SUBWAY Card 3OHDVHID[\RXUFRPSOHWHGRUGHU 3OHDVHID[\RXUFRPSOHWHGRUGHU IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP ®® Form VolumeSales SalesOrder Order Form VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP Volume IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP Volume Sales Order Form 3OHDVHID[\RXUFRPSOHWHGRUGHU 3OHDVHID[\RXUFRPSOHWHGRUGHU Cards cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Shipping Information Purchaser Information Ƒ New Client Ƒ Reorder VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP ®® VolumeCards Sales Order Form cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Shipping VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP Ƒ NewClient Purchaser Information Form Cards cannotOrder be shipped to PO Boxes. ShippingInformation Information Volume Sales IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR Purchaser Information ƑNew Client ƑƑReorder Reorder 3OHDVHID[\RXUFRPSOHWHGRUGHU IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR Please send /your completed form to VPS at FAX | 305.670.9586 ® to PO Boxes. Cards cannot be shipped Shipping Information Purchaser Order DateInformation /Ƒ New Client PO # Ƒ Reorder 3OHDVHID[\RXUFRPSOHWHGRUGHU VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Shipping VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP Ƒ Purchaser Information New Client Reorder Volume Sales Order Ƒ SameInformation as Customer Information Ƒ Cards Order Date / / PO # ® Form Volume Sales Order Form Order Date / / PO # 3OHDVHID[\RXUFRPSOHWHGRUGHU Same as Customer Information Ƒ IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR Same as Customer Information Ƒ Name ® VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP Order Date / / PO # Volume Sales Order Form Cards cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Shipping Information Ƒ Purchaser Information New Client Reorder Ƒ Name IRUPWR936DWRUHPDLOWR Shipping Purchaser Information Name ƑReorder Same asInformation Customer Information Ƒ Cards cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Name Order Date / / Ƒ New POClient # VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP Name Volume Sales Order Form Name Company Name Same asInformation Customer Information Ƒ Cards Name cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Shipping ƑNew Client ƑReorder Purchaser Information VXEZD\HFDUGRUGHUV#LSFRRSFRP Company Volume Sales Order Form Name VOLUME CARD & FUNDRAISER ORDER FORM SUBWAY Card Card SUBWAY SUBWAY SUBWAY Card Card SUBWAY Card SUBWAY SUBWAY Card Card Company Name Order Date / / / / POPO # # Company Name Name Order Date Ƒ Purchaser Information New Client ƑReorder Address Company Name Ƒ Purchaser Information Order Date / /New Client PO #Ƒ Reorder Address Name Address Name Company Name Address OrderAddress Date / / PO # Address Name Address Order Date Name / / PO # Company City State ZIP Company Name Address Address Name City Name State ZIP Company City State ZIP Address Name Phone ( ) Email Address City State ZIP Address PhoneName ( ) Email Company Federal Tax ID / BN # (Required) Address Phone ( ) Email Address Company Name Phone ( ) Email City Address ZIP Federal Tax ID / BN Store # State (Required) Referring SUBWAY Number Address Federal Tax ID / /BN ##(Required) Address Federal Tax ID BN (Required) City State ZIPZIP Referring Number Address City State Phone ( ) SUBWAY Store Email Ordering Information Referring SUBWAY Store Number Referring SUBWAY Store Number Address City ( State ZIP Phone Email Ordering Information Federal Tax( ID) / BN Phone ) # (Required) Email Address Ordering Information Ordering Information City State ZIP Min. Order: Email 10 Cards Min. Total Order: $250 Phone (Tax Federal ID) /ID BN/ Store # (Required) Referring SUBWAY Federal Tax BN # Number (Required) City State ZIP Min. Order: 10 Cards Total Order: Min. Card Load: $5 Min. Max. Card Load$250 $100 Referring SUBWAY Store Number Phone ( Tax )ID Email Federal / BN # (Required) Min. Order: 10 Cards Min. Total Order: $250 Referring SUBWAY Store Number Min. Card Load: $5 Max. Card Load $100 Ordering Information Min. Order: 10 Cards Min. Total Order: $250 %8/.25'(5',6&2817 Phone ( ) Email Min. Card Load: $5 Max. Card Load $100 Referring Number Ordering Information Ordering Information %8/.25'(5',6&2817 Federal TaxSUBWAY ID / BN6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH #Store (Required) Min. Card Load: $5 Max. Card Load $100 Ordering Information 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH Federal Tax ID / BN # (Required) %8/.25'(5',6&2817 Min. 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH Order: 10 CardsInformation Min. Totalsubmit Order: separate $250 %8/.25'(5',6&2817 Referring SUBWAY Store Number ordering multiple currencies, please order † When Ordering forms for each currency. 