12 Weyburn This Week, Friday, November 14, 2014 Weyburn This Week CLASSIFIEDS ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST BE PREPAID • DEADLINE: WEDNESDAY AT NOON • For more info call (306) 842-3900 • Email: weyburnthisweek@sasktel.net • Fax: (306) 842-2515 FOR SALE FEED AND SEED PSYCHICS SERVICES HELP WANTED FOR SALE: Four winter tires and rims. Came off a 2010 Mitsubishi Eclipse. Used one winter for about 4 months. Are like new. 205/60 R16. Asking $700 for the four tires and rims. Phone: 306-842-0702. 11/28 GRASS SEEDS – Common Alfalfa, Seeds and Grass Seeds. Call RICARD FARMS 306634-0103; 306-461-0498. Email: ricardfarms@sasktel.net Box 1494, Estevan, SK S4A 2L7. 12/31 TRUE PSYCHICS For Answers, CALL NOW 24/7, Toll FREE 1-877-342-3032 Mobile: #4486 www.truepsychics.ca 11/07 FOR SALE: Railroad ties in bundles of 25. $300/bundle; power poles - $2.50/ft. Delivery can be arranged. Call 306861-4447. 11/28 Buying/Selling FEED GRAINS heated / damaged CANOLA/FLAX Top price paid FOB FARM Disability Benefit Group. Working hard for Canadians with Disabilities. Suffering from a disability? The Canadian Government wants to help you get up to $40,000. For details, check out our website. www.disabilitygroupcanada.com 11/28 LOOKING FOR SALES REPRESENTATIVES C a n a d i a n Ta x p a y e r s Federation is expanding our Sales Division in your area. For more information visit: www.taxpayer.com, C A L L 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 67 - 7 9 3 3 E x t . 111 o r e m a i l : national.manager@taxpayer.com 11/14 Advertisements and statements contained herein are the sole responsibility of the persons or entities that post the advertisement, and the Saskatchewan Weekly Newspaper Association and membership do not make any warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, truthfulness or reliability of such advertisements. For greater information on advertising conditions, please consult the Association’s Blanket Advertising Conditions on our website at www.swna.com 11/14 PROVINCE-WIDE CLASSIFIEDS. Reach over 550,000 readers weekly. Call this newspaper NOW or 306649.1400 for details. 11/14 RURAL WATER TREATMENT. Patented iron filters, softeners, distillers, “Kontinuous Shock” Chlorinator, IronEater. Patented whole house reverse osmosis. Payment plan. 1-800BIG-IRON (244-4766); www.BigIronDrilling.com. View our 29 patented & patent pending inventions. Since 1957. AUCTIONS Delisle Fall Antiques, Firearm & Coins Auction Sale Sunday, November 16, 2014 @ 9:00AM Delisle Town Hall Delisle, SK. For info call 1-877-494-2437 P L # 3 1 8 2 0 0 S K www.bodnaursauctioneering.com Martinez Real Estate Auction Sale November 22, 2014 @ 1:00PM, 90 Railway Avenue, Eyebrow, SK. Open House: Saturday Nov.15, 2014 @ 1:00PM - 3:00PM 1877-494-4237 PL#318200SK www.bodnarusauctioneering.com 11/14 Western Commodities 877-695-6461 Visit our website @ www.westerncommodities.ca HEATED CANOLA WANTED!! - GREEN CANOLA - SPRING THRASHED - DAMAGED CANOLA FEED OATS WANTED!! - BARLEY, OATS, WHT - LIGHT OR TOUGH - SPRING THRASHED HEATED FLAX WANTED!! HEATED PEAS HEATED LENTILS "ON FARM PICKUP" Westcan Feed & Grain 1-877-250-5252 BUILDING SUPPLIES STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS. UP TO 60% OFF! 30X40, 40X60, 50X80, 60X100, 80X100 sell for balance owed! Call: 1-800-457-2206. www.crownsteelbuildings.ca 11/14 AGRICULTURE WANTED WANTED: COLLECTOR PAYING TOP PRICES for old advertising dealership signs, plastic or metal. Service Station items, gasoline pumps, globes, oil cans, clocks. Red Indian, Dodge, Ford, etc. 306-2215908, 306-369-2810. 11/14 Wanted: Used Iron Worker, Metal Master or equivalent equipment. Also, heavy, 18 foot cultivator. Must be in good mechanical condition. Phone: 306-662-3949 Maple Creek. LAND FOR SALE FARMLAND WANTED NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS! SUMMARY OF SOLD PROPERTIES Central - 206 1/4’s South - 75 1/4’s South East - 40 1/4’s South West - 65 1/4’s North - 6 1/4’s North East - 4 1/4’s North West - 12 1/4’s East - 51 1/4’s West - 4 1/4’s FARM AND PASTURE LAND AVAILABLE TO RENT PURCHASING: SINGLE TO LARGE BLOCKS OF LAND. PREMIUM PRICES PAID WITH QUICK PAYMENT. RENT BACK AVAILABLE Call DOUG 306-955-2266 saskfarms@shaw.ca Call GNG for massive year end herbicide sales: • Guaranteed best prices • All farmers welcome (no memberships) • Delivered to the yard • No deposit on containers • GNG dealers in most areas (new dealers welcome) Products: • Smoke – loaded glyphosate • Clever – one pass cleaver control • Foax – green foxtail and wild oats • Diquash – desiccant • Inject-N – full line of inoculants • Diesel fuel – 30,000+ litre min • 20+ new actives being developed For all details please contact us at 306 477-4007 or info@gng.ag or visit our website at www.gng.ag BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GET FREE VENDING M AC H I N E S C a n E a r n $100,000.00 + Per Year. All Cash-Retire in Just 3 Years. Protected Territories. Full Details CALL NOW 1-866668-6629 We b s i t e WWW.TCVEND.COM 11/14 RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly Specials! Call 866338-2607. 