& leasInG eQuIpMent FInance


& leasInG eQuIpMent FInance
21st Annual AELA
13 November 2014
Four Seasons Hotel
199 George Street, Sydney
International Addresses
• Current Status of the US Equipment Lease &
Finance Industry and Interesting Trends
• The European Equipment Finance Industry
– Current Developments and Outlook
Discussion Topics
Economic and Financial Update
Review of the Personal Property Securities Regime
LIXI Equipment Finance Standard
Used Equipment Markets - Australia meets Asia
Equipment Finance Regulatory Round Up
PLUs... International Panel Session & Equipment Finance Industry Forum
PROGRAM | 8.15 - 10.30am
dr don stammer
21st Annual AELA
Dr Don Stammer is a doyen of economics
in Australia. Following an initial career in
academia, Don spent a decade in central
banking with the Reserve Bank of Australia.
He was the Chief Economist/Director of
Investment Strategy for Deutsche Bank
Australia, and its predecessor, Bain and
Company. He was also a visiting professor,
teaching in the MBA program of the
Australian Graduate School of Management.
Don was a director of ING in Australia, and
Chairman of three ING property trusts, and
chaired companies in the education, financial
services and environment and resources
sectors. Currently, he chairs the listed
company QV Equities and is a director
of IPE and of Kaplan Higher Education.
Don serves on the investment committees of
the Children’s Medical Research Institute and
of Redkite, and writes a weekly column on
investment for The Australian.
bob rinaldi
Robert J (Bob) Rinaldi is Chairman Elect
of the Equipment Leasing and Finance
Association (ELFA), the US association
representing equipment financiers. Bob is
CEO of Commercial Industrial Finance
(CIF), a national equipment finance company
headquartered in St. Louis, Missouri. CIF
provides equipment financing for companies
of all sizes and specialises in implementing
sales and finance programs for manufacturers,
vendors and distributors of capital equipment
in the commercial and industrial sectors.
Bob is a veteran of the US equipment leasing
industry; formerly he was senior vice-president
of CSI Leasing, president of National City
Commercial Credit Canada, and executive
vice-president of the US operations. He was
a founding partner of Information Leasing
Corporation, which he helped to grow to the
fifth largest bank-owned leasing company
in the USA. Bob has been described as a
forward-thinking and innovative leader who
establishes and secures a corporation’s place
at the forefront of their industry.
8.15am Registration and Coffee
George Lagos, AELA Chairman, and
Senior General Manager, Canon Finance
Where are opportunities in Australia as
the resource boom fades further?
Dr Don Stammer, company director & independent commentator
What has the resources boom left for us?
With capital spending in resources deflating, where are
the business opportunities?
What are the effects of the big economies tracking along
such different paths?
Will our interest rates stay low? And how low will the A$ go?
Identifying the major macro risks in 2015
Current Status of the US Equipment Lease &
Finance Industry and Interesting Trends
Bob Rinaldi, Chairman Elect, US Equipment Leasing and Finance
Association and CEO, Commercial Industrial Finance, LLC, USA
Latest news from the Equipment Leasing & Finance Association
Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation research news
USA general equipment leasing industry update
Supply and demand for credit
What does a mature equipment leasing and equipment
finance industry mean?
Interesting trends in the Industry
10.30am Morning Coffee
PROGRAM | 11am - 2pm
bruce whittaker
Bruce Whittaker is a partner in the banking
and finance group of Ashurst in Melbourne
specialising in debt capital markets,
securitisation, acquisition and leveraged
finance, project finance, asset finance and
leasing and banking. Bruce is recognised as one
of the world’s leading structured finance and
securitisation lawyers. Bruce heads Ahurst
Personal Property Securities practice. He has
been closely involved in the development of the
PPS legislative package and appeared before
a number of Senate inquiries into the PPS
legislation. Earlier this year, Bruce was
appointed by the Commonwealth AttorneyGeneral to undertake the statutory review of
the PPS Act. The review is scheduled to be
completed by the end of January 2015.
