Thursday, November 20, 2014 (At-A-Glance) Friday, November 21, 2014 (At-A-Glance) 301 A
Thursday, November 20, 2014 (At-A-Glance) Friday, November 21, 2014 (At-A-Glance) 301 A
Thursday, November 20, 2014 (At-A-Glance) 301 A 302A 303 How To Be An Ally DPI Staff 9:00 – 12:00 304 ASW Standard 6 Implementation Update Burt Jenkins An Overview of the Health Index (SHI) Jamie Williams, Burt Jenkins & Terri Mitchell 1:30 – 4:30 5:30 – 7:30 EARLY ARRIVERS’ PRESIDENTIAL SOCIAL- Marriott Raleigh Suite Friday, November 21, 2014 (At-A-Glance) Ballroom A NCPEA 7:30am 9:00 8:30 – 9:30 Ballroom C NCPEA 301 A NCAAE 301 B NCSMC 302 A NCSMC 12:15 – 1:15 Omnikin: Fitness Fun, Team Building, Cooperative Games, Skill Development Mass Games Terry Gooding Matt Belles Middle School Madness Let’s Dance! NCHSAA Coaches Academy 4:15 – 5:15 5:15 – 7:30 7:30 – 10:30 Version1 304 DANCE 305 NCPEA 306 ABC NCAAHPERD-SM Fuel Up to Play 60 (DANCE) We are Made to Move Instituting an Experiential Learning Program: A Model for Success ATTENTION! Creative Focus Steps in Health Education Overview of Training Tools for Health Education Building Effective and Fulfilling Public School-University Partnerships Yogic Modern Dance Calling All Superheroes!; What the Duck?? Darryl Gordon Mike Mistler Donna Breitenstein Jamie Williams Brenda Swearingin Autumn Mist Belk Stephanie Braswell Coaching for the Right Reasons Males Perspectives on the Hiring of Female NCAA Basketball Coaches Effect of Peer Leadership on Collegiate Sport Team Cohesion "I Tweet PE" and So Should You! Designing a Multilevel Jazz Dance Curriculum Connecting CCSS to Nutrition has Never Been Easier! Amy Reams Science, PE, & Me! - Introducing Dr. Love, Mickey & Flex Student Majors & Carol Smith Let's Move to the Max Jeff Morris Equipping Athletes to be Leaders Martie Bell Attitudes and Perceptions towards Sport Psychology & Sport Psychology Consultants among African American College Student Athletes Jiho Kim A Round-Table Discussion Regarding Sport Management Accreditation. Artie Kamiya How to use the Sport Education Model to create a World Cup Soccer Tournament in your P.E Class Kristi Johnson A Multilevel Jazz Dance Master Class Focused Fitness Sport Stacking with Speed Stacks: Teach the 3-3-3, 3-6-3 and Cycle Stacks! Henry Castelvecchi Robert Lindsey Greg Combs Steve Elliot Kristi Johnson Vicky Schrock Health Teacher’s Duty to Protect: Responsibilities Beyond the Classroom What Every Cooperating Teacher and PETE Student Teacher Should Know West African Dance with McDaniel Roberts Developing an Evidenced-Based Leadership and Physical Activity Camp for Girls Teresa Dail Self-Esteem Unwrapped. Jim Hammond Developing Character Through PE and Sport Beverly Allen Dance Moves in Elementary Physical Education Roy Turner (By invitation only) 8:00 – 9:30 NCAAHE Business Meeting An Apple for the Teacher SPARK NCAAHPERD-SM AWARDS LUNCHEON 12:00-1:30 Research Posters 1:00 – 2:00 3:00 – 4:00 303 NCPEA Bill Russell Memorial Keynote Cathy Ennis 1:45 – 2:45 302 C NCAAHE REGISTRATION OPENS Exhibits OPEN – Ballroom B 9:45 – 10:45 11:00 – 12:00 302 B NCAAHE Tennis: It's Easier to Teach Than You Think! Level the Playing Field of Knowledge with Tchoukball Student Athletes’ Learning Styles and Impact on Coaching for Success Sport Hospitality and Customer Service: Providing the Best Bang for your Buck. Youth Sport and Child Labor Andrew Waldrop Assessing and Increasing MVPA in Modified Softball/Baseball Game Play Lauren Weaver Building Better Brains through Movement Brandy Clemmer Determining Potential Lower Extremity Injuries of High School Athletes by Assessing the Deep Squat Tom Appenzeller Internship$: Ticket to Your Future Kacey DiGiacinto Fun, Fitness and Frisbee (Sport Education Model in Action) Keith Cannon Perceptual, Fine and Gross Motor Mats Greg Combs Training the Female Athlete: Gender Specific Training to Maximize Performance Travis Teague (DPI/CSPAP) Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs: A National Framework to Establish More Active School Environment Susanne Schmal Burt Jenkins (DPI/CSPAP) Comprehensive School Physical Activity Programs Charla Khanke Sarah Lowell Jeff Bolles (Continued) Susanne Schmal Burt Jenkins NCSMC Business Meeting Let’s Move in Middle School Health Deanna Castelvecchi DPI Update DeAnne Davis Brooks Jazzy Jumping PFA Style DANCE Business Meeting Hal Walker Jon Lim Bryan Romsa Experiential Activities in Sport Management (Students) Ellen Essick Action Research in the Health and Physical Education Classroom Jenny Dearden Poe Center for Health Education Tour Dan McLaughlin A Short Walk with Data Informed Methods Derek Barringer CPR: Training the Next Generation of Life-Savers Kim Berg Fun with Web 2.0 Tools in Health and P.E. Victor Aeby Thomas Ray Matt Belles Dana Else Cheryl Logan