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH Referring Store Number Min. Order: 10 Cards Min. Total Order: $250 When ordering multiple currencies, please submit separate order † SUBWAY Min. Card Load: $5 Max. Card Load $100 Min. Order: 10 Cards Min. Total Order: $250 Cardsfor willeach be loaded with either or Canadian Dollars. Ordering Information currency. When ordering multiple currencies, please submit separate † forms Min. Card Load: $5 USDISCOUNT Max. Card Load $100 order BULK ORDER %8/.25'(5',6&2817 Min. Order: 10 Cards Min. Total Order: $250$100 However, cards can be used in either The Point-of-Sale Min. Card Load: $5 Max. Card Load ordering multiple currencies, please submit separate order Ordering Information Cards willeach be loaded with either US or country. Canadian Dollars. † When forms for currency. cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Shipping Company Same as Information Customer Information Company Name Same as Customer InformationƑ Ƒ Cards Address Cards cannot be shipped to PO Boxes. Shipping Information Company Same as Customer Information Ƒ Address Name Address Name Company City State ZIP Address Same as Customer InformationState Ƒ Cityas Customer Information ZIP Name City State ZIP Same Company Ƒ Phone ( ) Email Company Address City State ZIP Name Phone ( ) Email Company Phone ( ) Email Address Name Phone ( ) Email Address City State ZIP Company Address City State ZIP Company City ( State ZIP Phone ) Email Address City State ZIP Phone ( ) Email Payment Information Address Phone ( ) Email Payment Information CityƑ (&UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW State ZIP * (Limit $2,500. For orders over this amount, Phone ) Email Payment Information CityƑ &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW State Payment Information submit payment using method.) *please (Limit $2,500. ForZIP orders overanother this amount, Phone ( ) Email please submit For payment using method.) (Limit$2,500. $2,500. Fororders orders overanother thisamount, amount, Ƒ &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW * *(Limit over this Ƒ &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW Phone ( Email MasterCard pleasesubmit submit paymentusing using anothermethod.) method.) Ƒ)VISA Payment Ƒ over Ƒ AMEX Ƒ Discover please payment Information * (Limit $5,000. For orders this amount please use anotheranother payment method.) VISA MasterCard Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ AMEX Ƒ Discover Name on Card Payment Information * (Limit $2,500. For orders over this amount, Ƒ &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW VISA MasterCard AMEX Discover Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ Payment Information Ƒ MasterCard Ƒ AMEX Ƒ Discover Ƒ VISA Name on Card submit payment method.) * please (Limit $2,500. For ordersusing over another this amount, Ƒ Ƒ&UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW Street Information 63(&,)< * (Limit $2,500. For orders over this amount, Name on Card Paymentplease &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW submit payment using another method.) Name on Card Street please submit using 63(&,)< )81'6 Ƒ &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW * (Limit $2,500. For payment orders over thisanother amount,method.) City Ƒ VISA State Information MasterCard ƑPayment Ƒ AMEX ƑZIPDiscover WREHORDGHG Street )81'6 63(&,)< please submit payment using another method.) Payment Information City State ZIP Street VISA MasterCard AMEX Discover Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ 63(&,)< WREHORDGHG * (Limit $2,500. For orders over this amount, )81'6 Ƒ &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW AMEX Ƒ MasterCard ƑEmail Ƒ Discover Phone (Ƒ VISA ) system will automatically convert currency at time of transaction Save 2% on any order of orDollars. more.* %8/.25'(5',6&2817 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH Name on Card However, cards can be used in country. The Point-of-Sale Ƒ $ US forms forwill each currency. Cards be loaded with either US or$5,000 Canadian City State ZIP Min. Card Load: $5either Max. Card Load $100 WREHORDGHG )81'6 * (Limit $2,500. For orders over this amount, %8/.25'(5',6&2817 please submit payment using another method.) ƑName &UHGLW&DUG3D\PHQW basedwill on established exchange rates. Min. Order: 10 Cards Min. TotalatOrder: $250 Phone ( ) Ƒ MasterCard Email 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH VISA AMEX Discover system will automatically convert currency time of transaction WREHORDGHG on Card Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ Cards be loaded either US or Canadian Dollars. However, cards canwith be used inBULK either country. The Point-of-Sale Ƒ $ US City State ZIP FUNDRAISER DISCOUNT 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH Ƒ $ CANStreet please submit payment using another method.) Name Card Card #on %8/.25'(5',6&2817 Min. Order: 10 Cards Min. Total Order: $250 based on established exchange rates. ordering multiple currencies, please submit separate order Bilingual Cards are intended for use in Quebec province. Phone ( ) Email system will automatically convert currency at time of transaction † When However, cards can be used in either country. The Point-of-Sale Min. Load:order $5 Max. Cardor Load $100 Ƒ $$ CAN US 63(&,)< ** Save 6%Card on exchange any of $500 more.