A Service for the Worship of God (9:45 & 11:00)


A Service for the Worship of God (9:45 & 11:00)
A Service for the Worship of God (9:45 & 11:00)
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Communion Sunday
Receiving of Our Tithes, Offerings, and Attendance
We are so glad you are with us! Please PRINT the information requested
in the pew pads so we can record your attendance. If you are a first time
visitor, we look forward to reaching out to you. Please silence cell phones.
Thank you and welcome!
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
arr. Elway
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
Prayer of Confession for Holy Communion (in unison)
Now Thank We All Our God
arr. Rutter
*A Litany of Thanks to God
Leader: I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all
His wonderful deeds.
People: I will be glad and exult the Lord; I will sing praise to His
Holy Name.
Leader: When my enemies assault me, they stumble and perish before
the Lord’s presence.
People: The Lord sits enthroned forever; He has established His
throne forever.
Leader: The Lord is good to all who seek Him – a very present help in
time of trouble.
I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart – in the
congregation of the blessed, I will praise His name.
*Gloria Patri (Hymnal 71)
Glory Be to the Father
Coming Soon!
Merciful God, we confess that we have not loved You with our
whole heart. We have failed to be an obedient church. We have not
done Your will, we have broken Your laws, we have rebelled
against Your love, we have not loved our neighbors, and we have
not heard the cry of the needy. Forgive us, we pray. Free us for
joyful obedience, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
The Great Thanksgiving (Hymnal 13 and 14)
Alabama Civic Chorale's Messiah: November 23 at 3:00 PM in the Sanctuary.
Leadership Needed: We are starting a new offsite Sunday morning service at Buffalo
Wild Wings. Contact Wes Savage if you can help.
Hanging of the Green: Sunday, November 30 at 6:00 PM in the Sanctuary.
New On Wednesdays in December: Rick Warren’s Purpose of Christmas. Glen Antee
leads in S210. Dec. 3, 10, and 17 only. Call the church office, 987-4030, to register.
NEW THIS YEAR! “Created for a Purpose” – Saturday, Dec. 13 from 9:00-3:00. 1-day
camp for girls. Open this year to 5th – 7th grade girls. Registration forms available at the
Children’s Ministry table in the Welcome Center.
Wednesday Nights
Scripture Lesson (Pew Bible 552)
Psalm 100
This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God!
For All Generations
Dr. Tyler Christiansen
Wednesday Night Dinner Menu: Beef tips and rice, salad, corn, roll, and dessert.
Adults $6 /children $3.50. Sign-up on the Friendship Pad or by calling the church office
by noon Monday! If you want the salad bar, mark “S” on the Friendship Pad.
Open Wednesday Classes:
Parenting Teens Today; One Thousand Gifts (Women);
Breathe-Making Room for Sabbath (Women).
Other Classes
Thursday Morning Women’s Bible Study: Acts, with Debbie Lammons. Meet at 9:15
AM, in E104.
Tuesday Morning Mother’s Study at 10:00 AM. When You Come Unglued, Stick Close
to God, with Heather Monsma, in Room 29. Childcare available.
Monday Morning Men’s Study: 6:00 AM in Riverchase A, with Jay Young.
Invitation to Christian Discipleship
(Those wishing more information on church membership are asked
to call Dr. Jim Savage, Senior Pastor, 397-3013)
*Hymn 139
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Children on Sundays
May the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face to
shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; may the Lord lift up His
countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen.
*Greeting of Friends and Guests
The Whisper
Welcome New Members: Billy, Katie, Will, and Taylor Ferrell; Chip, Kathryn, Kiley and
Briggs Marett; Valerie, Julie, and Aiden Quigley Vining.
 Pledge Cards: Thank you for your prayerful consideration of your planned giving.
Please place Mission and Ministry estimate of giving cards in the offering plate or
place them at the altar during Holy Communion. The pledge cards can also be
mailed, dropped by the church office, or emailed to Susan@Riverchaseumc.org.
 Board of Stewards: Meets today at 4:30 PM in S210. All are welcome.
 2014 Angel Tree begins today in the narthex. This year we will help children at
Christian’s Place (Nauvoo), Alabama Public Home Care homebound, the children
from First Light Women's Shelter, and toys for the RUMC Hispanic Ministry
Christmas Party. Stop by the Angel Tree table and choose your special angel.
Contact Amy Luther, 369-9753 or the5luthers@charter.net with any questions.
 New Sunday Class for Advent! Three Sundays only: Dec. 7, 14, & 21 on Ruth!
Ray Miller leads at 5:30 in Room 29. Must register by Nov. 24. Stop by the office or
call 987-4030.