ronald slaats
Ronald Slaats is the Vice-Chairman of the
Board of Directors of Leaseurope, and former
Managing Director of De Lage Landen, a
leading global provider of asset-based finance
products, headquartered in The Netherlands
and a subsidiary of the Rabobank Group. With
over 5,500 employees, DLL is represented in
35 countries around Europe, The Americas,
Asia and Australia. Leaseurope is the European
Federation of leasing company associations,
representing the views of the European leasing
and automotive rental industries. As vicechairman, Ronald is a committed contributor
to the European equipment finance industry,
within which he is an acknowledged expert
and thought leader. His track record as CEO
includes impressive growth of revenues, with
an emphasis on business planning, redesign
of processes to reduce delivery costs, and
development of the capability and culture of
the organisation.
bruce treloar
Bruce Treloar is the CEO of LIXI, a memberbased not-for-profit company that develops
data message transaction standards for the
Australian financial industry. Bruce has
worked in the banking and finance industry as
an external auditor, project director and senior
relationship manager. More recently, Bruce
was the banking industry representative on the
National Electronic Conveyancing Systems
(NECS) Steering Committee. Bruce holds a
Bachelor of Economics from the University
of Sydney, is a member of the Institute of
Chartered Accountants and a member of the
Governance Institute of Australia.
Bruce Whittaker, Reviewer, PPSA Statutory Review and
Partner, Ashurst
What the three-year review is all about
Key issues raised in the submissions
Sale and lease-back transactions
How to qualify for PMSI priority
The effect of subleasing on the head lessor
Vesting on insolvency
Goods that become fixtures
Working with the Register
Possible responses from the review
Next steps
The European Equipment Finance Industry
– Current Developments and Outlook
Ronald Slaats, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of
Leaseurope, and former CEO, De Lage Landen
Leasing In Europe and beyond
State of the Industry
Industry performance
Outlook for the future - the Economy
Regulatory environment - Constraint or Opportunity
Bob Rinaldi, Chairman Elect, US Equipment Leasing and Finance
Association and CEO, Commercial Industrial Finance, LLC, USA
Ronald Slaats, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of
Leaseurope, and former CEO, De Lage Landen
1.00pm Lunch
2.00pm LIXI Equipment Finance Standard
- By the Finance, for the Industry
Bruce Treloar, CEO, LIXI Limited
LIXI’s origins and objectives
Members and licensees
Standards development and innovation
A standard for Equipment Finance
Benefits of membership
PROGRAM | 2.30 - 5pm
tim o’mara
Tim O’Mara is the Managing Director of
O’Maras Valuers and Auctioneers. Tim has
over 33 years experience as an appraiser and
auctioneer. He is a valuer/appraiser of
personal property, predominantly of business
type assets such as plant and equipment,
trucks, cars, earthmoving equipment, mining
equipment, manufacturing plants and medical
equipment. The majority of his work is in the
Banking, Insolvency and Finance areas.
Tim is empanelled as a valuer of plant and
equipment, and has acted, for many banks
and financiers. Tim has been involved in
70 plus mergers and acquisition projects, and
has valued assets throughout Australia, New
Zealand, South East Asia, Central Africa and
America on both a local and international
market comparison.
catherine shand
Catherine Shand is Associate Director-Legal
with the Australian Finance Conference.
Catherine has worked as a lawyer in private
practice, in-house banking counsel and a
consultant in the financial services industry.
Her current role involves informing Members
and making representations to government
about finance industry regulation and its
operational application, with a particular
focus on the personal property securities
regime and the anti-money laundering and
counter-terrorism financing regime.
steve edwards
Steve Edwards is the Solicitor Director of
CreditWise, which specialises in providing
legal, compliance and training services to the
finance sector. He is also AFC’s Legal &
Market Consultant. Steve has been involved
in various reform and regulatory
developments from industry, operational,
advisory and government perspectives.
More recently, he has represented the finance
industry in recent reform developments on
consumer credit, unfair contract terms and
personal property securities. Steve has also
co-authored publications on consumer credit,
the hiring of goods and personal property
securities and is a general editor of the law
service ‘Personal Property Securities in
Tim O’Mara, Managing Director, O’Maras Valuers
and Auctioneers
Australia vs World
Value adjustments, competition and cyclical
WH&S implications and compliance
History vs Reality
Are some life cycle models dead?