** Ƒ Card 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH Name onƑ#Card When ordering multiple please separate order Street † forms Ƒ/ MasterCard Ƒ AMEX Ƒ Discover based oncurrency. established rates. for each Bilingual Cards arecurrencies, intended for use insubmit Quebec province. Phone ( VISA) Email 63(&,)< Min.multiple Card Load: $5 Max. Card Load $100 will automatically convert currency at time of transaction ƑƑ $$US )81'6 Expiration: / When ordering currencies, please submit separate order Street &$5'/2$' &$5' /,1( †***system CANCity 63(&,)< %8/.25'(5',6&2817 CardƑ # VISA Not applicable on purchases made with a credit card MasterCard AMEX ZIP forms for each currency. QTY Ƒ Ƒ Ƒ Discover ITEM Cards will be loaded either US orrates. Canadian Dollars. State Bilingual Cardswith are intended for use in Quebec province. based on established exchange )81'6 WREHORDGHG '(120,1$7,21 7<3( 727$/ ** forms for6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH each currency. Expiration: / / State Street &$5' /,1( When ordering multiple currencies, please submit separate order %8/.25'(5',6&2817 Name on# Card Cards will be loaded with either US&$5'/2$' or Canadian Dollars. )81'6 City ZIP Ƒ $727$/ CAN 63(&,)< QTY Card ITEM cards can be used in either country. The Point-of-Sale WREHORDGHG **†However, Must provide a valid 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt #________________ Signature Bilingual Cards are intended for use in Quebec province. '(120,1$7,21 7<3( Cards will be loaded within either US or Canadian Dollars. City ZIP Expiration: / / State Email &$5'/2$' &$5' /,1( for each currency. 6DYHRQDQ\RUGHURIRUPRUH **forms Name on Card However, can be used either country. TheofPoint-of-Sale QTY Phone )81'6 ITEM ®convert system willcards automatically currency at time transaction I agree( to pay )total amount according to card agreement.| Ƒ $WREHORDGHG US Signature Ƒ ENG Ƒorder BILINGUAL SUBWAY Cards '(120,1$7,21 7<3( 727$/ City However, cards can be usedUS in either country. The Point-of-Sale Cards will be loaded with either or Canadian When ordering multiple currencies, please submit separate State ZIP Street † based Phone ( ) Email system will automatically convert currency at timeDollars. of transaction WREHORDGHG 63(&,)< Expiration: / / Ƒ $ US &$5'/2$' &$5' /,1( ® on established exchange rates. ISignature agree to pay Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Ƒ $ US Street SUBWAY Phone ( total) amount according to card agreement.| Email QTY ITEM system will automatically convert currency at separate time of transaction ® Cards ordering multiple currencies, please submit However, cards can be used in'(120,1$7,21 either country. The forms for currency. † When based oneach established exchange rates. Cards Ƒ63(&,)< $ CAN SUBWAY 7<3( 727$/ ƑPoint-of-Sale ENG Ƒorder BILINGUAL Card # to pay total amount according to card agreement.| )81'6 ® IƑ agree Bilingual Cards are intended for US use Quebec province. Ƒ Ƒ BILINGUAL SUBWAY Cards based onautomatically established exchange rates. (Fax to ) Ƒ)81'6 $ US CAN Phone ) Email for each currency. Card #($&+:LUH7UDQVIHU system will convert currency at time ofENG transaction ** forms Cards will be loaded with®either orin Canadian Dollars. City State ZIP Ƒ $ Cards SUBWAY Signature WREHORDGHG Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Bilingual Cards are intended for use in Quebec province. Ƒ $ CAN CityCard ® # **Cards Ƒ SUBWAY $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax to ) ƑENG ENG ƑBILINGUAL based established rates. willon be loaded with either oruse Canadian Dollars. ® Cards Bilingual Cards areexchange for in Quebec province. State However, cards can be used in US either country. The Point-of-Sale ®intended WREHORDGHG Cards SUBWAY I agree to pay total amount according to card agreement.|ABA # ZIP Expiration: / / ** Ƒ ENGƑƑ BILINGUAL Ƒ BILINGUAL &$5'/2$' &$5' /,1( SUBWAY Cards Account # ® Ƒ $ CAN QTY Card # $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU ITEM SUBWAY Cards Ƒ Expiration: / (Fax to ) Ƒ ENG ƑBILINGUAL However, cards can used in&$5'/2$' either country. The Point-of-Sale Phone ( ) / Email &$5' /,1( system will automatically currency at time of transaction ®convert Bilingual Cards arebeintended for use in Quebec province. Ƒ $727$/ US '(120,1$7,21 7<3( 727$/ QTY SUBWAY Ƒ ENG ƑBILINGUAL ITEM Account ABA # ** Expiration: / / ® Cards &$5'/2$' /,1( ®convert '(120,1$7,21 7<3( SUBWAY Cards Phone ( on# ) Account Email Ƒ ENG&$5' Ƒ BILINGUAL system will automatically currency at timeƑ of transaction Cards SUBWAY QTY based on established exchange rates. Name ITEM ® ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Ƒ $ US Signature SUBWAY Cards '(120,1$7,21 Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Account # ABA #ONLY IN THE US 7<3( 727$/ Ƒ (Fax to 305-670-9586) AVAILABLE Expiration: / / $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax to ) Ƒ $ CAN &$5'/2$' &$5' /,1( Signature Card # Optional Card Carrier Envelope based on established exchange rates. $8.00 USD/pack Name on amount Account ®intended ® QTY Cards ITEM are for use in Canada. Quebec province. I agree to pay total according to card agreement.| SUBWAY Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL SUBWAY Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL ® Cards Signature ** Bilingual '(120,1$7,21 7<3( 727$/ ®Cards Ƒ $ CAN (100/Pack) SUBWAY Cards I agree to pay total amount according to card agreement.| Card # Authorized Signature Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Ƒprovince. ENG Ƒ$8.00 BILINGUAL SUBWAY Cards Card USD/pack Name on Accountaccording to card agreement.