 UMM Men’s Breakfast: November 16, with speaker, Tricia Kirk, Executive Director
of The Exceptional Foundation. Contact: Eddie Shadeed, 978-6998.
 Lunch Bunch & Day Trippers Combined: Nov. 18, 10:30 games, 12:00 lunch,
12:30 guest speaker, Fred Hunter will share his Absolutely Alabama favorites.
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God, the source of all our gifts!
Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts!
Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Riverchase Brass
Acolytes: 9:45 Brayden LaPore and Caroline Sanders
11:00 Burton Collis and Cooper Darty
*Hymn 102
Jesus, Lead Thou On
Doxology (Hymnal 94)
Welcome and Announcements
New This Week!
In the desert, in the wilderness of life, I am searching for the One
who searches me. As I wander, hungry, thirsty, lost, alone, I hear God’s call:
I hear the whisper of my name.
“Come to the table. Your name is written on My hand. Come to the table.
Your name is hidden in My heart. Come to the table and live.”
At the table, He prepares for me a place. He redeems me, I am
pardoned by His grace. He restores me with his rich and lavish love.
In His call, I hear the whisper of my name.
Postlude on Nun Danket Alle Gott
arr. Travis
Wireless earphones and large print hymnals and pew Bibles are available from
the ushers. Please ask an usher for assistance, if needed.
Children are always welcome at the RUMC Church Services. But, there are
additional options for children during worship:
The Nursery is available for children 6 weeks through 2 years old. The
nurseries are located down the hall from the Welcome Center.
Children’s Church is available for kids age 3 through Kindergarten at 8:45 and
11:00 AM. Please sign them in before worship so they can leave the service
with the Children’s Church leader. Parents should pick up their children in S207
following the service.
Children’s Sunday School is at 9:45. Several age appropriate classes are
offered, and lists are available in the lobbies.
Kids W.O.W Worship at 11:00 AM is for children grades 1-5. This group meets
in Room 130. Parents should pick up their children following the service.
Adult Ministries
New Young Adult Sunday School class now at 9:45 AM! Couples and singles
welcome. Wes Savage leads in Room 230 (top of stairs in office area.)
Adult Sunday School information available in the brochure racks in all Lobby areas.
Career Assistance Ministry: Contact Mike Coffey, morcoffey@gmail.com.
Singles Impact Ministry: Contact Darla Morrison, Darla@Riverchaseumc.org.
Recreation Ministries: Contact Bob O’Neil, Bob@Riverchaseumc.org.
Community Grief Support Service: For information, call 870-8667.
Beginning Experience: A ministry for those who are divorced or separated. For more
information, call 969-8509 or visit: http://birminghambeginningexperience.org.
Open Prayer Meeting: Sundays at 4:00 PM in the Prayer Room, S214.
24-Hour Prayer Line: 1-800-251-2468; the Upper Room Prayer Center.
Children’s Ministry
3 Volunteers still needed on Sunday mornings! 2 Flexible monthly rotations offered.
Please email SusanS@riverchaseumc.org.
Breakfast with Santa: Saturday, Dec. 6 from 7:30-9:00 AM. Online registration now
open! Angel Workshop: Saturday, Dec. 6 from 9:00 AM-12:30 PM. Online registration
now open for participants and volunteers! Nursery available for volunteers with children 3
years and under.
Youth Ministries
Middle School Youth Weekly Schedule:
 Youth Choir Sundays at 4:30 PM.
 Jr. High Peeps: Sundays 5:30-8:00 PM. Snack supper - $3.00.
 Wednesday Night Activities: Midweek, 6-8 PM. Wild Wednesday this week!
 Guys/ Girls Bible Study: Wednesdays, 7-8 PM.
Senior High Youth Weekly Schedule:
 Youth Choir Sundays at 4:30 PM.
 RUSH: Sundays 5:30-8:00 PM. Snack supper - $3.00.
 Wednesday Night Activities: Unwind, 6-8 PM.
If you are not receiving emails for high school or middle school, go to
jhpeeps.com and follow the link to sign up.
Scouting Ministry
Pack 367 Cub Scouts - David Luthin: drluthin@samford.edu or 329-3333.
Girl Scouts - Cynthia Stafford: cynthia4616@charter.net 410-4715.
Scoutmaster Troop 367 - Lee Picard: lee.picard@gmail.com 910-2821.
Venturing Crew 2367 - Mike Holt: mikeh@hghhardware.com or 222-1510.
Mission Needs and Opportunities
Lord's Ladies Ministries: Christmas cards, stamps, paper, bar soap, shampoo, and
socks. Please mark "LLM" and place in a green mission bin.
