
Tel: 01603 441034 Email: office@avenuejunior.norfolk.sch.uk
Website: www.avenuejuniorschool.org Head: Mrs Debbie Dismore
Welcome back after the break & what glorious weather we had! However, as expected in
November, it is much colder. Please could you ensure your child brings a coat to school every
day as children will not be able to go outside if the weather is cold or raining without one.
This is a very busy term so I apologise if you seem to be receiving lots of letters/emails – we have
lots happening in school in each year group and it is important this information is shared.
However we will try to group information together as much as possible.
Look out
for the newsletters arriving from your year groups with details of events you can be
theas the half termly planning. All newsletters are put on the website so
as well
it’s worth
a lookor
theif you haven’t had any information for a while!
summary of an
Staffing Update
interesting point. You can
You will have noticed that Sam Margetson has been replaced by a new crossing patrol Gemma
box missed for the brilliant job he did every morning and evening but we
Sam will
in he
thereturns to writing full time. On the subject of writing we must congratulate
him well as
Y3 the
leader, whose children’s novel, “Elena Starfire”, made the finals of the
Drawing Tools
tab toPrize for New Children’s Writing. Ms Teasdale attended an award
– we areofvery proud of her!
change the formatting
We would also like to give a warm welcome to Lizzie Johnson, who will join our team of
the pullassistants
quote text
in the
upper school. I taught Ms Johnson when I first came to the school; I
now feel very old!
Loose Parts Play
We are still collecting for our play equipment – we’d love to get this started but don’t quite have
enough. The October newsletter (available on the website) listed the items we would particularly
like – the list includes items such as tarpaulins, logs, crates and pallets.
We all thoroughly enjoy the Christmas term and we are very much looking forward sharing the
next few weeks with you and the children. Please make a note of all the upcoming dates on the
last page and enjoy the rest of the term.
Best wishes
Debbie Dismore
During Anti-Bullying Week we will be
completing a range of activities and
workshops to ensure children understand
what bullying is, what forms it can take and
how to get help. We will be having a special
focus on Cyber Bullying and there will be
plenty of opportunity for discussion and
drama as well as expressing ideas through
art and writing.
Sports Update
Football - Year 6 football team have had a
very successful Autumn season so far
and have reached the quarter finals of the
Cubitt cup.
Korfball - Years 5 and 6 Korfball teams
both took part in their first tournament of
the year on Saturday 8th November at
CNS. Both teams played really well with
the Year 5s taking fourth place and the
Year 6s winning their competition. Four of
our Year 6 players have been selected to
train with the Norfolk Squad – well done to
Maddy Arnander, Anna Austin, Tommy
Chambers and Evie Hards.
Cross Country - A superb start to the
season. The whole squad are training
hard and our first run for the year resulted
in the boys’ team coming 2nd and the girls’
team coming 6th out of 16 teams.
Volley Ball Staff Team - The Avenues’
Staff Volleyball Team triumphed on Friday
evening at the UEA, winning all 3 of their
matches including one against a UEA
development team by 49 – 43. An
excellent performance by the whole team
and a credit to Avenues Sport!
PTA 50/50 Club News
101 tickets have been sold, raising £606
for the school, and meaning that each
month the prize is £50.50.
September’s winner was Emma
Woolfenden (Y5 parent) and October’s
was Alfie Avila (Y6 parent).
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If you
join the
then there
will be another chance when it re-starts in
We’re very pleased to have new cycle racks
at the front of the school. Please note
however that these racks are for adult bikes
Pupils should continue to leave their bikes
in the racks in the playground.
Thank you
Norwich Food Bank
Many thanks for all your donations. If
you still wish to contribute we are
collecting until the end of next week.
Collection Dates : Monday 8th &
Tuesday 9th December
This Christmas, we will again be collecting
bags of sugar for those in need. All you
need to do is bring a 1 kg bag of sugar into
school (preferably Silver Spoon as it is then
matched by British Sugar). All the sugar
goes to support those in need at shelters
and soup kitchens throughout East Anglia.
The Case of the Missing
Mrs Dismore took a whole
bag of unnamed jumpers
home during the holiday to
wash – please do pop in to
collect one as a replacement.
Congratulations to some of our year
6 children; Emily, who recently
starred in the Maddermarket
Theatre’s production of the Addams
Family, to George who will be
featuring in Matthew Bourne’s Lord
of the Flies and to Sol, who will be
John in the Theatre Royal’s
Christmas production of Peter Pan.
If your child has anything to
celebrate, please let us know!
It will be here before you know it!
Please find below a list of dates of events and activities coming up between now and
Christmas – further details will be sent out regarding the Christmas and other events.
Book your stall now if you have Christmas goods you wish to sell at the Christmas Fair
on the 12th December by sending an email to avenuespta@yahoo.co.uk.
Dates for your Diaries
Thursday 13th November
Friday 14th November
Friday 14th November
Tuesday 18th November
Wednesday 19th November
Thursday 20th November
Friday 21st November
Friday 21st November
Monday 24th November
Monday 24th November
Tuesday 25th November
Friday 28th November
Wednesday 16th November
Monday 1st December
Friday 5th December
Friday 5th December
Tuesday 9th December
Wednesday 10th December
Friday 12th December
Friday 12th December
Monday 15th December
Tuesday 16th December
Wednesday 17th December
Wednesday 17th December
Thursday 18th December
Friday 19th December
Year 3 parents’ Maths Morning 9 – 10am
Children in Need Day – including cake sale after school
5L Class Assembly
5D to Harry Potter Studio
5L to Harry Potter Studio
5B to Harry Potter Studio
Year 3 International Breakfast
6F Class Assembly
4J and 4C to Horstead
Travelling Book Fair in all week
Open afternoon/evening for current Year 2s
5B Class Assembly
4CW and 4L to Horstead
Parent Consultation Week starts
6P Class Assembly
Year 4 Italian Fare Open Afternoon 1- 3pm
Year 6 Parents – MacBeth Experience 1.30 – 3pm
Maths Workshops for parents at 9.30 or 1.30
5D Class Assembly
Christmas Craft Fair 6 – 8pm
Yr 3/4 Christmas Concert – 7 to 8pm at St Thomas’ Church
Years 3 & 4 Christmas parties
School Christmas Lunch
Yr 5/6 Christmas Concert – 7 to 8pm at St Thomas’ Church
Years 5 & 6 Christmas parties
Last day of term