12/26 FINANCIAL SERVICES It’s backward to pay for inputs you bought on credit now when grain prices are low. Move forward with Input Capital. Capital for your farm.844.715.7355 www.inputcapital.com 11/14 PERSONALS Meet singles right now! No paid operators, just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange messages and connect live. Try it free. Call now: 1-800-590-8215. 11/28 AVAILABLE BACHELORETTES Looking for someone you cannot wait to see again! Brenda - At 52 I feel great. My children are grown, I am debt free, healthy, slim, 5’8”, 132lbs, no health issues. I laugh freely & laugh often. I am sensual, happy with my body and with who I am. ROOM & BOARD DORIS’ ROOM AND BOARD – RESPITE RETREAT. Private furnished rooms. Fridge, television, and wireless internet. Breakfast, packed lunch & a home cooked supper. Bed and breakfast are also available. Call 306848-0490 or 306-861-1448. tfn REAL ESTATE Saskatoon Property walking distance to U of S! 1384 sq ft, semi-detached with non-conforming basement suite. 119A – 109th Street, $403,500! MLS#513423 Sheri Willick Re/Max Saskatoon 3062817612 sheriwillick@gmail.com STEEL BUILDINGS STEEL BUILDINGS/ METAL BUILDINGS 60% OFF! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100 sell for balance owed! Call 1-800-457-2206 www.crownsteelbuildings.ca 11/14 MANUFACTURED HOMES W.Giesbrecht Homes. Servicing Manitoba and Saskatchewan with Quality Built RTMs for over 35 years. 1638 sqft Showhome ready for viewing. Custom Builds also available. Phone: 2 0 4 - 34 6 - 3 2 31. Fo r f l o o r plans and pictures visit www.wgiesbrechthomes.ca 11/14 TRAVEL CANCEL YOUR TIMESHARE. NO RISK program. STOP mortgage & maintenance payments today. 100% money back guarantee. FREE consultation. Call us NOW. We can help! 1-888-356-5248. 11/21 FIREWOOD FOR SALE CUT & SPLIT - Poplar, cedar, pine. Pick-up or delivery. Call: 306-861-4447 or 306-458-2762. 12/19 Stunning, soft, feminine. 49, divorced, one daughter. Successful, elegant, sophisticated, educated, well travelled. Excellent cook & an avid reader. HELP WANTED! Make up to $1000 a week mailing brochures from home! Genuine Opportunity. NO experience required. Start immediately! http://www.localmailers.net 11/14 WORK AT HOME!! $570/ WEEKLY** ASSEMBLING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS + GREAT MONEY with our FREE MAILER PROGRAM + FREE HOME TYPING PROGRAM. PT/ FT – Experience Unnecessary Genuine. www.AvailableHelpWanted.com 11/14 DO YOU HAVE 10 HRS/WK to turn into $1500/mth using your PC and phone? Free info: www.BossFree123.com. 11/28 Looking for an online business? I can help! You will receive free training and after support. Go to www.123haveitall.com and check it out. Requires a computer and telephone and 5-15 hours weekly. 11/28 Duties include: Customer service, loading, receiving product, assisting in chemical shed, pumping gas, stocking shelves, operating cash register, perform cash related duties, lifting involved. Wage is $11.47 to $16.49 based on experience. Benefits after 3 months. Matched pension plan. Retail/Farm background. Apply: Pioneer Co-op Human Resources, 1150 Central Ave. North, Swift Current, SK S9H 0G1 Email: sdafoepioneercoop@ sasktel.net Phone: 306-778-8806 Agriculture, remote, country, rural. Est 14 Years. Guaranteed Service, Customized Memberships, Thorough Screening Process. VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1990 Lincoln Continental, dark in colour, low mileage, excellent shape, one owner. $4,000. Serious inquiries only. Call 306-8424894 and leave a message. /14 ANNOUNCEMENTS CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian Record Suspension (Criminal pardon) seals record. American waiver allows legal entry. Why risk employment, business, travel, licensing, deportation, peace of mind? Free consultation: 1-800-347-2540. 