| Canada. Cards are Optional intended forCarrier use inEnvelope Quebec ® ABA # ** Bilingual CARD LOAD IAccount agree to pay#total amount Signature ƑENG ƑBILINGUAL SUBWAY Cards (100/Pack) LINE TOTAL ® Expiration: / LLC to/ initiate a debit transaction Authorized I hereby authorizeSignature VPS for the order total amount from the &$5'/2$' &$5' /,1( Optional Card Carrier EnvelopeƑDENOMINATION CARD $8.00 USD/pack CARD ITEM SUBWAY 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: ® DESCRIPTION ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL ®Cards QTY ITEM SUBWAY Cards ®Cards Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL SUBWAY I agree to pay total amount according to cardato agreement.| Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL account speci edSignature above. SUBWAY Cards Ƒ (Quantity727$/ x Denom.) Expiration: (100/Pack) / / '(120,1$7,21 7<3( QUANTITY $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax ) &$5'/2$' &$5' /,1( Authorized I hereby authorize VPS LLC to initiate debit transaction for (must be purchased in multiples of 10) ® ($5-$100) 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: U.S. CANADA Ƒ Name (10/pack) on Account QTY $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax to )the order total amount from the Cards SUBWAY ITEM ƑENG ƑBILINGUAL ® Delivery account speci ed above. '(120,1$7,21 727$/)5(( Signature )5(( Ground (1-6 Days) SUBWAY Ƒ IƑ hereby authorize VPS LLC to initiate a debit transaction for the order total amount from the ®Cards Ƒ ENG7<3( Ƒ BILINGUAL $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax to ) ®Cards (10/pack) 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: Optional Card Carrier Envelope $8.00 USD/pack SUBWAY &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Cards SUBWAY ENG Account # ABA## ®Delivery account speci ed above. ® )5(( )5(( ISignature Ground (1-6 Days) ƑENG agree to pay # total amount according to card agreement.| Account ABA Ƒ BILINGUAL SUBWAY Cards Ƒ SUBWAY Cards (100/Pack) $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax to ) Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Authorized Signature Ƒ ® &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU ® ®Delivery SUBWAY Cards Account #amountPayable # Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Next Day* Make Checks PayABA Services LLC to pay total according toto: cardValue agreement.| )5((or less) )5(( I agree ®Business (250 cards Ground (1-6 Days) Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL SUBWAY Cards SUBWAY Cards Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL SUBWAY Cards ENG BILINGUAL Ƒ I hereby authorize VPS LLC to initiate a debit transaction for the order total amount from the &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU ® ® Name on AccountPayable to: Value ABA 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: Please call for rates Cards SUBWAY SUBWAY CardsbyDay* Name on Account Next Business Account # # Ƒ BILINGUAL Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Make Checks Pay Services LLC *Orders must be received 11AM EasternƑENG (250 cards or less) account speci ed above. onUSD/pack orders of more Ƒ Name $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax ) Optional Card Carrier Envelope $8.00 on Account ® for®same day processing. Cards SUBWAY call Optional Card Carrier Envelope ƑPlease BILINGUAL $8.00 USD/pack Next Business Make Checks Payable to:toValue Pay SUBWAY Cards *Orders must be received byDay* 11AM EasternƑ ƑENG ENG Ƒon BILINGUAL than 250 for cards (250 cards or rates less) Please mail order with Services payment LLC to: ® (100/Pack) orders of more Ƒ $&+:LUH7UDQVIHU (Fax to form ) )5(( )5(( Ground Delivery (1-6 Days) Authorized Signature SFAF Program Description SUBWAY Cards Card Carrier Envelope (100/Pack) $8.00 USD/pack Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL forOptional same day processing. Name on Account Please call for rates Authorized Signature *Orders must be received by 11AM Eastern Ƒ than 250 cards ® &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU ENVELOPE ITEM(100/Pack) DESCRIPTION LINE TOTAL Please mail order form with payment to: ® Account # ABA # PRICE PER PACK Card Program SUBWAY on orders of more CARD TOTAL SUBWAY Cards Authorized Signature Market # VPS Timing ƑOF BILINGUAL Optional Card Envelope ƑENG hereby authorize VPSLLC LLCto toinitiate initiateaaProgram debittransaction transaction forthe theorder totalamount amountfrom fromthe the for same dayCarrier processing. $8.00 USD/pack Allow 2-3 days II hereby authorize debit for 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: ® for order ® PACK 50250 than cards QUANTITY Shipping Information (must be purchased in multiples of 50) ƑENG 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: (Quantity x Price) Account #edSignature ABA # ordertotal 2% on any order Please mail order form with payment to: SUBWAY Cards Ƒdiscount BILINGUAL Card Program CARD TOTAL Value LLC (100/Pack) account speci above. Next Business Day* Make Checks Payable to:Pay Pay Services Authorized I hereby authorize VPS LLCSUBWAY to initiate aValue debitServices transaction for the orderLLC total amount from the account speci ed above. (250 cardsthan or less) Allow 2-36(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: days for order greater $5,000) ® processing prior to ship® Shipping Information Name on