Community Presbyterian Church Celebration This Week at Community Presbyterian Church


Community Presbyterian Church Celebration This Week at Community Presbyterian Church
Places to Serve
Give Kids the World Volunteer at GKTW where we serve very ill children and their
families at the Ginger Bread House. If you would like to volunteer or have any
questions contact Liz Hanna at Our website has more
information about GKTW and how to register. We serve the 4th Monday of
every month from 5:30-9:00 PM. If you have never served before you must sign
up on their website 2 weeks prior. NOTE: Please wear close toed shoes.
Community Hope Center is in need of the following items for their Food & Toiletry
Pantry: all non-perishable food items and diapers sizes NB-5, especially size 3.
Places to Learn
Adult Sunday School Today, 11/16, we will continue with a study about prayer
based on Robert Morris’ “In Jesus Name” series. Come and see what happens
when you make prayer a priority and broaden your vision for what God does
when his people pray. Join us at 9:30 AM in the St. Andrew Room.
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study God gave us Sabbath as a specific gift of
rest! Please join us as we begin a new 5 week session called “Breathe” by Priscilla
Schirer and explore God’s gift for refreshing your soul and balancing your life! See
you at 10:00 AM on Thursday in the St. Andrew Room. Questions? Contact Penny
Lingo at
Places to Connect
Women of All Ages Life Group All ladies are welcome to connect with each other
and God on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday each month. Please join us for the next
Women of All Ages Life Group meeting on Wednesday, 12/10 from 6:30-8:00
PM in the St. Andrew Room. We will watch and discuss the video “After Jesus,
the World was Never the Same.” For inquiries, please contact Carol Carbrey at
Supper Club is a Life Group composed of young professionals. We welcome you
to join us on the 1st & 3rd Friday at 7:00 PM in the Conference Room. Starting
11/21 join us as we explore Rick Warren’s series “The Purpose of Christmas.”
New Life Group: "Unchained" Explore what it means to unchain the Holy Spirit in
our lives. This group will be "unchained" - no walls or books; will meet outside
on the church lawn by the cross and the discussion will be prompted by the
Holy Spirit. Meeting the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at 6:30 PM.
New Life Group: Fruitful Parenting will meet every other Saturday afternoon at
the church between 3:00-4:00 PM. Come join a vibrant new group seeking
fellowship and time to go deeper in your faith in a safe and relaxed
environment. Next date 11/22 in the Expansion and our first study will be The
Power of Love: Building Relationships that Work. If you would like more
information please email:
New Connections Life Group Are you new to our church family or new to the area
and looking for a way to get connected? We would like to invite you to our New
Connections Life Group. Meetings will be the 1 st and 3rd Wednesdays from
7:00–8:30 PM at the Osceola Library in Celebration. Please contact us at if you have any questions.
Weekly Prayer Meeting The Bible teaches us that our God is a loving, merciful
and faithful God and that POWERFUL things happen when we bring our
prayers, petitions and praises to the Lord. Join us for a time of weekly
intentional prayer on Sunday nights starting on 12/7 at 6:30 PM in the St.
Andrew Room.
