Monday Memo Posted November 14, 2014 Upcoming Events:


Monday Memo Posted November 14, 2014 Upcoming Events:
Monday Memo
Posted November 14, 2014
Upcoming Events:
Enrollment Update:
Monday 11/17:
Beginning Guitar. Rm. 208. 3:15-pm-4:00pm.
Karate. Gym. 6:30-pm - 7:30pm.
Tuesday 11/18:
Intermediate Guitar. Rm. 208. 3:15pm-4:00pm
Cub Scouts. Gym. 6:00pm-8:00pm.
Wednesday 11/19:
Advanced Guitar. Rm. 208. 7:00am-7:45am.
Choir. Rm. 208. 3:15pm-4:00pm
Karate. Gym. 6:30-7:30pm.
Thursday 11/20:
Friday 11/21:
Instrumental Music (Band). Rm. 208. 7:00am7:45am.
5th Grade Westward Expansion Civil War Choir.
Gym. 10:30am-11:10am.
Guitar (3rd/4th). Rm. 208 3:15pm-4:00pm.
Cooking Class. Rm. 209. 3:00pm-4:00pm. See flyer
page. 6.
Looking Ahead:
Monday 11/24 through Friday 11/28:
Campus is closed for Thanksgiving Break.
We have openings for: FDK, PMK, 1st, 3rd, 4th,
5th, 7th, 8th.
Enroll Here:
What’s Inside:
Money Matters, Odds & Ends, Get Connected
Volunteer Info. Pg. 2.
Art & Music Info . PTO News, Champions. Pg. 3.
PTO Letter. Pg. 4
Harvest of Love. Pg. 5.
Cooking Classes. Pg. 6.
PTO Flyer. Pg. 7.
FAQ Page. Pg. 8.
Imagine Indigo Ranch Families with
students in 1st - 5th Grade:
Below, you will find information regarding an upcoming "Kid Power" event to be held on the Imagine Indigo Ranch Campus December 4th and 11th; attendance at both sessions is required and is strictly limited to 25 students. Space is still available.
Kid Power provides developmentally appropriate,
evidence-based programs which teach children
skills that help them build self-esteem, and helps to
teach them how to stay safe from all forms of abuse
and harassment (to include bullying).
Reservations will be taken on a first come-first served
basis. To register your child, please come to the
office for a form, along with payment, no later than
Friday, November 21st.
All fees are due now. They must be paid for in the office NOT on
Tuition for Preschool is $505 per month (tuition is due the 1st day of the month)
Tuition for Full-Day Kindergarten is $200 per month (tuition is due the 1st day of the month)
There is no tuition for Half-Day Kindergarten through 8th grade per our charter.
The Student Fees are:
- $65 for Preschool through 5th grade and $100 for Middle School (6th-8th)
- Those who have not paid their student fees will be receiving an invoice .
A listing of what these one-time fees pay for is available in the main office (the red field trip shirt is one example) or online in the 2014-2015 Family Handbook.
IIR accepts cash, checks (made payable to “Imagine Indigo Ranch”) and most credit cards.
If you need to pick up your child early for an appointment please call the office when you are 5 minutes
out and we will call them to the office for pickup. Due to our end of the day procedures and to cut down
on too many people in the office, we wont be able to call students out early after 2:45pm. You will need to
wait for their regular release time.
 When you enrolled at Imagine Indigo Ranch, the registrar entered your email address into the D49 database known as Infinite Campus (“IC”). If you change your email address, please notify Diane Baker immediately in order to continue receiving electronic communications from IIR.
Families of Imagine Indigo Ranch...we want you to know how much we appreciate all of the things you do
for us. Please make sure if you are volunteering in the classroom, at home or through PTO, that you track
your hours in the binders located in our lobby.
From the Art Teacher:
Thank you to all of our student entries for our first yearbook art cover contest. Our
staff will be voting on our two winners which will be announced before Thanksgiving
break...good luck everyone!
Newspapers are desperately needed in the art room, a donation box has been set
up in the entry way of our school.
Art homework is usually by choice and encouraged for anyone who needs extra time on their work. Open
Studio is also a good place to get extra work done, seek advice, or just geek out. It is open on Tuesdays
and Thursdays during middle school lunch, and is open for grades 6-8.
From the Music Teacher:
Attention Parents! If you are someone who plays an instrument (other than guitar and
wants to play during your child's time in music with me, please do so! Get in touch with
me at to set up a time!
Thank you to Charity Smith from PACE for the Subway lunch!
PTO News -- Save the Date!
Look for additional details in upcoming Thursday Folders and future Monday Memos
* Now through Tuesday, December 2nd, please help us honor our teachers by sending in requested items for
the "12 Days of Teacher Appreciation" campaign. There is a collection tub in the office for convenient drop
off. Please refer to page 5.
* We'll be hosting the "Holiday Gift Shop" during the school day on December 2nd – 5th. It's set up a lot like
Book Fair in that there are preview times and then purchasing times. With over 100 “kid-priced” gifts, the students are sure to find that perfect gift for family and friends!
Come to "Family Movie Night" on Friday, December 5th at 6:30 p.m. in the Imagine Gym. Bring your own
blankets or chairs so your family can get comfortable and enjoy a great holiday movie together!
Champions is going to be offering care on the following dates at our school. Please make sure you are registered with Champions prior to dropping off.
Thanksgiving Week – Nov 24 & 25
K-5 out of School - Dec 10-11
Christmas Break - Dec 22,23,24,26, 29,20,31, Jan 2 & 5
November 4, 2014
To our valued parents,
On behalf of Imagine Indigo Ranch, we would like to thank you for your generous contributions to the school in the past. Because of your support, the Teacher Appreciation Committee is able to provide meals, gifts, and events for the faculty and staff on behalf of the
parents throughout the school year.
