The Calmeth News Periodical


The Calmeth News Periodical
Calvary United Methodist Church
Office: 703-892-5185
Fax: 703-892-0414
The Calmeth News
Address Service Requested
2315 South Grant St., Arlington, VA 22202
Calvary Children’s School:
Preschool: 703-892-4112
Our Mission:
Through worship, education, service, and
fellowship, we'll share with all people Christ's
message of faith, hope, and love.
The Calmeth News (USPS 555560). Published weekly, free of charge
by Calvary United Methodist Church, 2315 S. Grant St., Arlington, VA
22202-2599. Periodicals paid at Arlington, VA.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to CALVARY UNITED
METHODIST CHURCH, 2315 S. Grant St., Arlington, VA 22202.
Volume 47
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Number 37
What’s Going on at Calvary
Upcoming Sundays...
Wednesday, November 12
6:30pm—Wednesday Night Dinner—($7) Moussaka
Reservations Required: 703-892-5185 before noon
Thursday, November 13
7pm—Men’s Discussion Group—Small Meeting Room
7pm—Adult Handbell Choir Rehearsal: Memorial Hall
8pm—Chancel Choir Rehearsal in Memorial Hall
Saturday, November 15
10am-2pm—Parent’s Afternoon Out and Children’s Clothing
Sunday, November 16
8:30am—Worship with Holy Communion
9:30am—Junior Choir Rehearsal in Memorial Hall
9:45am—Learning For All Ages
10:30am—Chancel Choir Rehearsal in Memorial Hall
12pm—Coffee Hour in Harris Hall
6pm—Game Night (Youth)
Come to Calvary Sunday mornings at 8:30am and 11am
for worship (Holy Communion is every week at 8:30am and
on the first Sunday of the month at 11am).
November is our month to give thanks. On Sunday,
November 9 we will say “thanks” to our veterans. Then, for
the rest of November we will give thanks to workers in the
community, including First Responders and Educators.
Upcoming Events
Calvary has several upcoming events, but we are also
letting you know about other events in the area that may be
of interest. Take a look and contact the person listed—or the
church office—if you want need more information.
Saturday, November 15 from 10am-2pm
Parents Afternoon Out and Children’s Clothing Swap
Thursday, November 20 at 11:30am
Salty Dog Lunch in Harris Hall. All are welcome! Spend
some time with good food, great friends, and give thanks for
all that has been freely given.
Saturday, November 22 from 9am to 1pm
Work Day at Calvary! Come get the facility ready for
Thanksgiving, Advent, and Christmas visitors and friends.
Sunday, November 23 at 7pm
Community Thanksgiving Worship and collection to
support AFAC (Arlington Food Assistance Center).
Sunday, November 30 from 4-7pm
Have great time at an Advent Workshop preparing for
the season with activities, food, fellowship, opportunities of
all sorts (including making an Advent wreath).
Thanks for Sharing
Our own Dana Dougherty was honored for her work at
Oakridge Elementary School. There’s an article about all she’s
doing with the students at the school. Take a look at: http://
The QR Code to the right can be accessed
with an app from most smart phones. Try it.
Stewardship Bouquets
We say “thank you” to:
Stewardship includes giving of our time and talent as well
as our treasure. This week we say “thank you” to:
 Stefanie Hume who at the last minute organized
everything for the College Boxes so mailing could be done
this week! Super, Stefanie!
 Randy Gracey (and God’s great weather on Wednesday!)
and the children of the preschool (yes all 75 of them) who
were able to plant red tulip bulbs in the garden out front!
Thanks Randy for sharing the wonders of God’s world,
worms and all, with us!
 Everyone who helped with the College boxes.
If you know of someone who should be listed, please contact
the church office at Thank you.
Other Thanks
As we continue through November, we take time to say
“thanks” to those around us. Sometimes Calvary receives
“thanks” as well. Here are a couple of those:
From Stop Hunger Now
Thank you for your monetary gift (send at the end of
September). With your help, we have been able to ship more
than 150 million meals since 2005, and schools, orphanages,
and other community development programs around the
world have been able to feed children in record numbers.
… Please accept our sincere appreciation for sharing in
our vision of a world without hunger.
Rod Brooks, President and CEO
From Virginia United Methodist Homes
On behalf of VUMH, Inc., thank you for your Calvary UMC
gift to the Samaritan Program. I am grateful you have chosen
to contribute to the benevolent work of VUMH to support
residents who can no longer meet the expense of their care.
All communities of VUMH are committed to enriching the
quality of life for older persons. In 2013 the Samaritan
Program provided over $800,000 in benevolent care. The
Samaritan Program is a critical foundation for the successful
future of VUMH and we are very grateful for your support.
… Again, on behalf of our residents who depend on the
benevolent care provided by the Samaritan Program, thank
you for your gift.
Christopher P. Henderson, President / CEO
Family Ministries
Youth News
Do You Love to Sew and Need a Project?
Our quilt, formerly hanging at the entrance to Harris Hall,
which was created by our children for our GIVE 90 work
(thanks to Linda Guidotti) is ready to be sewn together so we
can give it to someone to use for warmth this winter! Please
contact Beth if you can help –
College Boxes Update
SUPER WORK this Sunday reaching out to our college
CLOUD OF WITNESSES! The children and youth packed 51
college boxes at morning church and evening Youth Group!
Great work! These boxes will make their way to kids from our
church, kids who are friends of kids at our church, and those
who receive a college Scholarship from the Calvary
Foundation (check out Calvary’s website for more
information)! Thank you to all of you who so generously
donated to the boxes.
We had so much wonderful stuff we were able to make
28 boxes for folks at the Soldier’s home. Linda Guidotti has
planned to deliver those along with notes and a couple of
blankets we are completing this week as we honor Veterans.
Come and give thanks!
Sunday School, 9:45-11am
Children’s Church, In the basement of the preschool building
after Children’s Time. Come, now is the time to worship!
Sunday, November 16 – Game Night Bring your friends and
be ready for some fun!
Parent’s Afternoon Out
Advent Workshop Nov. 30
PAO is a chance for parents to get a few hours to do
something else while their children play and have fun with
our wonderful folks who are screened and trained!
(Volunteers are always welcome, too!) The cost is $20 for one
child, $30 for two or more. Our next PAO is Saturday,
November 15 from 10am-2pm. Please let Beth know if you’d
like to come, or have questions:
Children’s Clothing Swap
Calvary will once again host the Children's Clothing Swap
on Saturday, November 15 from 10am - 2pm during our
monthly Parents Afternoon Out. It will be located in Harris
Hall. All items donated are available for free! You do not have
to bring any clothing to pick from the clothing that the
children in our community have outgrown. You are
encouraged to take what you need. Mark the date and save
those clothes you are cleaning out of your closets. All
remaining items will be donated to charity.
If you have questions or would like to volunteer for set up
or to help during the swap, please contact Jeanne' Havermans
at PLEASE remember this is a children's
clothing swap. We will not accept adult clothing, furniture, or
toys. We would prefer that your donations be made the
morning of the swap.
Planting for Spring
Helping in the Garden
Wednesday was a great
day to plant and play. Randy
Gracey once again helped
the preschoolers plant red
tulip bulbs out front. Keep an
eye out for the blossoms
after winter has passed.
Ministers: the entire congregation of Calvary UMC
Pastor: Matthew Smith
Church Admin.: Molly Sessions
Financial Admin.: Barbara Harslem
Family Ministries: Beth Posey
Youth Ministries: Kathy Harrington
Lay Leader: Keith Sessions
Music Director: Mickey Fuson
8:30am Music Dir.: Wayne Kemp
Organist: Dennis Thorp
Custodian: Thuan Tran
Friday, November 21-Sunday, November 23—Fall Retreat
FALL RETREAT INFO: We will head to Camp Westview on the
James on the evening of Friday, November 21 for a weekend
full of games, worship, devotion, and building relationships!
We may even get a visit from a goat! We will return in the
afternoon on Sunday, November 23. The cost of the weekend
is $80, which covers the food, lodging and activities.
Sunday, December 7 from 4-7pm – Movie Night Fundraiser.
We will watch children from the ‘hood as a fundraiser for our
summer mission trip. (Please note the special time)
For more information about youth activities, contact
Kathy Harrington (, 703-403-5870) or
Christy Harvey (
Bring your family
& friends for warm food,
Fellowship and Christmas Cheer!
There will be dinner, pictures, crafts,
Early Christmas shopping, Family Pictures
Gingerbread house building, Cookie Decorating
Advent Wreaths,
And other crafts.
All are welcome (young and old). Please sign up for your
wreath and pictures in the church office or RSVP to There will be more details and flyers
soon—so watch for them. A Free-will offering will be taken
and donations will be cheerfully accepted.
We Welcome New Members
On Sunday, November 2 we welcomed:
Jen Fullmer
Jacob and Karla Latona
On Sunday, November 9 we welcomed:
 Mark Webb
If you have questions about or are interested in joining
Calvary as a Full, Associate, or Affiliate Member, please
contact the church office at or Pastor
Matthew at
E-Giving / QR Code
The card in the pews gives you a QR Code
to access our E-giving site (by using an app
from your phone or tablet). You can set up an
account to give regularly, or do a one-time gift as a guest.
Prayer Corner
The Kingdom of Love
To love God and to love one another are at
the heart of the kingdom of God. So present
your petitions to the Lord. Don’t be afraid to
ask for His help. Jesus wants the people of His
kingdom to do well in terms of building their faith and
teaching them to live lives of love and holiness.
The Word Among Us, November ‘14 p. 19
If you would like to join the Prayer Team contact Dottie Cumings.
Have something to post in Calmeth News? Deadline is THURSDAY 12 noon to submit your articles or announcements, please contact us by email:, or simply call the church office: (703) 8925185. Due to limited space we can only publish a limited number of articles. Articles or announcements that are lengthy may be edited. Thank you for keeping our family and friends up-to-date.