3.10pm Afternoon Coffee
George Lagos, AELA Chairman, and Senior General
Manager, Canon Finance
Craig Gee, AELA Deputy Chairman, and General Manager
and Treasurer, Marubeni Finance Oceania
Hugh Lander, AELA Immediate Past Chairman, and
Chief Executive Officer, BOQ Finance
Graham Attard, AELA Past Chairman, and Head of
Equipment and Automotive Products, Westpac
Catherine Shand, AFC Associate Director-Legal
Steve Edwards, AFC Consultant and Director, CreditWise
• • • • New Privacy Regime:
- Issues for equipment finance
Finance Regulatory Issues
Customer and Identification
- Financiers and Introducers
Personal Property Securities Regime
- Real life issues
- Review consultation
Craig Gee, AELA Deputy Chairman, and General Manager
and Treasurer, Marubeni Finance Oceania
The Conference will be followed by a cocktail reception
CHP CONSULTING is a global supplier of asset and motor finance software and consultancy services, with an exceptional project delivery record.
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Matthew Phillips
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INSYSTON – From Proposal to Disposal and everything in between. Insyston has been providing scalable Asset Finance and Lending solutions for
over 15 years. We are entering exciting times for both the Industry and Insyston so it is a great time to come and talk to us about these developments
and how your business can benefit by partnering with Insyston.
Stephen MacMillan
T: +61 2 9468 1800 | E: info@insyston.com.au
INTERNATIONAL DECISION SYSTEMS, INC. (IDS) is the market leader in origination and portfolio management solutions for the global
asset finance industry. IDS helps its clients grow and protect their asset finance lease and loan portfolios with lifecycle solutions Rapport® and
InfoLease®. No one has more global experience and expertise in supporting your audit and compliance needs. In today’s rapidly changing
regulatory environment, finding a trusted solution provider is more important than ever. Proven with more than 250 customers worldwide, and
including 7 of the top 10 Monitor 100 multinational finance companies, the world’s most sophisticated leasing organisations rely on IDS with offices
in Australia, Singapore, US, UK and India.
Alison Posney
T: +61 2 9247 9166 | E: information@idsgrp.com
NetSol Financial Suite has been a core component of the world’s leading auto captives and asset and equipment finance businesses for
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Umer Hiyat
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SOFICO specialises in software solutions for automotive finance, leasing and fleet management companies. With over 25 years experience,
Sofico has developed unparalleled business expertise in the leasing and fleet management industry and provides several leasing companies with
the appropriate software applications. Our products have always been related to this industry, so we focus on its specific challenges. Miles is
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dedication of Sofico, result in a reliable solution that supports the strategic objectives of every leasing company. Miles is a complete software
solution and supports the entire lifecycle of a leasing contract, based on a stable and scalable open technology platform.
T: +61 2 9887 8700 | E: info@sofico.com.au
TRACTION GROUP High Performance Asset Finance Recruitment; exclusively recruiting for the Asset Finance industry. With professional
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Simon Bird
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WHITE CLARKE GROUP has been providing market leading software and consulting solutions to the finance industry worldwide since 1992. Our
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T: +61 2 9954 5700 | F: +61 2 9954 5682 | E: info-au@whiteclarkegroup.com
13 November 2014 | Four Seasons Hotel | 199 George Street, Sydney
Every 3rd Delegate Attends Free!
Delegate 1: NAME: Mr/Ms/Miss
Delegate 2: NAME: Mr/Ms/Miss
Delegate 3: NAME: Mr/Ms/Miss
Method of payment: Registration Fee $1450 (incl GST) *Every third registration from the one organisation is free!
This document will be a Tax Invoice for GST when you make a payment. Tax Invoice ABN 19 054 908 520 Australian Equipment Lessors Association
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Australian Equipment Lessors Association
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A/C name: Australian Equipment Lessors Association, Inc
A/C number: 1004 4066
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BSB: 062 022
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Mastercard | $1,475.00
Amex | $1,490.00
Please Invoice
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Amount $
Cancellation and substitution: A substitute delegate is welcome if the registered delegate is unable to attend.
A full refund of the fee is available if cancellation is notified in writing 10 days before the Conference.
21st Annual AELA
4 easy ways to register...
2. 3. 4. Phone: Fax: Mail: Email: (02) 9231 5479 (02) 9232 5647 GPO Box 1595,
Sydney NSW 2001