We are writing to request your help in providing holiday gifts for the faculty and staff this
year. The Teacher Appreciation Committee will be putting together baskets of gifts with a
“Twelve Days of Teacher Appreciation” theme. For your convenience, a sign-up page has
been created with details of what items we are requesting. Please click on the link to view
details of requested donations and to sign up:
go/5080d45a4ac2aa31-12days. A donation box will be located in the front office of the
school beginning on November 6th. The last day to drop off donations in the office will be
December 2nd.
In addition, the Teacher Appreciation Committee would like to thank you for your generosity and support by crediting you 1 hour of volunteer service toward your annual 20 hours for
any contribution totaling $10 or more (a maximum of 1 hour may be claimed).
Regardless of whether or not you are able to contribute through donations at this time, we
would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your continued support of Imagine Indigo
Ranch. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Teacher Appreciation Committee
Imagine Indigo Ranch PTO
Please Support The Care and Share
Harvest of Love
Food Drive
November 3-21
Bring your non-perishable food items. The items most needed are:
*canned meat
*canned veggies
*canned meals
*canned fruit
*peanut butter
Monetary donation: For each $1 donated, Care and Share can provide
the equivalent of 10 pounds. Please put case or check into an envelope
marked Care and Share. Include teacher’ name, too. The class with the
largest number of pounds will get a pizza party. If you have an questions
please email
Kid Chefs
Cooking is fun and fundamental! Kids have fun
learning the basics of
cooking, reading recipes,
exploring new foods and
eating what they make!
Reserve a space now for
this hands-on cooking
class meeting right at your
Taught by Kathy Lane, instructor
for 10 years.
WHO – GRADES 1 – 6
WHEN – FRIDAYS – 11/14,
11/21, 12/5, and 12/12/2014
TIME – 3:15 – 4:15
COST - $53.00 – Cash or check payable to
Kathy Lane
CALL 548-8454
Indicate child’s name, your name,
phone number, and school name
Class enrolls first come/first serve
We are unable to accommodate walk-ins
ALLERGY ISSUES: This is a hands-on cooking class using real
food. We are a nut-free environment. If your child has any other food allergies, sensitivities, or preferences, menu items cannot be adjusted for
these special needs. If your child is able to handle certain foods but cannot eat them, they are more than welcome to join this class. We are a
cooking class, not an eating class, and we welcome all kids who can be
around a variety of foods. Food a child cannot eat goes home with him
Imagine Indigo Ranch
6464 Peterson Rd
Colorado Springs CO 80923-3565
719.495.7360 (V), 719.495.4239 (F)
Principal: Frank Fowler
Vice Principal: Scott Hunter
Academic Coach: Sheila Youngblood
Business Manager: Valerie O’Brien
Attendance: Diane Baker
Campus Safety: Scott Hunter
Day Care Busing: Amy Esquibel
Office Assistant : Chelsea Haysley
Office Assistant: Amy Esquibel
Preschool Director: Michele Lucero
PTO President: Abby Blouin
Registrar: Diane Baker
Watch D.O.G.S.: David Rex
Health Aid: Chere Poole
Helpful Websites:
Curriculum: Core Knowledge
Curriculum: Riggs
Curriculum: Saxon Math
Curriculum: Shurley English
History of Charters Schools in CO
Imagine Facebook (Our school)
Imagine Facebook (National)
Imagine PTO Page
Love and Logic
Safe Kids Worldwide (Safety)
Safe 2 Tell / 877.542.SAFE
Carpool Application (City of C/S)
Watch D.O.G.S.
The appearance of advertisements
within the Imagine Indigo Ranch website, electronic communication, and
printed communication to parents
and guardians is not an endorsement
The FAQ Page
Absent or Tardy Student: Please call the main office or Email Diane Baker
by 8:30 am to excuse your student due to absence: 495.7360
After School Activities: Champions Extended Learning, Imagine Cub Scouts,
D49 Hot Lunch Info: Current Lunch Menu. Questions should be directed to
D-49 Nutrition Services. Checks to “Falcon Food Services” can be left in main
office. Free and Reduced application. Payment options and menu at these
sites: D-49 Food Services Home,
Lunch Prices: K-5: 2.10, 6-8: $2.40,
Adult: $2.60
D49 Info: Bus ZPass+ App, Bus & Trans Office, D-49 bus stop picks up at
3:32 pm. Bus Payment Site, Code of Conduct, Flash Alert System, Main
Page, Weather Page.
D49 Parent Portal: Parent Portal Main Page. Email D-49 with questions or
problems logging in if you’ve created an account. If you do NOT have an account, then (1) Email Diane first to get an activation key, and then (2) Select
this link to start a new account (select “help” and then use your activation
Flag Pole Codes: Purple = School Closed, Yellow = 2 Hour Delay
Foundation: The Imagine Pike’s Peak Region (IPPR) Foundation is the fundraising arm of Imagine Schools in the Pike's Peak region. Email Cathy Berdon
to learn more.
Imagine Info: 14-15 Calendar, Character Council, Family Handbook, Grade
Level Pages, Google Maps, Homepage, Monthly Newsletter, Staff Emails,
Latex Policy: IIR is a latex-free campus.
Lunch Hours: MS: 12:30-12:50
K & 2nd: 11:25-11:50
1st & 3rd: 11:55-12:15 4th & 5th: 12:50-1:10
Office Hours:
7:45am — 3:45pm
A 24/7 secure drop box is located right outside the main entrance
Taxes: Federal Tax ID: 26-1845671, State Tax ID: 9819455
Uniform Policy: Please check your student’s uniform to ensure they are in
dress code. The policy is located in the Family Handbook.
Weather Station at Fire House 21 (across the street from IIR).