MERRY CHRISTMAS DINE OUT hosted by TLC Ministry invites everyone to join the
merriment 12/14 at Town Tavern in Celebration following the 11:00 AM
service. Contact: Ceil Thomas
COMING SOON! Caring for The Caregiver Support Group, the newest
addition to our Soul Care Ministries, is for anyone caring for
someone at home, nearby or across the country; your loved one
might be elderly, ill or disabled. Led by our own Sue Reed and Anne
Lucas, the Christ-centered 12-week session is based on Shelly Beach’s book
Ambushed By Grace. Join us Saturdays starting 1/10/15 in the St Andrew
Room from 10-noon. Contact Carol for more info (407-566-1633 or
This Week at Community Presbyterian Church
Please see the Children’s Ministry Page for Child Care Information
Sunday 11/16
8:15 AM
Traditions- Traditional Worship—Sanctuary
9:30 AM
Sunday School—St. Andrew Room
9:30 AM
Fusion Bible Study—Upperroom
9:30 AM
Reach—Contemporary Worship—Sanctuary
11:00 AM
The Bridge—Blended Worship—Sanctuary
12:30 PM
DivorceCare—Conference Room
12:30 PM
DivorceCare for Kids—Chapel
12:30 PM
FPU —St. Andrew Room
Monday 11/17
8:00 AM
3:40 PM
HWF—Entire Campus
5:00 PM
Weight Watchers—Conference Room
7:00 PM
Sr. Hi Youth Group—Expansion
Tuesday 11/18
8:00 AM
AA—St. Andrew Room
9:00 AM
Al-Anon—St. Andrew Room
10:00 AM
Staff Meeting—Conference Room
3:40 PM
HWF—Entire Campus
4:15 PM
Grief Healing for Kids—Conference Room
5:00 PM
Gals Bible Study—Upperroom
6:00 PM
Guys Bible Study—Upperroom
6:30 PM
UnChained Life Group—Church Lawn
7:00 PM
Wednesday 11/19
8:00 AM
3:00 PM
Kid’s Oasis –Entire Campus
7:00 PM
How To Get Through Life’s Losses—Conference Room
7:00 PM
Mid. Hi Youth Group—Expansion
Thursday 11/20
8:00 AM
10:00 AM
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study—St. Andrew Room
3:40 PM
HWF—Entire Campus
5:30 PM
PM Worship Band Rehearsal—Sanctuary
6:45 PM
FPU - St. Andrew Room
7:30 PM
Night Of Worship—Sanctuary
Friday 11/21
8:00 AM
1:00 PM
Ties That Bind—Conference Room
3:40 PM
HWF—Entire Campus
4:30 PM
Kid’s Khoir—Sanctuary
6:30 PM
Roots—St. Andrew Room
6:30 PM
Handbells — Sanctuary
7:00 PM
Supper Club—Conference Room
Saturday 11/22
8:00 AM
Men’s Gathering—Conference Room
8:00 AM
AA Meeting—Expansion
3:00 PM
Fruitful Parenting—Expansion
Community Hope Center open Monday—Thursday call for appointment 321-677-0245
** Preschool Monday thru Friday **
Christmas Eve Services: 3:00 (Communion), 5:00 (KK), 7:30 and 11:00 PM
All services except the 3:00 PM have candle light
Flowers this week are given by Donna Weeden in loving
memory of her husband Barry Marshall
Scripture Memory Verse
Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that
we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
Hebrews 4:16
Welcome to
Community Presbyterian Church
November 16, 2014
“ And this is the Story: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.”
1 John 5.11
Community Presbyterian Church is a family of Christ followers committed to
Experiencing and Sharing Jesus Christ
Schedule of Services
Sunday Worship: 8:15 AM Traditional Service
9:30 AM Contemporary Service
11:00 AM Blended Service
Sunday School: 9:30 AM
Thursday Worship: 7:30 PM Contemporary Service
Please see the Children’s Ministry Page for Child Care Information
511 Celebration Avenue, Celebration, FL 34747
Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Phone: 407-566-1633
A Note from Mary Lee Downey
We Welcome You!
Homelessness. We all have our idea of what that word means. It might bring to mind a
person standing on the side of the road holding a sign, “need food, God Bless,” Or
maybe it makes us think of someone living in a cardboard box along the streets of a big
city, blankets layered high, hiding a person underneath. Or maybe, it reminds us of the
stories we’ve seen in the news -- that 1 in 3 veterans are homeless and so we think
about a person, who served our country, who was never really brought “home” from
war. These are the common stereotypes of homelessness. However, in our county there
is a hidden face of homelessness that doesn’t often come to mind and that’s family
We would like to welcome all of our guests to Community Presbyterian Church.
We hope that the Spirit and love of the Lord fill you today as you worship with us.
We would love to connect with you one-on-one, to learn more about you, and to
allow you to learn more about our church and congregation. If you are a first time
guest please join us after the service at the Welcome Cart so that we may get to
know you better and offer you a welcome gift.
The goal of The Community Hope Center, a ministry of Community Presbyterian Church,
is to bring HOPE to all cases of homelessness. To the man begging on the street to the
family huddled in the backseat of a minivan. It’s a “no wrong door” agency, so that
means that every person who walks through the door is assisted in a way that helps
them get back on their feet.