Account 2% discount on any order SUBWAY Cards Ƒ ENG Ƒ BILINGUAL Card Program SUBWAY USbe Green Bow Envelope Allow 2-3must days for order CARD $4.00 Value Pay Services LLC account ed above. Please call TOTAL for rates Company Check oraMoney Order 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd. 705from the IName authorize VPS LLC to initiate debit transaction for the order Suite total amount *Orders received by 11AM Eastern )5(( )5(( Ground Delivery (1-6 Days) Allow 2-3 days for order greater than $5,000) )5(( )5(( Ground Delivery (1-6 Days) processing prior to ship6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: onspeci Account Optional Card Carrier Envelope ping. Shipping is available Shipping Information $8.00 USD/pack 2% on order ondiscount orders of any more &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU Ƒhereby Allow 2-3 days for order processing prior to ship&RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU Value Pay Services LLC Suite speci ed above.Payable for same day processing. Make Checks to: S. Value Pay Services LLCto: 705 9200 Dadeland Blvd. LESS DISCOUNT )5(( )5(( account Ground Delivery (1-6 Days) Miami, FL 33156 greater than $5,000) $4.00 CAN Red Bow Envelope (100/Pack) than 250 cards processing prior to shipOptional Card Carrier Envelope Authorized Signature $8.00 USD/pack ping. Shipping is available Please mail order form with payment to one Ƒ &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU processing prior toonly. shipAllow 2-3address days for order ping. Shipping is(100/Pack) available Please mail order form payment to: LESS DISCOUNT 9200 S.FL Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 Miami, 33156 )5(( )5(( Ground Delivery (1-6 Days) Attention: Corporate Next Business Day* Make Checks Payable to:with Value PayProgram Services LLCamount Signature Next Business Day* Make Checks Payable to: Pay Services (250 cards orTOTAL less) ping. Shipping isavailable available IAuthorized hereby authorize VPS LLC to SUBWAY initiate aValue debit®transaction for theSales orderLLC total from the toto one address only. Ƒ Card &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU CARD ping. Shipping is processing prior to ship-Day* one address only. 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: SELECT SHIPPING OPTION BELOW SUBWAY CARD PROGRAM LESS DISCOUNT Miami, FL 33156 ORDER TOTAL Next Business Allow 2-3 days for order Make Checks Payable to: Value Pay Services LLC Please call for rates Please Attention: Corporate Sales (250 cards or order less) account speci ed above. I hereby authorize VPS LLC to initiate a debit transaction for the order total amount from the *Orders must be received by 11AM Eastern *Orders must be received by 11AM Eastern Shipping Information to one address only. 2% discount on any 6(/(&76+,33,1*237,21%(/2: to one address only. ping. Shipping is available on on orders of more Value Pay Services LLC | ATTN: Corporate Sales Value Pay Services LLC Please call for rates ORDER TOTAL Next Business Day* Make Checks Payable to: Value Corporate Pay LLC Sales Allspeci orders are NOT Attention: processed until Services payment is conrmed. All bulk order for same day processing. account ed above. greateror than $5,000) for same day processing. *Orders must be received by 11AM Eastern (250 cards less) processing prior to shipthan )5(( than 250 cards Ground Delivery (1-6 Days) on)5(( orders ofcon morermed. to one address only. Please mail order form with payment to: Please mail order form with payment to: Orders are not processed until payment is 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 | Miami, FL 33156 Allow 2-3 days for order Ƒ &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU Please call for for dayby processing. ORDER TOTAL 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 All orders are processed untilno payment isCards con rmed. All bulk order Card sales areNOT nal. Noorder return and refunds. are shipped inactive *Orders must be same received 11AM Eastern than 250rates cards )5(( )5(( Ground Delivery (1-6 Days) ping. Shipping is orders available Please mail ®® form with payment to: *Overnight must be received no later 11AM Eastern on orders ofthan more are not processed until payment is con rmed. Under 250 Cards $60.00 Next Business Day Ƒ &RPSDQ\&KHFNRU0RQH\2UGHU Card SUBWAY processing prior to shipCard Program SUBWAY CARD TOTAL forOrders same day processing. LESS DISCOUNT Card salesare are NOT against nal. Nounauthorized return and no refunds. are shipped inactive All processed untilProgram payment concards rmed. All lost bulk as aorders safeguard use in theisCards event are ororder stoMiami, FL 33156 than 250 cards Allow 2-3 days for order ® Allow 2-3 days for order for orders to be processed for delivery. Please mail order form with payment to: Next Business Day* Make Checks Payable to: Value Pay Services LLC Shipping Information *Overnight must received no later 11AM Eastern cards orisTOTAL less) tomust one address only. Shipping Information Orders are not processed until payment con rmed. Card Program SUBWAY 2%(250 discount CARD Orders be received byorder 11:00 ambeEastern 2% discount on than any order ping. Shipping is orders available Value Pay Services LLC as a safeguard against unauthorized use inSales the event cards are lost