Welcome to Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s Prayer for the week


Welcome to Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s Prayer for the week
Prayer for the week
Pray diligently. Stay alert, with your eyes wide open
in gratitude. (Colossians 4.2)
Please pray for:
International day of prayer for the persecuted church today
Matthew Dietz being licensed as Chaplain of Taunton School
on Monday 17th November at 8.40am.
Paul and Clare as they go to Singapore on Wednesday
David Date, Yvonne Hay, Christine Carrick, Ali Corris,
Margaret Gillmore, Jenny Perry
Harmonie-Rose Allen
Bible Explorer classes at Combe Down Primary School
(Mondays) and St Saviours, Larkhall (Tuesdays) until 2nd
PCC Meeting Tuesday 18th November: for wisdom and
Mission: – Jenny Bell seeking God’s guidance for ministry in
South Sudan
Speakers today
St Andrews
Monkton Combe
South Stoke
9am ,10.30am and 5.30pm Paul K
Sally Buddle
James Bradby
John Perry
How to contact us
Church Office: office@htcd.church, 01225 835835,
Vicar: Paul Kenchington, 01225 835835, 07825 482225
Curate: Sally Buddle, 07834 547405.
St Andrew’s Church Office: 01225 945009
(Registered Charity Number 1129554)
Prayer at HTCD and St Andrew’s
Prayer on Mondays: 7.30-8.30pm HTCD. Join us as we
worship, pray and seek the Lord.
Thursday prayers from 7am-8am in the church
StACC Prayer on Thursday evenings from 6.00-6.45pm.
Lucy prayer group Meets weekly to intercede for the
sick. Contact Jean Booth (840906) or Jane Mitchell
(jane.mitchell@htcd.church) to ask for prayer
Emergency prayer chain
If you have an urgent prayer need, you can activate over 50
people to pray. Please contact Lynne Tisdale (837477) or
Lyn Hodges (833931), If you are unable to contact the prayer
chain, please pray with friends “For when two or three come
together in my name, I am there with them(Matt.18.20)
Welcome to Holy Trinity
and St Andrew’s
especially if you are making your first visit
to one of our churches today.
We are a vibrant and growing ‘Word and Spirit’
church family whose passion is
to see people transformed by Jesus,
to encounter God’s transforming presence today,
through worship, teaching
and the ministry of the Holy Spirit,
and to be equipped and empowered to serve God
“out there” in the world.
We would be glad to pray with you about anything.
The Church’s prayer for the second Sunday before Advent
Heavenly Lord,
you long for the world's salvation:
stir us from apathy, restrain us from excess
and revive in us new hope that all creation
will one day be healed in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Sunday 16 November 2014
Morning Worship with communion
Morning Worship
10.00 for 10.30am
St Andrew’s Service
Afternoon Worship
Readings: Psalm 22.1-21
Luke 24.1-12
Hymns: 182, 207, 181, 346
Church family news
Dates for your diary
Operation Christmas Child The last date
Thursday 20 November
for collection is Tuesday November 18th, so
please make sure all boxes are delivered to
the office by that date.
Friday 21 November
Christmas Shopping opportunity
at Holy Trinity today!
beautiful jewellery from the Starfish project
and gifts for all the family from Neema Crafts,
both projects run by our Mission Partners.
Starfish provides employment and training in life skills
for trafficked women in East Asia
and Neema does the same
for people with disabilities in Tanzania.
Also at St Andrews on 23 November.
Many thanks from Bob and Yvonne Grace to everyone
Share the Fire Prayer Walk with people from Ascension Church, starting from Ascension Church, Coronation
Avenue at 10am. This is the fourth walk and the aim is to
see if any initiatives emerge that might be shared to grow
the Christian witness & ministry to people in Oldfield Park.
Friday 5 December
Church Directory 2015 We will be re-printing the new di-
Social evening for Singles. If you are of working age
and single, Paul and Clare would like to invite you to a
social on 5 December at 7.30pm at Lonsdale. Please
bring a bottle and RSVP to leadership@htcd.church.
Saturday 6 December
Open Christmas offer Christmas lunch at Kingswood
School to anyone who might otherwise be on their own. Leaflets available in church foyer. Volunteers needed to drive, prepare, serve and wash up on 24th, 25th and 27th December.
Application forms available in church office.
Mothers’ Union 7.30pm, Holy Trinity. Speakers:
Rebecca and Mark Hannan- ‘Trafficking and the work of
Saturday 29 November
choir at Holy Trinity for 60 years!
rectory for 2015. Only Church members are included in the
directory, so if you are not already a member then please fill in
a Church Family blue membership form at the back of the
Church or contact the office.
Quiet Day "Waiting" (9.45am-4.30pm) Libby Dobson
will be hosting the day. All are warmly welcome. More
details at www.Ammerdown.org. Book online, or ring The
Ammerdown Centre (nr Radstock) 01761 433709. Coffee,
lunch and afternoon tea are provided.
Wednesday 26 November
Congratulations to Alan Hodges, who has been in the
who prayed for them while on mission in the Philippines. God
touched 71 people to be baptised and they were so blessed to
see many teenagers in that number.
Seniors’ Social, St Andrew’s, 2-4pm. ‘Money, money,
money - Managing Finances’.
MENUNITED Men’s breakfast at Garfunkels at The
Empire. 7.30-9.30am. Speaker: Carl Beech, International
Director of Christian Vision for Men.
Sunday 14 December
Joint Advent Carol Service at SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Entry Hill, followed by refreshments. 6pm.
Genesis Trust: Our Lifeline project is asking for vital provi-
New Year’s Eve
sions for the homeless this Winter including 2 Man Tents,
Rucksacks, Sleeping Bags, Men’s Clothing and Footwear (all
levels, sorts and sizes). Please deliver to The Furniture
Project (open 9am – 4pm) 31a West Avenue, Oldfield Park,
Bath BA2 3QB Thank You.
Genesis Trust: Take part in Souper November and raise
funds for Genesis Trust! Join MasterChef Winner Ping
Coombes – make & invite friends and colleagues to enjoy the
feast! See www.genesistrust.org.uk/souper-november . There
is a lunch at St Michael’s, Monkton Combe today.
Genesis Trust: The Genesis Trust has been selected to
share this year’s £10,000 Wessex Water/Bath Chronicle Cash
for your Community award. To get the biggest prize of £4,000
they need to collect the most coupons and need your vital support. From this week’s Bath Chronicle of 13 November for 3
weeks until 4 December you can collect coupons & send them
to the Genesis Trust, The Old School House, St. John’s Court,
South Parade, Bath BA2 3QB. T. 01225 463549 option 3.
Flat to let: single bedroom flat at Chombe, Monkton Combe,
available from 1st December. Contact Heather: 722941
Ceilidh in Holy Trinity. More details to follow soon, but
please book the date now!
2-8 August 2015
 New Wine 2015 Royal Bath & West Showground,
Shepton Mallet. Discount available if you book before 2nd
December. See http://www.new-wine.org/summer
Part Time youth worker for St Andrew’s
We want to appoint a part-time (18-20 hours)
Youth and Community Worker, to relate to the
young people on the Foxhill Estate.
Salary approximately £21,000 pro rata. For a
complete role profile and application pack,
please email: office@htcd.church.
Closing date: Friday 21 November
Children’s Groups Leaders this week
Emily Bradley, Angie Seale, Paul/Julia McHugh, Naomi Buddle
Anne Jones, John Scriven, Emma Thorne
Rob Bubyer, Sarah Charles, Gavin/Jenny Armstrong