11/14 DRIVERS WANTED AZ, DZ, 5, 3 OR 1 W/Airbrake • Guaranteed 40 hr. Work Week & Overtime • Paid Travel & Lodging • Meal Allowance • 4 Week Vacation • Excellent Benefits Package Must be able to have extended stays away from home. Up to 6 months. Must have a valid AZ, DZ, 5, 3 OR 1 with airbrake licence and have previous commercial driving experience. Apply at: www.sperryrail.com, careers and then choose the FastTRACK Application. You’re at home here. Clerk - Full-Time Pioneer Co-op Farm Centre, Sceptre, SK. Ready to Join, Ready to Meet, Ready for Love 100% confidential, 100% offline, 100% Personalized Matchmakers Select 1888-916-2824 www.selectintroductions.com MEDICAL TRANSCRIPTION is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employertrusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today! 11/14 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY You’re at home here. Rachelle, 38, never married, twin sons who are 8 years old & are competitive as I am. I am the mini van gal. I am busy & own a cleaning business with 16 employees. I like to have fun, dance the night away. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Kanaweyimik Child & Family Services Inc. Visitation Coordinator (Social Worker) Battleford, SK DEADLINE DATE: November 18, 2014 at 5:00pm Apply To: Fax: (306) 445-2533 Email: marleneb@ kanaweyimik.com www.kanaweyimik.com For more information see www.firstnations jobsonline.com Tire Technicians Wanted - Full-Time Swift Current, SK Perform tire installation and repair on all tires, operate service truck providing quality customer service. Previous experience in the tire industry. Must have valid driver’s license. $16.97 to $21.22 based on experience. Benefits after 3 months. Matched Pension Plan. Apply: Pioneer Co-op Human Resources, 1150 Central Ave. North, Swift Current, SK S9H 0G1 Email: sdafoepioneercoop@ sasktel.net Phone: 306-778-8806 This Week’s Hottest Jobs!! Opaskwayak Cree Nation Child & Family Services Family Enhancement Worker – Permanent Position Aboriginal hiring initiatives within Canada are of top of mind for todays employers To view these jobs and many more please visit our Aboriginal recruitment website at www.firstnations jobsonline.com First Nations Jobs nline phone 306 229 6774 Weyburn This Week, Friday, November 14, 2014 13 Saskatchewan staying strong: Fastest job growth and lowest unemployment in Canada Changes to organ and tissue donor legislation to improve transplant service in Sask Saskatchewan's strong economy has again produced the fastest rate of employment growth and lowest unemployment rate in Canada, according to new figures released by Statistics Canada. "Our strong economy continues to give confidence to employers who, in turn, are deciding to expand their workforce," Minister responsible for Immigration, Jobs, Skills and Training Jeremy Harrison said. "Thanks to the hard work of Saskatchewan people, there are 71,700 more people employed today than there were in 2007." The latest report from Statistics Canada shows that employment in October 2014 was up by 3.5 per cent over last October with Saskatchewan employers creating 19,700 more jobs. In total, there were 576,200 people employed in the province, the highest ever for the month. The province's unemployment remained unchanged at a low of 3.5 per cent (seasonally adjusted), the lowest among the provinces and well below the national rate of 6.5 per cent. "We have maintained the lowest unemployment rate in the country for the past 23 months," Harrison said. On a month-over-month comparison, there were 2,300 more jobs (seasonally adjusted) in October over September. Other highlights: • Unemployment in major urban centres remains low. Regina CMA recorded its unemployment rate at 3.0 per cent (seasonally adjusted), the lowest among CMAs, while Saskatoon CMA's unemployment rate of 4.4 per cent (seasonally adjusted) was second lowest. • Female employment reached a historical high of 264,300 in October 2014. • There were 14,000 more full-time jobs and 5,700 part-time jobs created compared to last October. • Major employment gains were recorded in accommodation and food services (+5,400), construction (+5,100) and forestry, fishing, mining, oil and gas (+3,600) from a year ago. • Private sector employment was up 14,500 and self-employment up 8,200 from October 2013. New legislation governing organ and tissue donations will equip Saskatchewan to respond more quickly and greater flexibility to growing demand for transplants. The changes