or stoCard sales are nal. No return and no refunds. Cards are shipped inactive len. Buyer is required to submit an activation request form to VPS to con rm Value Pay Services LLC Allow 2-3 days for 251 2500 Cards $150.00 ® greater than $5,000) Attention: Corporate for orders to be processed for delivery. Next Business Day* Make Checks Payable to: Value Pay Services LLC Please call for rates Shipping processing prior toorder shipgreater than $5,000) (250 cards or less) *Overnight orders must be received no than 11AM 2%later discount on any order Eastern processing prior to ship*Orders must beInformation received by 11AM Eastern SUBWAY Card Program for same day shipping. Applies to shipping only CARD TOTAL Pay Services to one address only. Allow 2-3 days for len. required toS. submit an activation request form VPS to con rm as aBuyer safeguard against unauthorized use inLLC the event cards areCard lost or stodelivery ofisorder soValue that cards can be activated prior to to use. activaon orders of more Allow 2-3 days for order Allow 2-3 days for order 9200 Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 greater than $5,000) Please call for rates ORDER TOTAL 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 processing prior to shipfor orders to be processed for delivery. Shipping Information for same day processing. *Orders must be received by 11AM Eastern Authorized Signature 2% discount on any order ping. Shipping is available within continental United States than 250ofcards Cards $250.00 ping. Shipping is available Allow 2-3 days for order Value Services LLC delivery of is order so9200 that cards can bepayment activated prior to use. Card activalen. required toPay submit an activation request form to activation VPS to con rm Please mail order form with to: tion Buyer takes 24-48 business hours from VPS’ receipt of your form. on2501-5000 orders more processing prior toto shipS. Dadeland Blvd. 705 processing to shipgreater than $5,000) LESS processing prior shipforprior same day processing. Miami, FL 33156 LESS DISCOUNT Authorized Signature All orders are NOT processed until payment isSuite con All Card bulk activaorder ping. Shipping is available Miami, FL 33156 than 250 cards Allow 2-3 days foronly. order to one address only. ® Please mail order form with payment to:ofrmed. processing prior to shiption takes business hours from VPS’ receipt your activation form. delivery of24-48 order soMiami, that cards can be activated prior to use. to one address 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 ping. Shipping is available LESS DISCOUNT Orders are not processed until payment is con rmed. SUBWAY Card Program CARD TOTAL FL 33156 ping. Shipping is available Authorized Signature ping. Shipping is available Attention: Corporate Sales Card sales are do nal. Noexpire return and no refunds. Cardsofnor are shipped Signature Title Allow 2-3 days for order to one address only. ® Attention: Corporate Sales processing prior to shiption 24-48 business from VPS’ receipt your activation Cardtakes balances not or decline with non-use are there inactive anyform. fees Shipping Information Shipping isorders available SUBWAY Card Program 2% discount any order LESS DISCOUNT toping. one address only. *Overnight must be received no lateron than 11AM Eastern CARD TOTAL Miami, FLhours 33156 to one address only. Value Pay Services LLC Attention: Corporate Sales ORDER TOTAL Allow 2-3 days for order as safeguard against unauthorized usewith in the event nor cards lostany or stoSignature Titlegreateron to one address only. ORDER TOTAL than $5,000) Shipping Information Card balances do not expire orwith decline non-use areare there fees oraservice charges associated dormancy. processing prior shipping. Shipping is to available 2% discount any order for orders to be processed for delivery. to one address only. Value Pay Services LLC Allow 2-3 days for order ORDER TOTAL Attention: Corporate Sales Signatureprior to shipTitle 9200 S. Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 All orders are NOT processed until payment is con All bulk order greater than $5,000) Buyer ischarges required toexpire submit an activation form VPS to con rm processing or service associated with dormancy. Card balances do not or decline withrequest non-use nor to are there any fees Alllen. orders are NOT processed until payment is conrmed. rmed. All bulk order to onedays address only. ping. Shipping is available Allow 2-3 forare order Orders are not processed processed until until payment is TOTAL con rmed./ ORDER Company Datermed. / processing prior to ship9200 S. Dadeland Blvd. Suite 705 ®are All orders NOT processed until payment is prior con rmed. All bulk order Orders not payment is con Card sales are nal. No return and no refunds. Cards are shipped inactive LESS DISCOUNT delivery of order so that cards can be activated to use. Card activaor service charges associated with dormancy. Cards can be used in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and SUBWAY Miami, FL 33156 ping. Shipping is available Card sales are nal. No return and no refunds. Cards are shipped inactive *Overnight orders must received no later later thanDate 11AM Orders are not be processed until payment is conEastern rmed. Signature toAuthorized one address only. Company / / processing