Since the CHC opening, we have seen 623 clients, totaling 1708 heartbeats. That’s
almost 2000 people who the Community Hope Center has provided food, employment
assistance, job training, clothing, mental health services, housing assistance, pregnancy
resources, health care referrals, case management, and a laundry list of other services
to those in need. It truly is a “one stop shop” for families living without homes in our
But, the longer our doors stay open, the bigger the need becomes. We have two family
advocates currently serving 300 families each. Of those families about 400 are on
regular follow-up appointments, that means that each case manager sees roughly 200
families or individuals a month! We are pleased to announce that we recently were
awarded an Edyth Bush Charitable Foundation Grant of $50,000 which will help us
build staffing capacity, but we know that as the problem grows, we will need to grow to
meet the needs of the community.
The truth is, we don’t have homeless people, we have people without homes. Those
stereotypes, it’s time for us to leave them behind. We, as a church, are committed
through the Community Hope Center, to bring truth and love to all God’s children. We
are in this together! Will you pray for us, volunteer with us, and let’s partner to bring
HOPE to 192!
Ministry Highlights
Community Thanksgiving Worship Service Our Community Thanksgiving Worship
Service will be at our church this year. come and worship with our community on
Tuesday, 11/25 at 7:30 PM. If you would like more information please contact
Kristin Tucker at 407-566-1633 ext. 226.
Savoring the Season Please mark your calendar and plan on bringing your family
to the annual tradition in which the staff and session serve YOU, our congregation
a home cooked meal (most of it) on 12/3 at 6:00 PM in the Expansion.
Dedication Sunday (last Sunday) was a wonderful day of worship, thanksgiving
and commitment! We received 90 pledge cards totaling $540k, which is 50% of
our 2015 budget of $1,075k. That’s a great start, but we have a ways to go. If
you haven’t already done so, please turn your Estimate of Giving card into the
church (mail, email, online pledging or put in the offering plate). It helps us to plan
the many ministry programs for 2015. Most importantly….THANK YOU FOR YOUR
James 4
James 5
1 Peter 1
1 Peter 2
Jeremiah 27-28
Jeremiah 29-30
Jeremiah 31-32
Jeremiah 33-34
Psalm 132
Psalm 133
Psalm 134
Psalm 135
1 Peter 3
Jeremiah 35-36
Psalm 136
1 Peter 4
Jeremiah 37-38
Psalm 137
1 Peter 5
Jeremiah 39-40
Psalm 138
Read the Bible
through the Year
You may have heard that Florida Hospital just committed 6 million dollars to end
chronic homelessness in Osceola County. Be assured that your Community Hope Center
is working to make sure we are part of that funding process so we can better serve the
homeless in our backyard.
Read the Bible
through the Year
Family homelessness is Moms, Dads, and their kids living in the hotels and motels
along our highway 192, or doubled up in houses with multiple families, or living in their
cars and even a storage unit. Children on the street, but not holding signs, not
swallowed under a bed of blankets … but 5,000 children hiding in plain site, living
without a home.
If you are a first time guest or a returning guest, we invite you to fill out a
welcome card and place it in the offering plate as it passes by. This will allow our
pastoral staff to pray for you by name this week. If you have any specific prayer
concerns, please place them on this card. We look forward to connecting with
you more during your time in Celebration.
Please fill out the Friendship Pads found at the center aisle especially our guests!
If you are a member and have changed any of your information, please update
your information on the Friendship Pad. Once you have passed the pad to the
end of your row, please pass the pad back the center aisle.
Become a Member of Community Presbyterian Church Periodically we hold new
membership classes we call CommPres 101. We would love to have you join our
membership and if you have questions please contact Pastor William or one of
our Elders. If you are interested in attending please contact the Church office at
407-566-1633 or email us at
If you have a prayer request please email or call the
office at 407-566-1633. Submissions for the bulletin must be received by
Wednesday afternoon. If you have an immediate prayer need, you can ask for a
prayer request to be sent to our e-prayer group. Please specify either the bulletin
or e-prayer group or both in your request and your wording for the request the eprayer group receives.
