Northern Illinois Division Illinois Chapter FBI National Academy Associates


Northern Illinois Division Illinois Chapter FBI National Academy Associates
Northern Illinois Division
Illinois Chapter
FBI National Academy
There is no November Retrainer due to the Thanksgiving holiday. The National Academy Northern Division Board would like to wish you and your family a safe and happy
Our next regular Retrainer will be held on Wednesday, December 10, 2014 at Silver
Lake Country Club in Orland Park. Mark your calendar now!
November 17-19, 2014 @ East Peoria
November 2014
2014 Officers
Jimmy Lee
179th Session
(C) 630-673-0592
Past President
Wesley Hoadley
214th Session
(O) 815-748-8400
1st Vice President
J.C. Paez
228Th Session
(C) 847-854-1388
2nd Vice President
James Maloney
233rd Session
3rd Vice President
Denny O’Dowd
213th Session
Mark your calendar for this year’s state conference: “Officer Survival: On the Street
and in the Office”. Some of the speakers scheduled to present include:
PIO Dave Morgenstern, Sanford, FL Police Department (George Zimmerman/
Trayvon Martin murder case)
Ross Rice (Crisis management during the Governor Rod Blagojevich case)
Roy Bethge (Below 100).
Both Illinois Division Presidents (Dan Taylor & Jimmy Lee) have been tasked with the
responsibility of obtaining raffle prizes for the State Conference. If you have any ideas
or know of any businesses in your area that would be interested in donating prizes and
receiving recognition at the State Conference, please let Dan Taylor know.
Agenda and Registration are on pages 4-5 of this newsletter.
State SecretaryTreasurer
Bob Hrodey
144th Session
(O) 815-337-4636
Northern Treasurer
Dane Cuny
203rd Session
Brian Windle
249th Session
Eric Shipman
249th Session
(O) 630-293-2222
Products Manager
Pat Treacy
225th Session
(C) 630-518-0500
Friends and allies,
Last week I corresponded with the La Grange Village officials and the La Grange Police Department members and informed them of my intention to retire on December 31, 2014 after more than 40 years in law enforcement. There comes a time in everyone’s life and career to pass the leadership onto the next generation. This is not a sad occurrence but a
very happy one as I reflect on the honor of having served in a very noble profession and
with some outstanding individuals.
I will be celebrating my retirement with a dinner on Saturday, January 24th, 2015. Please
save the date and further details will be made available in the near future.
Michael A. Holub
Public Affairs Director/IL ESGR
Congratulations to our Northern Division Secretary, Brian Windle, 249th Session, Illinois
State Police who was recently promoted to Captain.
As a reminder, your Illinois Chapter now has its own internet domain. All communications (usually once or
twice a month) will be sent via this new domain. If you have not been receiving a monthly meeting notice via
email, send your correct email address to and check with your IT Department to
insure that “” has been “white-listed” in your filters. Please note that in order to keep Chapter/Division e-mails to the members at a minimum, we have established “deadlines” for announcements
(retirement parties, training opportunities, etc.). The submission deadlines for all but “absolute emergency”
messages will be the FIRST & THIRD FRIDAY of each month. We will endeavor to send out a bi-monthly e
-mail “blast” shortly after those deadlines. Please keep this in mind when planning your events, etc.
November 17-19, 2014
State Retrainer at The Embassy Suites
East Peoria, Illinois
December 10, 2014
Silver Lake County Club, Orland Park, IL
Speaker TBD
November 2014
Page 2
Updating the National Office at Quantico
You are reminded that it is your responsibility to keep the National Office at Quantico advised of your current
email address. This is important in that since the transition to email billing for dues, you may be dropped from
the membership rolls if you do not receive your dues notice and remain current on dues. In addition, with the
advent of Electronic Voting by the Illinois Chapter, only those members paid up will be allowed to vote andballots are provided via the email address on file at Quantico.
When updating your email/contact information at Quantico, ALWAYS place your PREFERRED email address in the area provided for WORK EMAIL, regardless of whether or not you're still working or retired. That is the key used by Quantico. You may make changes to your member account by going to http:// and logging in to the Members area using your Membership Number and Password as indicated.
Thank you!"
If you have any changes in job position, department, promotions, or change of address, please contact Kimberly Vukin at 312/829-8912 or e-mail:
Looking Ahead… 2015 State Conference at Galena
An exploratory committee, led by incoming State Board President Wes Hoadley, recently traveled to the Eagle
Ridge Resort & Spa in Galena, Illinois the potential site of next year’s State Retrainer. Tentative dates for the
Retrainer are Monday, November 2 through Wednesday November 4, 2015.
The facilities are great, the scenery even better, and resort management is bending over backwards to accommodate our group’s needs. Room prices will be at the same great price contracted for this years’ conference in
East Peoria.
This is, as most of you know, a premier Illinois resort and the historic town of Galena is just a quick jaunt
down the road offering a wide variety of activities besides shopping, fine dining, historic sites .
On site, in addition to the normal amenities provided at a world class resort, there will be available hiking and
biking trails (22 miles of them), horseback riding, discounted golf (weather permitting). We hope to have informational packets from Eagle Ridge available for distribution to attendees of this years’ conference in East
Obviously, details are tentative and there will be much additional information published in the coming months
as details are finalized at Eagle Ridge.
November 2014
Page 3
2014 FBINAA State Conference Agenda
Monday – November 17, 2014
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
NA Store
Pre-Convention Area
1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Pre-Convention Area
8:00 PM – Midnight
Hospitality Room
Grandview Room
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Pre-Convention Area
9:00 AM – 11:45 AM and
NA Store
Pre-Convention Area
Opening Ceremony & Introductions
River F
1:30PM – 5:00 PM
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
(Training begins)
9:30 AM – Noon
Noon – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 4:30 PM
4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Speaker – Dave Morgenstern “Pitfalls of the
Delegates’ Luncheon –
Election for 3rd VP
(Training resumes)
Speakers – Ross Rice &
Dan Cain “Media & Case
Management During the
Blagojevich Investigation”
Hospitality Room
River F
River F
Grandview Room
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Cocktails/President’s Banquet/Citizen of the
Year/Keynote Speaker
River HIJ
8:00 PM - Midnight
Hospitality Room
Grandview Room
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
9:00 AM-11:30 AM
Speaker – Roy Bethge
Business Meeting/
River F
11:30 AM -12:00 PM
Election Results/Door
Prizes/Closing Ceremony
Conference Ends
River F
12:00 PM
NOVEMBER 17 - 19, 2014
(Please email this completed form to
Northern Division NA Session # _____
ate Session # _____
Railsplitters NA Session # _____
Other Gradu-
Mailing Address:_________________________________________________
Telephone#:_______________________ Fax#: _______________________
Cell Phone#: ______________________
Email Address:__________________________________________________
Emergency Contact person:________________________________________
Emergency Contact phone#:_______________________________________
Fee: $225.00
Fee: $ 75.00
FBI NAA Tax ID #: FEIN: 36-2989487
(IRS W-9 form available upon request)