prior to ship® NOT All orders are processed until payment isreceipt con rmed. bulk order ping. Shipping isorders available LESS DISCOUNT *Overnight must received no than 11AM Eastern Card sales are business nal. Nobereturn and noVPS’ refunds. Cards areAll shipped inactive Miami, FL 33156 as a safeguard against unauthorized use in the event cards are lost oror sto7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV tobe Cards can used infrom the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and SUBWAY tion takes hours of your activation form. Saipan at24-48 this time. Attention: Corporate Sales as a safeguard against unauthorized use in the event cards are lost stofor orders be processed for delivery. to to one address only. *Overnight orders must be received no later than 11AM Eastern Orders are not processed until payment is con rmed. Company Date / / ping. Shipping is available ® for orders be processed delivery. Byone signing the above you agreeto to purchase the cardsfor speci ed in this order. SUBWAY Cards are Card sales arethis Cards nal. No return and nothe refunds. Cards are shipped inactive address only. as a safeguard against unauthorized use in the event cards are lost orrm sto7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV Saipan time. can be used in US,request Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and SUBWAY len. Buyer is to submit an form totoVPS to con Attention: Corporate Sales ORDER TOTAL for must orders toreceived be processed for delivery. *Overnight orders be no later than 11AM Eastern will these cards be used oractivation distributed? len.How Buyer isatrequired required toPlease submit an activation request form VPS to(VPS) con rm issued by Value Pay Services LLC and may onlycards be used for purchases at participating By signing the above you agree purchase the speci ed in this order. SUBWAY SUBWAY Cards are to one address only. Signature Title Questions? contact Value Pay Services as aCard safeguard against unauthorized use inwith the non-use event cards are lost or sto7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV to Saipan at is this time. len. Buyer required to submit anbe activation request form to Card VPS to con rm delivery of order so that cards can activated prior to use. activabalances do not expire or decline nor are there any fees ORDER TOTAL restaurants. Unless the Card is registered online at www.mysubwaycard.com, remainingSUBWAY balances for orders to be processed for delivery. issued by Value Pay Services LLC and may only be used for purchases at participating All orders NOT payment is con rmed. AllCard bulk order delivery ofisare order so processed that cardsanuntil can be activated prior to use. activaAuthorized Signature By the above you agree tocannot purchase the cardsorspeci ed in this order. SUBWAY Cards are Questions? Please contact Value Pay Services (VPS) len. Buyer required to submit activation request form to VPS to con rm on signing lost, stolen or damaged Cards beonline replaced refunded. delivery of order so that cards can be activated prior to use. Card activaat 786-270-1273. Authorized Signature tion takes 24-48 business hours from VPS’ receipt of your activation form. Orders are not processed until payment is con rmed. restaurants. Unless the Card is registered at www.mysubwaycard.com, remaining balances or service charges associated with dormancy. are processed until is con rmed. All bulk order issued by Value Pay Services LLC and may only be used for purchases at participating SUBWAYAll Card sales are NOT nal. No return and nopayment refunds. Cards shipped inactive tionorders takes 24-48 business hours from VPS’ receipt oftoare your activation form. Authorized Signature Questions? Please contact Value Pay (VPS) on lost,Orders stolen or orders damaged Cards cannot beuntil replaced orlater refunded. delivery of order cards can be activated prior use. Card activaat 786-270-1273. are processed payment is con rmed. tion takes 24-48 business hours from VPS’ receipt ofServices your activation form. *Overnight must be received nowww.mysubwaycard.com, than 11AM Eastern restaurants. Unless thenot Card is registered online at remaining balances rev.120109 Card sales are so nal.that Nounauthorized return and no refunds. Cards are shipped inactive Authorized Signature as a safeguard against use in the event cards are lost or stoCompany Date / / on lost, stolen or damaged Cards cannot be replaced or refunded. When will these cards be distributed? Signature Title at 786-270-1273. ® *Overnight orders must to bebe received no later than 11AM Eastern for orders processed for delivery. tion takes 24-48 business hours from VPS’ receipt of your activation form. Card balances do not expire or decline with non-use nor are there any fees rev.120109 SUBWAY Cards can be used in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and Signature Title as aBuyer safeguard against unauthorized use in request the event cards are lost orfees stolen. is required submit activation form to VPS to con rm Card balances do nottoexpire oran decline with non-use nor are there any for orders to be processed for delivery. Signature Title Card balances do not expirewith or decline withrequest non-use norto are there any fees rev.120109 or service charges associated dormancy. 