIBULE! Please help us comply with Health Department guidelines by checking expiration dates on food donations. ALSO please donate items you would serve for YOUR Thanksgiving dinner! ALL GROCERY ITEMS ARE DUE TODAY –THIS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014. OUR GOAL IS TO FILL 100 THANKSGIVING BASKETS. Questions, please contact – Min. Alfonso Campbell,III, Deacon Karen Coley, or Sis. Kimberly Byrd. You may also donate Food Cards, which will help with needed perishables & meats. _____________________________________________________________________________ Zion’s Leadership Academy needs your help! Do you have the gift of Administration? Do you have a few hours a month to use that gift in Zion? If so, the Leadership Academy needs you. Please contact either Sis. Sharlyn Grigsby-Queen at sagkdg@verizon.net or Trustee Tracey Williams at traceyw05@gmail.com for details. _____________________________________________________________________________ MARK YOUR CALENDAR- ZION’S ANNUAL CHURCH MEETINGFRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2014 AT 7:00PM – SANCTUARY ALL REPORTS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO THE CHURCH OFFICE BY COB ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014 NO EXCEPTIONS. CHURCH OFFICE STAFF Church Office Main # (202) 722-4940 – Fax (202) 291-3773 Executive Assistant to Pastor, Sis. Jean Jalloh (202) 722-4940 – Fax (202) 291-3773 or email: jeanjalloh@zionbaptistchurch.net For information to be printed in the Church Bulletin. Write or fax or email to Sis. Jalloh by Monday at 5:00 P.M. Rev. Dr. Keith W. Byrd, Sr., Pastor Pastor’s Office Hours By Appointment Monday – Thursday - 10:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M. Pastor’s office - (202) 722-4941 Call Executive Assistant to the Pastor, Sis. Jean Jalloh – (202) 722-4940 To schedule a conference with the Pastor or to send confidential correspondence. Pulpit Notices must be received by Thursday at 5:00 p.m. Information will not be announced if it is printed or inserted in the bulletin. Finance Office Bookkeeper- Bro. Leonard Stephens - (202) 722-4945, Fax (202) 722-2913 Building Superintendent, Bro. Norman Stover- Sexton’s Office (202) 722-4944 Emergency number for use during Services & other Related activities at the Church-(202) 722-1742 Ministerial Staff Rev. Wallis C. Baxter, III- Executive Minister to request use of church facilities wbaxter@zionbaptistchurch.net Minister Alfonso L. Campbell, III- Minister to Youth & Young Adults Minister Dwayne Coley- Associate Minister for Ministerial Operations Minister Carmen Knight-Associate Minister (Seminarian) Rev. Emanuel Lipscomb-Associate Minister for Visitation Minister L. Brent McQueen-Associate Minister for Missions and Evangelism Minister Robert M. Tolson-Associate Minister Minister Denise Wiggins-Associate Minister for Christian Education Transportation Ministry- Deacon Joseph Dyson (301) 595-5027 Media Ministry - Sis. Barbara Childs - (202) 529-1373 Director of Music Ministry - Bro. Samuel Bonds Publicity Coordinator- Sis. Barbara Flowers requests for announcements, broadcasts, and publications must be submitted no later then (30) thirty days prior to the date of the event. Fax (202) 829-1773 or email: noonadelta@aol.com Church Secretary - Sis. Maureen Barnes (202) 882-4978 to schedule Dedications, Weddings, Baptism, and Emergencies; to put notices on the Church Bulletin Board. Church Clerk - Sis. Marlene Tolson (202) 722-4947 on tithes, offerings, and envelopes or to report a change of address: marlenetolson@zionbaptistchurch.net.To report a death contact Bereavement Coordinator Sis. Marlene Tolson at (202) 441-8748. You may also call the Pastor at the church office (202) 722- 4941. Stephen Ministry-contact Sis. Angela Stephens (301) 622-1518 Visit the Website Daily! www.ziondc.org