contained in The Human Tissue Gift Act, 2014, will modernize outdated legislation and provide the ability to make and update regulations. This could eventually allow the health system to purchase corneas from outside Saskatchewan, enabling more of the approximately 100 Saskatchewan residents typically waiting for a cornea transplant to receive the life-changing procedure in months rather than years. "We have the opportunity to remove impediments that delay live-saving or life-enhancing transplants for Saskatchewan," Health Minister Dustin Duncan said. "We owe it to those who face a decline in their health while they wait for a transplant." The need for organ and tissue transplants in Saskatchewan far exceeds the number of donors. "These changes will help us get much-needed organs and tissue to our patients, and will have a huge impact not only on their own lives but on also the lives of their family members," Saskatchewan Transplant Program Director Diane Shendruk said. "This is a positive step forward for transplant services in our province." The new Act will enable Saskatchewan to stay current with changing practices in Canada and internationally, in order to better serve patients. Prairie Sky donates Pioneer Woman Sculpture receives $10,000 donation Members of the Prairie Sky Coop met with representatives of the Pioneer Woman Sculpture Committee recently to present the ladies with a cheque for $10,000 towards their cause. The committee was formed as the result of a dream shared by seven individuals. Ross McMurty, Isabelle Butters, Mayvis Goranson, Stan Runne, Leo Leydon, Janet Linnell and Heather van der Breggen have joined forces to make this sculpture a reality. The sculpture is being created by husband and wife team, Shirley and Don Begg. Don has studied sculpture and bronze casting throughout Canada and the United Sates. His previous pieces have depicted wildlife, historic figures, western scenes and the oil and gas industry . Shirley works along side her husband, researching and visualizing the final sculpture. Once created, the Pioneer Woman Sculpture will be placed along the Souris River at a location yet to be decided. It will serve as a reminder to all, of the gallant women who lived, loved and sacrificed so that we may inherit the life we now enjoy. For more information regarding the sculpture, contact Ross McMurty at (306) 8480444. The committee is appreciative of any further donations they may receive and encourage residents to share their story of a pioneer woman with them by calling Jan Linnell at (306)842-5987. General manager, Don Kraft, centre, presents Pioneer Woman Sculpture committee member, Mayvis Goranson, with a cheque for $10,000 from Prairie Sky Co-op. The donation will go towards the sculpture which will find a home on the banks of the Souris River. Pictured, (l-r) Pioneer Sculpture committee member Stan Runne, Prairie Sky Co-op member relations manager, Jerry Ponto, Don Kraft, Mayvis Goranson, committee members, Isabelle Butters and Jan Linnell. EMPLOYMENT LISTINGS Let us help you fill that position! Hours of Work: Full time 12 hour shifts consisting of days and nights Preference will be given to applications with: Computer experience Radio dispatch General office duties Knowledge of Pros and CPIC computer systems Please submit resumes by Friday, November 28, 2014 to: Chief of Police, Weyburn Police Service 400 Coteau Avenue, Box 776, Weyburn, SK S4H 2KB or email: mpritchard@weyburn.ca For further information, contact the above. TEAM Administrative Assistant Required Barber Motors has a position available for a Administrative Assistant. Casual, part-time. Please submit your resume to: Call 306-842-3900 IT’S NEVER TOO LATE FOR A Let CAREER CHANGE! Andrea Weyburn Police help you Service with your is accepting applicants for the position of advertising Communication Officer needs! Call (306) 842-3900 TODAY! JOIN THE Larry Heggs service@barbermotors.com; fax 306-842-6530 or mail/drop off: #1 Government Road, Weyburn, SK S4H 0N8 Office Employee Required for Weyburn Law Firm Full time positions required for receptionist or typist. Good computer and communication skills, a post secondary education and an excellent academic record are assets for this job. In house training is available. Deliver resumes in person, by mail, by fax or by e-mail to: Bonnie Olvera 319 Souris Avenue N.E. Box 8, Weyburn, SK S4H 2J8 Fax: 842-0522 E-Mail: law@nswb.com
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