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV Saipan at this time. len. Buyer is required to submit an activation form VPS to con rm delivery of charges order that cards can dormancy. bewith activated prior Card or service associated with Signature Title specied in this order. SUBWAY Cards areCard balances do so not expire or decline non-use nor to areuse. there any activafees By signing the above you agree to purchase the cards or service charges associated with dormancy. Authorized Signature delivery of®24-48 order business so that cards can beVPS’ activated prior to use. Card activaCompany Date / / SUBWAY or tion takes hours from receipt of your activation form. issued by Value Pay Services LLC and may only be used for purchases at participating service charges associated dormancy. Authorized Signature Will there be any promotional or marketing materials created? Cards can be usedwith in the US,Value Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and SUBWAY Questions? Please contact Pay Services (VPS) Company Date / remaining / ®24-48 business hours from VPS’ receipt of your activation form. restaurants. takes Company Unless the Card is registered online at www.mysubwaycard.com, Date / / balancestion Cards cancan bebe used in in thethe US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and SUBWAY ® 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV Saipan at this time. SUBWAY Cards used US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and on lost, stolen or damaged Cards cannot be replaced or refunded. atdecline 786-270-1273. Signature Title Companythe above you agree to purchase the cards Date / / Card balances docan not be expire or with non-use nor are there anyand fees 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV Saipan at® this time. By signing specied in this order. SUBWAY Cards are Cards used in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam SUBWAY 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV Saipan at this time. Signature Title By signing the above you agree to purchase the cards speci ed in this order. SUBWAY Cards are Card balances do not expire or decline with non-use nor are there any fees issued Value the Payabove Services and only be purchases at participating SUBWAY rev.120109 or service charges associated with Any materials created you which feature thedormancy. SUBWAY logos, Pay Cards, Menu Items, or other proprietary images Byby signing you LLC agree to may purchase the used cardsfor speci ed in this order. SUBWAY Cards areSaipan 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV and at this time. by Questions? Please contact Value Services (VPS) issued by Value Pay the Services mayonline only be for purchases at participating restaurants. Unless Card LLC is registered at used www.mysubwaycard.com, remainingSUBWAY balances ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® Questions? Please Questions? Please contactValue ValuePay PayServices Services(VPS) (VPS) atcontact 786-270-1273. Questions? Please at contact Value Pay Services (VPS) 786-270-1273. at 786-270-1273. Internal VPS use only at 786-270-1273. 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt # Verification Questions? Please contact Value Pay Services (VPS) IPC: _________________________ Questions? Please contact Value Pay Services (VPS) ® or service issued by and may only be usededforinpurchases participating SUBWAY must becharges submitted toassociated VPS for approvalwith prior dormancy. to their use or distribution. Submit to: bsalerno@ipcoop.com By signing theValue abovePay youServices agree to LLC purchase the cards speci this order. at SUBWAY Cards are on lost, stolen or damaged Cards cannot beonline replaced oratrefunded. restaurants. Unless the Card is registered at www.mysubwaycard.com, remaining balances ® Company Date at participating / remaining / SUBWAY restaurants. the Card registered online www.mysubwaycard.com, balances issued by Value Unless Pay Services LLCisand may only be used for purchases ® Cards can be used in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam and SUBWAY on lost, stolen or damaged Cards cannot be replaced or refunded. on lost, stolen orthe damaged cannot be replaced or refunded. Company Date /remaining / balances restaurants. Unless Card isCards registered online at www.mysubwaycard.com, ® rev.120109 Cards and SUBWAY 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV Saipan at this time.can be used in the US, Canada, Puerto Rico, Guam on lost, stolen or damaged Cards cannot be replaced or refunded. rev.120109 rev.120109 By signing the above you agree to purchase the cards specied in this order. SUBWAY® Cards are 7HUPV&RQGLWLRQV Saipan at this time. by the Value Payyou Services and maythe onlycards be used fored purchases at participating rev.120109 Byissued signing above agreeLLC to purchase speci in this order. SUBWAY® SUBWAY Cards are® restaurants. Unless the Card LLC is registered at used www.mysubwaycard.com, remainingSUBWAY balances® issued by Value Pay Services and mayonline only be for purchases at participating on lost, stolen or damaged cannot be replaced or refunded. restaurants. Unless the CardCards is registered online at www.mysubwaycard.com, remaining balances ® Questions? Please contact Value Pay Services (VPS) at 786-270-1273 ®