Network with Friends – Invite someone to go to Dinner Student Major’s Social /Marriott Raleigh Suite / ALL Students Welcome All Convention Casino Night and Dance 402 Saturday November 22, 2014 (At-A-Glance) Ballroom A NCPEA Ballroom C NCPEA 301 A NCAAE 301 B 302 A NCSMC 7:30am 9:45 – 10:45 11:00 – 12:00 12:15 – 1:15 Creating and Implementing Bowling in your Gym Teaching with Polar GoFit Heart Rate and Fitness and Assessment What is the Purpose of the NC Coaching Education Interviewing Tips for College Graduates Tess Palmer Implementing Formative Assessments in your Daily Physical Education Program Ali Young Teaching Basketball Fundamentals begins with “FUN” Bobby Guthrie How $10 Changed a Young Man’s Life Anthony Pirrocco Time to Student Teach…Are YOU Ready? Charla Khanke Kin-Ball: Tee Up, Color Call, Strike, Juggler, Quadrant Play Jim Hammond Energize the Brain and Body with Speed Stacks: Maximize Fitness Fun for Everyone! Wayne Inman Choices and Opportunities Carmyn Glynn Research Involving Childern: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly Terry Gooding Smithfield Cycle City Megan Hayes Vicky Schrock Quick Games for Fun & Fitness Tony Collins Developing an Athletic Philosophy John Jones Rusty Lee & Let's Go Biking (Yes in School) Anne Sluder 1:00 – 2:00 303 NCPEA Fitness-based Middle School PE: The Science of Healthful Living Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) 3:00 – 4:00 Scott Townsend Technology on the Move Cathy Ennis The 3 New R's: Reading, wRiting, and exeRcise Denny Scruton StudentAthletes’ Perceptions of Coaches’ Behaviors Steffani Smith Are you RICH? Want to be RICH? Indhu Gopal 4:15 – 5:15 Henry Castelvecchi Have A Large Class? Need An Idea? Elizabeth Gary Mary Ferreri Improving Student Engagement in Sport Management: An Interactive Discussion Jerry Gilsdorf Craig Schmitt NCSMC Case Challenge Presentations Professional Staff from PNC Arena Sport Management Professional Panel Martie Bell An Ethnographic Perspective of Sport Management Education Professional Staff from PNC Arena International Sport Diversity: A review of current research trends Rennae Williams Elizabeth Lange Minyong Lee Assessment: None of the Above Amy Prior Raiders of the Lost Text: Health Class Unscripted Reading in PE? Chris Walker Peer Influences in Health Behaviors and Choices Programmatic Structures for Student Goal Setting in Physical Education Brian Glendenning Improving personal and program image through online engagement Amy Prior Contraceptive Update for Reproductive Health and Safety Education Janet Lawrence Read Healthy Jenny Dearden High Intensity Training: Pros, Cons and Myths Terri Mitchell Julie Kulas Reach and Impact with Literacy John Acquaviva Unlocking the Power of Data Laura Jefferson Focused Fitness Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children NC Version1 305 NCAAHPERD-SM 306 ABC 402 NCPEA (NCPEA/Dance) Yoga Nidra: an Antidote to Anxiety & Stress Indhu Gopal (NCPEA) Adventure Based Learning Impacts Character Education Carol Smith The Big Box of Activities NCAAHPERD-SM Business Meeting John Jones (NCAAHE) Creating Critical Thinking Community Health Classrooms ACTION! Team Games with MVPA Assessment Gopher Andy Tupy Calling All Superheroes!; What the Duck?? Kim Cooke NCPEA Business Meeting Stephanie Braswell (NCPEA/Dance) Beyond the Chicken Dance: A PE Teacher’s Perspective NCAAHPERD-SM PAST PRESIDENT’S & FRIENDS LUNCHEON 12:00-1:30 (By Invitation Only) Dee Ellis NCAAE Board Meeting Donna Breitenstein Darkness to Light: Stewards of Children (Continued) Collaborative Partnerships? A Strategy for Improving Community Health Advocate for Health and Physical Education (K-12+) (NCPEA/NCAAHE) ASW Standard 6 Implementation Update Old School Line Dances for Physical Education Common Core and YouMaking Connections Free Technology to Enhance Teaching Matt Belles Health DeterminatesShould we Know and Use Them? Burt Jenkins How to Write a Winning PEP Grant! Tiffany Fuller Grade-Level Outcomes for Elementary Students: Are Your Kids on Track? SPARK John Jones Surviving the Year Round Schedule: What will Work For You? Matt Belles Knowledge and Awareness of Diabetes Mellitus Among African American College Students Artie Kamiya K-3 Formative Assessment: Educating the Whole Child Stephanie Little (NCPEA/DANCE) Jump, Kick, Hop: Fun, Fitness, and Folk Dance Robert Lindsey Darlene Gremano BerNadette Lawson-Williams Ed Johnson 5:30 – 6:30 304 DANCE Research Posters- Ballroom B Making Fitness for Secondary PE Real & Fun! 1:45 – 2:45 302 C NCAAHE REGISTRATION OPENS Exhibits OPEN – Ballroom B 9:00 8:30 – 9:30 302 B NCAAHE NCAAHPERD-SM SWEARING IN CEREMONY FOR NEW & CONTINUING OFFICERS MARRIOTT RALEIGH SUITE GiGi Sammons Literacy vs Movement: Can it be Done without Impacting Physical Education? Gi Gi Sammons