Children’s Mission Focus: NEW gloves & socks (for adults).
Habitat for Humanity: Thursday, November 20 working in Calera. Contact Clint Bruess,
987-9448 or cbruess@bsc.edu, to join the group.
Urgent Need for Oak Mountain Missions: Coats/jackets any size, new or gently used.
Children's winter clothing, all sizes. Mark items "OMM" and placed in green mission bin
or delivered to OMM Monday - Thursday from 8:00 to 11:00 AM.
United Methodist Women
Lynda Kern, 733-9915, UMW President
Last Call! Circle of Love Pecan Sale: $10 each, today in the Narthex.
UMW Circle Meetings:
Nov. 17: Friendship Circle, 9:45 AM, Fireside Room. Nov. 18: Evening Readers
Circle, 6 PM, Library. Please read Wrapped in Rain by Charles Martin and bring a
sack supper. Nov. 20: Circle of Love, 6 PM, Room 27. Nov. 24: Riverchase Readers, 10 AM, Riverchase Room A. Please read, Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd,
and bring a sack lunch.
United Methodist Men
United Methodist Men meets the third Sunday of each month at 7:15 AM in the
Riverchase Room with breakfast and a guest speaker.
Calendar of Events
Sunday 11/16
7:00 AM Prayer Meeting-S
7:15 AM Men’s Breakfast-RR (3rd Sundays)
8:45 AM Worship-S
Adult Sunday School
9:45 AM Sunday School
Getting to know RUMC-S214
11:00 AM Worship-S
R’chase Contemporary Worship-Gym
Hispanic Worship-Upper Room
Seekers Pot Luck-RRB
12:15 AM Small Group Leader Training-FR
12:00 PM Finance Committee-E122
4:00 PM Prayer Team-S214
4:30 PM Board of Stewards-S210
Youth Choir
Riverchase Comm Choir (2nd & 4th Sundays)
5:00 PM Disciple 1
5:30 PM JHPeeps-Student Ctr (Snack Supper $3)
RUSH-Student Ctr (Snack Supper $3)
Monday 11/17
6:00 AM Men’s Study-RRA
8:30 AM Pilates-Rm 37
10:00 AM Friendship Circle-FR
6:30 PM AA-E111
Tuesday 11/18
8:30 AM Yoga-RRA
10:00 AM Mother’s Bible Study-Rm 29
Needle & Thread-E104 (1st & 3rd Tuesdays)
10:30 AM Lunch Bunch games-RRB
12:00 PM Lunch Bunch-RRB
6:00 PM Yoga-FR
Night Book Club-Rm 18
6:30 PM Zumba-FH
7:00 PM Chancel Ringers
Wednesday 11/19
9:00 AM Disciple 4
9:15 AM The Story
4:45 PM Wednesday Night Dinner-Gym
5:00 PM Youth Handbells
Wednesday 11/19(Cont)
6:00 PM Cherub Choir
God’s Kids Choir
Joyful Noise Choir
Faith Kids
Blasting Zone
M S Midweek
RUSH Unwind
Disciple 1,2
Jesus in the Gospels
Experiencing God
One Thousand Gifts (Women)
Breathe-Making Room (Women)
Financial Peace
Celebration Ringers
6:30 PM AA-E111
7:00 PM Faith Kids
JAM Boys/Girls
M S Bible Study Boys/Girls
Sanctuary Choir
Thursday 11/20
9:15 AM Women’s Bible Study-E104
10:00 AM Ala Grief Supt-Rm 28
(1st & 3rd Thursdays)
5:00 PM Pilates-S210
6:00 PM Yoga-RRA
Circle of Love-Rm 27
6:30 PM Singles Impact & Bible Study-FR
Friday 11/21
10:00 AM Bridge-FR
Saturday 11/22
10:30 AM Overeaters Anonymous-Rm32
6:00 PM Parent’s Night Out-Gym
6:30 PM AA-E111
Prayer Concern lists are available for pick-up
at the wooden-church Prayer Boxes and online.
Altar Flowers
The flowers on the altar are in memory of Thelma Hammons,
given by Judy Underhill Anchors;
and in honor of Charles and Barbara Purvis’ 50th wedding anniversary,
given by Chuck, Laura, Ryan, and Matt Purvis.
Flower Guild
In memory of Jud Bozeman, given by Jim and Sally Holsonback;
Joan Williamson; and Harry and Connie Blalock.
Stewardship Report
Mission and Ministry Budget 2014
Budget Needed Weekly
Budget Receipts (November 9)
Long Term Debt
Total Worship (November 9)
Remember RUMC in your will.