It’s Never Too Soon to Make Arrangements for Our Final Resting Place! The
Resurrection Chapel and Memorial Courtyard (the Columbarium) here on our
church campus provides a final, quiet, peaceful and permanent location for each
of us and our loved ones. Call our church office 407-566-1633 to find out more
details as to availability, special prices for members, regular attendees, etc.
Have You Taken God’s Tithe Bucket Challenge?
Stewardship theme this year is inspired by Malachi
3:10…”Test me…
and see if I will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much
blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Community Presbyterian
Church experiences those blessings in many forms every day…and we are
grateful! Dedication Sunday was a wonderful day of worship, thanksgiving
and commitment. We received 90 pledge cards totaling $540k, which is
50% of our 2015 budget of $1,075k. That’s a great start, but we have a
ways to go. Help us close that gap by submitting your Estimate of Giving
card, if you haven’t already done so, thru mail, email, online pledging or
putting in the offering plate. It’s not too late! It takes all of us coming
together to make God’s plans and ministries come alive…thank you for
faithful support!
Children’s Ministry
JoAnn Tennant—Director of Children’s Ministry 407-566-1633 X228
Operation Christmas Child News!!!
[Shoeboxes will be delivered to the local Collection Center early in the morning, Monday 11/24.]
For Children on Sunday Morning:
 Childcare is offered from 8AM-12 Noon in the Magnolia Room opposite the Sanctuary
 Super Sunday School is offered during the 9:30 worship service in various
classrooms. Flyers/directions available in the Narthex.
Super Sunday School (PreK 3 thru 5th grade) 9:30 AM to 10:30 AM
[parent drop-off/pick-up required]
 Each class will learn about the Advent Wreath as the first candle is lit on Sunday
11/30, the first Sunday of Advent.
 Christmas Fun Sunday scheduled in all classes on Sunday 12/14.
 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL on Sunday 12/21 & 12/28 as our teachers take a welldeserved break and everyone enjoys time with family & friends!
 We will resume on Sunday 1/4/15.
Kids’ Oasis (K-5th grade ONLY) Wednesdays 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM
[parent sign-in/sign-out required]
 We have completed 10 Big Stories of Exodus which took us through the Israelites’
journey from Egypt to the Promised Land!
 THIS Wednesday 11/19 will be the last Kids’ Oasis for the fall season. We will return
on Wednesday 1/7 after school resumes from Christmas Break!
Angel Breakfast 2014 – Save the Date! - Saturday 12/6 [10:00 AM to 11:30 AM]
 All children from PreK 3 through 3rd grade are invited to our 17th annual Angel
 This special event has become a CommPres favorite where our youngsters dress their
Christmas best and come for a time meant just for them (this is a drop-off event!).
 Informational flyers are available in the Narthex and the office. RSVP required for this
well-loved event!
Living Nativity 2014 – Save the Date!
Wednesday 12/17 at 7PM and 8PM on the church lawn
 Our 4th/5th Grade Super S.S. students are preparing for this treasured presentation of
the Christmas story!
 All are welcome to attend this annual event that is cherished by the church family, the
community, and those who visit downtown during this busy season!
Jeremy Young - Director of Youth Ministry 407-566-1633 X227
THIS WEEK AT THE EDGE (SrHi), INFIINITY (MidHi), Fusion (Combined)
Fusion Bible Study, 9:30 AM, Upperroom
The Edge, 7:00 PM, Expansion 1
Gals Bible Study, 5:00 PM, Upperroom
Guys Bible Study, 6:00 PM, Upperroom
Wednesday Infinity, 7:00 PM, Expansion 1
Upcoming Events:
11/24—Fusion Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner
11/29—Christmas Lighting Parking Lot Fundraiser
For the month of December we are combining Sr. Hi and Mid. Hi., calling it Fusion Nights!
12/1—Fusion Night
12/10—Intfinity Downtown Snow Night
12/15—Fusion Christmas Party
Questions: Contact Jeremy Young at the church office or email at or you can find us at The Edge and Infinity’s table
between the 9:30 and 11:00 service!
Follow us on Facebook: